PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

[quote name='GTmaster39']I've worked retail for 5 years and that statement is still bullshit. No matter how you sugar coat it.[/QUOTE]

Like I mentioned earlier, I hated that statement. However, it's true. The customer will always get their way because the business does not want to lose a customer. Bullshit or not, it is correct.

Put yourself in Sony's shoes: If it's between a customer like me vs. a customer who only buys a system and one game, who are you going to cater to? Exactly. If you choose the other person, then you're naive, foolish, and won't be in business very long.

[quote name='oldboy26']the fact is you're blaming Sony for something no company could have stopped/prevented. The hackers are the bad guys, and Sony are just the ones that got screwed. Sony is/will do everything it can to prevent it again, and will compensate us but realistically we are not owed anything unless you paid for PS+ which they will add the time onto your account as already stated. Get over yourself and realize there are bigger issues here than yourself.[/QUOTE]

Both are to blame. The hackers should not have broken in and stolen information. Sony should not have removed the linux feature, and should have secured their network better. It is what it is. Bottom line, Sony better hope and pray that they don't lose as many people as they think they will over this situation. Their stock has taken hit if that means anything to anyone.
Atleast I know now while I still haven't received an e-mail for my password reset 6 friggin hours after I tried resetting on the console initially.
[quote name='Foladar']Will that delete my game saves or anything? I've been slowly taking my saves off the system, 3 minutes at a time every 3 hours.[/quote]
You may want to try and save any game saves or files you may not want to lose before trying the restore file system option, as that just deletes any corrupted data without giving you a warning first. But be warned that some game saves may be locked to the HDD and require you to copy EVERYTHING on the HDD to get those 1-2 saves.
I was hoping that's all it was, so I booted it down via the back switch and went to bed last night. Came back and figured it was working (stayed working for 3 mins) but it froze again and continued the freezing/not displaying issues.
Unfortunately, that's the WORST possible way to shut down the PS3 after a freezing issue and is most likely the cause of the corruption/failure. I assume you did try holding the power/reset button to try forcing it to shut down, right?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Try the Restore File System from the PS3's safe mode menu to see if that'll abate the freezing and other issues. It may just be that there's a file corrupted in there someplace.

Tried that, no dice. Got another five saves off and it froze again. Gonna try the rebuild database thing in a few hours cuz it won't power on now, the light just stays green. If I wait another hour or so, it'll boot up then freeze. Weird as ever. I can hear the fans and such power on, it just won't display video.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Unfortunately, that's the WORST possible way to shut down the PS3 after a freezing issue and is most likely the cause of the corruption/failure. I assume you did try holding the power/reset button to try forcing it to shut down, right?[/QUOTE]

Oops, didn't see the reply, yes I held down the power button to try and get it to shut down but it kept blinking and wouldn't shut off.
[quote name='SnorE']well im back online o yeah... anyone tryin to play uncharted 2 or LBP send me a friend to both of them online[/QUOTE]

i sent you a request im playing u2 now.
[quote name='Pck21']I'm confused by your input. The PSN was hacked, and taken offline for 24 days. My credit card info, as well as my personal info, is likely compromised. I have 3 Playstation 3's, 2 PSP's, a Playstation 2, over 50 PS3 games, over 40 PSP games, 10 PS1 downloadable titles, 20 PS1 stand alone games, over 30 PS2 games, and I'm a PSN+ member. I'm a damn good customer for Sony.

Yea, I think I have every right to pissed, and call the PSN/Sony whatever I want at this point.


I'm confused by all the people saying they are done and selling their ps3. If you don't want it anymore, go ahead and sell it stop telling everyone that you are. I'm not sure what people expect when they announce they no longer want their ps3 and are going to get rid of it. Do you want people to talk you out of it or say goodbye or what?

If the ps3 is obviously causing you problems which I would not disagree with then it would seem like the right move to get rid of it and get a 360 if you want. Just not sure about threatening to trade it for a 360 then get all defensive and list all your sony products.
[quote name='iwannadie']I'm confused by all the people saying they are done and selling their ps3. If you don't want it anymore, go ahead and sell it stop telling everyone that you are. I'm not sure what people expect when they announce they no longer want their ps3 and are going to get rid of it. Do you want people to talk you out of it or say goodbye or what?

If the ps3 is obviously causing you problems which I would not disagree with then it would seem like the right move to get rid of it and get a 360 if you want. Just not sure about threatening to trade it for a 360 then get all defensive and list all your sony products.[/QUOTE]

Serenitygod Jr aka Buttplug Mcgee ?

But seriously, what does coming into a forum and whining about wanting to get rid of your PS3 do? I think the only thing I got out of the down time was going online for once on my Xbox it actually had an opposite effect on me I really see no use other than the 3 or 4 exclusives they have to even keep mine.

Back to the topic at hand hoping the store is back by the end of the week. :cool:
Was online yesterday at my cousins house and played mw2 there for hours online, then came home and played some more MW2 and black ops (black ops is the biggest pile of trash ever, my god, worst netcode possible). Then played more MW2 today at home and went to my cousins and played for hours there. Everything was working flawlessly. First thing i thought when i loaded up mw2 and got into a match when PSN just went up.. "i feel sorry for those people who switched to 360, what fools".

And that still stands. So glad to be online, so glad i got a ps3. MW2/MW1/MVC3/MK9 (although i havent even picked a main in MK9 yet), send me a message online.
Hopefully Sony has no downtime today. I was gonna co-op portal 2 finally, and I was logged into PSN. Yet I was playing Mortal Kombat at the time. When I went to go sign into Steam on the PSN, the fucker would not let me due to Sony turning off services for like that hour. Oh well, maybe tonight.
[quote name='blitz6speed']
And that still stands. So glad to be online, so glad i got a ps3. MW2/MW1/MVC3/MK9 (although i havent even picked a main in MK9 yet), send me a message online.[/QUOTE]

All that time off from playing online and you couldn't pick a main? I practiced plenty of MvC3 and thought I would have something when I went back online. I think I had 3 wins out of 10 or 15 matches.....
[quote name='OlDirtyBastard']All that time off from playing online and you couldn't pick a main? I practiced plenty of MvC3 and thought I would have something when I went back online. I think I had 3 wins out of 10 or 15 matches.....[/QUOTE]

I can't land combos or get in on sent online, my record is like 1-10 lmao.
[quote name='OlDirtyBastard']All that time off from playing online and you couldn't pick a main? I practiced plenty of MvC3 and thought I would have something when I went back online. I think I had 3 wins out of 10 or 15 matches.....[/QUOTE]

I have a main team with 1 person alternating in MVC3, but all i did was play the story mode of MK9 (which was so incredible, loved it so much). I usually watch tourney footage of fighters to see who catches my fancy playstyle wise but been having trouble finding someone i like so far in mk9. Raiden is my fav in all mortal kombat lore ever since mk1, but im just not sure about him. We'll see, now that PSN is up, ill be much more inclined to get going with mk9.
Booted up the PS3 for the first time in months yesterday, changed my PW, and turned it off. L.A. Noire will likely be the first game I play on it again, but it's taking a backseat to Witcher 2 first. I highly doubt I'll even use anything they give us free; there needs to be a cash offer option TBH.

Q: So what exactly is working right now?
A: Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity (including the resetting of passwords), online gameplay for PS3 and PSP, playback of rental video content on PS3 (if within rental period), Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity on PS3 (for current subscribers), access to services such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, and, “Friends” category on PS3 (including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc), in-game leaderboards, and PlayStation Home.

Q: I’m having trouble changing my password/I forgot which email I used on my account/I used a fake email to set up my account.
A: Click here for a set of tips on resetting your password. If you’ve gone through the process and are waiting for an email from us, please note that the very large number of requests has caused certain ISPs to slow the rate at which recipients get emails from us. Please be patient as the systems work through the backlog.

Q: The PlayStation Store hasn’t updated since April 19th. When can I download digital games that were planned to be released since then?
A: To date, three Tuesday publishes were missed, which included items like Under Siege and the MotorStorm Apocalypse demo. Rest assured that you won’t miss any of this great content. To catch up on the large amount of material, we’ll be publishing to the PlayStation Store multiple times per week once commerce functionality is restored. We will update the PlayStation.Blog with information on timing of the Store restoration, as well as the full list of new content as each publish occurs.

Q: How will PlayStation Plus members be affected by the PSN downtime? A number of games/items were slated to go live or come down on April 26th.
A: We will be picking back up with the PlayStation Plus content calendar where we left off to ensure that you won’t miss out on anything.

Q: Sucker Punch has indicated that they will extend the inFAMOUS 2 beta. Any details?
A: Sucker Punch is evaluating extending the inFAMOUS 2 beta, as well as expanding its scope. Stay tuned for more details here in the coming days.

Q: Is anything special planned for the SOCOM 4 multiplayer community?
A: Zipper will announce details on activities to re-engage fans of SOCOM 4 who have patiently waited to play online.

Q: What about the Call of Duty: Black Ops Double XP weekend that was missed while PSN was down?
A: We have been in discussions with our friends at Treyarch, and they have ensured that all Call of Duty: Black Ops fans will get an extra Double XP event as soon as PSN comes back online. We don’t have details on timing just yet, but look forward to an announcement as soon as we have news.

Q: How can I redeem the Welcome Back offer that was mentioned by Kazuo Hirai? What’s in it?
A: Hang tight – we’ll be announcing all the details soon.

Q: How can I sign up for the Debix AllClear ID Plus protection announced last week?
A: More details are coming soon.

Q: When will the PlayStation.Blog start talking about games again?
A: Tomorrow! Thank you for bearing with us as our role changed over the past few weeks. We’ll be once again talking games every day leading up to E3, which is just a few short weeks away.
We won't be getting free anything until the PSN Store is up anyways. Whether they announce the free stuff now or whenever it comes back up, we won't be getting it any sooner.
I'm surprised that they'll just do multiple PS Store releases each week until they're caught up. I'd have expected them to shift release dates so they could stagger that content out a bit each week until they caught up.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm surprised that they'll just do multiple PS Store releases each week until they're caught up. I'd have expected them to shift release dates so they could stagger that content out a bit each week until they caught up.[/QUOTE]

I was surprised by this as well but I guess they gotta catch up somehow...btw, 3,000 posts in this thread, whew
[quote name='jman619']I still can't since I can't redeem the online pass. :cry:[/QUOTE]

I haven't tried to play this online yet but I think you can go to enter your pass and get a 2-day trial, which is a (very) temporary solution.
I've got a question about the password change. About 3 months ago, my PS3 died. Since E3 usually means price drops, I figured I'd wait until after E3 to buy another PS3. Then the whole PSN fiasco happened. I checked online and it said that to change your password, you need to do it from the original PS3 you were using when PSN went down. Thats not an option for me since that PS3 is long gone. Can I still do the password change when I get a new PS3 or am I screwed?
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']I've got a question about the password change. About 3 months ago, my PS3 died. Since E3 usually means price drops, I figured I'd wait until after E3 to buy another PS3. Then the whole PSN fiasco happened. I checked online and it said that to change your password, you need to do it from the original PS3 you were using when PSN went down. Thats not an option for me since that PS3 is long gone. Can I still do the password change when I get a new PS3 or am I screwed?[/QUOTE]

You can do it with e-mail.
[quote name='cliqueatnightvandal']I haven't tried to play this online yet but I think you can go to enter your pass and get a 2-day trial, which is a (very) temporary solution.[/QUOTE]

I used the trial before psn went down. :lol:
I have the MK pass enabled (put it in on day one, right before PSN went down) and I still can't play online. I don't think its my connection as I was able to play Crysis 2 online (although I haven't tried that since PSN returned). I'll mess with it today.
[quote name='Salamando3000']We won't be getting free anything until the PSN Store is up anyways. Whether they announce the free stuff now or whenever it comes back up, we won't be getting it any sooner.[/QUOTE]

itd still be nice to know what everyone will be getting though unless they want to really SURPRISE!!!!! people. maybe it will be just psn stuff maybe ps3 games hell whose to say they havent added more ps3 games to psn. inquiring minds want to know!!!!!
The full article since the link is dead for me:
Now that certain PSN services have been restored and you’re once again enjoying online gaming, it seems a good time to confirm what is being offered as part of the Welcome Back programme.

Once we restore PlayStation Store, which will be just a little while longer, you will have the opportunity to claim your Welcome Back gifts. Please note that the Welcome Back programme is only available for those countries with access to PlayStation Store*.

All existing PlayStation Network members will be able to access the following from PlayStation Store*:

Two PS3 games from the following list:

* LittleBigPlanet
* Infamous*
* Wipeout HD/Fury
* Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty
* Dead Nation*

For those with PSP accounts, you will also be eligible to download two PSP games from the following list:

* LittleBigPlanet PSP
* ModNation PSP
* Pursuit Force
* Killzone Liberation*

- 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership for non PS Plus subscribers*

- Existing PlayStation Plus subscribers will be given 60 days free subscription.

- For existing Music Unlimited subscribers, you will be given 30 days free subscription.

- We are working on a Welcome Back offer in PlayStation Home and will share that when it is confirmed.

I would like to thank all of the developers and publishers involved in this programme for their support in making this happen. We certainly couldn’t have done it without you.

You will be able to access this content once PlayStation Store comes back online and we are doing everything we can to make that happen as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support and keep checking back on the blog for more information.

1. For eligibility for the welcome back programme consumers must be an account holder on 20 April 2011. Specific details about these offers and eligibility requirements will be posted as the services go live. All existing PSN registrants have 30 days from when the welcome back programme goes live to redeem their content.

2. For the German market, InFamous and Dead Nation will be replace with Super Stardust HD and Hustle Kings in the selection of PS3 games.

3. For the German market, Pursuit Force and Killzone Liberation will be replaced with Everybody’s Golf 2 and Buzz Junior Jungle Party in the selection of PSP games. Killzone Liberation will not offer online gameplay functionality.

4. Access to the 30 days free PS Plus subscription is only available for those countries where PS Plus is offered. You will have access to the PS Plus content planned for May for 30 days. Access to the free games and exclusive features finishes at the end of the 30-day subscription period. Anything you buy with exclusive discounts, dynamic themes and premium avatars are yours to keep forever.
It will be interesting to see if they acknowledge the foreign accounts that many people have and offer different games in each region.
im getting a page not found message what were the games they had listed? nm frisky posted it. not that great of a list i hope the lists wont be the same for each country still ive been wanting that ratchet and clank game for a while now ( missed every sale they had on it) kinda interesting they didnt put up one of the gow psp games up.

now to see how plus will work also is someone going to list out whats free in each country with plus? definelty need to list what youll be able to keep versus whats time sensitive to cut down on multiple same posts.
bread's done