PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Watch Dogs has the most hype for a new IP I've seen in a long time. If it is a bomb, it would be the biggest flop in a long time.
Remember what happened with Assassin's Creed. . .

I fully expect mediocre reviews on Watch Dogs, but the second game will probably fix all the issues. Deja vu.

Nobody cares about a 12gb PS3. I wonder what the significantly discounted price will be? I'm pretty sure GS has a trade up for $10 program, so they be better fucking dirt cheap.

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11/15.  fuck that.

I want my hour and a half back.  Not the date I wanted, but I guess should have expected.

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Judging from this thread, most people weren't thrilled with it. But as a Vita owner and someone who hasn't played any of the indies announced, I'm pretty excited.

Though...really wish there were more AAA announcements. You have...what...30 studios? Couldn't even find a couple of them to reveal?


Felt it was another strong conference, and hoping TGS brings more heat. Like unannounced AAA games....

Nobody cares about a 12gb PS3. I wonder what the significantly discounted price will be? I'm pretty sure GS has a trade up for $10 program, so they be better fucking dirt cheap.
This is actually a really good move on Sony's part. Dipping below the $200 mark helps to open the platform up to budget-conscious consumers. Getting this model on store shelves before the holiday season could help to boost PS3 sales this holiday season.

I'm still not clear on what kind of memory expansion is possible with this budget model. If it allows for standard HDD installation, than it could actually be a good value, even for the game enthusiast market. If not, than its more of a draw for the more casual crowd.

Heh. But seriously, I thought this presser was weak. I don't think it hurt them but MS has gained ground since E3 thanks to their reversals and changes and Sony didn't d much to keep their momentum going here.

Heh. But seriously, I thought this presser was weak. I don't think it hurt them but MS has gained ground since E3 thanks to their reversals and changes and Sony didn't d much to keep their momentum going here.
I found both of them to be weak. I was expecting more games to be announced by Sony but the focus seem to be mainly on indies. Microsoft, in my opinion, announced nothing that was game-changing whatsoever. Regarding MS gaining ground since E3, they really had nowhere else to go but up since they had received a massive amount of negative press.

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Personally I'm excited.  Hearing about Rogue Legacy confirmed on Vita made the conference a win in my book.  I must have missed the Minecraft of PS4 announcement.  I guess since it's on PS4 it will also play on Vita, but I hope they make a Vita-specific version as well for those of us not getting a PS4 right away.

I am kind of shocked and disappointed that no huge AAA Vita titles were mentioned at all.  The system could really use a unique God of War or Infamous.

What sucked most about this show was zero (and I mean zero) surprises.  They announced a few new IPs but other than that it was just free advertising for already established franchises.  Where was Last Guardian?  Where was my surprise Dark Souls II coming to PS4?  Where was Deep Down (Dragon's Dogma 2)?

Where were the games I actually care about?

The coup de grace was the most generic release date anyone could have predicted and pretty much had since day one: two weeks before Black Friday.  That also means anyone who wants to play next gen games will also have to WAIT 2-3 weeks to play them if they hold out for PS4.  Terrible.

I was sort of disappointed with the conference due to lack of announcements from Sony's own big studios but at least we have a launch date. It is probably for the best considering in the past Sony announced titles way to far in the future(Last Guardian, Killzone 2, FF versus Xiii, Agent). They already have plenty of games to fill the gap with third party and indie titles at launch. If they added more to the launch window it would probably hurt sales of games already announced due to the small install base.

.I am kind of shocked and disappointed that no huge AAA Vita titles were mentioned at all. The system could really use a unique God of War or Infamous.
Yeah this was touted as a Vita event and although I'm happy with the stuff we are getting I was hoping for some huge triple AAA title announcements.

What a lousy fucking conference. No big game announcements. Indie indie indie...that'd be ok somewhat except they already did that at E3. I really wanted a game to be excited for. Watchdogs and AC IV can die in a fire for all I care. I want something new.

and the insiders at Gaf were wrong lol no launch until mid November =(  At least it's before Black Friday.

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I missed the conference but it sounds like it was disappointing. Looking over what's been revealed, it's mostly a dud. The only good news is Vita at $200 but without any games (and given that it still hasn't been hacked), that's not all that enticing. 

I'm not going to lie... Sony basically murdered MS to the point of death around E3 but since then, MS has reacted to make up ground. Honestly, besides the lower price tag, Sony really isn't doing much to keep me on board. 

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I thought that was a pretty good conference overall, but that's from the standpoint of a Vita owner, not so much someone who's planning on getting a PS4 right away and needed to hear about new PS4 games. (Although some news about Uncharted 4 or Final Fantasy XV could have changed that.) Just the announcements of Borderlands 2 and Fez on Vita, plus price cuts for memory cards, was enough to make me happy.

I was actually really happy with both conferences. I don't care as much about big AAA game announcements, I had been expecting most of those to drop at E3. Because of that the PS4 conference did not disappoint, I was quite pleased at all of the indie developer love on display. I also really liked the free-to-play Little Big Planet Hub announcement. That business model is a really good fit for that franchise.

I was also happy to see Microsoft finally announce an improved indie publishing initiative. It was a major oversight that this project was not revealed at E3. Microsoft might stand a chance of winning back some of the indie credibility that they have been losing recently. I also found it encouraging that the man in charge of this initiative is someone who worked on curating the XNA Creators Club.

Conference was a bummer, but I'm equally disappointed that MS is giving a free game in Europe, but not here.  I feel like they are getting a good value and the U.S. is not.  Makes me want to wait until spring.

Really disappointed with that November 15th release date, I thought a October launch was going to happen. :whistle2:( Overall, it was just a okay conference for me.

I have never heard of "Shadow of the Beast" but holy shit, for a game made in 1989, these graphics are insane!

EDIT* I was also hoping they'd show something, anything, or at least mention The Last Guardian. I was hoping the silence was due to the game being moved to the PS4 but I'm guessing that at this point, it's probably cancelled. 

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Thay are probably saving the new IP's to take out some of the steam NIntendo will bring with their new release in the last show in an a temp to add another nail to Nintendo's coffin.

Don't know what people were expecting out of Gamescom. All they ever do there is announce price drops/launch dates and show more of stuff they've already announced (which they did again). Were people really expecting them to announce Uncharted 4 or something along those lines?

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I feel like this conference was more to make people who are already on board 100% more excited for PS4 than for people who are on the fence with the PS4 at the moment. Variety in games via indies is definitely their strong point. I was surprised by no showing of Knack (unless I missed it). Hopefully that isn't a bad thing. Anyway I'm ready for PS4.

As far as Vita is concerned, making the price $199 is a good step but without going into specifics on memory card prices I'm holding my breathe. And for AA Vita games, my only hope at this point is S-E starts supporting the system with FF games like they did with the PSP. Hopefully TGS brings something

So about those memory card prices...
Ugh, yeah, the Vita memory card prices are one of the major factors holding the handheld back. There are plenty of solid digital offerings available for the Vita. A ton of PSP games can be purchased for the Vita, and work great on the system, as well as all the PS1 titles available on PSN. (which also look and play great on the Vita) But you have to have memory for all of that, and those cards are NOT competitively priced with other popular formats.

I've been lucky enough to get several 4 GB cards on clearance for $7 each. But the general consumers aren't going to be happy about paying so much for memory. The 8 GB card for $20 is probably going to be a regular go-to for general consumers. It's a reasonable size for the price, and allows for a decent amount of content.

That conference was disappointing.  You would think after the Vita disappointment, that Sony would learn to go all in with new games for the PS4.  Sounds like we're better off just waiting for both systems to come out and avoid the early adopter urge.  Both systems don't excite me enough to buy on Day 1 just yet.  The marginal upgrades in these next-gen consoles aren't convincing enough on their own so 2014 sounds like the right time for me.  At least by then, more games will be out and I'll feel better about my PS4 investment.  At this point, I feel like buying a PS4 or X1 is just going to be a gamble for the lack of a better term.
bread's done