So You Think You Can Ride RPG Thread XIV's Chocobo!!!?

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Finished El Shaddai and I am now moving on to White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2. I forgot how much better ps3 games looked than ps2 and GC games.
[quote name='willardhaven']I can't believe how rarely I have played JRPGs over the last couple years. Disgaea 4, the DS Dragon Quests, Tales of Vesperia and Eternal Sonata are the only "recent" RPG's I've really liked.[/QUOTE]
I think the last JRPG I liked was Atelier Totori. Before that, probably Tales of Vesperia. Been playing a hell of a lot of WRPGs though.

Speaking of which, Amalur is quite fun. I love the combat.
With my backlog, the next JRPG I'm going to play might be FFXIII in April. Yes, the first one which I still haven't played. Although that will probably be pushed back by the new Tales game coming out in March I think.
[quote name='willardhaven']I can't believe how rarely I have played JRPGs over the last couple years. Disgaea 4, the DS Dragon Quests, Tales of Vesperia and Eternal Sonata are the only "recent" RPG's I've really liked.[/QUOTE]

I'm in a similar boat. I'm almost disgusted when I look at my completed games list.

Started playing Nier again. Finally plan on getting all the endings. I wanted to 1000/1000 this game but it just seems to tedious.
I really loved the couple of hours I put into Kingdoms of Amalur last night. As a lot of the reviews have mentioned, it doesn't do anything that plenty of other games haven't done before, but it does everything very very well. It feels like a perfect cocktail of WRPG conventions. Of course I've barely scratched the surface, but it's definitely passing the "really wish I wasn't at work so I could go home and play this" test.
i haven't been playing many jrpgs...
haven't been playing many wrpgs either.

i've also lost the "gotta have it as soon as it comes out mentality" so there usually isn't a pressing need for me to beat the latest game as soon as it comes out... i can wait now. it's probably because before, when a game came out, everyone was talking about it and if you didn't play it, you would be out of the loop. now most people have a billion games in their backlog so there is no loop anymore.
[quote name='bvharris']I really loved the couple of hours I put into Kingdoms of Amalur last night. As a lot of the reviews have mentioned, it doesn't do anything that plenty of other games haven't done before, but it does everything very very well. It feels like a perfect cocktail of WRPG conventions. Of course I've barely scratched the surface, but it's definitely passing the "really wish I wasn't at work so I could go home and play this" test.[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear some good from this game, I was worried it was just hype. I'll grab it at $30 as long as nothing game-breaking happens.
[quote name='bvharris']I really loved the couple of hours I put into Kingdoms of Amalur last night. As a lot of the reviews have mentioned, it doesn't do anything that plenty of other games haven't done before, but it does everything very very well. It feels like a perfect cocktail of WRPG conventions. Of course I've barely scratched the surface, but it's definitely passing the "really wish I wasn't at work so I could go home and play this" test.[/QUOTE]

How's the writing, though?
So I uh rented dark souls skyrim making me a fan of RPG'S. Well this game is nothing like skyrim. If it wasn't for that drop down attack on the bosses that take away half life I never would have gotten past the 1st one or the 2nd one now this dragon is being an asshole and using a flame carpet attack which kills me in one hit.
[quote name='The Crotch']Hmm.

How's the writing, though?[/QUOTE]
It's on par with most of Bethesda's offerings. The combat is the main draw. It's a lot of fun and the variety of character types you can play as is awesome.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's on par with most of Bethesda's offerings. The combat is the main draw. It's a lot of fun and the variety of character types you can play as is awesome.[/QUOTE]

I'd say it's better. Story is pretty generic so far, but I'm not that far into the game to really say much on that.
[quote name='The Crotch']Kwestion: how much enjoyment would I lose if I skipped over the first Witcher and went straight for its sequel?[/QUOTE]

I concluded for myself that I'd probably be missing out on a lot of the story's continuation, going off of what other have said about the sequel. Didn't have the gaming heart to finish the first Witcher -- wish I had though. It's cheap as dirt and worth playing if you're up to the endeavor.
Perhaps I shall. I didn't pay much attention to the first game; the little bit that I did see of it was... kind of a turn-off.

Unlike Tribes Ascend, which you should totally come play with me.
[quote name='bvharris']I really loved the couple of hours I put into Kingdoms of Amalur last night. As a lot of the reviews have mentioned, it doesn't do anything that plenty of other games haven't done before, but it does everything very very well. It feels like a perfect cocktail of WRPG conventions. Of course I've barely scratched the surface, but it's definitely passing the "really wish I wasn't at work so I could go home and play this" test.[/QUOTE]

I hadn't even heard of this game till you posted but it looks and sounds awesome. I will definately put this on my list of games to eventually get.
[quote name='camoor']I hadn't even heard of this game till you posted but it looks and sounds awesome. I will definately put this on my list of games to eventually get.[/QUOTE]

Where have you been for the past two months?
[quote name='The Crotch']Perhaps I shall. I didn't pay much attention to the first game; the little bit that I did see of it was... kind of a turn-off.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played the second one yet, but I can say that the first game was a very pleasant surprise for me, and I think you should at least give it a try considering how cheap it can be had for. I think you may like it.
[quote name='Rodimus']Got all the endings in Nier.

The saddest game I ever played, but it's a good feeling.....[/QUOTE]
No fucking kidding.

Some of that shit is gonna stay with me a while.
Saddest part for me was the scene in the Junk Heap that you can only view after the you beat the game once. The scene with
the child shade and his mom holding each other, and he says something like "mommy don't leave me." But she distracts the humans and gets killed so the child can run away. Then he finds his big robot friend and then you have to go and kill both of them. I felt like an ass

I don't think a video game has ever effected me on a personal level as much as Nier did. I took my daughter to the beach, just to run around. She was having so much fun, and I couldn't get this song out of my head the entire time I was looking at her.
I need to track down my copy of Nier, since the disc seems to have disappeared. Either my son or my wife took it out of the PS3 and I haven't been able to find it.

In the meantime, I've been playing FFXIII. I think I'm starting to get a handle on the battle system finally.
[quote name='Rodimus']Got all the endings in Nier.

The saddest game I ever played, but it's a good feeling.....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I still think about some of that stuff if a similar character type shows up in another game. Absolutely amazing that a video game can stick with you like that.

The grandmother that is delusional after those kids died is one of the smallest, but saddest parts of that game.
Nier spoilers -
4 playthroughs of trying to reunite with your child and you have to erase your existence. Then you see your daughter.... not remembering a thing about you. That's deep.....
It hit me hard.
[quote name='panzerfaust']amalur is a good piece of fun, even better knowing you can skip all the dialogue and the game is better for it.[/QUOTE]

I liked the demo, Think I'll give it a rental.
Finished Shadow Hearts 2.What a awesome game.The endings were great too even though they were all sad endings,but at least they weren't bullshit happy endings.
[quote name='themaster20000']Finished Shadow Hearts 2.What a awesome game.The endings were great too even though they were all sad endings,but at least they weren't bullshit happy endings.[/QUOTE]

That's a series I'd like to see end up on PS2 classics. By the time I had heard of this series, the first and second Shadow Hearts were jacked up to $40+ used at Gamestop.
[quote name='coolz481']That's a series I'd like to see end up on PS2 classics. By the time I had heard of this series, the first and second Shadow Hearts were jacked up to $40+ used at Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

$40? I paid $20 for my copy of Shadowhearts: Covenant, and that wasn't too long ago.
[quote name='TheLongshot']$40? I paid $20 for my copy of Shadowhearts: Covenant, and that wasn't too long ago.[/QUOTE]

I think they've gone back down but now they are hard to find, at least around me.
[quote name='coolz481']That's a series I'd like to see end up on PS2 classics. By the time I had heard of this series, the first and second Shadow Hearts were jacked up to $40+ used at Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

Ditto. I really want to play them, but finding them anywhere has proved a nightmare.
[quote name='themaster20000']It's available on there site for 20[/QUOTE]

Did they get a reprint recently or something? I remember them not being available anywhere.

Still playing Skyrim, started a new character to do magic and sneaky things. I just can't seem to draw myself away, especially now that I have a new computer and mods are becoming available.
[quote name='momouchi']Did they get a reprint recently or something? I remember them not being available anywhere.[/QUOTE]

Not as far as I know, but all three games can be had locally used, at least in my area.

BTW, the first game is $30, second (Covenant) is $20 and third (From The New World) is $12.
my soon to be Duelist:


Faeblades are the sickest looking thing in this game :cool:
[quote name='camoor']Shadow Hearts - most overrated series ever[/QUOTE]

No. I really enjoyed the first two in the series. They had interesting characters and a great timing based attack (and items) system.

I played through all of the first and second, even doing the majority of the side quests. From the New World didnt seem to quite have the same magic so I never finished it.
[quote name='camoor']Final Fantasy - most overrated series ever[/QUOTE]

Fixed that for you.

Having played only the first two of the Shadow Hearts series,the only problem I really had with them is that their way to easy.The characters were all unique and likable.Yuri who I thought was an average protagonist in the first game,became an excellent one in the second.The stories while not special were good and had a good sense of humor to them.
[quote name='themaster20000']Fixed that for you.[/QUOTE]

Na, only overrated since PS1. I liked 7, but still.

IV and VI are still awesome.
Final Fantasy - most overrated series ever

Is it really overrated when this is the most thrown around opinion on the internet? The hate campaign has been going strong for over a decade now, and the whole debate is pretty much one big circle jerk.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Is it really overrated when this is the most thrown around opinion on the internet? The hate campaign has been going strong for over a decade now, and the whole debate is pretty much one big circle jerk.[/QUOTE]
When you say JRPG, you can't help but think of Final Fantasy. It's still big. I don't think it's overrated at all.
Just fought the last boss in Final Fantasy XIII-2, my thoughts:

I found the game to be very exciting and fun. It improved on a lot of things I hated about 13, making them more enjoyable in the process. I think Caius might be one of my favorite Final Fantasy villains behind Seymour and Kefka.

I'm pretty saddened by the ending. I grew really attached to Serah. She was such a great character and it was painful to see her go. Though I doubt she is really dead (the ominous "TO BE CONTINUED" hints at there being another sequel). I'm fine with another sequel or DLC to improve on the story, because you never see what happens with Lightning or Snow.

All in all, it's a great game that I can see myself playing in the future again. Wish it were a bit longer, but that's just me complaining to complain.
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