PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

god of war needs to take a long break. shits stale.

the order doesnt need MP. at least not competitive MP. co-op maybe, but they already stated it wont have co-op.

With The Order delayed and the mess Drive Club is turning into, all I can say is thank god for multiplats, which is what I usually play anyway so no harm no foul. And with E3 in 2 weeks I'm sure this is going to be a great month for PS+ on all systems, can't wait.

Neither of those games are appealing, but I guess "free" is free.
You didn't like Resogun or Stick it to The Man? Stick it to The Man was short but incredibly charming, and Rsogun is fun and has DLC coming. Anyway sad to hear that you didn't enjoy either of them.

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Even if they dont announce any at E3 for 2014 Im content with all the third party games coming out this fall for ps4.
I agree. I will probably have a hard time playing all the games I want to get this fall without adding more first party titles to the list.

If we get one of the PS4 launch titles for PS+ in June, I hope it's Knack. I played a little of Killzone and wasn't into it. I'm guessing we won't be getting a full retail game yet though. I wouldn't be surprised if it is just a single indie game for PS4 next month. I'll laugh if it's something like NBA Live.

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I agree. I will probably have a hard time playing all the games I want to get this fall without adding more first party titles to the list.

If we get one of the PS4 launch titles for PS+ in June, I hope it's Knack. I played a little of Killzone and wasn't into it. I'm guessing we won't be getting a full retail game yet though. I wouldn't be surprised if it is just a single indie game for PS4 next month. I'll laugh if it's something like NBA Live.
Sony tends to go big with their IGC at E3. I remember the year they first announced the IGC and it started the following day I think. It was insane, I couldn't believe all the titles being offered. I've been a plus member since almost the very start and the IGC announcement changed it and made a good service Great.
Sony tends to go big with their IGC at E3. I remember the year they first announced the IGC and it started the following day I think. It was insane, I couldn't believe all the titles being offered. I've been a plus member since almost the very start and the IGC announcement changed it and made a good service Great.
Yeah. That's a good point. Hopefully they will want to show off how good the service can be by offering a full retail PS4 game so they can brag about it at E3. I hope they do the same and go big on the PS3 offerings, not that they haven't been great already.

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Since SOCOM and MAG are most likely dead for good and an uncertain future for Twisted Metal and the Warhawk/Starhawk. God of War is the only reason why I would get a ps4. Its one of Sony's biggest money makers, hopefully its sooner rather than later.

Yeah. That's a good point. Hopefully they will want to show off how good the service can be by offering a full retail PS4 game so they can brag about it at E3. I hope they do the same and go big on the PS3 offerings, not that they haven't been great already.
They might also add PS Now to PS+ for a few months, maybe the Beta

If they do add a retail game for PS4, I see it being either Knack or Killzone. Even Theif might be a game to consider. It has been on sale a few times already I believe.
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Since SOCOM and MAG are most likely dead for good and an uncertain future for Twisted Metal and the Warhawk/Starhawk. God of War is the only reason why I would get a ps4. Its one of Sony's biggest money makers, hopefully its sooner rather than later.
H-Hour (spiritual successor to SOCOM 1 and 2) is coming out early 2015 on PC and PS4 I believe.

As for PS+, I was hoping they would add NBA 2K14 for PS4, heard good things about that, but I generally don't play sports games.

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EA posted that pic on their twitter account here.

So since Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare is coming to PlayStation, I'd assume that Peggle 2 should also be on the way.

WHy is Drive club a mess? everyone has been saying it looks great
I have high hopes for the game, but the delay, the PS+ edition drama, and the director change during development are giving a bad vibe, that's what I meant by mess, the game may very well be good.

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it's great to see pvz coming to other systems the game is so good and in my opinion the most balanced and most fun shooting game in awhile. pretty much means we will see more games in franchise.

That "leak" has been labeled as fake. Its suppose to be Instant GAME collection not Instant GAMES. Also another give away is how it shows Guacamelee twice, usually they don't show crossbuy games twice.

That "leak" has been labeled as fake. Its suppose to be Instant GAME collection not Instant GAMES. Also another give away is how it shows Guacamelee twice, usually they don't show crossbuy games twice.
Could they maybe change it? Maybe its a new things with a cross buy game... just saying it is a possiblity. we will see.

Could they maybe change it? Maybe its a new things with a cross buy game... just saying it is a possiblity. we will see.
They could, but there are other things wrong with the picture that gives it away.

Resident Evil 6 has a black box to cover the Capcom label and the game rating is covered

Blackgate has a black box on the left corner to cover the Rating

Far Cry 3's rating is covered with a patch of sand from the right side of the cover art

Doubt Sony is that clumsy.

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I have both on the Xbox one and they are pretty good. I don't think Peggle 2 is coming to Playstation though. Wasn't Peggle only on 360.
Yupp, Peggle one was... Peggle 2 along with PVZ were timed exclusives this go around... Everyone thought they would be longer than this, but I guess they were short timed exclusives! Yay for MS not really having a ton of first party devs and only doing timed exclusives! :)

Just ordered my tickets for Pittsburgh!!

Watch the PlayStation E3 event live in 40-50 theaters a crossed the US, for free.
Are you suppose to register yourself in the guest information field or your guest info that you are planning to bring? I registered and got a confirmation email but it is only showing my guest name twice and my name is not showing up anywhere. I entered my guest information in the guest field, not sure if it was suppose to be my info for both fields.

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Are you suppose to register yourself in the guest information field or your guest info that you are planning to bring? I registered and got a confirmation email but it is only showing my guest name twice and my name is not showing up anywhere. I entered my guest information in the guest field, not sure if it was suppose to be my info for both fields.
Same thing happened with me. Maybe the site had an issue. Not sure but it still says I have two tickets, just under my friends name instead of mine.
There is your June PS Plus
I would be happy if those are really the games we are getting. I've almost bought Guacamelee a couple times and never finished Far Cry 3. Almost bought RE 6 several times also, but I've heard it's pretty mediocre.

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Anyone else playing Transistor?

I've probably put around 3 hours into it--just a little here and there as I've been busy since getting it last week.

I'm liking it well, enough, but not blown away. The graphics, sound and atmosphere are great. I'm not a huge fan of the battle system--would much prefer just hack and slash combat like Bastion. On the other hand, I like unlocking the powers and all the combinations you can create to get different types of attacks and bonuses.

The optional challenge rooms are a bit annoying--not sure how many more of those I'll bother will.

So my overall impression is pretty good game, probably not worth the $20 to me, but I don't regret it either necessarily since it is a good game and I loved Bastion so I'm happy to support the developer.
Wow, Sony filling up movie theaters to watch their E3 presser must mean they have an amazing show planned, story here.  Funny that people actually think Sony is going to sleep and let Microsoft back into this gen.

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There's only 1 theater in my area that's doing the E3 thing and I'm wait-listed... Not sure if I want to just show up and see if I get in or if I want to just watch it from home.

So they announced a new style for ps+. Starting next month each platform will receive two titles and they will be available for the month. See titles for June below:


There's no telling if this will be all the games available, the past two E3s Sony has changed out their yearly Plus offerings at E3. Maybe they are just going to this way now. Which makes sense because it's similar to what Microsoft did with Games with Gold.

Side note: I was thinking with the Sony E3 Experience in theaters, the people that show up will receive a Playstation Packet and a Free Gift. I bet they give out PS+ cards or something. Could you imagine if they gave out Vitas or something. A lot of people say the Vita sales are low but all Vita powers buy a lot of content.
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So they announced a new style for ps+. Starting next month each platform will receive two titles and they will be available for the month. See titles for June below:


There's no telling if this will be all the games available, the past two E3s Sony has changed out their yearly Plus offerings at E3. Maybe they are just going to this way now. Which makes sense because it's similar to what Microsoft did with Games with Gold.

Side note: I was thinking with the Sony E3 Experience in theaters, the people that show up will receive a Playstation Packet and a Free Gift. I bet they give out PS+ cards or something. Could you imagine if they gave out Vitas or something. A lot of people say the Vita sales are low but all Vita powers buy a lot of content.
those are indeed the games coming in june

Really good game lineup for June.

Sly Cooper is cross buy ps3/Vitw too. And I've been wanting Terraria and Trine 2.
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nba 2k14 just in time for nba finales. pretty excited to see what games will be the yearly titles for this upcoming year.

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there aren't any.... that was a prat of the announcement. No more Evergreen titles. just 2x2x2 every month, no games going longer than a month
my bad i did not read that in depth on article. I think that's a good move after thinking about it. Keeps the games fresh and possible to add newer games.

Yeah it's also nice that all six games will just go up on the first Tuesday of each month. It was annoying having to check every week to see if the one you wanted was up that week or not.
Really like the PS+ changes, all games dropping the same day each month is fantastic, no more worrying about checking every Tuesday and worrying about missing one, also like that we get 2 games a month on the PS4.

bread's done