PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Surprise, surprise--Sony failing to renew the trademark for The Last Guardian was "an administrative error" and it's still in development:
The way it's probably "still in development" is that it's the creator and three or four other employees no one else wants that they stuck in a closet in the back corner of the building somewhere to do their own thing to keep him happy.

I'll probably need to swap in the order for 4forFeb and move infamous 2 to my bonus column. I still have like 40 races in most wanted to rock out too! But hopefully I'll finish Amy this week and at least have two down.
You're still playing that? Even I platted two games since you started that.

Anyone remember the price on Danganronpa 2 last time it was on sale? Now that I know I like the series I wouldn't mind throwing it in the backlog if this is the cheapest it's been.
$23.99 at the start of January.

Holy shit. Free PS TV if you buy a PS4 at Best Buy next week.
Surprised it took this long.

Staff meeting buzz word of the day is "intentional". It has been uttered 6 times already and we're only halfway done.
Maybe it was intentional?

liked for the mention of tits. I have no idea what a modok is.

Last year he was going for around $20-30 loose; I haven't looked at what he's going at lately.
My son has shown interest in LEGO stuff in the past, but he's just now really getting old enough for it. I'll have to keep an eye out at TRU. Though at this point I think he'd rather just have more Skylanders.
Hey Cleaner can you please change my #4 to AC Freedom Cry and mark it completed and move 1886 into the bonus slot.

Just finished it. Just like AC4 it is a love / hate relationship. I really can't stand the tailing and stealth stuff. But the ship battles are so much fun. I am glad I didn't bother with Rogue and the other one.
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I Am Alive is pretty fun, though I think it would be more frustrating if I wasn't using a guide to rescue all of the survivors; the way you have to manage your stamina meter almost makes the game seem more puzzle-like. I especially like how enemy confrontations unfold.

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[quote name="Vigilante" post="12510890" timestamp="1424227131"]I Am Alive is pretty fun, though I think it would be more frustrating if I wasn't using a guide to rescue all of the survivors. I especially like how enemy confrontations unfold.[/quote]

I'm sure the motion sickness didn't help my opinion of it, but I really disliked that game.
[quote name="Vigilante" post="12510911" timestamp="1424227487"]Were there any aspects of it that you liked?[/quote]
It's been a while since I played it, I just remember being bored and frustrated with it. The controls were kinda clunky IIRC, and the game overall just felt like a drag. The enemy encounters as you mentioned were neat. If you're a patient gamer I could see how it could be enjoyable. Just wasn't my cup of tea.

I'm at like 40% completion on most wanted. I still can't hang in any races that aren't marked green and easy. I need to pick a car, dig in and start pimping it I guess.
It's been a while since I played it, I just remember being bored and frustrated with it. The controls were kinda clunky IIRC, and the game overall just felt like a drag. The enemy encounters as you mentioned were neat. If you're a patient gamer I could see how it could be enjoyable. Just wasn't my cup of tea.
I agree about those controls. They're probably the one thing really frustrating me so far.

Just a typical day in Japanese development.
Sweet Fuse: At Your Side stars Saki Inafune, niece to legendary game developer Keiji Inafune. Saki’s famous uncle opens an amusement park and Saki attends the opening ceremony, but things really heat up when Count Hogstein—a malevolent pig—takes over the park, and holds everyone hostage. Saki, along with seven sexy men, decides to enter Count Hogstein’s deadly game in order to save her uncle and the other hostages. Will she be able to solve the complex puzzles that Count Hogstein and his merry henchmen have in store? And most importantly, which steamy bachelor will Saki choose?
I wonder if Keiji Inafune gave his blessing on this.!/en-us/games/sweet-fuse-at-your-side/cid=UP1024-ULUS10652_00-BAKUDANHANDAN001
I've never understood how the R&C platinums are so common.  Like 35% of the people who played Going Commando have the platinum.  But looking at the trophy lists, it looks like there's about 10 hours of post-game grinding.  That many people really have that much patience for 10 hours of grinding?  That's nuts to me.

I've never understood how the R&C platinums are so common. Like 35% of the people who played Going Commando have the platinum. But looking at the trophy lists, it looks like there's about 10 hours of post-game grinding. That many people really have that much patience for 10 hours of grinding? That's nuts to me.
Challenge mode is the best part and the RYNO 2 is the fucking GOAT and totally worth getting.

Also, they're 35% of players on a trophy tracking site. They're really easy and don't require 1000 hours of online boosting. The 35% seems right.

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I've never understood how the R&C platinums are so common. Like 35% of the people who played Going Commando have the platinum. But looking at the trophy lists, it looks like there's about 10 hours of post-game grinding. That many people really have that much patience for 10 hours of grinding? That's nuts to me.
You're getting 35% for a port game off a site geared towards trophy hunting. The number of random players who are going to buy an HD port of an old game is going to be low to begin with (only 40k players on PSNP) and those who do play it you can expect to be more dedicated.

Are you collecting Amiibos Vig? I've noticed you post several Amiibo related things in here so you must be following the Amiibo thread.
Nope. I only buy the rare Amiibos to resell later--I've done so for 3 Marths and 2 Little Macs so far. I happened to find that image while navigating a different site for gaming news.



How many of you wanglords have that fancy shit on your trophy card? Yeah!

Post mortem ahead, don't read this if you hate over analytical reports on games you don't give a shit about tyler.

The game sucks. It's true. But I think the only things preventing it from being a perfectly average game were technical.

The original, bug ridden release (that I played through chapter 3) was ridiculous - no loading from checkpoints, progress randomly erased, even jankier frame rates, etc. No idea why they rushed it out the door, but they did. The post patch version isn't much better honestly, and it seems to be only to address complaints. It runs a little smoother, you can continue from a checkpoint and I think the checkpoints were even moved and added to be a little less unfair. But whatever.

The actual game concepts work OK - the root concept being that there's an airborne zombie infection and the only thing keeping you from getting sick is this weird looking little girl. Then proceed to put yourself in situations where you have to leave said girl, thus slowly causing you to get infected.

There's four or so things you constantly have to be worried about and at times they like to stack them:

- infection: you have about two minutes away from Amy until you get infected. This can be countered for another two minutes with syringes that you can keep in your inventory (note: sometimes this inventory randomly resets)

- zombies: especially on hard the few enemies in the game are turrible. You can only take three or four hits (random), they take four hits and can dodge, and it's almost impossible to take on two at a time (they are rarely alone after chapter 2). Also, they can whiff and hit air and still damage you from like three feet away and you can *ONLY* attack if you've picked up a weapon. Without a weapon the attack button does nothing. Which brings me to number three...

- weapon durability: so you have to pick up a small stick to be able to fight. You can only hit things so many times until it breaks (I guess) and then you literally can no longer fight and might as well just restart the checkpoint since it's almost impossible to run away from a fight. Amusingly, durability seems to be consistent but varied between pickups. So stick A might allow 10 hits but stick B in the same chapter for no apparent reason might only allow 4 hits. Odd design choice.

- health: different than infection, on hard you can get damaged three or four times and then you're dead. There's no healing mechanism, although sometimes it seems like I'd occasionally survive an extra hit or two. Besides zombies causing damage you can also be electrocuted by the hilarious electric mines that you have to slowly walk through (by barely moving the analog stick) lest you get zapped.

As an additional gimmick, if you're partially infected (screen starts to turn red) you can walk right past zombies since they apparently think you're one of them. In the one stealth chapter that's literally the only way to clear the level.

SO, to put all of this in perspective, here are the kinds of situations you end up in:
Amy is hiding so you're constantly being slowly infected requiring you to find syringes to keep it at bay. You have to run around hallways to find a key card, creep through an electric mine while infected so that a zombie on the other side doesn't notice you (if he does he'll definitely smack you (since you can't attack in the minefield), causing you damage and then electrocuting you meaning certain death). Then use a syringe, bash him, smash some glass trying to lure one zombie out of a pair away, syringe, find a new stick, smash the other zombie, press a series of buttons on a train trying to find Amy, smash another zombie, stick is expired, use a syringe (out of syringes), finally find Amy. Checkpoint.

I'm not saying that anyone should play it, quite the contrary. I'm just saying that they had a good idea of how to layer a bunch of shit to keep it tense, they just blew the technical aspects making it hard to play and at times nauseating.

Anyways, 2 down for 4forFeb and one game that I've wanted to finish for a long time finally erased from the backlog.


How many of you wanglords have that fancy shit on your trophy card? Yeah!

Post mortem ahead, don't read this if you hate over analytical reports on games you don't give a shit about tyler.

The game sucks. It's true. But I think the only things preventing it from being a perfectly average game were technical.

The original, bug ridden release (that I played through chapter 3) was ridiculous - no loading from checkpoints, progress randomly erased, even jankier frame rates, etc. No idea why they rushed it out the door, but they did. The post patch version isn't much better honestly, and it seems to be only to address complaints. It runs a little smoother, you can continue from a checkpoint and I think the checkpoints were even moved and added to be a little less unfair. But whatever.

The actual game concepts work OK - the root concept being that there's an airborne zombie infection and the only thing keeping you from getting sick is this weird looking little girl. Then proceed to put yourself in situations where you have to leave said girl, thus slowly causing you to get infected.

There's four or so things you constantly have to be worried about and at times they like to stack them:

- infection: you have about two minutes away from Amy until you get infected. This can be countered for another two minutes with syringes that you can keep in your inventory (note: sometimes this inventory randomly resets)

- zombies: especially on hard the few enemies in the game are turrible. You can only take three or four hits (random), they take four hits and can dodge, and it's almost impossible to take on two at a time (they are rarely alone after chapter 2). Also, they can whiff and hit air and still damage you from like three feet away and you can *ONLY* attack if you've picked up a weapon. Without a weapon the attack button does nothing. Which brings me to number three...

- weapon durability: so you have to pick up a small stick to be able to fight. You can only hit things so many times until it breaks (I guess) and then you literally can no longer fight and might as well just restart the checkpoint since it's almost impossible to run away from a fight. Amusingly, durability seems to be consistent but varied between pickups. So stick A might allow 10 hits but stick B in the same chapter for no apparent reason might only allow 4 hits. Odd design choice.

- health: different than infection, on hard you can get damaged three or four times and then you're dead. There's no healing mechanism, although sometimes it seems like I'd occasionally survive an extra hit or two. Besides zombies causing damage you can also be electrocuted by the hilarious electric mines that you have to slowly walk through (by barely moving the analog stick) lest you get zapped.

As an additional gimmick, if you're partially infected (screen starts to turn red) you can walk right past zombies since they apparently think you're one of them. In the one stealth chapter that's literally the only way to clear the level.

SO, to put all of this in perspective, here are the kinds of situations you end up in:
Amy is hiding so you're constantly being slowly infected requiring you to find syringes to keep it at bay. You have to run around hallways to find a key card, creep through an electric mine while infected so that a zombie on the other side doesn't notice you (if he does he'll definitely smack you (since you can't attack in the minefield), causing you damage and then electrocuting you meaning certain death). Then use a syringe, bash him, smash some glass trying to lure one zombie out of a pair away, syringe, find a new stick, smash the other zombie, press a series of buttons on a train trying to find Amy, smash another zombie, stick is expired, use a syringe (out of syringes), finally find Amy. Checkpoint.

I'm not saying that anyone should play it, quite the contrary. I'm just saying that they had a good idea of how to layer a bunch of shit to keep it tense, they just blew the technical aspects making it hard to play and at times nauseating.

Anyways, 2 down for 4forFeb and one game that I've wanted to finish for a long time finally erased from the backlog.
Your an animal.


When it came out everyone seemed to moan about how much they hated it.
I don't recall that, but then I have the poorest memory, so maybe? In any case, I have not started it yet so it wasn't me. Maybe I'll swap it in to 4forFeb after I finish Kick & Fennick. Err… if I finish Kick & Fennick.

How can there be "heavy snow", but with a total accumulation of "less than half an inch"? That's the forecast for today and tonight (that is, 2x less than half an inch of "heavy snow"). Well, I don't think that's going to get me off work tomorrow, but maybe I'll get to go in late. Fingers crossed….

4 for Feb update:

Dust & Infamous First Light completed.

I was actually really surprised by Dust, ended up being a lot of fun, despite having to do a bunch of backtracking to get all of the keys and chests.  My only real gripe with the game keeping enough items to replenish my health.

First Light, I really liked the story.  Kinda makes me wish that Fetch had gotten a complete game.  I didn't hate Delsin or anything like that, but her background story is a little more interesting to me.  Really could've done without the arena stuff, but it wasn't too bad once I got into a rhythm.

Guess I'm going to try and attack Rogue Legacy next.

Just updated my digital backlog spreadsheet with recent splurges.  Looking good and ridiculous.  

PS3 - 129 games, 58 'started', 11 finished but keeping on the list for some reason or another

PS4 - 17 games, 4 'started', 1 finished

Vita - 73 games, 48 'started', 17 finished

Completed - 56 games

I think I'm skipping this week's sales, nothing is really speaking to me.

First Light, I really liked the story. Kinda makes me wish that Fetch had gotten a complete game. I didn't hate Delsin or anything like that, but her background story is a little more interesting to me. Really could've done without the arena stuff, but it wasn't too bad once I got into a rhythm.
Yeah I really liked First Light which I figured I would. As you said her back story was fairly interesting. I didn't mess around with the arena stuff though. I will have to check that out and see how realistic it is that I could get those related trophies before attempting to get 100%.

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