Starcraft Game Arrangement Thread. Also, buy House of the Dead: Overkill

[quote name='The Crotch']A couple of excellent games last night. I lost a 3v1 against Zinrae, CK64, and Pancake. However, Inu's last Marine and I beat the same combination in the subsequent game. Definite proof that Corsairs+Goons > Mutas+Guardians.

Also, pretty much anything > CK64. Pay attention, damn you![/QUOTE]
Not that it really matters in my case as I died within the first 2 minutes, but I think 3 of us dropped from that game at once.

We were all sitting in the channel going wtf as you and Zinrae continued I guess. So technically according to bnet I haven't lost yet. Just an erroneous disconnect.
I still maintain that not only was that a retarded god damn list, but that all lists of that sort are pointless and idiotic excuses for actual fucking content.


I'm playing about the 6th or 7th level of the Protoss campaign, regular Starcraft, as I type this. You're in a ship environment and have to get Zeratul. But there's infested terrans in here, and those will flat out kill your entire force in seconds, so you have to use Hallucinate to draw them out.

So I have to stop and let Tassadar's power recharge. Bleh.

If I don't finish the SC campaign tonight, I'll finish it tomorrow.

Oh good. Almost time for Smash update.
[quote name='The Crotch']Why am I always the organzing guy?


I'll get things together on the weekend...[/quote]

Because you are the only one who *really* cares?

Anyway I might be up for some SC this weekend.
I'll be available later tonight. As I've told Crotch in the past, I generally can't get on until sometime after 10:30.

Comp curbstompin's sound like fun.

Also, I finished off the original campaign, and have finished two of the battles in the Toss BW campaign (Episode 4). Good stuff so far.
[quote name='The Crotch']I'm up for some play tonight.

EDIT: 10:30 Central time (GMT -6:00), yeah?[/quote]

Crap.. I can't do that, I have to work tomorrow morning -- but I wanna play. I might be up for something late night Friday or Saturday though.
Playing through the campaign again I realize I'm much better than I was when I was 12. I remember having problems on that early terran mission where you had to defend your base and when I started it up today I said "oh shit not this mission..." This time I ended up going on the offensive and destroyed every Zerg building.
I might be up for something tonight..

Gonna play some Guitar hero II on the 360 for a bit. If anyone wants to play message 'dakkonn' on XBL. I'll check the thread every so often tho.
Holy crap work is slow today...

I wanna install SC on my work PC and play.. gotta remember to bring it tomorrow. If only I could get away with it!!
bread's done