PS3 101: New user's guide to the PS3 (ask questions here -- TMK is on duty)

[quote name='camoor']Is anyone like me - wants to buy a PS3 but also has a big backlog of excellent PS2 games to play. I know when I bite into that PS3 apple that I'll never finish GTA San Andreas or Xenosaga III :lol:[/QUOTE]Let me just had, I had over 200 PS2 games when I bought a PS3. Initially, I was playing my PS3 and PS2 (mostly PS2, since I did not have many PS2 games), around late 2006 and early 2007. I did not have an HDTV also. However, once I got my HDTV, I started losing interests in playing my PS3 around April/May 2007. Since Late Summer 2007, every game I buy on PS2 is sent to die. I just lost all motivation to play it, despite all the wonderful games I have (which is why I sold off half my PS2 collection, and might sell more). Main reasons are playing PS3 games, in nice HD, having a buddy list seeing my friends play games (along with my friends seeing what I'm playing), watching notifications on the upper right hand corner, having DLC, and taking advantage of many other awesome PS3 features make it very difficult to go back. Part of what makes it hard is there are blackboarders when playing PS2 games upscaled, they look REALLY bad when compared to PS3 games, I'm signed off on PSN, have to reconnect the controllers (annoying, but it has to happen due to switching hardware), and so on. Despite being a huge PS2 fan at one point, I can't get into it anymore (I just play PS3/360 mostly). So yeah, once I got my PS3, I could not go back. I'd love to get rid of more PS2 games, but I doubt I could get people to buy them (I'm filled with RPGs).

[quote name='jdawgg76']That's a good point I didn't think to stress since I was just suggesting looking for new ones at Gamerush, KMart, and the like (Sears might be another good one), but I agree. No way I'd buy a used one cause even if you have the receipt there may only be a month or two left on the warranty. That and people do dumb things with electronics sometimes. I hated having so many memory cards and having to search for saves especially when some games took up so much room so virtual memory cards are great although just using the HD like the 360 does would be even better, but I understand the bc limitations. [/quote]Well, the reason I mentioned them being used because SCEA sent out a statement to retailers early in 2008, stating all 60GB models should be gone, and I have yet to see one (this came along with the 80GB consoles being gone). I've checked Sears and K-Mart (K-Mart had one 60GB in early December, which is gone, but the box was damaged). It's all 40GB now, but every once in a while, I spot a Spiderman Blu-ray one (partially because Meijer for an example, has a bunch of them, but puts one out at a time. They just kept putting out the newer ones ignoring an older stock).

Having them all on the HDD is the biggest advantage, which I can agree with.

I'm not familiar with the accessories aspect? What's the benefit/downside again? Do you mean it's easier to play games with accessories on the PS2? I guess most weren't USB and so won't work on PS3. Also, what USB lag? Thanks.
Owning several accessories myself, I pretty much know how things works. There are some adapter you can get some fighter sticks to work, DDR pads, and beatmania controller, but many of them are a hit or miss. Regardless (although some may be barely noticeable, there's some lag, with some lagging more than others). The main issue is, unless you are playing Guitar Hero I, you cannot get ANY PS2 guitar to work with Guitar Hero II and up (one game many want to play). Taiko Drum Master is another game, regardless of adapter, it will not work. Fighter stick can be iffy too at times. A USB accessory like SingStar mic, KR mic/headset, and Guncon2 (as long as you are using composite cables) will work without problems.

By the time someone buys adapters to have PS2 accessories work on PS3, it can also be pricey (and it's a hit or miss like I said).

But the other problem I do have is (not sure if you experienced it yet), every once in a while, regardless of SKU, a firmware update may mess up a game. I can remember a firmware update made Wild Arms 4 no longer work on my PS3 (I have a 20GB, I know I wasn't the only one since some others reported) and another game all of a suddenly became distorted. With a PS2, NOTHING becomes affected. For the most part though, I'm split on playing PS2 games on PS3.

[quote name='Azumangaman']It's funny. I just tried this and I got no video AND no sound. If I turn it on with just a touch I can still hear everything... Strange.
I'll have to try the cable thing later.[/QUOTE]I noticed you sign on/off along with you playing SingStar, so I hope it's all right.
[quote name='Azumangaman']Okay,
So I put in Component cables and I can see clearly now the rain has gone.
Component 1080i is pretty much the same as HDMI 1080i.
I don't think the HDMI is working though.
If the HDMI is busted, what do I do?

EDIT: I'd put good money on the fact that the HDMI port is busted.[/QUOTE]It could be that during the lightning story, lightning struck and caused some shock/damage to the HDMI connection. I'm guessing either the PS3 or HDMI receiver got busted.

I'd recommend going through a troubleshooting session on it (just don't tell SCEA you used a third party cable) with SCEA on this maybe.
I've gotten around to joining the PS3 league thanks to the Wal-Mart giftcard deal and I've got a question about the Playstation Store. I've read through the FAQ's and don't think I've really found an appropriate answer for my question.

I created a username as a Master Account on my PC for a Playstation Store login. It was not my first choice in name, but I was okay with it. Later on I attempted to create my first choice of name and successfully created a slight varaiation of what I wanted as a Sub Account under the first Master Login.

I will mostly want to play under the Sub Account name. How is that going to work with regards to purchases and possibly purchases of games, and subscription services like Qore?

If I puchase things under the Sub Account will the Master Account automatically have access to that content as well? How about any future sub accounts I may make for family members, will they have access to any content that is already purchased under the Sub Account?

(Maybe the content must be purchased under the Master Account and all Subs Automatically have access to it?)

Also XBOX 360 lets you purchase content and if you need space you can delete and then re-download it at a later time from your purchase history at no additional charge. Does PSN let you do this as well?

Thanks for your help!
What kind of cables does the PS3 bundles via MGS 4 come with? Do I have to buy new cable to get better picture quality? Oh yeah, I got one of those really old HD TV with a huge butt. I believe that it is a samsung.
PS3 only comes with composites (red, white, yellow cables). You'll need component or HDMI cables to get HD, depending on what your television has. Since your television is old I'm guessing it only has component.
If it is on your hard-drive any account can access it. I have 3 master accounts on my PS3 (One for USA, one for Hong Kong, and one for Japan). I have things from the US PSN store, the HK one, and Japanese one and they all can be used interchangably no matter whom I log in as. I even have started to dowload something, then switch accounts in mid-download from the PSN store and it still keeps downloading and lets me install/play from the other master account.

The only issue is on some games w/ saves, it will save it to the account being used. So for example when I play GTAIV all the time on Master Account 1 it saves there, if I start up a game on Master Account 2 it throws me into the beginning of the game like this is the first time I turned it on (it of course does not re-install or anything though).

Good luck

[quote name='xbox_mole']I've gotten around to joining the PS3 league thanks to the Wal-Mart giftcard deal and I've got a question about the Playstation Store. I've read through the FAQ's and don't think I've really found an appropriate answer for my question.

I created a username as a Master Account on my PC for a Playstation Store login. It was not my first choice in name, but I was okay with it. Later on I attempted to create my first choice of name and successfully created a slight varaiation of what I wanted as a Sub Account under the first Master Login.

I will mostly want to play under the Sub Account name. How is that going to work with regards to purchases and possibly purchases of games, and subscription services like Qore?

If I puchase things under the Sub Account will the Master Account automatically have access to that content as well? How about any future sub accounts I may make for family members, will they have access to any content that is already purchased under the Sub Account?

(Maybe the content must be purchased under the Master Account and all Subs Automatically have access to it?)

Also XBOX 360 lets you purchase content and if you need space you can delete and then re-download it at a later time from your purchase history at no additional charge. Does PSN let you do this as well?

Thanks for your help![/quote]
[quote name='xbox_mole']I've gotten around to joining the PS3 league thanks to the Wal-Mart giftcard deal and I've got a question about the Playstation Store. I've read through the FAQ's and don't think I've really found an appropriate answer for my question.

I created a username as a Master Account on my PC for a Playstation Store login. It was not my first choice in name, but I was okay with it. Later on I attempted to create my first choice of name and successfully created a slight varaiation of what I wanted as a Sub Account under the first Master Login.

I will mostly want to play under the Sub Account name. How is that going to work with regards to purchases and possibly purchases of games, and subscription services like Qore?

If I puchase things under the Sub Account will the Master Account automatically have access to that content as well? How about any future sub accounts I may make for family members, will they have access to any content that is already purchased under the Sub Account?

(Maybe the content must be purchased under the Master Account and all Subs Automatically have access to it?)

Also XBOX 360 lets you purchase content and if you need space you can delete and then re-download it at a later time from your purchase history at no additional charge. Does PSN let you do this as well?

Thanks for your help![/QUOTE]Most every PSN game works from multiple accounts accept Warhawk, GT5P, and SingStar DLC. You can even share PSN games with buddies.

There's a download list on the PS Store, and you can re-download your content as often as you'd like.
[quote name='hero101']Any uber cheap component cable recommendations?[/QUOTE]
You can use any PS2 component cable, since PS3 uses the same as PS2 does. Official Sony ones are only $20, if you can find the ones I'm talking about. If your TV has HDMI (not sure about which you have), that's your cheapest route (monoprice has cheap cables).

Most places have those for $20.

Monoprice has some component cables also, but they won't be in-stock until later:
[quote name='HuppSav']I just got my hdmi cable and got it in 1080p! But when I play GTA 4 it goes down to 720p. I thought that game supported 1080p so how do I fix this?
I figured it out. I had to delete my gta 4 data and redownload the lastest gta installment with the hdmi cable connected. Now I'm at 1080p for the first time and it's great.[/QUOTE]It's because GTA 4 is a 720p game. The PS3 will downscale to whatever resolution a game supports. There's no internal hardware upscaler that resizes the image to 1080p. In reality, even if it was upscaled to 1080p, there would be no difference because the game isn't 1080p native (GTA 4 isn't even 720p native, slightly under).

All games do this, unless their resolution goes up to 1080p (not many do, because 1080p requires a lot of memory and tough to do at a high framerate/impressive graphics).
I just received my MGS4 PS3 bundle and am now an official PS3 owner. Huzzah!

One thing I've been a little surprised by is that the PS3 seems to have a pretty noticeable fan noise issue. So far, I've played a DVD (The Machinist) and briefly fired up MGS4. In both cases, the fan whirred and, while not totally overwhelming, was certainly louder than I am used to (with the PS2 and Xbox, specifically). My PS3 is in a cabinet, but it has an open front and back and should be pretty well ventilated.

Does this sound wrong to anyone or is that just the way the PS3 is -- i.e., it runs a little loud? Should I be worried?

Incidentally, the unit gets pretty warm, as well.

Edited to add: I saw the discussion on PS3 sound on previous page, but would still be interested in anyone else's take on the fan noise of the PS3, particularly the 80 GB ones packaged with MGS4.
[quote name='sgs89']I just received my MGS4 PS3 bundle and am now an official PS3 owner. Huzzah!

One thing I've been a little surprised by is that the PS3 seems to have a pretty noticeable fan noise issue. So far, I've played a DVD (The Machinist) and briefly fired up MGS4. In both cases, the fan whirred and, while not totally overwhelming, was certainly louder than I am used to (with the PS2 and Xbox, specifically). My PS3 is in a cabinet, but it has an open front and back and should be pretty well ventilated.

Does this sound wrong to anyone or is that just the way the PS3 is -- i.e., it runs a little loud? Should I be worried?

Incidentally, the unit gets pretty warm, as well.

Edited to add: I saw the discussion on PS3 sound on previous page, but would still be interested in anyone else's take on the fan noise of the PS3, particularly the 80 GB ones packaged with MGS4.[/QUOTE]The 80GB has the largest fan noise, no doubt about it (It was the 2nd revision of the PS3). Some 60GB consoles are the same way. The 20GB and 40GB are the most quiet. There's nothing wrong with it, just normal with the 80GB/Euro 60GB.
How do you guys transfer movies to your ps3. I have a 250 gig portable seagate harddrive with mad wmv and mpge files on it that I wan't to watch on my new hd tv. I think it requires windows xp to run though.:bomb:
Man the PS3 gets pretty hot, maybe hotter than my 360. I have it on your standard entertainment center shelf, there is a few inches of space on all sides... think I'll be alright? I would like to have it vertical but I just don't have the room for it to sit that way.
It's okay, the PS3 does get pretty hot (hotter than 360, and I have the older 20GB SKU which uses a lot of power). Very rarely there's an overheating PS3 problem. Those who had their PS3 get too hot, it automatically shut off (and would not turn on again until it cooled down). That was from a friend of mine who had one near launch (cannot confirm whether it still does it).
Awesome, I'll still be cautious though and turn it off after a couple of hours of play. :D

I have faith in Sony, I have a launch PS2 working fine.
That's what I do. Although, I've left my PS3 on for a few hours when running a server for an online game. I will say, the fans do seem to kick on more when I'm playing online for a while (compared to offline). Playing stuff off a disc turns the fans on quicker than playing off the HDD.
I just got a MGS4 bundle in the first Amazon shipment. Is there a way (or a need) to register the PS3 with Sony? Sometimes, you have to register items with the manufacturer in order to use the warranty. I don't anticipate having to use the warranty, but in case anything goes wrong, I want to make sure I've covered all the bases. I looked in the manual and on, but didn't see anywhere to register the PS3 with Sony. Thanks in advance.
[quote name='Wet Ninja']I just got a MGS4 bundle in the first Amazon shipment. Is there a way (or a need) to register the PS3 with Sony? Sometimes, you have to register items with the manufacturer in order to use the warranty. I don't anticipate having to use the warranty, but in case anything goes wrong, I want to make sure I've covered all the bases. I looked in the manual and on, but didn't see anywhere to register the PS3 with Sony. Thanks in advance.[/quote]

You don't *have* to register with Sony, but it makes it easier to get tech support -- instead of having to get the serial and such off the back of your console or look up your info, they can grab it quick if it's in the system.

With that said, their warranty process sucks and you don't even really need tech support, let alone to have registered your console (there's a website you need to go to and fill out all your info, the tech support doesn't handle it -- they'll send you and email with a link to the site though).
I searched and this is the thread might has the answer to what i'm looking for, but it's 91 pages! And the search doesn't tell me what pages should i look at...

Basically, i'm getting the infamous DNS error 80710102. The PS3 and PSP were able to obtain the IP address from the Linksys router, but Internet Connection always FAILED. I don't have this problem in the past, just last week... My router got reset somehow (from a power failure, or somebody reset it or perhaps the router is broken? I really don't know) I paged the router using the browser and setup the WEP and all the other whole nine yards (even the static DNS numbers). However, the PS3 and PSP were not happy with the settings at all (tried several different methods, manual or automatic). They were able to detect the wireless network, signal at 100%, and the IP address, but failed on the internet connection test.

Oh, the router works fine over the ethernet cable, the PC... I'm thinking that maybe the wireless signals are "broken" ? I'm confused... Googled and PS3 forums, no avail, any help is appreciated, thanks!
Don't know what's going on with that, but just FYI for anyone who doesn't know, WEP is broken. It isn't secure at all. It's basically just a suggestion "this is a private network, please don't use it". If the PS3/PSP don't support WPA, you'd really want to create a separate isolated Wifi network that's only used for your WEP-only devices, and have your PCs/other devices on a separate Ethernet or WPA network.
[quote name='metaly']Does it work if you change your router's wireless channel?[/quote]

You mean like G or B or mixed option? I'm sorry, i really don't know what is wireless channel...
[quote name='Wolfpup']Don't know what's going on with that, but just FYI for anyone who doesn't know, WEP is broken. It isn't secure at all. It's basically just a suggestion "this is a private network, please don't use it". If the PS3/PSP don't support WPA, you'd really want to create a separate isolated Wifi network that's only used for your WEP-only devices, and have your PCs/other devices on a separate Ethernet or WPA network.[/quote]

I only use wireless network for gaming, so i doubt the information is useful to the hackers or cheaters. The other type of security is just too much pain in the butt to type in w/o a keyboard.
[quote name='Serpentor']I only use wireless network for gaming, so i doubt the information is useful to the hackers or cheaters. The other type of security is just too much pain in the butt to type in w/o a keyboard.[/QUOTE]

You still need to isolate it from your wired network though, basically have two separate networks. Doesn't the PSP/PS3 support WPA though? I'd think they would, although I think the DS is only WEP. (Also you'd want to make sure admin access to the router through Wifi is disabled.)

[quote name='Serpentor']You mean like G or B or mixed option? I'm sorry, i really don't know what is wireless channel...[/QUOTE]

This would be different-they have different channels they can broadcast on, like 1-11 I think. You should be able to change what they're using through the admin interface. Though I'd think they'd try to pick a channel without interface automatically (?)
[quote name='Wolfpup']This would be different-they have different channels they can broadcast on, like 1-11 I think. You should be able to change what they're using through the admin interface. Though I'd think they'd try to pick a channel without interface automatically (?)[/quote]

Yeah, that's what I meant. My PS3 suddenly started having similar connection issues and they went away once I changed the channel. Not sure what router Serpentor has, but on a Linksys there's a setting to switch channels under the "Wireless" tab.
Woohoo, that's new info, i'm gonna give the wireless tab channel setting a try. I hope this works... i couldn't play on-line for a weel now :(

I think i'll switch to WPA once i get the PSP and PS3 to work again with the Linksys wireless G router.

My DS doesn't surf the net, what's the point...
[quote name='Wolfpup']You still need to isolate it from your wired network though, basically have two separate networks. Doesn't the PSP/PS3 support WPA though? I'd think they would, although I think the DS is only WEP. (Also you'd want to make sure admin access to the router through Wifi is disabled.)

Hey Wolf, how do you set the admin access on the router so that you can't change the setting via WiFi? Sorry for the newbie question, i just don't remember seeing this option when i access the router using the browser (via ethernet cable using PC).
I'm not sure-it would vary from router to router. Should be in the settings somewhere (along with a setting to make sure its admin page can't be reached from the internet...Linksys defaults that one to off, I think, but some companies for some reason default that to on).
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm not sure-it would vary from router to router. Should be in the settings somewhere (along with a setting to make sure its admin page can't be reached from the internet...Linksys defaults that one to off, I think, but some companies for some reason default that to on).[/quote]

thanks Wolf, i saw the option now... for Linksys, it's under Administration/Management tab, the Web Access Enable/Disable option.
I found out earlier this morning(and I'm sure many have known this for a while now)that you can download PS3 themes directly to the PS3. You don't need to do the 'put it on a flash drive, then plug the fraggin' flash drive into the PS3' rigamarole. I tried this with a GTAIV theme that someone mentioned in the "Whats in the PSN Store" thread.

I also searched for Transformers Generation One art this morning and I was able to convert an image I found online(of the 20th Anniv Litho) into a photo on my PS3 and then turn that into a wallpaper for my PS3. I also did that directly from my PS3 without using a flash drive as a go between.

It's very 'loud' to say the least, but for those with HD displays, it should look really cool as a wallpaper on your systems. I still have it saved on my PS3, but I took it off as my wallpaper for now.

I'm sure this is old news and all, but if it helps someone to avoid having to go through extra steps, then it's worth it imo.
Is it safe to leave the PS3's controller plugged in constantly? I'm asking because compared to my SixAxis, the Dual Shock 3 seems to run out of charge after 2-3 really good gaming sessions(3-5 hours each time).

Does it hurt anything to keep the DS 3 plugged in constantly? I sit right next to the PS3 on my bed, so the cord length isn't even an issue.
I ended up unplugging it and playing like you're supposed to, but I know in 2-3 days I'm going to be annoyed when I have to charge again. Then again, maybe I should try limiting my gaming sessions to 2-3 hours like I used to.
[quote name='Azumangaman']Okay,
So I put in Component cables and I can see clearly now the rain has gone.
Component 1080i is pretty much the same as HDMI 1080i.
I don't think the HDMI is working though.
If the HDMI is busted, what do I do?

EDIT: I'd put good money on the fact that the HDMI port is busted.[/quote]

Is everything on a power strip? If so, try turning off the power strip, and using it's 'reset' function (probably when you turn it back on), and see if that doesn't fix your problem.

[quote name='camoor']Is anyone like me - wants to buy a PS3 but also has a big backlog of excellent PS2 games to play. I know when I bite into that PS3 apple that I'll never finish GTA San Andreas or Xenosaga III [/quote]

Yea, you think that's bad, I've eliminated my backlog of Xbox games to play, flat-out sworn off the Wii (for now; don't need more games I'm not gonna play immediately), and have several unopened Xbox 360 and PS3 games. Luckily, I got most of 'em dirt cheap (except MGS4, which I'm not playing until there's a definate word on whether or not a trophy update is coming).

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Is it safe to leave the PS3's controller plugged in constantly? I'm asking because compared to my SixAxis, the Dual Shock 3 seems to run out of charge after 2-3 really good gaming sessions(3-5 hours each time).

Does it hurt anything to keep the DS 3 plugged in constantly? I sit right next to the PS3 on my bed, so the cord length isn't even an issue.[/quote]

Perfectly safe.

[quote name='Serpentor']I searched and this is the thread might has the answer to what i'm looking for, but it's 91 pages! And the search doesn't tell me what pages should i look at...

Basically, i'm getting the infamous DNS error 80710102. The PS3 and PSP were able to obtain the IP address from the Linksys router, but Internet Connection always FAILED. I don't have this problem in the past, just last week... My router got reset somehow (from a power failure, or somebody reset it or perhaps the router is broken? I really don't know) I paged the router using the browser and setup the WEP and all the other whole nine yards (even the static DNS numbers). However, the PS3 and PSP were not happy with the settings at all (tried several different methods, manual or automatic). They were able to detect the wireless network, signal at 100%, and the IP address, but failed on the internet connection test.

Oh, the router works fine over the ethernet cable, the PC... I'm thinking that maybe the wireless signals are "broken" ? I'm confused... Googled and PS3 forums, no avail, any help is appreciated, thanks![/quote]

Wireless could be broken, but it's more likely that you've entered the wrong DNS information. Do a google search for 'what's my DNS', and you should be able to find a site that just tells you yours, and you can make sure you enter that into your PS3. It's also possible that you need to clone your MAC address on the PS3.

Hope that helps.
Hey all,

Did a quick search and only two threads came up for "replacement cover art". Was wondering if there was a thread dedicated to replacement cover art. I picked up GTAIV today from BB and would like to get rid of the BB case. Any pointers would be great. TIA!
PS3 is connected with hdmi cable to my 42 inch samsung tv. Did the hdmi reset settings thing to get it to switch to hdmi. Video works fine but audio is fading in and out when playing games or listening to music. Any suggestions.
nice thread. I am a new PS3 owner and I have a noob question. Can I transfer a MGS4 save file from my friends 40 Gb PS3 under his profile to my new 80 Gb PS3 under my new profile? I've tried using an sdcard w/ reader and what happens is a 160kb file turns into a 53 kb file once it's on my system and the game does not recognize it! Little help! Or do I need to play the first two acts again??? sigh.....
Crud, I'm wondering the same thing about the 360. I was hoping the PS3 didn't have that IMO dumb restriction.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']nice thread. I am a new PS3 owner and I have a noob question. Can I transfer a MGS4 save file from my friends 40 Gb PS3 under his profile to my new 80 Gb PS3 under my new profile? I've tried using an sdcard w/ reader and what happens is a 160kb file turns into a 53 kb file once it's on my system and the game does not recognize it! Little help! Or do I need to play the first two acts again??? sigh.....[/quote]

Game saves are easily transferable. You can even download them from the net. I'd do it over a memory stick (usb). That usually works fine for me.
So there's no profile restrictions or anything? They're not tied to a profile? (I just literally today asked if there was a way to transfer them on the 360 in a thread over there! :lol: )
[quote name='Wolfpup']So there's no profile restrictions or anything? They're not tied to a profile? (I just literally today asked if there was a way to transfer them on the 360 in a thread over there! :lol: )[/quote]

No restrictions. You just put it on your stick, go to the game menu, select your stick, and hit triangle. You should see the option to copy.
[quote name='mguiddy']I thought some game data is encrypted and non transferable?[/quote]

I've yet to find a game save that I couldn't transfer. Do you remember which games this might be?
There's a bunch on the Wii, and a few apparently on the 360 for sure (and I guess ALL are tied to the profile for some unknown reason) :whistle2:/
[quote name='Wolfpup']There's a bunch on the Wii, and a few apparently on the 360 for sure (and I guess ALL are tied to the profile for some unknown reason) :whistle2:/[/quote]

Of course...but this is the PS3 thread. ;)
bread's done