OTT 586: The Legend Continues

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Instead of the 'Next Generation' monkier, it should be "Delayed to 2015" generation.  Just goes to show, this gen could have used another year to bake.

Instead of the 'Next Generation' monkier, it should be "Delayed to 2015" generation. Just goes to show, this gen could have used another year to bake.
Definitely. With my backlog of great games and lack of library for the new gen I don't see myself purchasing the new systems anytime soon. The PS3 still does everything I need it to. Don't see any features of the PS4 that are a huge improvement.
I had so much time a few weeks ago to play games, I was putting in multiple hours of Red Dead Redemption, then all of a sudden I had zero time.  I haven't picked up the controller in at least 5 weeks.  Correction, I picked it up once, loaded a game, then promptly had to put it back down and shut off the system.

Wow, just saw on the news that this guy fleeing from the police.  They were on his trail when some good Samaritan offered to help him.  Yes, with numerous police agencies blaring lights and sirens and K9 units roaming around, this 6'2", 300-pound guy, wearing only a pair of camo pants, went up to a lady's house, dripping wet, covered in mud, scrapes and bruises from crossing a small river, and she offered not only to let this stranger inside and clean up, but then gave him a ride to another part of town.  During her drive there she passed numerous police cars, and didn't think anything of it until her way back to her house, when it dawned on her the two might be connected.

So police rush over to the area where she dropped him off...still only wearing a pair of shorts, K9 units are able to pick up the scent again, when they track to a house where, guess what, an old couple decide it's a good idea to let this guy in their house and make a few calls.  And when the suspect's wife and father refuse to come pick him up, the old man decided he'll just give him a ride.....and leave his cell phone at home, cause he'll be right back with this stranger.  Guess who went missing for a few hours and no one could contact?

Police finally caught up with him after a few hours and old man ended up being okay.

Holy crap, people are incredibly ignorant.  Just makes me think of how hard it would be if I needed help or a ride somewhere, yet this guy was able to get two rides rather quickly.

Phantom Dust looked pretty good.  The Division, interestingly enough, has also piqued my interest.  I had zero interest before.  Im not liking what Im seeing from Fable though, and I couldnt make heads or tales out of that Capcom announcemrnt.  But I was muted.

Everything else, like Dragon Age and The Witcher 3 was as good as could be expected, and are still day 1 buys for me.

The theme this year appears to be 4 player multi-player, Indie Development and decapitations.

"The theme this year appears to be 4 player multi-player, Indie Development and decapitations."


The Division looks great, that along with Destiny might be the games to get me to play online.

No interest in the Fable game but the Dead Rising 3 arcade game looks like fun.

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Dear EA, less company recruitment type videos, more gameplay.

Also for Madden, "open field tackling is tough," get the fuck outta here with that madden baby mode approach.

Dear EA, less company recruitment type videos, more gameplay.

Also for Madden, "open field tackling is tough," get the fuck outta here with that madden baby mode approach.
It looks they incorporated some kind of defensive version of the vision cone from Madden 06. Also, it seems they added quick time button presses to get off blocks.

Just like QB vision, the defensive cone seems unnecessary. And a vision cone for defense? Unless it's intended to "keep your head on a swivel" so you don't get rocked with a block then you don't need it since you are always looking at the ball carrier. Obviously it's a wait and see but with Madden 25 basically taking control of your defensive player when you are chasing a player from behind, I don't like the sound of them trying to simplify open field tackling when it's pretty damn easy to do.

I do like the sound of the defensive linemen controls as I mostly play as a DL.

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Nintendo brought out the big guns today.  Star Fox, Zelda, some new IP's...I had no intention of buying a WiiU, but I may think about it now for Christmas.

I ended up buy a Wii mini a few weeks ago so the girls could play Just Dance games. And that's about all it will get used for.

Nintendo killed it at E3 this year. I hope they come out this strong at TGS later this year.

I love the third party exclusives they went out and got.
The last 3 or 4 games I've played I get about 4-5 hours in and then don't find them interesting or engaging enough so I move on to something else.

I have a problem with playing a game to the almost very end, then get caught up in making sure I've done everything, then get caught up in making sure I have enough time to set aside to finish the game in case this is the last mission, then end up not playing it for weeks because I'm paranoid I'll miss something.

Had to work 14 hours today, but I was given a blunt in return, so I guess that was a pretty good deal.
Job interviewer: "What are your salary requirements"

Rocko: "Depends. How fat are the blunts?"

I have the mass effect series and the first two dragon age games to beat before I even look at those.
Get on that Mass Effect.


I kinda want to get the white ps4 destiny bundle but then again, I don't think I'm ready to or want to move on to the new systems yet. Still got a lot of games left to play. Currently playing Last of Us with Assassin's Creed Black Flag coming up next.

How are you liking Last of Us?  I had a really hard time trying to get into it.  Ended up moving on to Batman: Arkham Origins, and never picked it back up after that.  Just seemed really slow to me, but I'm the kind where I like to explore everything and do everything.  Maybe I'm just taking too much time with it and that's why it seemed slow.

Job interviewer: "What are your salary requirements"

Rocko: "Depends. How fat are the blunts?"

I kinda want to get the white ps4 destiny bundle but then again, I don't think I'm ready to or want to move on to the new systems yet. Still got a lot of games left to play. Currently playing Last of Us with Assassin's Creed Black Flag coming up next.
You always gotta crunch the numbers, y'know?

I feel the same way, I love that white PS4 but I really don't need to be moving on yet. But damn if streaming games to the Vita isn't extremely appealing.

How are you liking Last of Us? I had a really hard time trying to get into it. Ended up moving on to Batman: Arkham Origins, and never picked it back up after that. Just seemed really slow to me, but I'm the kind where I like to explore everything and do everything. Maybe I'm just taking too much time with it and that's why it seemed slow.
I'm not really into stealth games but I am enjoying it. I'm also taking it slow, exploring, but it feels like it's at a good pace to me to get into that survivalist mood. I'm about a 1/3 into the game.

The best thing about the world cup is the Adriana Lima commercials :drool:

If you're interested in the Destiny beta you should get that pre-order in already. I signed up for the beta today and it looks like I'll have to wait a day (June 18) to play the beta.

June, July, too damn similar. Then it must have just been the date I entered the beta code and not the start day for me.
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