Resistance 2 CAG Clan/Night - Get yo ass on! - Friday Nights @ 7PM PST/10PM EST

Thanks a lot for coming everyone. I could say there was a higher turnout than expected. What happened was early on, there just wasn't many people in our game and many weren't joining, so to fill the open slots, I asked a friends from college to jump in to give us the six, and then several more got on after that. But oh well, looking forward to Saturday night. :) I might try to make it on Friday at times.
[quote name='paz9x']its just a bit too early for me.
im suprised there arent more cags playing this.[/quote]

I pretty much just play competitive.
[quote name='paz9x']its just a bit too early for me.
im suprised there arent more cags playing this.[/QUOTE]We actually have a pretty good number of CAGs playing it. It's currently our biggest game night (with the most people showing up). We usually have around 8-14 CAGs playing this at once, which is pretty good. This was not a light unfortunately where we just kind of took turns with the party leadership (when we do that, we'll play for as long as people are on). Even our most successful game, Warhawk, had a max of 20 people playing once (and that was just after the trophy patch). It's tough to fill up games because not everyone can make it within the time (It can be tough, especially on weekdays, figuring out a way to play east coast and west coast), day, or some don't even know there is a clan night (I sent a message to some letting them know, and they didn't know it was tonight).

Also, our FPS group is divided (some just WaW, some just R2, some have both. Some just went to SOCOM).
Competitive lately has REALLY sucked, so many delayed/laggy kills/damage/people/etc.

I keep running into invisible grenades that don't have the indicator pop up, I get killed behind cover, I get hit before the guy even shows up on my screen, it's just been really aggravating. The only saving grace is the sniper rifle, for whatever reason, hits register on time and never give me any problems, but there have been a lot of network/server problems for me the past couple weeks :/
[quote name='The Mana Knight']We actually have a pretty good number of CAGs playing it. It's currently our biggest game night (with the most people showing up). We usually have around 8-14 CAGs playing this at once, which is pretty good. This was not a light unfortunately where we just kind of took turns with the party leadership (when we do that, we'll play for as long as people are on). Even our most successful game, Warhawk, had a max of 20 people playing once (and that was just after the trophy patch). It's tough to fill up games because not everyone can make it within the time (It can be tough, especially on weekdays, figuring out a way to play east coast and west coast), day, or some don't even know there is a clan night (I sent a message to some letting them know, and they didn't know it was tonight).

Also, our FPS group is divided (some just WaW, some just R2, some have both. Some just went to SOCOM).[/QUOTE]

i havent had a ps3 very long. it just seems like a lot of cags dont play it online, atleast in comparison to 360.

i think it also has a lot to do with me not having many friends on ps3.
my 360 list is full of personal friends and cags and theres always people on.

ill probably go through this thread and the socom thread and try and add some cags.

feel free to pm me here for games as well. im on this site way too much.
[quote name='paz9x']i havent had a ps3 very long. it just seems like a lot of cags dont play it online, atleast in comparison to 360.

i think it also has a lot to do with me not having many friends on ps3.
my 360 list is full of personal friends and cags and theres always people on.

ill probably go through this thread and the socom thread and try and add some cags.

feel free to pm me here for games as well. im on this site way too much.[/QUOTE]The PS3 community on CAG (some forums its larger than the 360 one, such as Gametrailers) is much smaller, without a doubt. While I have a bunch of buddies that play R2, but then again, my buddy list is near maxed out and I've had to remove several before (I will not accept anymore buddies right now) unless someone already requested me. Over a year ago, the CAG PSN Gaming community was basically non-existent. Throughout the entire year, some people and I have tried to really push on creating CAG PSN Gaming (I'm the coordinator of the group) and having game nights.

If you are curious as to what people have or want to get in on more PSN Gaming at CAG, post and read this thread (it posts the schedule, who administrates what game, and so on):

Let's just say that for 4 player games, we are happy if 3 show up.

For 8 player games, we are happy if at least 6 show up.

For large games, we are happy if at least 10 show up (12-16 is usually great). Anything above 16 is too awesome (rarely happens. Only once in CoD4 and a few times in Warhawk).
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Competitive lately has REALLY sucked, so many delayed/laggy kills/damage/people/etc.

I keep running into invisible grenades that don't have the indicator pop up, I get killed behind cover, I get hit before the guy even shows up on my screen, it's just been really aggravating. The only saving grace is the sniper rifle, for whatever reason, hits register on time and never give me any problems, but there have been a lot of network/server problems for me the past couple weeks :/[/QUOTE]

I had similar problems earlier this afternoon playing a few rounds. I even had a guy tell me I should die because he used up a LAARK on a lagger and I got the fareye headshot. I thought it was kinda humorous because it really wasn't my fault.
I've had similar problems, I've fired 40's into groups of people or just one person, it explodes on them or right next to them and they don't die, not even a hint of damage, and they proceed to shoot me up, my health at full then voila almost dead, not even showing the gradual decline of my health bar >.>

I'll also lay a whole clip into an enemy before it shows him die, so sometimes I have to count out the bullets/damage, then move on. The weird thing is that it also seems to be dependent on the weapon I'm using, close range weapons like Wraith, Carbine, Bullseye, and Shotgun all seem to give a delay from when I'm shooting to actually showing me do damage, whereas with the Marksman or Fareye the damage is instant o_O

My biggest annoyance right now are the phantom grenades, I SEE people throw them, but I don't see the grenade itself or the indicator letting me know the grenade is in the vicinity. I've run into too many grenades like that and it's just a drag.
I played Resistance 2 for about 30-minutes last night but could not get into a CAG game. I was able to join Shini's Party but of course that does not get you into a game. Gave up and started up Gears of War 2. Found a friend playing and pressed Join Game and played to 1:30 am.

I will try to make Friday's Warhawk night. Always a good time (& I can just click on TMK's name to join his server!).
Yeah, the R2 party system is totally convoluted. There were a few times that I dropped out of Mana/Shini's party accidentally (by pressing O), and couldn't figure out how to get back in. It's this kind of stuff that makes the PS3's interface look bad.

That said, great game last night. I'll make a point of showing up weekly. 9pm-11pm EST on Wednesdays is pretty much perfect for me.
[quote name='silks'] It's this kind of stuff that makes the PS3's interface look bad.

That said, great game last night. I'll make a point of showing up weekly. 9pm-11pm EST on Wednesdays is pretty much perfect for me.[/QUOTE]It actually has nothing to do with the PS3 Interface, it's all what Insomniac built into the game. Every single online game on PS3 uses its own interface. There needs to be a patch to fix it. Also, when you wondered about why Home doesn't support game launching for R2, it's because of two reasons:
-Most developers haven't been given the tools to implement home launching until recently (Warhawk was kind of used as the test game, so Incognito/SCEA Santa Monica got it first, kind of like how SSD HD developers got trophies added to their development kits before anyone else).
-The way PSN works, it's technically not possible for Home (or any XMB cross invite) to overwrite how a game is already set, so in order for a game to support home launching, it needs to be patched in by the developer, to make it work for their game. I do see R2 getting it in a future update.

If people drop out of the game, no worries, I'll just quickly make a new game because I understand it happens.

I will admit, I have not had a single network error in R2 in over a month, on my end, which is good (but I did do several router configurations though).
id think the issue lies on sony not requiring specific features.
either way, it is free so one can only complain so much.
[quote name='paz9x']id think the issue lies on sony not requiring specific features.
either way, it is free so one can only complain so much.[/QUOTE]A lot of it comes down to (which is true), when Sony designed the PS3, they did NOT design it around online integration like MS did with the 360. Sony was aiming for the most powerful device using the Cell Professor and Cell GPU (which was eventually scrapped) along with several media capabilities. THe majority of online features (where the PS3 can do pretty much anything 360 can) were not even in development kits until after PS3 came out (unlike how MS had it in before 360 came out). The first Resistance was built on an online system before PSN was even finalized (which explains why it doesn't support XMB invites and doesn't use XMB buddies). It's another long story though, but it really comes down to Sony not having many things ready online until later on (which they'll most likely fix with PS4).

Regardless, I still feel R2 is superb online, setup wise. It isn't like CoD4 and some other games where the party system absolutely doesn't work, invites don't always work, cannot even see if someone is playing a game or in a lobby (no way to join someones party unless you get an invite), and so on. Believe me, I've seen way worse on PSN (way worse, like some games you can't even play with friends online).

Anyway, I'm posting in this thread because there's an R2 Tourney going on next week. The winner can get $50k. There are prizes for winners also:

Sign-ups start next week. I need to look into this. I bet my 32 deaths yesterday during a co-op match would put me in first place. :lol:
It seems I will need to check more this thread, I usually join but I don't use my headset too much, overall it's really fun playing with CAG members, I think I will be able to join tomorrow too.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Anyway, I'm posting in this thread because there's an R2 Tourney going on next week. The winner can get $50k. There are prizes for winners also:

Sign-ups start next week. I need to look into this. I bet my 32 deaths yesterday during a co-op match would put me in first place. :lol:[/quote]
Hey now, all the more reason to come up with a R2 competitive group :whistle2:k

It's interesting that they make it 4v4 yet the squads are five a piece :/
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Anyway, I'm posting in this thread because there's an R2 Tourney going on next week. The winner can get $50k. There are prizes for winners also:

Sign-ups start next week. I need to look into this. I bet my 32 deaths yesterday during a co-op match would put me in first place. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Your 32-death Co-Op was epic. Nuff said.

Color me interested regarding the tournament, although I'm not sure if I'd make the cut. You gotta tell Darkness to buy the game again, since I know he was really good before his game freakishly crashed.

Shini could definitely lay the smack down.
We'd have to be hella coordinated though, if we even decide to try it :p

I've already run into clans that wreck the crap out of our team, but that's usually because they actually cover each others backs, whereas random people could care less you :(

When you try to do stuff like this though, you'd have to be willing to work out strats with your team, know where each other are, who goes where, areas to check, and not freak out or go rogue if a wrench is thrown into the plan, basically actually take the game seriously and not just a game, which is why I'm 50/50 on this. I'd love to compete n' all, but taking a game seriously just doesn't fly well with me either, but hey, if there is enough interest, I'd be willing to head a group and give it a shot, I'd guarantee at least it wouldn't be the disappointment that was in the Warhawk tourney ;)

I've seen enough bad stuff happening in scrims in CS:Source -_-

I have some people in my friends list that could hold their own, and if they don't plan on going with another group, I could see if they would be in as well.
heh, I haven't done well in R2 competitive at all. I think I've only played like 6 or so matches total. For some reason I can't get into it. /shrug

If my save wasn't corrupted I would have probably played more, but I am expecting to get like 5 or 6 new PS3 games for Christmas. Plus, I think KZ2 will end up being a more polished shooter overall.

Anyhoo, I've had a blast playing w/ CAGs. Hope to meet up w/ you all in some future games.
[quote name='Inf^Shini'] whereas with the Marksman or Fareye the damage is instant o_O

how the hell do you use these fangled ranged sniper weapons. I can barely get a kill with the fareye an entire match. And i noticed thats how much most people get their insane kill counts with fareye (and lesser degree marksman).

so with my inept sniper skills, i had to learn the carbine/40 route.
I was on for around 2 hours. Only two showed up tonight (at different times, and didn't see anyone in the clan on. I have to get off to bed.

I kind of blame myself for the short notice. I haven't seen Shini or others around.

I might have to work on changing a few game nights around.

Since I feel a bit bad about getting off earlier tonight, I'll see if I can work out another game during the week.
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i went on last night. two from the clan were on in seperate gaes that i wasnt able to join.
i think fewer "cag" nights would be better. maybe its being diluted a bit.
[quote name='paz9x']i went on last night. two from the clan were on in seperate gaes that i wasnt able to join.
i think fewer "cag" nights would be better. maybe its being diluted a bit.[/QUOTE]I'm probably going to keep it to strictly Wednesday, although I'll get input from people in the CAG PSN Gaming thread on what to do (and see what night works best for people). It will be good because I want to fit in other games.
I have not been on in a few days, Christmas season is killing me, I just do not have the time! After the holidays I will be back in more often!
went back online yesterday and didnt see you mana. oh well, the holidays.

but i was playing competitive with this guy crazy xd and he/she must have had a cheat. the guy was moving so fast zigzagging that one moment he was quarterway across the screen on my left and the next moment he was in my face on the right. it must be at least 30 frames of motion that never got picked up on my screen. he was moving like the flash. i could only shoot where he was split seconds ago. from across the screen, i could see when he jumped, his avatar would jump 5-6 stories high. the last i saw he had a 30 kill / 5 death ratio. i got lucky enough to hit him with 40s a few times. . there was no lag on my end since everyone else had normal speed and movement and games before and after had no problems. is there way to report this guy? or is he that good? i ended up with ~20 kills so i didnt do that bad.
[quote name='enufs8d']went back online yesterday and didnt see you mana. oh well, the holidays.

but i was playing competitive with this guy crazy xd and he/she must have had a cheat. the guy was moving so fast zigzagging that one moment he was quarterway across the screen on my left and the next moment he was in my face on the right. it must be at least 30 frames of motion that never got picked up on my screen. he was moving like the flash. i could only shoot where he was split seconds ago. from across the screen, i could see when he jumped, his avatar would jump 5-6 stories high. the last i saw he had a 30 kill / 5 death ratio. i got lucky enough to hit him with 40s a few times. . there was no lag on my end since everyone else had normal speed and movement and games before and after had no problems. is there way to report this guy? or is he that good? i ended up with ~20 kills so i didnt do that bad.[/quote]

Lagger. He was warping. You'll see one of those every once in a while.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']While I normally CAG games will not go on during Saturday's, I will still have CAG night today (Saturday) so the new people can get in.[/QUOTE]

i didnt understand that.
[quote name='paz9x']i didnt understand that.[/QUOTE]
Sorry. In the future, there will probably not be CAG nights on Saturday. However, since a few I knew got R2 and would love to play Saturday, we'll go ahead and still have it in session this Saturday (I'll be there).
[quote name='Amerijapoxicano']I'm playing right now. Send me an invite, please. el_lobo is the name. I'm actually playing well in competitive, but will play co-op, too.[/QUOTE]Search for the CAG clan, the one headed by Inf_Shini.
To let everyone know again, I'm starting in 10 minutes (or getting on by then).

I'm going to delay R2 until 9:30pm EST.
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Thanks for tonight guys, especially Mana for getting me into the game :)

I was playing co-op with the wife, we had a blast. Hopefuly we'll be on again soon.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Thanks for tonight guys, especially Mana for getting me into the game :)

I was playing co-op with the wife, we had a blast. Hopefuly we'll be on again soon.[/QUOTE]Yeah, that was great. Sorry I threw you out of the party earlier, but there was a small problem with the party, so I had to re-invite everyone. Ever since that, I never had an issue again.

Still tons of fun. Well, I was playing since 9:15pm EST. It started off slow, but then gained people as time went on. That's why I'm highly considering moving R2 until later on, since I've noticed most don't show up until later.
I joined a little late, but it was fun as always, remember one map I wanted to change to special ops and was already playing as medic so had to die, and went in front of the chimeras so they could kill me and just started to melee them, but at the end didn't died, maybe the medics did an awesome job there, I though it was funny.
To let everyone know, there will be a game tonight. Hopefully people remember to show up. I'm still debating whether Saturday or Wednesday is the better day.
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bread's done