Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare out now!

[quote name='ItzTitoYo']You and I brother. Hate to say it, but this is one game I wish I owned an xbox 360 for. Besides the graphics looking 5 years dated (and having the worst textures and screen tearing I've seen) the game is loaded with terrible bugs. I can't count how many times I've mounted a horse and my character disappeared completely to only reappear 10 minutes later. My character has a hat and sometimes will respawn without that or weapons. Got to love shooting what seems to be a rifle, but holding nothing. What about other players falling from the sky to their death? Yikes....[/QUOTE]

That only happens to me when I am in MP freeroam, the game runs flawlessly in SP.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']So, my amazon order included a voucher for the golden guns in it, and I just got an e-mail with a separate golden guns code...[/QUOTE]
Was the voucher included in the game or just a separate promo card? Would be nice to have an extra code to trade for deadly assassin or the warhorse on PS3.

Sucks 360 was obviously the lead platform again, but they got the shaft on FFXIII so w/e. There's obvious scaling of vegetation and draw distance, as well as sharpness of textures due to the 20% decrease in resolution. Again, this is why I hate buying games on console because the PC can do so much more. For a AAA, $100 million project they could have done a better job IMO.

Regardless, I refuse to give M$ business when I can avoid it. In all my years of gaming, I have never had a console fail until the 360 -- ever.
Hmmm, i got my code for the golden guns. Seems like the PS3 codes are going for around 30. 360 version is maybe 20. Wonder if i should sell it. All they do is give you a boost in fame for each kill. Thats not worth 30 bucks lol.

Wow amazon just dropped the price for this game to 53.99. Wonder if i will get credit back?

PS3 screens look more blurry compared to 360.

Jodou consider yourself lucky, i have had 2 PSones break, and 1 PS2 break.... and sony didnt fix them for free. Yet my 360 died 3 times now and was fixed free each time. Ill give MS my money over sony if they are going to treat me this good. I had to buy new sony systems each time mine broke. Not saying i hate sony, PS2 was great, and i have PS3 too.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']Jodou consider yourself lucky, i have had 2 PSones break, and 1 PS2 break.... and sony didnt fix them for free.[/QUOTE]Guess so, but when the 360 died it was the 'wrong kind of broken' for them to fix it for free. The hell do they get off charging $100 and take a month to repair it when it was just outside of the normal one year warranty. fuck them.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']In the game.[/QUOTE]
Lame. How are these codes selling for $30 if it's in the package? Was this supposed to be an Amazon exclusive code, because I never saw anything on the product description page about it?
nice 2 codes glad i ordered from amazon lol. i got the email code my games supposed to be delivered today so ill know at some point if i have 2. if i do ill gladly trade one for a gs code.
[quote name='Jodou']Was the voucher included in the game or just a separate promo card? Would be nice to have an extra code to trade for deadly assassin or the warhorse on PS3.

Sucks 360 was obviously the lead platform again, but they got the shaft on FFXIII so w/e. There's obvious scaling of vegetation and draw distance, as well as sharpness of textures due to the 20% decrease in resolution. Again, this is why I hate buying games on console because the PC can do so much more. For a AAA, $100 million project they could have done a better job IMO.

Regardless, I refuse to give M$ business when I can avoid it. In all my years of gaming, I have never had a console fail until the 360 -- ever.[/QUOTE]


More truer words could have not been spoken. I really hope Rockstar reconsiders and launches this for the PC in the future. I have x2 GTX 275's in SLI ready to render this game the way it's supposed to be.

I'm sure this turned into a $100 million project right after Rockstar bought out all their ratings and marketed their way into MTA bus advertisements. This game has an awesome single player, but even that doesn't warrant a 9+ rating like most have given it.
I really don't notice much of a difference other than the weeds seem to have more depth, but those are just screenshots so when its in action im sure it isnt as bad. Well as far as I'm concerned some Neo-Geo games have better graphics than Halo or Resistance so you graphics whores can go screw yourselves. The only thing I care about is bugs and lag. If there is considerable lag then the multiplayer will be as broken as the Gta episodes and that is something that would make me stick to single player. Still waiting on gaystop to come through with the game for me.
[quote name='carbontiger']If you want a good laugh, buy a newspaper during the first couple missions and look for the wedding announcement. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Watching a movie is crazy too! Only watched one but was about a guy who tries to sell his tonics to all kinds of people with CRAZY affects.
Man you really have to be quick with this game. Just some random things happen like....

Saving a guys friend who is hanging from a tree. I killed a guy and then he was dead. I guess i should have tried to shoot the rope first.

Then there was a guy pushing some hooker out of the bar, and he was talking to her while on top of her, and i didnt know if i should shoot him or not, then he stabbed her to death.

I just try not to get on the bad side of the law. One time i sat down by a fire camp with 2 other people and
got up and got on the wrong horse by accident and he started to shoot me. I didnt know what to think so i shot him back and killed him and lost honor. :(

I still havent played more than 4-5 missions. Been roaming around looking at the world trying to find places and things. Killing animals. :)
[quote name='The 7th Number']Man you really have to be quick with this game. Just some random things happen like....

Saving a guys friend who is hanging from a tree. I killed a guy and then he was dead. I guess i should have tried to shoot the rope first.

Then there was a guy pushing some hooker out of the bar, and he was talking to her while on top of her, and i didnt know if i should shoot him or not, then he stabbed her to death.

I just try not to get on the bad side of the law. One time i sat down by a fire camp with 2 other people and
got up and got on the wrong horse by accident and he started to shoot me. I didnt know what to think so i shot him back and killed him and lost honor. :(

I still havent played more than 4-5 missions. Been roaming around looking at the world trying to find places and things. Killing animals. :)[/QUOTE]

I went for a long ride with my original horse last night and I tried the thing that one reviewer said(shoot the horse while you're on it)and it ended with me skinning my own horse.:cry: Poor Mr. Ed didn't know what was about to befall him.

At least they don't show the animal you're skinning, just the blood spatters and that's it during the skinning. But then you have to look at the carcass once you're done skinning it.:puke:

But I may restart my game tonight so I don't have all of the bounties on my head from the bad things I've already done.

BTW, there's a shooting mini game involving the birds in the game. You can start it by shooting any bird.
That reminds me.... I saved a woman being captured, and cut her free with my knife. Then i was riding my horse and some dude was like stop by and rest. Then i did and he stole my horse, and i went to shoot him but i pulled out my knife since it was the last weapon i used and he was able to get away before i figured out i had to pause the game and switch my weapon. That son of a bitch!

I put my golden guns weapon pack code on ebay... starting at 20, and buy it now for 30. If it doesnt sell ill just use it. :D
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the random events in this game are great, yesterday i had quite a few.

one that was interesting was where a cairrage ran over me while in front of bonnies house, i whistled my horse because they rode off so i started chasing them to kill them. there was a guy in the back shooting me while they were driving away. i ended up killing him, but lost some speed and they sped off the screen i caught up and they were stopped in the middle of the road waiting for me. shootout occured and i killed them.

another scene was when i was fooling around after a save putting a bounty on my head, i come up to a carraige with a woman yelling for me, i see 4 guys on horses with her so i was kind of expecting it but they attacked so i killed them, the lady tried to run off so i shot her in the back.
Please someone post the UPC for the PS3 version that has the golden gun voucher already inside the game case. Thanks.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']So, my amazon order included a voucher for the golden guns in it, and I just got an e-mail with a separate golden guns code...[/QUOTE]

Yeah same here.. Mine were different codes.. Time to trade. :)
[quote name='The 7th Number']Man you really have to be quick with this game. Just some random things happen like....

Saving a guys friend who is hanging from a tree. I killed a guy and then he was dead. I guess i should have tried to shoot the rope first.

Then there was a guy pushing some hooker out of the bar, and he was talking to her while on top of her, and i didnt know if i should shoot him or not, then he stabbed her to death.

I just try not to get on the bad side of the law. One time i sat down by a fire camp with 2 other people and
got up and got on the wrong horse by accident and he started to shoot me. I didnt know what to think so i shot him back and killed him and lost honor. :(

I still havent played more than 4-5 missions. Been roaming around looking at the world trying to find places and things. Killing animals. :)[/QUOTE]

I had the same thing happen. I couldn't save the guy hanging. But I did manage to save the hooker by shooting her attacker and all you get is +50 honor and +5 fame. It just happened to me a second time. No big deal if you miss any of them.

I think I'm gonna gag if I hear the sounds from skinning any more. They really didn't have to make it so gross and the animations seem too long after the 50th animal.

"damn, whatchoo been eatin'" *slash-squirt-slash*
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Have I mentioned yet how much I hate the fighting controls on this game. They're exactly like the shooting controls which are exactly like the GTA IV shooting controls, but pressing the trigger button repeatedly to stab or punch someone is getting old.
[quote name='eau']Please someone post the UPC for the PS3 version that has the golden gun voucher already inside the game case. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

1042537826 UPC code for the PS3 Version from Amazon.
I'd say there's more than a few bugs Rockstar needs to work out in this game. Now I'm kinda sorry I opened my copy last night when I got home.:cry:

I did have fun for the 2 hours or so I played, but I've heard of people having the game freeze and kicking them back out to the XMB/Dashboard(aka the game quitting on its own:cry:).

I also found this little doozy online(you may want to click MUTE on the volume cuz some of the people cackling in the background get quite annoying).
I haven't received my $20 credit or the Golden Guns DLC code, nor have I received the game yet (Super Saver Shipping).

For those that have gotten the Golden Guns DLC code already, was it something that was in the game box or did Amazon send you the code by email?
[quote name='tcatsninfan']I haven't received my $20 credit or the Golden Guns DLC code, nor have I received the game yet (Super Saver Shipping).

For those that have gotten the Golden Guns DLC code already, was it something that was in the game box or did Amazon send you the code by email?[/QUOTE]I got one code from the game box and another from Amazon. They were different codes. But I tried to enter the one from the box last night and it didn't work. The one I got from email today did work.
I only got 1 code via email, but i got a 360 version. I think PS3 got in game codes?

Has anyone ran into people taking a piss. Its pretty funny. one guy i seen peeing in an outhouse. Another guy stopped his horse, got off, and ran to a rock to pee on. LOL.

Damn i was going after some bandits, one of those random missions that pop up and a cougar attacked my horse once and it was dead, then he hit me 2-3 times and i died.
Yeah, the cougars are kinda crazy in this game. One or two hits and you're dead. I died twice doing a fetch quest by those damn things. Speaking of fetch quests, if anyone has done the missing kid/stranger mission and the flowers for billy/stranger mission...
there are some fucked up people at rockstar. I was more than slightly creeped out by the flowers one.

Also, My favorite outfit so far is the duster. Reminds me of 3:10 to Yuma.
[quote name='tcatsninfan']I haven't received my $20 credit or the Golden Guns DLC code, nor have I received the game yet (Super Saver Shipping).

For those that have gotten the Golden Guns DLC code already, was it something that was in the game box or did Amazon send you the code by email?[/QUOTE]

Haven't received my $20 credit, but I got the game today (Super Saver) and got two codes as well, one inside the box and one through email. Haven't tried to use either yet.
How easy is it to pair up with friends online? I'd like to do some trophy boosting if anyone is interested, specifically if anyone has Red Dead Rockstar.
[quote name='carbontiger']Yeah, the cougars are kinda crazy in this game. One or two hits and you're dead. I died twice doing a fetch quest by those damn things. Speaking of fetch quests, if anyone has done the missing kid/stranger mission and the flowers for billy/stranger mission...
there are some fucked up people at rockstar. I was more than slightly creeped out by the flowers one.

Also, My favorite outfit so far is the duster. Reminds me of 3:10 to Yuma.[/QUOTE]

This makes me miss Bad Company 2's sound system. I can hear everything in there from enemy's boots, to rustling baddies in the brush, to rifle shots from anywhere on map.

Those cougars are so silent! I got knocked down a hill by one and was trying to pin point him but somehow he struck me from behind!

Anyone know how to make your custom sound track not drown out ALL the in-game sounds?

Haven't finished those too missions yet. Have you met the old lady at/near Coot's Chapel? That one was... odd. :)
Hey guys, I have an extra 'Golden Guns' code. If anyone wants to trade any other bonus with me, please PM me! Bonus codes only, I don't want your money. :D
Good luck; this site is flooded with golden guns, but hardly any of the other two. I might hit up my local stores to see if they have any leftovers they'd be willing to part with.
[quote name='NamPaehc']This makes me miss Bad Company 2's sound system. I can hear everything in there from enemy's boots, to rustling baddies in the brush, to rifle shots from anywhere on map.

Those cougars are so silent! I got knocked down a hill by one and was trying to pin point him but somehow he struck me from behind!

Anyone know how to make your custom sound track not drown out ALL the in-game sounds?

Haven't finished those too missions yet. Have you met the old lady at/near Coot's Chapel? That one was... odd. :)[/QUOTE]

Haha. Yeah I did the old lady one.
It was pretty pointless. You didn't even have to go back to her to finish the mission. Weird.
This game can be a little annoying, like when you kill deer, skin them, do something else, and then die. Then they reload you and you dont get any of that stuff back.

Speaking of sound, usually i play games with level 30 sound, but this game i boost it to 38, and i still cant hear the camp fire stories too well. but horses and stuff going on in the background i hear over the persons voice.

And the colors in this game. They are nice, but when its night... it just doesnt feel like night. Its still too bright out when its midnight.

Oh and i did a side mission where you had to find flowers for this dudes wife. The end was pretty funny, especially when
you knock into her and her head falls off. :D

Man i really hate when i see cops shooting at a bad guy, cos i always think the guys shooting are bad and i shoot the cops and get a wanted level. Then i have to reset my save file.
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only 10 minutes or so into the damn thing and i accidentally killed 2 lawmen so i quit for now lol. the game is pretty cool i especially like hunting i think ill be spending alot of time doing just that i have to find a bear.
[quote name='lokizz']only 10 minutes or so into the damn thing and i accidentally killed 2 lawmen so i quit for now lol. the game is pretty cool i especially like hunting i think ill be spending alot of time doing just that i have to find a bear.[/QUOTE]
I had coyotes chasing me back to the sheriff's office besides the other outlaws whose leader I had just killed.

I do hope they fix the freezing and soon though, as I'm leaning towards going back to GTA multiplayer for the time being and just letting RDR collect dust for now.:cry:
[quote name='The 7th Number']This game can be a little annoying, like when you kill deer, skin them, do something else, and then die. Then they reload you and you dont get any of that stuff back.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Remember you have a campsite you can use to save while out in the wilderness. So if you are doing something then decided to go somewhere else, might want pop that thing open. But I do know how it is. You kill a bunch of deers then some bandits come and kill you randomly.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Yep. Remember you have a campsite you can use to save while out in the wilderness. So if you are doing something then decided to go somewhere else, might want pop that thing open. But I do know how it is. You kill a bunch of deers then some bandits come and kill you randomly.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i just started to use these, i thought i only had 1 camp site to use, and i would have to keep buying more but it looks like they never run out. I could buy an upgraded camp site, but the description didnt make it sound like its any better than the one i had.

Im still waiting to be able to play horseshoes. I guess you have to do so many missions first. Because i seen the horseshoe game, and a dude standing by it, but i couldnt activate it. I dont even want to try poker, cos i dont even know how to play to be honest. I played that game with your fingers and a giant knife..... i should of bet all my money on the first game since it was so easy.
Froze on me twice already, I'm gonna wait for a patch. It's funny how it took them 5 or so years to make the game, and it's still a glitchfest.
My game hasnt froze, though im playing the 360 version. The two that complained about freezing have the ps3 versions im guessing due to their psn names/tag in sig/info.
[quote name='The Notorious ROB']Hasn't worked for me either.[/QUOTE]
Are you entering it with or without dashes? Mine worked fine without dashes, so that might be the problem.
[quote name='K3NNY']Has the code in the box (PS3) for the Gold Guns not worked for anyone else?[/QUOTE]

it did for me.( added the dashes) i used it and then did the sign up dealy to get the gambler set up.
guess mp does need work. went in to try it and after i was killed in my first mission it froze up.had to cut my ps3 off from the back.
Apparently there's a patch live now that fixes the invisibility glitches and connection issues in MP.

I think people underestimated how great the sp was going to be and are sucked in (like me) and haven't tried mp yet b/c I tried it out for a couple minutes yesterday and my lobby had two other people in it. I think I'll wait another couple weeks unless we get that CAG night goin'
bread's done