[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

IndieGala Store Sale copied from reddit

New Deals:

If you missed previous ones:

And more. You can check all current deals here. Plus a Free copy of Afterfall Reconquest Episode I included in purchases over $10

Deadfall Adventures needs to hit 90% off on steam so I can use Gaben funbux to buy it.

I'm a reasonable fellow though. I'll settle for 80% off after a 50% drop in MSRP.

It's actually a fun cheesy game plus it's an adventure game that doesn't look like it was made in 1993 and those don't grow on trees.

Looks like there's gift packing available for the Xmas pricing as well... anyone wanna organize 5-packs?


Donate 2 gifts paying more than: $1.96

Donate 3 gifts paying more than: $2.79

Donate 4 gifts paying more than: $3.52

Donate 5 gifts paying more than: $4.25 "

Quick heads up regarding the Monday bundle.  Flower Shop: Winter in Fairbrook is not the same game as Flower Shop: Summer in Fairbrook.

Considering that I managed to not notice the difference, I figure some other people here might appreciate having that pointed out.

Ugh this is why I hate buying indie galas.

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Thankfully I was travelling and missed it before it hit $1 so I have Indiegala Monday bundles at $.86 (2 left!) 

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Damn, Indie Gala just gave us all the middle finger and said Buon Natale.


I'll take the Friday Bundle for a buck, thank you! I think I'm still gonna skip the Paradoxical Bundle as I'm only missing two from the $2 tier -- not worth it.

Not gonna lie though, it does sting a little to have bought IG Monday at the "low" price at the beginning of the week.

IG Monday and Friday bundles are both $1.

fuck you IG
found this in your email

Dear spoderman,

fuck you, dear. Merry Holidays, dear.

Your Dearest,

The Indiegala Staff

Sweet, I skipped both of those :D/
same here, wasn't on very long the other night bought for a dollar tonight

then get on here and find....

see below response

Looks like there's gift packing available for the Xmas pricing as well... anyone wanna organize 5-packs?


Donate 2 gifts paying more than: $1.96

Donate 3 gifts paying more than: $2.79

Donate 4 gifts paying more than: $3.52

Donate 5 gifts paying more than: $4.25 "
fuck I overpaid by 15 cents

So, 10 hours left on these prices. I guess I'll go ahead and grab the Monday bundle. Anything in the other 2 bundles really worth playing? I watched the videos for every game and they all looked ok, but didn't seem like anything I would get around to ever playing.

Majesty is decent in a retro/mobile game sort of way though the mobile version is pretty cheap if you'd rather just play it that way.

Snuggle Truck is fun for a few minutes, but the story behind it is more interesting that the actual game.

I haven't played the rest enough to form a good opinion on them (in spite of owning them :p)

So, 10 hours left on these prices. I guess I'll go ahead and grab the Monday bundle. Anything in the other 2 bundles really worth playing? I watched the videos for every game and they all looked ok, but didn't seem like anything I would get around to ever playing.
Into the Dark is the kind of silly awful that I love. Take a quick skim through the (Probably NSFW) screenshots, see if any of it makes you laugh. If so, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of it. If not, skip it, because the gameplay isn't tight enough to redeem it.

The Dracula games suck, and the pun is not intended. I forget whether 4 or 5 is the one I might consider playing again, but since neither is in this bundle, stay far away. Movement is clunky, probably because of that whole "mobile port" thing I keep hearing people scream about. I've got nothing against mobile ports, but I do have something against point and click adventure games where the "point and click" part doesn't work right.

The others are either still in my backlog or I just don't own them. I'm still debating the purchase myself, so if anyone wants to sell me on or scare me away from Snuggle Truck, Outbreak and/or The Cameron Files, please feel free.

So, 10 hours left on these prices. I guess I'll go ahead and grab the Monday bundle. Anything in the other 2 bundles really worth playing? I watched the videos for every game and they all looked ok, but didn't seem like anything I would get around to ever playing.
Into the Dark is the kind of silly awful that I love. Take a quick skim through the (Probably NSFW) screenshots, see if any of it makes you laugh. If so, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of it. If not, skip it, because the gameplay isn't tight enough to redeem it.

The Dracula games suck, and the pun is not intended. I forget whether 4 or 5 is the one I might consider playing again, but since neither is in this bundle, stay far away. Movement is clunky, probably because of that whole "mobile port" thing I keep hearing people scream about. I've got nothing against mobile ports, but I do have something against point and click adventure games where the "point and click" part doesn't work right.

The others are either still in my backlog or I just don't own them. I'm still debating the purchase myself, so if anyone wants to sell me on or scare me away from Snuggle Truck, Outbreak and/or The Cameron Files, please feel free.

The Dracula games suck, and the pun is not intended. I forget whether 4 or 5 is the one I might consider playing again, but since neither is in this bundle, stay far away. Movement is clunky, probably because of that whole "mobile port" thing I keep hearing people scream about. I've got nothing against mobile ports, but I do have something against point and click adventure games where the "point and click" part doesn't work right.
The mobile ports were themselves watered down abridged versions of older PC games. Apparently GOG sells the originals and word is they are unsurprisingly better suited to playing on the PC as they were originally PC games to begin with before being, ahem, streamlined for mobile.

A Meridian 4 rep claimed last summer that they were going to add the originals as an alternate choice that owners on Steam could access but that never materialized so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it.

Majesty is decent in a retro/mobile game sort of way though the mobile version is pretty cheap if you'd rather just play it that way.

Snuggle Truck is fun for a few minutes, but the story behind it is more interesting that the actual game.

I haven't played the rest enough to form a good opinion on them (in spite of owning them :p)
I actually asked the dev if he would release the original version on Steam and they replied that it wouldn't be possible - but they offered to give me a DRM free version if I wanted it.

What's funny is that a lot of the textures for the offensive version are still in the Steam version.

Oh, and I don't find it offensive. Far from it. :p

I actually asked the dev if he would release the original version on Steam and they replied that it wouldn't be possible - but they offered to give me a DRM free version if I wanted it.

What's funny is that a lot of the textures for the offensive version are still in the Steam version.

Oh, and I don't find it offensive. Far from it. :p
I think people are way too sensitive. He did that because a friend of his told him his story and so he wanted to bring attention to his plight in a lighthearted sort of way. There was no ill intent.

The Humble Android Bundle 2 actually includes both versions for Android and Google Play does sell the Smuggle version.

Not sure why Valve would be uptight about that, there's way more offensive shit than that on Steam.

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I'm in for a group buy if someone is hosting. Can't do it myself cause I'm on vacation and out most of the day.
I'm in too: I was going to host it myself, but taxes actually bring the price UP for me, so I'd have to charge each participant more than they would pay by buying the bundle alone...

Bleh I guess I'm in for a group buy mostly for Leviathan, but they better not pull any shit this time or I'll shove some pasta fazool up their macaroni hole.
bread's done