PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

I am eating crow. I cannot believe Sony has NO used restrictions. Makes me want to sell off my entire MS collection in protest but I won't be dumb.

Pretty much everyone's reaction to Sony:


the thing is ps people were bashing people for paying for live since 2002 now thye have to pay for online play those people are fine with it
No, the thing is a lot of individuals like myself have supported MS for so long that we are used to paying for Live. Now switching to PS it will be nothing new, except we get plenty of games, discounts, etc for paying a monthly fee.

No Online checks, used games are a go, PS+ carries over to PS4.

Uh oh does online multiplayer require PS+? Personally dont care since I'm a subscriber but some people may not like that.

I don't really care because I don't personally care for MP and I rarely use it. The issue with MS's model is they charged for apps that you already have to pay a separate subscription for which is a problem. So to use Netflix you have to pay for gold AND Netflix sub. If Sony keeps it to MP only then I am fine with it.
PS plus being required to play online is a little disappointing to me but I'll take that anyday over some DRM 24hour check in bullshit. It also helps that I got like 8 years of plus for free when IGN was giving out those free codes LOL Thanks for that IGN. :bouncy:

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Well no Last Guardian is a bummer for me but I'm still hyped and buying day fucking one thanks to no bullshit DRM. Sony wins and honestly has done a huge thing to save gaming/consumer rights in general imo.

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If I were Jack Tretton, I'd walk on stage and the first words out of my mouth would be, "PS4 does not require you to authenticate every 24 hours. However, we do require that you play your games, DRM free, every 24 hours."

He would win the console war without drawing a single sword.
I fuckING CALLED IT! Not the exact wording but hot damn it feels good to be right.

One bit of bad news and that's online will cost the price of a PS+ sub, but to be fair it was never a sustainable model even though I was hopeful. Still, no used bullshit, really excited about that new game The Order and $399 price tag. Good night folks, M$ just lost the war.

Oh and pre-order placed on Amazon, thanks for the heads up!

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bread's done