PSN Weekly Deals - 7/12: RePlay Sale! $8 N++, $8 Galak-Z, $8 Everybody's GttR, $4 Loud on Planet X, & More!

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36 (100%)

Current Deals (Full Update Here) - Store Updates Every Tuesday, Usually By 2 PM PT/5 PM ET
Visit The Web PS Store

N - New This Week
X - Expires With Next Update
P - Permanent Price Drop
$XX.XX - Price for All PSN Members
$XX.XX - Price for PS+ Members

July's PS+ Games - Ends 8/2

:ps3: Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

:ps3: Fat Princess

:ps4: Furi

:vita: Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines

:ps4: Paragon - PS+ Starter Pack

:psp: Prince of Persia: Revelation

:ps4: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Pre-orders - Out at 12 AM ET/9 PM PT unless otherwise noted


Cross Buy

:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: Back to Bed Game & Dynamic Theme Bundle - $8.99 - 40% Off - $5.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/18

:ps4: :vita: Color Guardians - $5.99 - 60% Off - $4.49 - 70% Off - Ends 7/29

:ps4:  :vita: Corridor Z - $5.99 - 25% Off - Ends 7/19

:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: CounterSpy - $7.49 - 50% Off - $5.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N

:ps4: :vita: Day of the Tentacle Remastered - $10.04 - 33% Off - Ends 7/22 N

:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: Hohokum - $7.49 - 50% Off - $5.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N
:ps4:  :ps3: Journey - $7.49 - 50% Off - $5.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N
:ps4:  :vita: Last Wings - $7.19 - 10% Off - Ends 8/12 N

:ps4:   :ps3:   :vita: Loot Strategy-Packed Bundle - $14.99 - 40% Off - $9.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/18 [customspoiler=Includes]Back to Bed for PS4/PS3/Vita, Q*Bert: Rebooted for PS4/PS3/Vita, and Whispering Willows for PS4/Vita.[/customspoiler]

:ps4:  :vita: PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate - $11.99 - 20% Off

:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: Q*Bert: Rebooted - $7.49 - 25% Off - $5.99 - 40% Off - Ends 7/18

:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: Rogue Legacy - $8.49 - 50% Off - $6.79 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N
:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: Sound Shapes - $4.99 - 50% Off - $3.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N
:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: Sound Shapes - Add-on Bundle - $4.99 - 50% Off - $3.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N

:ps3:  :vita: Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark - $3.49 - 65% Off - $2.49 - 75% Off - Ends 7/19 N

:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: The Swapper - $5.24 - 65% Off - $3.74 - 75% Off - Ends 7/19 N
:ps4:  :vita: Type:Rider - $7.19 - 10% Off - Ends 7/26 N

:ps4: :vita: Velocibox - $8.74 - 30% Off - $6.24 - 50% Off - Ends 7/18 N

:ps4:  :ps3:  :vita: Whispering Willows Game and Theme - $8.74 - 30% Off - $6.24 - 50% Off - Ends 7/18


Attacking Zegata - $5.00 - 50% Off

The Banner Saga - $14.99 - 25% Off - Ends 7/19

The Banner Saga Complete Pack - $29.99 - 25% Off - $27.99 - 30% Off - Ends 7/19

The Banner Saga 2 - $17.99 - 10% Off - Ends 7/19

Daydreamer: Awakened Edition - $7.99 - 20% Off - Ends 7/19 N

Driveclub - $7.49 - 63% Off
Driveclub PlayStation Plus Edition & Season Pass Bundle - $19.99 - 69% Off

Electronic Super Joy - $6.99 - 30% Off - Ends 9/20

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture - $9.99 - 50% Off - $7.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N

Fluster Cluck - $4.99 - 50% Off - $1.99 - 80% Off - Ends 7/18

Galak-Z - $9.99 - 50% Off - $7.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N

Ghostbuster Ultimate Game and Movie Bundle - $58.49 - 10% Off - Ends 11/15

The Last Tinker: City of Colors - $8.99 - 40% Off - $7.49 - 50% Off - Ends 7/18

Lost Sea - $13.49 - 10% Off - Ends 7/19

Loud on Planet X - $3.99 - 50% Off - Ends 8/2 N

Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom - $4.94 - 67% Off - Ends 8/5

MilitAnt - $7.99 - 20% Off - Ends 7/26 N
N++ - $9.99 - 50% Off - $7.99 - 60% Off - Ends 7/19 N

Paragon Challenger Founder's Pack - $47.99 - 20% Off - Ends 8/2

Paragon Master Founder's Pack - $79.99 - 20% Off - Ends 8/2

Push Me Pull You - $13.49 - 10% Off - Ends 7/18 N

Randal's Monday - $6.99 - 50% Off - $5.59 - 60% Off - Ends 7/25 N

Score Rush Extended - $9.59 - 20% Off - $8.39 - 30% Off - Ends 11/15

Soul Axiom - $13.99 - 30% Off - Ends 7/26

Super Mutant Alien Assault - $7.99 - 20% Off - Ends 7/18 N


DeathSpank: The Baconing - $7.49 - 50% Off - Ends 7/19 N
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds Complete Collection - $19.99 - 20% Off - Move Compatible

Master Reboot - $11.24 - 25% Off - $9.74 - 35% Off - Ends 7/29

PS2 Classics - PS3 Only

VitaPS TV Compatibility

Boss! - $1.99 - 60% Off - $1.49 - 70% Off - Ends 7/29

Gravity Badgers - $0.59 - 90% Off - Ends 7/29

HTR+ Slot Car Simulation - $7.99 - 20% Off

Super Blackout - $1.99 - 60% Off - $1.49 - 70% Off - Ends 7/19CAG Made N

PSP - Vita and PS TV Compatibility


PS1 ClassicsPS3/PSP Compatible - Vita and PS TV Compatibility


Minis - PS3/PSP Compatible - Vita and PS TV Compatibility


PS4 Add-ons

DC Universe Online

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round


Electronic Super Joy

Kitten Squad


Pirates: Treasure Hunters

PlanetSide 2


PS3 Add-ons

Ace Combat Infinity

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters

Vita Add-ons

My Singing Monsters

Feel free to provide feedback for ways to improve this thread. Thanks!

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So is Escha and Logy better than the 3 bundle? Purely based on gameplay
its better combat wise yes. But there isn't much to them combat wise as it mostly boils down to creating good items with the right effects stacked while having auto heal items in your bag so you wont have to waste a turn. You'd probably be better off getting the ps3 version though since the vita games lag among other quality issues along with the whole digital only crap. Plus the ps3 versions new for under 20$ most places.

Thinking about getting Oreshika because I don't think I'll ever find the physical copy with English for cheap anytime soon. Also, Hatoful Boyfriend and the holiday one look weird enough to be interesting. Might get the PS1 games just to have a digital version. Don't have Tron Bon though so that is a must buy for me.
I'm interested in oreshika as well but I can't pull the trigger at that price. Now if it was 10$ or less I'd give it a shot. I'll be picking up tronne bonne though. and maybe suikoden 3 to go with 1 and 2 in my backlog.

Goodbye wallet funds, hello Atelier Trilogy. I haven't played a Gust game since the PS2 so I'm excited to see some of their newer offerings.

Thinking about getting Oreshika because I don't think I'll ever find the physical copy with English for cheap anytime soon. Also, Hatoful Boyfriend and the holiday one look weird enough to be interesting. Might get the PS1 games just to have a digital version. Don't have Tron Bon though so that is a must buy for me.
May as well keep waiting since it's been $5 and seems to go on sale relatively often.
So is Escha and Logy better than the 3 bundle? Purely based on gameplay
No. It's not always a case of the games getting better with time. They're just different. Many consider the Arland trilogy to have a better cast of characters and prefer the higher difficulty. Dusk dumbs it down a bit. If you're the type that's turned off by time restrictions, you may prefer E&L. Although it still has time, it's very lax in that you'll finish your assignment often with entire an entire month to spare waiting for the start of the next assignment.

FWIW I also think E&L is the weakest of the Dusk trilogy. But I do consider it to have the best alchemy system of the Dusk games.

If you think you'll like the games, then this is your chance to get it since it usually only goes on sale once a year. But the games aren't exactly for everyone. If you don't like cute girls, slice of life, turn based jrpg combat, or collecting/synthesis, then you might wanna pass on it.

The Golden Week sale games have a 3X Sony Rewards bonus:
Y'know, I don't think I've been getting points for my purchases on psn. I linked my account last year and says it's linked on my sonyrewards account page. But there's no transactions listed and I only have 100 points even though I've been buying stuff steadily on psn for a year now.

Well, just beat the NiOh demo completely. Must say, I started off liking it a whole ton but towards the end it got extremely annoying. The stances and switching weapons on the go + a cool skill system tree was awesome. Then you realize it's pretty much just passive damage/stamina buffs apart from some really clunky attacks. Game gets annoying rather than hard. The way the game ramps up difficulty is just by sticking more and more units in a space and best strategy is just to pick them off one at a time. That and the annoying range dudes which are there just to piss you off rather than a difficulty spike per say. I guess I just wanted more enemy variety rather than mobs of the same annoyingly tanky guys coming at you. Though it's nice to see shortcuts actually mattering ala Dark Souls 1. Sadly though the bosses are extremely easy.

TLDR: Got potential, we shall see what another 10 years will bring us.
I managed to waffle long enough to not buy Killzone Shadowfall again, but that's okay, I'll pick up something in the Golden Week sale instead.

*checks the sale*

Nevermind. :D

I will say though that out of these that I've played, I really liked Oreshika and thought it was a steal when it launched for $20. Supposedly it has been as low as $5 before, so I can't fault someone for wanting it to be cheaper. It kind of says interesting things about perceived value though when so many of these other games start off at $40 and only begrudgingly drop to Oreshika's base price.

Can anyone recommend Catherine? I dont have a PS3 anymore but I plan on getting one again. Im also really hoping that the PS "NEO" will be backwards compatible....
I agree with those that have said $5 is a great price for it. I was personally disappointed in the story, after seeing it hyped up as a "mature take on real relationships", but didn't hate it. Everything else about it was good though. The puzzles are fun, the characters are fun, etc.

It's a puzzle game with talking interludes in between. Both of these should appeal to you for the game to work. The subject matter should also appeal to you. A man is getting older but not quite growing up, and is caught between deciding to commit to his long-term relationship or to continue his care-free lifestyle with the strange new woman who has appeared in his life. Meanwhile he starts to get nightmares from the stress of his situation.

The game sort of invites the player to ponder how they feel about what is important in a relationship, and probably isn't about picking the right answer as much as the honest one.

I've seen that Catherine on sale a million times

is it any good for someone that has zero interest in anime and not much of a japanese gamer?
Understand that anime is a broad spectrum and that Catherine doesn't have many of the more common anime tropes that tend to make it stand out in people's minds. If you had no knowledge of anime whatsoever, it probably wouldn't even occur to you to find it any more unusual than any other kind of animation. I also don't recall it leaning on Japanese culture particularly hard.

It's more important that the gameplay and subject matter appeal to you.

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ps plus games for May 2016

Full Lineup

  • Bionic Commando Rearmed 2   :ps3:
  • God of War: Ghost of Sparta   :vita:
  • LocoRoco Cocorecco!,  :ps3:
  • Switch Galaxy Ultra  :ps4:  :vita:
  • Table Top Racing: World Tour  :ps4:
  • Tropico 5  :ps4:

Disappointed that Watch Dogs turned out to be false. It was not a good game, but at least it was AAA. Tropico 5 is kind of neat though so I will try it out.

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I regret not buying evil within

I would have regretted buying it had xbox done a better deal

I have 99 problems and they are all first world

Wow. I thought the MS line up this month was bad. Ironically, Vita is getting the best game with GoW: Ghost of Sparta.
Well Sony did give us a AAA title so there's that. Very happy to not see Watch Dogs as the premier game for May since I got a copy last month during Gamestop's 4 for $20 deal. 

ps plus games for May 2016

Full Lineup

  • Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 :ps3:
  • God of War: Ghost of Sparta :vita:
  • LocoRoco Cocorecco!, :ps3:
  • Switch Galaxy Ultra :ps4: :vita:
  • Table Top Racing: World Tour :ps4:
  • Tropico 5 :ps4:

Disappointed that Watch Dogs turned out to be false. It was not a good game, but at least it was AAA. Tropico 5 is kind of neat though so I will try it out.
good thing I got ps plus for the discounted prices and not the monthly games


I bought Switch Galaxy Ultra and played it like twice. Not a good game. Table Top Racing is a mobile port.

Tropico 5 is the only decent game for PS4 and it isn't my type of game.

Oh well, maybe June will have better goodies for PS4... Or not.

And was just thinking. That GoW game is a PSP game. Well, at least it's a really good PSP game.
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I was hoping for a sale on Tales of Zestiria for PS4, Not that much of a sale this week. I did get Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 3 and Hatoful Boyfriend for PS4 since it's crossbuy.

So much on here that I want. I actually hit a limit on the PS store for the first time (10 items at a time). Do I really need this many ... probably not ...

ps plus games for May 2016

Full Lineup

  • Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 :ps3:
  • God of War: Ghost of Sparta :vita:
  • LocoRoco Cocorecco!, :ps3:
  • Switch Galaxy Ultra :ps4: :vita:
  • Table Top Racing: World Tour :ps4:
  • Tropico 5 :ps4:

Disappointed that Watch Dogs turned out to be false. It was not a good game, but at least it was AAA. Tropico 5 is kind of neat though so I will try it out.
So glad it wasn't Watch_Dogs, already got the plat and if anyone wants that game it can be had for pennies. Not sure why so much negativity around this line up especially getting 3 games on PS4. People got their retail game in Tropico, which is a great game btw, though a little niche in the audience that will appreciate it. Tabletop racing looks like a fun arcade racer. And Switch Galaxy Ultra looks like a fun racer in the vein of wipeout meets amplitude.. great month for PS4, Vita and PS3 owners not so much especially since Bionic Commando Rearmed was in a recent sale.

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I'm in for Hatoful Boyfriend. That's got to be worth it for weirdness alone. The holiday themed sequel sounds dramatically less interesting.
I started the Holiday one and so far it is like an aping of mystery games with a few references to the Ace Attorney series and some meta comments about mystery tropes. It just jumps in assuming you know the back story and relationships between the characters so you would definitely want to play Hatoful Boyfriend 1 first.

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This month is overall ass imo but worth it for me because of :ps4: Tropico 5. That is actually something I've really been wanting so I'm happy that I don't have to spend any money on it. 

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I was hoping for a sale on Tales of Zestiria for PS4, Not that much of a sale this week. I did get Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 3 and Hatoful Boyfriend for PS4 since it's crossbuy.
You and me both. I remember it going on sale for around $39.99 a few moths ago, so maybe we'll see it on sale again.

So is Escha and Logy better than the 3 bundle? Purely based on gameplay
I certainly wouldn't recommend it. I found E&L to be incredibly boring and easy. I believe that the Arland trilogy includes the revised Rorona, which was the oldest and had the most issues for people.
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