Primetime - 1 vs. 100 - US Beta Going On Now

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I find it best to NEVER leave once you get in. You will miss a few questions, but at least your spot will still be there.
[quote name='Miranda']I had to answer the phone and leave the room, so I exited to the lobby. Now I can't get back in the game. WTF? I've been waiting for over 10 mins now.[/QUOTE]

there was only 29k at most todya most time was around 25 should have gotten in easily. at the same time i got a error and booted with about 15 minuets left so hell with it. no chance in hell of makeing the mob or 1
I exited to my dashboard and restarted 1 vs 100 and ended up getting back on, but it was already the last game. Next time I'll take xpag406's advice and just stay the whole time even if I miss a few.
I don't know the exact date, but when you load up one of the games, it mentions the beta end date - a date in mid-July, in the teens. So I'd imagine it's 6 weeks total.
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I'm surprised how Beta is almost over, but there still seems to be bugs. Like the scoring glitch, or the audio often cutting off, or people not being able to get in game.

The hardcore peoples of the internet would be livid pissed if that scoring glitch was during the normal season.
@ wakawakawa, That's why Cashman said during every live show this past weekend that the team was still working on these issues AND that Prizes will NOT be given out UNTIL these issues are fixed, so I think we will be Beta for the forseeable future... plus Matt, you are looking at the deadline for the Sweepstakes (July 12th)... not the end date for the BETA. There is no word WHEN that will happen... although there is that "BIG" announcement that will happen this weekend so who knows.
i hate how after every 10 or 8 questions they go to a break for 10 minutes sucks
but the worst is when they have a break pick a new one he answers one question and they go to a break
So far, the "HUGE" Announcement hasn't happened yet... but a couple of other announcements HAVE been made:

- Community Written Extended Play all next week at 9:30PM Eastern/6:30 PM Pacific
- Old sweepstakes ends on 7/12. New Sweepstakes (For A Flat Screen TV) starts on 7/13
- Existing Sweepstakes entries get wiped out and you start at zero. (You can earn up to 500 entries for the NEW sweepstakes)

The "HUGE" announcement is still to come...

Edit: People scare sometimes... Seriously... 19 People did not know that Starbucks serves Coffee..., 17 people did not know the name of the Beatles "Let it Be"...
10:58 PM Edit: Major announcement is coming up next.
Announcement: PRIZES will be given out starting Next week! Mutant Dog 123 will probably win EVERYTHING!!!
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[quote name='Matt Young']I don't know the exact date, but when you load up one of the games, it mentions the beta end date - a date in mid-July, in the teens. So I'd imagine it's 6 weeks total.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='thrustbucket']The announcer didn't say the beta would end but he did say that prizes are real starting next friday.[/QUOTE]

My guess would be because their attendance is dropping by 20,000+ each week. People are growing tired of taking pop tests with no outcome. I just hope they have a remedy for the same 4-5 people being at the top of the leaderboards all the damn time.
[quote name='xpag406']What weighs more: 1000 pounds of Feathers or 1000 pounds of Lead?

X - They Weigh The Same
A - The Feathers
B - The Lead

The answer of course is X

18 people did not know that... I am really worried about people...[/QUOTE]
Why? It's meant to be a trick question.
Microsoft's plan for 1 vs 100 is for the multiplayer game show
wtf is wrong with this game it said to download and it gets to 99% and says can't download i tried it like 10 times wtf!
even my friend couldn't get in
[quote name='pacemakerguy']how do u get in the MOB! what do u have to be in the top ten?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Be picked and be good.[/QUOTE]

Don't listen to him. That's BS. There is absolutely NO WAY in hell your score, answer accuracy, speed, etc. has anything to do with it. Tonight's game proved this a million times over.

Think about it. IF only the top players were getting into the 101, we wouldn't have 20+ people think "Are You There God? It's Me Margaret" was written by Margaret Thatcher. We wouldn't have One's needing help to figure out whether the Beatles sung about Ellen DeGeneres or Eleanor Rigby. And we most certainly would not have a "Brain" think that the lyric is "I'm just a hunk...a hunk...of butter fudge."

I was really into this game when it first came out, but after another 2 hours of only being in the crowd, I doubt I'll be playing anymore. Watching from the sidelines becomes increasingly infuriating when for weeks we saw people taking the "money" when there were no prizes, but now that there are prizes people keep going and lose everything. The only enjoyment comes out of making fun of stupid answers/people who choose stupid answers with a few friends.

Microsoft was really on to something with this method of gameplay. But the execution is getting more and more stale each week.
I prefer the selection of the one and mob being random. Otherwise the game would be dominated by nerds that have nothing better to do than abuse the system.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Really? You get picked to be in the mob and you get in the top ten by being good.[/QUOTE]

Good at what? BJ's on Bill Gates? lol...I'm just saying man. Can we honestly believe the people missing those ridiculously easy questions are "good"? My lifetime answer accuracy was up to 80% tonight and my score is at 1,329,000+. I'm not obsessed with the game, but I'd like to think that's at least "pretty good".
[quote name='thrustbucket']I prefer the selection of the one and mob being random. Otherwise the game would be dominated by nerds that have nothing better to do than abuse the system.[/QUOTE]

The problem is, that's not what they're telling us. So, if they're lying about that...who knows what else they're lying about.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Don't listen to him. That's BS. There is absolutely NO WAY in hell your score, answer accuracy, speed, etc. has anything to do with it. Tonight's game proved this a million times over.

Think about it. IF only the top players were getting into the 101, we wouldn't have 20+ people think "Are You There God? It's Me Margaret" was written by Margaret Thatcher. We wouldn't have One's needing help to figure out whether the Beatles sung about Ellen DeGeneres or Eleanor Rigby. And we most certainly would not have a "Brain" think that the lyric is "I'm just a hunk...a hunk...of butter fudge."

I was really into this game when it first came out, but after another 2 hours of only being in the crowd, I doubt I'll be playing anymore. Watching from the sidelines becomes increasingly infuriating when for weeks we saw people taking the "money" when there were no prizes, but now that there are prizes people keep going and lose everything. The only enjoyment comes out of making fun of stupid answers/people who choose stupid answers with a few friends.

Microsoft was really on to something with this method of gameplay. But the execution is getting more and more stale each week.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on all counts, the hunk of butter fudge answer turnout made me lol.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Good at what? BJ's on Bill Gates? lol...I'm just saying man. Can we honestly believe the people missing those ridiculously easy questions are "good"? My lifetime answer accuracy was up to 80% tonight and my score is at 1,329,000+. I'm not obsessed with the game, but I'd like to think that's at least "pretty good".[/QUOTE]
Good at answering the questions quickly? The whole game part of the show. I'm not sure what you think gets you on the top ten list if you don't think that's how you get one of the top ten scores.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Good at answering the questions quickly? The whole game part of the show. I'm not sure what you think gets you on the top ten list if you don't think that's how you get one of the top ten scores.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, answering the questions quickly and accurately (pretty much not missing a question) gets you on the top 10. I'm not disputing that. But those people aren't being chosen for the mob. If they were, how would they turn around and miss the very first question? It doesn't make sense. If the One was so brainy and fast and awesome to be chosen above everybody else, why would he need to use a help on the first question?
haven't played for a few weeks.

I remember some of the worst "The Ones".

One guy used all 3 helps. He got out on the third question.

Another used the "Trust the Brain" help on the first question and got it wrong.

Another guy didn't answer the first question and lost (might have actually been away when picked though).

Same as above but happened when a break was over. The One should have known better.

Several Ones got the first question wrong when they should have at least used a help.
First time playing....and I was confused when it came to "the mob"

there were times where my roommate, friend, and i (3 different consoles in 2 different locations and 2 different rooms) would finish well, but we wouldn't get the 80/160 points and xbox live game. One of us read that the top 3 of the mob got the stuff. That's cool and all...but when playing extended play, I noticed that I would answer questions in 1.10 or whatever while some would answer fucking .03!


And of course, there were plently of times where I would get kicked out the game...but it's a beta, so I know it's expected.....

I guess I just need more clarification of the rules and such to really enjoy this
I'm guessing that you were in the crowd the entire game, like everyone else, so you don't get anything if you see that note about the mob members getting points and a game when The One loses. Unless the background of your widget at the top of the screen has dots in it and not the purple lines of the crowd, you weren't in the mob.

The people that get 0 response times are just trying to hit X, or whatever button they choose, as fast as possible without care if they get the right answer so they can be seen as the top player in that category.
that's quite lame then....the game needs to be much more clear to it to be successful to me because there were times when I thought I won when i didn't win....

to be in the 100 when there are like....50k people playing....just seems impossible.
am to the point where I am giving up playing myself. i played again last night and like others i still question how the hell the mob and the one is so damn stupid if is based on speed and accuracy. as someone else stated also only 1 took 3k points everyone else went for it? in the last 4 weeks there have ben loads of people take it for nothing now all the sudden when it counts they don't. i have piled up well over 3 million life time points, 65% correct and most time about a 1 second answer. guess i am not smart enough or should i say dumb enough to get in
[quote name='Gamer SDP']haven't played for a few weeks.

I remember some of the worst "The Ones".

One guy used all 3 helps. He got out on the third question.

Another used the "Trust the Brain" help on the first question and got it wrong.

Another guy didn't answer the first question and lost (might have actually been away when picked though).

Same as above but happened when a break was over. The One should have known better.

Several Ones got the first question wrong when they should have at least used a help.[/QUOTE]

It's been stated on why the One uses the 3 helps on the first questions. They have a system set up that if the one doesn't answer on the first three, the system automatically uses a help for them; which is why we saw so many ones uses 3 helps and go down on the fourth question. I had heard past Ones complain that, once they were chosen, they were slammed with PMs, sometimes to the point that they couldn't do anything gamewise. (They should call this trolling "Crowd's Revenge.")

To address a few other points:

-The Mob being so stupid. SOmetimes, people accidentally click the wrong button as they move their finger; I have done this myself. Or, in the moment, you blank out and click the wrong one, realizing what you have done a moment too late (Frisky has seen me do this). Any one who has ever played, say, poker with friends, then go somewhere competitive where money is on the line (like a casino) has probably had the same "stagefright" experience.

-The scoring. Speed counts as the streaks do add in an additional multiplier. However, I question how heavily the spped weighs in. I have watched myself be 10 points out of the top ten, get all the questions right with good time (about 180), only to go to 25 points out of top ten, 40 points out of top ten and by two more questions: 200 points out of top ten. (As a side note, I switched from using my wireless adapter to plugging in a network cable, and saw my speed bonus go from an average of 170-180 pts to 180-190 pts.)

Personally, I'm getting burned out. I played every Extended play this week (except the one that didn't load the other night) and played the EP until the live game last night. I wasn't even giving it my full attention last night; I had the controller next to me and spent the time drawing and would glance up, reach over and hit a button, and then go back to drawing. I found that my speeds were slightly lower, but my accuracy was about the same. I didn't even notice that Patch of Blue was the One again. (Head over to the xbox boards, you see that some people have been selected many times to be in the Mob or the One. There can't be only a handful of good players.)

But remember, it is only a beta. If this ever comes out of beta, I'd be kinda curious to see what the polished game is like.
I find it hard to even do extended play anymore. It's still fun to me, but with such a backlog, it feels like a waste of time to play that. The live show, on the other hand, I've missed lately due to not being available.

I have no idea how they choose the one and the mob. A friend of mine got in the mob last weekend, and he never bothers with extended play.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']To address a few other points:

-The Mob being so stupid. SOmetimes, people accidentally click the wrong button as they move their finger; I have done this myself. Or, in the moment, you blank out and click the wrong one, realizing what you have done a moment too late (Frisky has seen me do this). Any one who has ever played, say, poker with friends, then go somewhere competitive where money is on the line (like a casino) has probably had the same "stagefright" experience.

This is a valid point, and definitely something that has to be taken into consideration. However, I STILL don't think it would be as noticeable as what we're seeing. 10 people not knowing what the T in BLT stands for? I'm just not buying it.

Yes, there have been times when, in my haste, I pressed the wrong button, or I regret an answer immediately after locking it in. But I still maintain an 80% accuracy. If the people being selected for the mob are truly that much better than me, one would think their "screw up rate" would be proportionally lower.

Either way, it doesn't much matter. The game is what it is. It just feels like for some reason we're not on equal ground with some of the other contestants.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']This is a valid point, and definitely something that has to be taken into consideration. However, I STILL don't think it would be as noticeable as what we're seeing. 10 people not knowing what the T in BLT stands for? I'm just not buying it.

Yes, there have been times when, in my haste, I pressed the wrong button, or I regret an answer immediately after locking it in. But I still maintain an 80% accuracy. If the people being selected for the mob are truly that much better than me, one would think their "screw up rate" would be proportionally lower.

Either way, it doesn't much matter. The game is what it is. It just feels like for some reason we're not on equal ground with some of the other contestants.[/QUOTE]

I'm not in disagreement on that last statement. I wasn't really paying attention last night, and didn't notice until afterward, but -surprise, surprise- Patch of Blue was the One. (To be fair, I have seen him post on, and he's a pretty decent guy.)

There's a fine line that has to be walked. You don't want an easy mob against a super-good One, or vice versa (Yet, I have seen people make it to the One their first time playing.)

I think the Skip option in EP should be gone. And if speed counts, it should only count for a correct answer. (Seriously, otherwise, how do people get "What planet on you on?" wrong? I thought it was Celebrity Jeopardy the first time I saw that question.)

I am losing interest, though. Even doing last night's show, I just didn't have any fun.
[quote name='ohboy10451']its free ppl, stop complaining[/QUOTE]

It doesn't matter if its free (it's not really "free" btw if I have to watch Sprint ads when I don't have the option to skip it...)

If you ran a company, and nobody complained, would you change anything???? HELL NAH! You'd keep running the company the way it is.

Free or paid, if it is broke, then it needs to be fixed. Period. This needs to be fixed with better explainations and quite possibly a more level playing field. I've only played it for one night and I can tell it still needs work. Then again, it's a beta, so complaints like mine and others are what will make this "free" program that is only available to those who paid for xbox live gold AND advertises products I wish not to see better.
To me, it's entertaining how the brain typically always gets it wrong somehow.....and costs the "one" their winnings!
Bleh, I need to stop browsing the forums while playing this game, I was at a 100% rate until I started trying to multitask, then it just started to slip >_>
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