PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Agreed but even without digital sales the numbers are ridiculously low IMO. It just wasn't a particularly good month for the industry overall. Let's see what May has in store.
Oh no doubt, 115k vs 200k in hardware sales is pretty anemic.

At this point its down getting those WOW titles out to push more systems. This trend of multiplat games on new and old systems needs to go away.

The Titanfall numbers, combined with low hardware sales on both sides, show that now that the hardcore have upgraded sales are slowing and mainstream gamers seem happy playing the cross gen versions on consoles they already own.

Sales this fall will be interesting to watch on that front as most of the third party stuff is still cross gen other than Batman and the one AC game. The first party stuff is also lacking a major system seller for the mainstream as remakes (Halo 2) and new IP (The Order) don't usually move a ton of hardware--at least compared to say a new Halo or Uncharted.

So I wouldn't be surprised to sales slow down for a while and people playing CoD, Destiny etc. on their old hardware until more major next gen only games are out.
The Titanfall numbers, combined with low hardware sales on both sides, show that now that the hardcore have upgraded sales are slowing and mainstream gamers seem happy playing the cross gen versions on consoles they already own.

Sales this fall will be interesting to watch on that front as most of the third party stuff is still cross gen other than Batman and the one AC game. The first party stuff is also lacking a major system seller for the mainstream as remakes (Halo 2) and new IP (The Order) don't usually move a ton of hardware--at least compared to say a new Halo or Uncharted.

So I wouldn't be surprised to sales slow down for a while and people playing CoD, Destiny etc. on their old hardware until more major next gen only games are out.
I though Sony and MS would drop the price of 360 and PS3 to around $150 this fall to compete with the various multimedia devices like Roku, AppleTV and AmazonFireTV but seeing as how the last gen consoles are hindering the sales of new consoles and software my guess is they hold off until next year.

Agreed on the backlog part. I am being very selective with my choices this gen. No more than 3 in the backlog per system and only 1 rpg per system.
I'm following a similar path so far, just getting games that I will really play right away. Only owned AC4, BF4 (which I only got cause of the Target B2G1 at launch+30% coupon and then sold off a month later due to the server crap), Infamous, and now MLB. For X1 I only have Titanfall (got the bundle) and Forza. Definitely managing the backlog (except for free PS+/GWG but I don't count those as much anyway)
Oh no doubt, 115k vs 200k in hardware sales is pretty anemic.

At this point its down getting those WOW titles out to push more systems. This trend of multiplat games on new and old systems needs to go away.
But from a publishers point of view it is still smarter to publish a game on both gen's right now because the new gen has an install base of ~12 million and the last generation still has a thriving install base much much bigger. By this time next year though it should be pretty much all about this gen (minus Persona 5 on PS3)

Anyone picking up Wolfenstein: The New Order on Tuesday? I want to wait for reviews, but I also need something new to play...

I actually have a 2 out gamefly membership, and I had Wolfenstein in my queue, but I took it out in favor of Drakengard 3 and to leave a slot open for Watch Dogs.  I'll play it probably sometime during the summer drought.

I'll be picking it up. If you are GCU at Best Buy and preorder you get it at release for $48 +$25 in RZ certs/gift cards.
Pretty sure you meant 20.

But yea picking this up tuesday when I get off work, preordred in store a few weeks back. The videos out for it look half decent and for free rental (if bad can prolly finish pretty quick and trade back for around 30 so with the 20 in certs, free game) cant really go wrong.

Maybe it will have good mp?

Pretty sure you meant 20.

But yea picking this up tuesday when I get off work, preordred in store a few weeks back. The videos out for it look half decent and for free rental (if bad can prolly finish pretty quick and trade back for around 30 so with the 20 in certs, free game) cant really go wrong.

Maybe it will have good mp?
$20 in certs+$5 egift card=$25
Pretty sure you meant 20.

But yea picking this up tuesday when I get off work, preordred in store a few weeks back. The videos out for it look half decent and for free rental (if bad can prolly finish pretty quick and trade back for around 30 so with the 20 in certs, free game) cant really go wrong.

Maybe it will have good mp?
It has zero multiplayer. They have said it has about 20 hours of Single Player though.

Btw I posted this on the deal thread, but figured I'd post it here. Can get the CE guide for Watch_Dogs for $10.99!
Anyone else planning on grabbing Transistor this week? It's a new action rpg from the makers of Bastion. That was one of my favorite games last gen, so I'll definitely be grabbing Transistor. I'll probably play it after finishing up the playoffs in my season in The Show to take a break before checking out RTTS mode.
Anyone else planning on grabbing Transistor this week? It's a new action rpg from the makers of Bastion. That was one of my favorite games last gen, so I'll definitely be grabbing Transistor. I'll probably play it after finishing up the playoffs in my season in The Show to take a break before checking out RTTS mode.
Yep Preordered it last week. Gives me reason to turn my PS4 on other than FFXIV

Anyone else planning on grabbing Transistor this week? It's a new action rpg from the makers of Bastion. That was one of my favorite games last gen, so I'll definitely be grabbing Transistor. I'll probably play it after finishing up the playoffs in my season in The Show to take a break before checking out RTTS mode.
I am planning on grabbing it depending on reviews. I'm loving these inexpensive RPGs, really enjoyed Child of Light.

It is kind of vague but the ICE team are made up of very talented developers and programmers within the Sony Studios. I'm guessing they developed a new engine to further optimize the PS4 to get the greater performance boost. The ICE team home is also within Naughty Dog.

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Having had the PS4 for about a month now, there are definitely some OS-related optimizations that need to be done. A bit of lag going between screens/sections. There's also some overhead and latency issues I'd like to see resolved or at least improved with remote play.

Overall, it's fast, but a few small things can definitely improve the experience.

As for game engines, naturally as time goes one games will benefit from learning new techniques. It would be cool if Team ICE were able to offer up a more optimized engine this early, but then again, they've probably been working on this for awhile.

Anyone picking up Wolfenstein: The New Order on Tuesday? I want to wait for reviews, but I also need something new to play...
I'm tempted...forgot it was coming out.

Anyone else planning on grabbing Transistor this week? It's a new action rpg from the makers of Bastion. That was one of my favorite games last gen, so I'll definitely be grabbing Transistor. I'll probably play it after finishing up the playoffs in my season in The Show to take a break before checking out RTTS mode.
I'm looking forward to Transistor. Although I don't really know if I'm going to like it.

In case you're bored, somebody linked this on GAF about a performance comparison between the next gen consoles.  I thought it was an interesting read:

I'm not a tech expert so I just soak in the publicized articles and nerd debates which I personally always find to be a fascinating read.  The water funnel illustration on page 3 is a simplified way of looking at it:

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Not sure why but I'm suddenly really excited for TLOU remaster. I want to play through the story again and I'm kicking myself for passing on Gamefly's $17.99 sale. I've been saying I'd wait for the PS4 version to hit $40 but I don't think I can...
Not sure why but I'm suddenly really excited for TLOU remaster. I want to play through the story again and I'm kicking myself for passing on Gamefly's $17.99 sale. I've been saying I'd wait for the PS4 version to hit $40 but I don't think I can...
Agreed. I played it at release via redbox but I would buy it to play through the game again on PS4, especially now that I will be getting the Best Buy GCU

Yep, I dont like the way Sony has been showcasing this game at all. Here's hoping we get a kickass stage demo at E3.
Hopefully Sony is holding back and this game will be super fantastic. If it doesn't pan out some might start to compare early 1st party PS4 titles to the early PS3 titles (It wasn't too pretty). I'd like to see great 1st party games for PS4 like how the second half of the PS3 generation was.


Neither of those games are appealing, but I guess "free" is free.

Hope we get something better but there's really not much on the PS4 to begin with. 

E3 couldn't come soon enough for the PS4...


Neither of those games are appealing, but I guess "free" is free.

Hope we get something better but there's really not much on the PS4 to begin with.

E3 couldn't come soon enough for the PS4...
I think E3 is where we will get an announcement about new games for Plus. Not to mention that some of the staples are leaving PS3 as well.

I think the game is already looking amazing right now. I don't mind the delay at all if it is going to make the game even better. Just one awesome gif of the gameplay so far.


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I think the game is already looking amazing right now. I don't mind the delay at all if it is going to make the game even better. Just one awesome gif of the gameplay so far.

I'm hoping they use the extra time to work out some of the kinks and maybe add multiplayer.

I think the game is already looking amazing right now. I don't mind the delay at all if it is going to make the game even better. Just one awesome gif of the gameplay so far.

I agree, plus there's still a ton of games coming out this fall to keep me busy in the meantime. Far Cry 4, Arkham Kinght, Evolve, Destiny, ect.

I agree, plus there's still a ton of games coming out this fall to keep me busy in the meantime. Far Cry 4, Arkham Kinght, Evolve, Destiny, ect.
And here is something a lot of Sony detractors are not counting on, but I have a feeling we are about to get a ton of new game announcements at E3... I mean besides DriveClub, The Order and Uncharted, we have no idea what first party devs are working on.

And here is something a lot of Sony detractors are not counting on, but I have a feeling we are about to get a ton of new game announcements at E3... I mean besides DriveClub, The Order and Uncharted, we have no idea what first party devs are working on.
Even though Ascension just came out last year, I have a feeling a new God of War will be announced

Sony needs a big 1st party release this year besides Drive Club. Maybe a new Jak or Ratchet.
Even if they dont announce any at E3 for 2014 Im content with all the third party games coming out this fall for ps4. It seems like it will be a dry fall for both MS and Sony in terms of first party games.

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bread's done