Sony Playstation Home - Gen. Discussion & Info - Open Beta Available Now

[quote name='Chacrana']Well, to be fair, Left 4 Dead isn't a 360 exclusive, and both systems have overhyped exclusives. And yeah, the 360's build quality is fucking awful, but there were more than 2 games worth playing on it this year.[/QUOTE]

yeah, I didn't want to mention the graphics, hell I thought I was the only one who noticed that the graphics weren't that great. Still got a higher rating than Resistance 2 (overal from Metacritic) which has a nice single player mode, and an extremely good multiplayer online system.
so yeah.. home.. went to the theatre and saw a twilight trailer. Then some sort of twilight music video. I left to go eat dinner and came back to the same music video. This thing is gonna suck until they get some content on there.
[quote name='mykevermin']Glad I'm not the only one up at this ungodly hour.

Now, tomorrow, you all shall know the massive boredom that is...HOME.

Twenty minutes. That's the over/under, from my vantage point, before you say it. Out loud. With nobody around.

"The fuck is this dumbass program?!?!"



Just sayin'. Have been sayin'. For some time, in fact. Welcome to the club.
[quote name='Wolfkin']so yeah.. home.. went to the theatre and saw a twilight trailer. Then some sort of twilight music video. I left to go eat dinner and came back to the same music video. This thing is gonna suck until they get some content on there.[/quote]I'm hoping when the full version launches, we won't see a Socom trailer for a month, then another shitty video for a month and so on.
Apparently, the hack allows users to access the servers. From Engadget:

"Read the exploit. SKFU found the script that uploads, downloads and deletes user profiles from the Home servers, and by intercepting and editing network packets, he could edit the URL to transfer to/from or delete any file on the Home servers."

No idea if there's any truth in this, but there ya go. Certainly the most interesting thing in Home so far.
[quote name='mykevermin']*cough*

Just sayin'. Have been sayin'. For some time, in fact. Welcome to the club.[/QUOTE]

Yup. When people get the most enjoyment from pretending they are women, you've done something wrong.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Yup. When people get the most enjoyment from pretending they are women, you've done something wrong.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. Drag shows are hella fun.

But that digression aside, I get your point. The "wait in line to play 2D Echochrome and Bowling" is the most laughably bad idea fucking *imaginable*. I can't believe that idea made it through as many people as it must have from conception to implementation.

The best part about Home isn't "The Crying Game" element; it's watching how people rationalize how good it is, or will be. Don't get me wrong. You hand me a sack of malted barley, some hops, and yeast, I'll have fun making a good beer out of them. But if all you want to do is drink, then you're gonna be one really un-fucking-happy person until two months later when it becomes beer.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Yup. When people get the most enjoyment from pretending they are women, you've done something wrong.[/QUOTE]

I remember doing that on Quantumlink .
[quote name='mykevermin']I disagree. Drag shows are hella fun.

But that digression aside, I get your point. The "wait in line to play 2D Echochrome and Bowling" is the most laughably bad idea fucking *imaginable*. I can't believe that idea made it through as many people as it must have from conception to implementation.

The best part about Home isn't "The Crying Game" element; it's watching how people rationalize how good it is, or will be. Don't get me wrong. You hand me a sack of malted barley, some hops, and yeast, I'll have fun making a good beer out of them. But if all you want to do is drink, then you're gonna be one really un-fucking-happy person until two months later when it becomes beer.[/QUOTE]


What it boiled down to me was, after I spent about 45 minutes tooling around with it, I wondered why I didn't play Ratchet instead.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']True.

What it boiled down to me was, after I spent about 45 minutes tooling around with it, I wondered why I didn't play Ratchet instead.[/quote]

Your problem is that you are comparing apples and oranges. It's not a game. It's an online chat area with some games to play. If you have friends on the PSN then you can go on there and play bowling and chat it up.

It's not like Sony is pimping some amazing game. It's a chatroom with activities. If you are looking at it as some time-consuming, awe-inspiring game then you are fooling yourself.

I've had a few good times on there bowling and playing some billiards with friends. It's free, so I didn't expect much. Somehow I'm fairly pleased with what it is, because I didn't come in expecting it to be a detailed game.
I like the "chat room" asthetic to a point.
I'll probably only use it when there's something specific I want to see, and whatever laughs I get out of it along the way will be a bonus.

I certainly have no ill will towards this completely optional software.

[quote name='CocheseUGA']It's still a time-consumer, which to someone who doesn't have a lot of it, is important.[/quote]Well, now you know you don't have to bother with it anymore.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']It's still a time-consumer, which to someone who doesn't have a lot of it, is important.[/quote]

? Ok...don't use it. Home is what it is. It's nothing special, but it's not garbage because it doesn't meet your perfect criteria for what it should be. The entitlement of people cracks me up.
Why does everything echo in home? Every time I chat or hear someone talking it's echoing like crazy.
I get that sometimes. Depends on whether people have their speakers too loud and leave the talk option on.
There's also a slight delay which makes it worse when speakers and mics are together.
[quote name='dallow']I get that sometimes. Depends on whether people have their speakers too loud and leave the talk option on.
There's also a slight delay which makes it worse when speakers and mics are together.[/quote]

What do you mean leave the talk option on? Is there an open mic option? I'm not really fond of holding R2 down the whole time.
Hehe, that's what I mean, some people just have it held down at all times.
They should make a "lock" option.
Like if you hold it down for at least 10 seconds, it locks in until you hit it again.
[quote name='dallow']Hehe, that's what I mean, some people just have it held down at all times.
They should make a "lock" option.
Like if you hold it down for at least 10 seconds, it locks in until you hit it again.[/quote]

Yeah they need to add that ASAP.
I enjoy Home for what it is.. it kinda makes XBox Live feel.. empty. MS needs to do something with avatars or something, similar to DOA4's lobby.

Regarding the same trailers, music videos, music previews, etc.. yeah, that sucks, hope they get more content on there. But I'm enjoying it for what it is now. It makes me feel like there's actually other people out there with a PS3. Plus.. it was free, so..

*goes back to doing the Running Man in the middle of the mall for no reason*
[quote name='cartman58']? Ok...don't use it. Home is what it is. It's nothing special, but it's not garbage because it doesn't meet your perfect criteria for what it should be. The entitlement of people cracks me up.[/QUOTE]

The 'if you don't like it, don't talk about it/don't use it mentality cracks me up. I think it has potential, but it's not ready for even a beta. It's very niche, and not what Sony needs right now in distant third.
If Sony didn't release it now then they would have been criticized and when it did launch people would have said it wasn't ready for all the months we had to wait......much like now. I can't picture the Sony team just sitting around being lazy and not working on this project. I think they worked hard and will continue to. No one is arguing that Home is absolutely perfect right now. Far from it. But we don't want to dismiss it as worthless and something that Sony needs to drop.
[quote name='dallow']Yeah, it's nice to know there's lots of people out there with PS3s.

Most of them are dicks though. Ha.[/quote]

Just like XBL users.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I think it has potential, but it's not ready for even a beta.[/QUOTE]Sony's hand was forced. They've been telling us Home was on the way for so long they had to do something this year. and this is the best they could do "Open Beta".
I'm sure this has probably been said but...

I wish they'd done something like what Tiger Woods 08 (I think it was) did with the ps3 eye and modeling an avatar from your face - front and profile. That seemed to work pretty darn good if you had adequate lighting even though it did take a little while to render.
[quote name='Malik112099']1st Floor: Sully's Den (Door in the back to your left)

Keypad Code: 1024
Cryptic Code: 1577383

2nd: Floor: Film Room (Left Door)

Keypad Code: 41675

2nd Floor: Artifact Room (Right Door)

Keypad Code: 24312[/quote]

Cool, I might try that out, thanks.

My question is.. are there clues to the codes in the bar or something what they are?

Hah it would be cool if we get to unlock Nathan's "half-tucked" shirt for our avatar.
Within 20 minutes of starting home, I witnessed more than a dozen male citizens of Sony's online world surround the sole female of the area and begin doing the Running Man dance all over her. When she ran away, they followed in a cluster.

Why the hell is everyone that is defending Home falling back on the arguement that it is free? This shit is not free. It costs at least $400 dollars to play. Please correct me if I am wrong and you can, in fact, walk into Best Buy/Walmart/etc and ask for a PS3 but when they go to ring it up you say "oh, I am only going to be dry humping females in Home" and they fucking let you walk out without paying anything.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I'm hoping when the full version launches, we won't see a Socom trailer for a month, then another shitty video for a month and so on.[/quote]
Yep, I've been looking at the videos posted of iterations of Home in other Territories and the UK one has an entire theater lobby and then you walk to clusters of 4 or so screen entrances and you pick what you want to see. Once you enter the screening room it looks like what the US home's theater looks like.
[quote name='Malik112099']Why the hell is everyone that is defending Home falling back on the arguement that it is free? [/quote]

As part of an's free because the person did not pay for the game but the console. It's also safe to assume that most if not everyone did not just get the ps3 for Home. I know I sure as hell didn't.

For Home itself...I've been on and off since the beginning of closed beta. I don't care much for it and the only thing(s) I like to do other than doing stupid isht with my friends is play pool and saucer pop.

When they add more features, like a "private" group headset chat then I'll think more of it. But not much.

I also find the whole "open" beta thing kinda funny. If you think about it...they're following the same business model as the "free to play" mmos on the pc. They state themselves as beta but yet you can "buy" items with real money. So technically everyone is playing a "final" version until it's officially announced.
[quote name='Malik112099']Why the hell is everyone that is defending Home falling back on the arguement that it is free? This shit is not free. It costs at least $400 dollars to play. Please correct me if I am wrong and you can, in fact, walk into Best Buy/Walmart/etc and ask for a PS3 but when they go to ring it up you say "oh, I am only going to be dry humping females in Home" and they fucking let you walk out without paying anything.[/quote]

Then I'll argue that Gears 2 costs $410 to play (You need a Hard Drive, arguing otherwise is futile).
[quote name='KingBroly']Then I'll argue that Gears 2 costs $410 to play (You need a Hard Drive, arguing otherwise is futile).[/QUOTE]

You don't need a hard drive. Even if you did, the Pro model is only $300 with a 60GB HDD, so I don't know where you learned math.
[quote name='Malik112099']Why the hell is everyone that is defending Home falling back on the arguement that it is free? This shit is not free. It costs at least $400 dollars to play. Please correct me if I am wrong and you can, in fact, walk into Best Buy/Walmart/etc and ask for a PS3 but when they go to ring it up you say "oh, I am only going to be dry humping females in Home" and they fucking let you walk out without paying anything.[/quote]
I'd rather play $400 to dry hump some virtual chicks than pay $200 to stare at a virtual snow globe jiggle...

What's your point?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'd rather play $400 to dry hump some virtual chicks than pay $200 to stare at a virtual snow globe jiggle...

What's your point?[/quote]

The snow globe released on time without hype and does exactly what Microsoft says it will do.

That's my fucking point.

Well, I was really negative against home recently... but I must say. I've spent some more time in it and my rl friends are on it as well and its actually a lot of fun, its really relaxing and if they ever work the Launch game function than I can see it being really fun.

I would never buy any Home items... except maybe a sweet bear statue. But, I could definitely see me buying arcade games or a nice chess/pool set. I actually like chess now...

And its nice getting all those free Close Beta objects, crazy how much we got and how very few people have it all.
[quote name='jonlubbe']Home can actually be pretty entertaining, I really wish that everyone had a mic of some form to make communication a little easier.[/QUOTE]

Maybe if the manufacturer packed one in people would have one to use .
I wouldn't want a headset if I could get a new game for the same price .
bread's done