PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

[quote name='Brother Daz']I was wondering why I couldnt log into PSN just a few minutes ago, decided to check here, and now have my answer. So these fuckers want to punish Sony but instead all of us gamers are being punished. Seriously, WTF!?!?!?[/QUOTE]
They want you to be frustrated with Sony, even though they're disrupting service. It can be argued that if Sony had not sued this wouldn't be happening, so turning the consumer against Sony is their goal. I'm indifferent on the matter, because I feel both parties are at fault.
Sony effectively removed OtherOS with the launch of the slim. Even if Hotz hadn't hacked the system, how long was Sony going to make firmware that kept functionality that the company was no longer including on their systems?

Not exactly a Hotz fan, though.
all the aspects of this debate are well over my head (read: I just like to game on my games) I guess I am just a follower and really don't care how MSFT, Ninty or Sony handle their hardware, software and DRM. Each is different, and each sucks in their own way.

so my only concern is, are people better off not even firing up their console until this thing blows over? I'd hate for any of my personal shit to get b/c I've been going to my PS3 more every night than my 360 (for a change..)

edit: and I will say, that as far as gaming news, this is pretty exciting and intense. On one hand, I could definitely root for the hackers, but on the other, I want to see how Sony handles this and how many people get deported or sent to Gitmo b/c of it :lol:
[quote name='dante2007']Indeed I hope some serious legal action is taken on anyone of them who is caught cause this is our money they're wasting also some people have to work 60+ hrs a work and go to school I dont want my one dang day off filled with these ass's not allowing anyone to login.[/QUOTE]

The main problem here is going to be in Sony's best interest to not go after the people doing this. It's not just 5 or 10 people, it's probably more like 1,000+ doing this and I would imagine upwards of 10,000+. Plus if it's what I think, Anon is just massive ip spamming the playstation website so there is really no way to go after them.

Although it really sucks to see PSN down.
[quote name='token2k6']all the aspects of this debate are well over my head (read: I just like to game on my games) I guess I am just a follower and really don't care how MSFT, Ninty or Sony handle their hardware, software and DRM.[/QUOTE]

This is basically where i stand. If anything, I'm more on Sony's side. It seems the worse thing for me is having to sign a new "terms of agreement" whereas on the other side I have people messing up my signing in ability and then having hackers during online games tip the odds in their favor or mess it up (speed hack in COD for instance). Of course, I'm not entirely sure, but that's my basic understanding of what COULD happen.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']The main problem here is going to be in Sony's best interest to not go after the people doing this. It's not just 5 or 10 people, it's probably more like 1,000+ doing this and I would imagine upwards of 10,000+. Plus if it's what I think, Anon is just massive ip spamming the playstation website so there is really no way to go after them.

Although it really sucks to see PSN down.[/QUOTE]
So they're 10,000+ people who think stealing is ok? Just because it's not in a store doesn't mean it isn't stealing, most people (sadly there are some that would) wouldn't walk into your local gamestop start picking up games and walk out of the store with them. Either way these Anon people are ass hats...
[quote name='token2k6']all the aspects of this debate are well over my head (read: I just like to game on my games) I guess I am just a follower and really don't care how MSFT, Ninty or Sony handle their hardware, software and DRM. Each is different, and each sucks in their own way.

so my only concern is, are people better off not even firing up their console until this thing blows over? I'd hate for any of my personal shit to get b/c I've been going to my PS3 more every night than my 360 (for a change..)

edit: and I will say, that as far as gaming news, this is pretty exciting and intense. On one hand, I could definitely root for the hackers, but on the other, I want to see how Sony handles this and how many people get deported or sent to Gitmo b/c of it :lol:[/QUOTE]
It's not likely they could get your info through the PSN as far as I know. If you're really concerned just make sure any credit card info is not being stored on your system and you'll be fine.
I don't know if this is because of the ddos, but I'm having the worst time-out problems with Crysis 2 right now. I just fucking got MAG fixed from dropping out ever 2 minutes, and now it's happening again. Being playing MAG just fine, and I've been playing the Socom 4 beta just fine as well.

I don't know how many more ports I gotta open up on my router so the PS3 can get a decent gaming session on.
My remote play was hosed earlier....seems to be fixed now, but who knows from how long. From and not for? I feel like I was auto-corrected, but it is just my mind multitasking and letting my fingers do the walking.
I guess actually reading the instructions that came with the game actually help. Crysis 2 port settings were in the book. durp!

If anyone cares, I don't feel like making a thread on it. Here are the port settings if you don't want to read. The only one I was missing was 443, who woulda thunk it.

TCP: 80, 443
UDP: 3658
FBI will be all over this DDOS attack and those responsible will go to fuck me in the ass prison.
Not working for me either... guess they were serious.

But honestly, this is just going to make Sony do stupider things. Sony's not going to decide to drop the lawsuit and return the Other OS feature because of this.
I find it hilarious that these kids are making demands and such. So ridiculous.

This will all blow over in a few days, just like every other "war" they declare when their parents forget to pick up their meds.
I love how in this article on gamasutra a representative of Anon calls us gamers that can't connect to PSN as "collateral damage."

From what I've been reading they are going a bit too far with their statement which will only turn out badly for their cause once the dust settles. I'll look forward to the reports of a few of them getting snatched up for being too cocky and them rolling over once the feds start "talking" with them.
Don't Sony lawyers already have records for people who visited Geo's site and gave him money through Paypal? It'll be funny if they're able to grab some information from this attack and connect it to those records.

I find it ironic...this entire issue "started" because Sony removed a feature from their device that was utilized by a small fraction of the userbase. Now, we have people blocking a feature from Sony's device that affects a much larger percent of users. I used to be fairly neutral in this entire debate, but this action made it pretty hard to be sympathetic to the hacker-side.
Anon claims to be pulling back on these DDOS attacks.

Anonymous is not attacking the PSN at this time. Sony's official position is that the PSN is undergoing maintenance. We realize that targeting the PSN is not a good idea. We have therefore temporarily suspended our action, until a method is found that will not severely impact Sony customers.

Anonymous is on your side, standing up for your rights. We are not aiming to attack customers of Sony. This attack is aimed solely at Sony, and we will try our best to not affect the gamers, as this would defeat the purpose of our actions. If we did inconvenience users, please know that this was not our goal.
This operation is a response to Sony's attempt to deprive their customers of products they bought and therefore own, wholly and completely. Anonymous will not attempt to fight this by following the exact same course of action. We have plenty of tricks up our sleeves.

Hopefully they really do stop taking PSN down
[quote name='Kaoz']Anon claims to be pulling back on these DDOS attacks.

Hopefully they really do stop taking PSN down[/QUOTE]

The problem with Anon, is that they are so split up amongst themselves with differing goals and agendas under different groups which is the nature of their "legion."

It would seem that the group OpSony says they will back down however other groups of Anon like SonyRecon have different views. gamasutra So much like everything else I'll believe it when I see it.
I love the comments of people saying that anon just wants to pirate games...uninformed masses are the backbone of America & the internet
Buuhan1 your an idiot. Sony removed the other OS BECAUSE they got hacked you idiot. That is how he got through. All the people crying about Sony trying to protect their product should really be mad at the hacker. He is the one that screwed everything up for people. If he wouldn't have been a worthless piece of crap and actually bought his games instead of being poor people who actually liked the other os feature would still have it.
Why he had to brag about hacking the PS3 is beyond me. He even had to do it through the other OS and actually couldn't hack the PS3 within itself. I don't know why hackers can't actually go out and get a job and do something with their lives. Just as I feel on vandalism and theft, hacking should have alot more severe punishment in this country.
[quote name='wjda_krow2']Buuhan1 your an idiot. Sony removed the other OS BECAUSE they got hacked you idiot. That is how he got through. All the people crying about Sony trying to protect their product should really be mad at the hacker. He is the one that screwed everything up for people. If he wouldn't have been a worthless piece of crap and actually bought his games instead of being poor people who actually liked the other os feature would still have it.
Why he had to brag about hacking the PS3 is beyond me. He even had to do it through the other OS and actually couldn't hack the PS3 within itself. I don't know why hackers can't actually go out and get a job and do something with their lives. Just as I feel on vandalism and theft, hacking should have alot more severe punishment in this country.

LMAO ... funny then in that case all the jail broken iphones that are legal everyone who has one should be fined I mean after all most of the hackers why you claim have no jobs seem to be able to afford the devices and equipment that allow security circumvention. You say that these hackers need to get a job ...they have one and you pay for it. 9/10 hackers crackers or security experts many have jobs at security firms across the world who deal with VISA & Mastercard just to name a few.

So let me ask who's worse Geohot for publicly saying this is me and this how you can do something and a security system isn't all that after all or the people like C4EVA (Xbox360 Hacker) who stayed in the shadows and publicly release information and tools to enable piracy.

Many people forget one thing , while Sony is going after Geohot there not going after all the different company's who sprung up overnight selling dongle devices to allow piracy on the system , so who's really cutting into the piracy realm Geohot or the dongle makers?

Do some serious research not just what company sponsored websites want you to read. Geohot's main drive wasn't piracy like you see with other game systems his drive was homebrew which is not illegal and like has been said so many times once you can run your own code on anything piracy will be the end result.

Look up Defcon , Chas Communication Conference , ToorCon just to name a few these are all the evil hackers who according to you don't have jobs yet every year the US Government , IBM , Microsoft , Apple , Sony , etc all send their top security experts to learn how they failed last time around to change their system designs.

You need these hackers to expose what real security risks are in the real world that exist ...or we can just have them keep their mouths shut and not expose real dangers of such things as RFID enable credit cards , or the different way people are able to clone you ATM cards not to mention countless other thing like the recent slew of Verizon , T-Mobile secerity concerns.
Defcon was established for a reason. It should have been presented there, but it wasn't. End of story. You want to expose shit, you do it there.

Geohot is far from being a white-hat.

Not only that but Defcon is a fucking career fair for hackers, so him not being able to get a job in the industry is bullshit. Plain and simple.

I guess you could say in a sense this is how Adrian Lamo got in such deep shit too. Calling up business, (including The New York Times, Yahoo!, and Microsoft) telling them that their security has been compromised and basically defacing their websites or taking them offline completely. But he always stayed on the run, The "Homeless Hacker". But he ended up facing the music eventually, and when he got out of jail, he had hundreds of jobs requests, companies basically beggin him to come work for them. Now he's busting dudes involved in all the Wikileaks crap.

This very well could be a positive thing for Geohot, but like all things, time will tell.
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[quote name='Kaoz']Anon claims to be pulling back on these DDOS attacks.

Hopefully they really do stop taking PSN down[/QUOTE]

theyre probably stopping their "attacks" on psn because they werent getting anywhere. i havent had one issue with psn since all of this supposedly started. and even if they were how are you hurting sony by screwing over the psn users?

thats like someone trying to stop hitler by switching his coffee from regular to decaf thatll show him.
Another stupid attempt by Anonymous. Don't they know that retailers can kick you from the store? Before anyone mentions discrimination, they won't be targeting based on gender, race, and other protected status. Just some punks.
Never had problems either during the attacks, except for what I've been experiencing over the past year and half since I bought the thing.

Kinda hard to do a DDOS on PSN when almost everything is P2P anyways when it comes to gaming.
I'm not sure if my problem is related to this or not, but the last week when I turn on my ps3 it doesn't log in. When I check the settings it shows that auto log in is enabled and the system tries to log in, but it always fails. If I try it a second time it work and if I start a game it will log in correctly through the game. Last night on Socom Confrontation coming out of Tiger Woods, it wouldn't let me log in until I powered down my ps3 and started over. Is there anyone else that is having similar issues?
[quote name='Cigarl']I'm not sure if my problem is related to this or not, but the last week when I turn on my ps3 it doesn't log in. When I check the settings it shows that auto log in is enabled and the system tries to log in, but it always fails. If I try it a second time it work and if I start a game it will log in correctly through the game. Last night on Socom Confrontation coming out of Tiger Woods, it wouldn't let me log in until I powered down my ps3 and started over. Is there anyone else that is having similar issues?[/QUOTE]

Same problem when I start up my system it won't log on I have to cancel then manual log on.
Yeah, I had to accept some new terms and log in. After that I'd get signed out and couldn't log back in, but I was watching Tron so meh. My PS3 has just been a glorified BD player for the past four months anyways, so I couldn't care less.

Long live PC gaming.
[quote name='bjstucker']Same problem when I start up my system it won't log on I have to cancel then manual log on.[/QUOTE]

Same for me. Also, a lot of games are unable to login. I tried playing Skate 3 yesterday and was unable to get online since it couldn't connect to the EA servers (said I didn't have an ethernet cable connected despite being signed into PSN). This shit needs to get sorted because it's annoying as hell.
Same issues for me yesterday; sporadic login issues.
I think Anon was upset because what was supposed to be a mass flocking to Sony Style stores failed, miserably. So now they are throwing a tantrum to prove they matter.
How do you deal with a child having a tantrum? You laugh at them. :lol:
For about a week the first time I try to sign in I'll get an error, but immediately trying to sign in again works almost instantly.
Not allowing users access to PSN definitely costs Sony money, so don't think otherwise. If their goal was to make a "statement" and people flood to forums and message boards complaining about their PSN being busted, then they really accomplished what they set out to do.

I guess it comes down to philosophy of sorts. Is it better to be all theory and no action, or all action and no theory? I believe Anon and the like went with the latter.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']Not allowing users access to PSN definitely costs Sony money, so don't think otherwise. If their goal was to make a "statement" and people flood to forums and message boards complaining about their PSN being busted, then they really accomplished what they set out to do.

I guess it comes down to philosophy of sorts. Is it better to be all theory and no action, or all action and no theory? I believe Anon and the like went with the latter.[/QUOTE]

They certainly made a statement the problem is that they alienated potential supporters. Prior to this Sony stunt I wouldn't say I supported some of the things they did but I certainly didn't condemn them either. Now, after this Sony hacking crap I've had enough of them and I would really prefer if they went away at this point. I have a strong feeling that I'm not alone in my opinion either and now that they have turned the tide of public sentiment from apathy to anger they're going to start pissing off not only the companies they attack but the general public and consumers that they claim to be working for the interest of.

They need public opinion on their side in order to achieve their goals, any good "revolution" does. At this point, their public support is eroding to the point that now you've got websites that previously amused by their antics or apathetic to them switching to outright lampooning their initiatives. The Destructoid "haha, look at them" article about Anon "invading" Sony style stores is a perfect example.
It sucks for Sony either way. Either Anon is "winning" (and screwing everyone else in the process), or Sony fucked up somehow and took down the entire PSN themselves, making them look like idiots who don't need Anons help screwing up their service because Sony will just do that on its own.

Maybe they can blame Obama or Global Warming or something.
Had issues with PSN and Sony's online site a lot last night while trying to register my Portal 2 copy for PC/Mac, drove me nuts.
I heard they're doing maintenance. If this is anon then they're morons. Why alienate the people you're "defending"?
I don't think Anon would have the power to take down all of PSN. It's probably Sony's own doing. Either way I better be able to log into Steam and Portal tonight or I am going to be fucking pissed.
It's not Anon in IRC they have already stated that DDoS attack agenist Sony have stopped. If anything its a Sony issue other wise I think Anon would have been quick to take credit for the down time which they haven't

As for the real reason behind the worldwide network outage it is still again anyone's guess why it going to take a DAY or TWO to repair, and even tho the Europe Arm of Sony was hinting towards "possible attacks", Anonymous group has made it clear in their IRC channel to many angry PSN users, that they are not in any way shape or form behind this current outage!
Anon aside, this is why I would never pay for PSN, its just plain not reliable enough. Seems like these outages are happening all the time. I can't remember one this long in the past but frankly I'm tired of this.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Anon aside, this is why I would never pay for PSN, its just plain not reliable enough. Seems like these outages are happening all the time. I can't remember one this long in the past but frankly I'm tired of this.[/QUOTE]
I haven't really seen many issues with PSN until lately with the whole Anonymous DDoS crap. XBL would fall too if Anon shifted targets. XBL has had issues too. Anyone remember the 3 or 4 months during and after the holidays a couple years back where XBL had consistent network issues? They gave away a free, crappy XBL Arcade game to make up for it.
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[quote name='Vader582']I haven't really see many issues with PSN until lately with the whole Anonymous DDoS crap. XBL would fall too if Anon shifted targets. XBL as had issues too. Anyone remember the 3 or 4 months during and after the holidays a couple years back where XBL had consistent network issues? They gave away a free, crappy XBL Arcade game to make up for it.[/QUOTE]

It's selective memory.
bread's done