Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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Welcome to the Steam deal thread V1! Read post # 2 for Steam FAQs and more.

This thread is no longer being updated. Please visit the V2 thread for Steam deal discussion. Thanks to everyone who made this thread a success.

Group Buys - Updated 05/20

Several multiplayer Steam games are available in 2-packs or 4-packs. These packs offer a discount over buying multiple copies of a game separately. We also maintain group buy trade threads for several games, so please use those threads if you're interested in setting up a group buy.

Free Stuff
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.
Past Special Sales
Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:
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From CAG groups:
Just Cause 2
Audio Surf

Bought Directly:
Beat Hazard

I know I could have saved on the Music Indie Pack but didn't want any of the other games. Can't wait for the Holiday Sale that is usually when I get a lot.
[quote name='paz9x']live achievements might push me into buying it. to each his own.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I love me some GFWL. However, Dirt 2 does have absolutely attrocious load times, even when playing from an SSD hard drive (though it does help). Code Masters seriously needs to learn about load management, and maybe not waste so many resources on the front end (which is probably the main problem). Still a fun and easy game though.
Maybe it's just me and maybe I've become a little jaded, but I bought NOTHING on this year's Steam sale. This year's Direct2Drive $6 sale earlier was crappy as well.

There was a few things on the Steam sale I almost bit on but it was hard to justify games that I've already seen for similar priced in either other sales or in-store on clearance. Even with Dirt 2 I'd rather just pay $10 for a used copy on XBox then $5 for the PC version...same with Metro, really. Only games I'd definitely rather have on PC are RTS's, certain puzzlers, and twitch MP shooters.
I ended up picking up DiRT 2 and Monkey Island 2 SE last night. Only titles that really interested me this time around (I had anything else I was really interested in already).
[quote name='JKSonic']Maybe it's just me and maybe I've become a little jaded, but I bought NOTHING on this year's Steam sale. This year's Direct2Drive $6 sale earlier was crappy as well.

There was a few things on the Steam sale I almost bit on but it was hard to justify games that I've already seen for similar priced in either other sales or in-store on clearance. Even with Dirt 2 I'd rather just pay $10 for a used copy on XBox then $5 for the PC version...same with Metro, really. Only games I'd definitely rather have on PC are RTS's, certain puzzlers, and twitch MP shooters.[/QUOTE]

Same with me. I was tempted by Metro 2033 but I know Steam will have it for $5 eventually. I was hoping for Dragon Age but no dice. Here's hoping the Christmas sale makes up for this one.
[quote name='JKSonic']Even with Dirt 2 I'd rather just pay $10 for a used copy on XBox then $5 for the PC version...same with Metro, really. Only games I'd definitely rather have on PC are RTS's, certain puzzlers, and twitch MP shooters.[/QUOTE]
I'm the opposite. I can't imagine playing anything on an inferior console system when I can get it on the PC, usually cheaper. Consoles are good for exclusives and sports games. Other than that, PC all the way.
I only purchased the Indie Clever Pack and Machinarium. My backlog is already extensive, so I didn't really need any of the other games. I've already got Kotor (which I didn't care for) and The Witcher (which I haven't touched), plus another 40 games between PC, Wii, 360 and PS3.
My final haul for this sale:

Deus Ex GOTY
Puzzle Agent
Jolly Rover
And Yet It Moves
CS Source
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Freedom Force
Just Cause 2
Puzzle Dimension
World of Goo
Dirt 2

Total 43.57
[quote name='Ardrid']Same with me. I was tempted by Metro 2033 but I know Steam will have it for $5 eventually. I was hoping for Dragon Age but no dice. Here's hoping the Christmas sale makes up for this one.[/QUOTE]

I sorta kinda wanted Metro and thought $10 was reasonable, but your post has convinced me to wait them out...thanks! :bouncy:
Boo, sale is over and it's back to the regular ol' Steam page. I'm giong to miss waking up to new daily deals. But at least we won't have to wait long until the Christmas sale.
Ended up getting:
King's Bounty pack
Left 4 Dead 2

Only played Torchlight so far, but it's insanely addictive, definitely worth the $5
[quote name='SelmaBlair']Most people are pretty disappointed in Steam's sales this year though. Last year I remember them being a lot better. So far I bought one of the indie packs.

I'm sure the christmas sale will be better though.[/QUOTE]

This year? The summer sale was pretty awesome :)
[quote name='JKSonic']Maybe it's just me and maybe I've become a little jaded, but I bought NOTHING on this year's Steam sale. This year's Direct2Drive $6 sale earlier was crappy as well.

There was a few things on the Steam sale I almost bit on but it was hard to justify games that I've already seen for similar priced in either other sales or in-store on clearance. Even with Dirt 2 I'd rather just pay $10 for a used copy on XBox then $5 for the PC version...same with Metro, really. Only games I'd definitely rather have on PC are RTS's, certain puzzlers, and twitch MP shooters.[/QUOTE]

Hard to say the sales are crappy when you have an admittedly limited focus on PC gaming in general.

I thought the sales were pretty good. The Indy packs alone were worth their weight in gold, and there were several other very good deals spanning many different genres.
I don't think I've ever seen a console debate here at CAG.

I must say, you're all so delightfully civil; It's nice to be among adults.

[quote name='PenguinJim']So... Steam deals?[/QUOTE]
Not sure what to say; People usually post their list of sale-priced acquisitions for a while, but that seems to have come and gone. This topic, I suppose, is now a placeholder until the Holiday Sale starts up a month from now.
THIS thread is incredible....will definitely be keeping my eye on this thread.

question: Will there be more steam deals the closer we are to christmas?
Thanks Diz!

There will be weekend deals from now until Christmas. Starting around Dec. 24, Steam will have a huge sale that will probably last until January 4 or so. We're keeping the thread alive year round, listing the big sales and the smaller ones, and spreading love for Steam.
I hope Steam has more deals around and/or right after Christmas that are better than the Black Friday deals which beyond a few Indie Packs was pretty weak.
That is a very interesting discussion. Me, I love my 360 and Xbox Live the most, but Steam and PC gaming are a very close second. But seriously, take it to the Steam discussion thread. We're here to talk about deals, not the advantages and disadvantages of PC gaming.
Perhaps there's something wrong with my eyes, but top tier console games don't look much worse than top tier PC games. Or the differences are too subtle or something.

Not trying to insult PC games here, but current consoles still look strong, compared to advances that were made in previous console lifespans.
I purchased one item BF/CM ... NBA2K11 for PS3 for $30 everything else was just sort of meh-tastic to my tastes. Nothing on steam looked remotely enticing.
[quote name='eastx']That is a very interesting discussion. Me, I love my 360 and Xbox Live the most, but Steam and PC gaming are a very close second. But seriously, take it to the Steam discussion thread. We're here to talk about deals, not the advantages and disadvantages of PC gaming.[/QUOTE]

Seconded, although what did you expect. PC game threads, especially steam threads often devolve in to these petty arguments. It's not like I hop in a XBL 12 month card thread and lament on their service though :roll:
[quote name='MSI Magus']I disagree on console life span vs computer life span for two big reasons. First off console gaming has generally been extremely reliable up to this gen which outside the 360 is still fairly reliable. The PS2 had some issues at launch with DRE, but Sony fixed them and most people still have working fat PS2's and their original GC.....hell most of us still have working Nintendos and Super Nintendos if we kept them, how many PC gamers can say that about a PC they bought 15 years ago?[/quote]

NES had problems reading CARTs. Eventually, would lead to complete failure. This was widespread. "Blow on your game!"

Xbox had widespread power cable/power supply failures. They even had to announce a recall on the cables involved to try and replace them. This was caught at the tail end of the console's life when they were ready to dump the console as a failure and move the generation to the 360 to get away from its many failures (sales, cost, marketshare). However, its power supply/cable issues also bled over into the steering wheel accessories for both the Xbox and 360, causing them to be plagued with the same issues.

360's failures are well known RROD, DDE, etc. No need to beat a dead horse, except to remind that this was a case where a $400 launch console that sounded like an aircraft carrier blended with a race car track during Daytona would fail within a year AT LEAST 33% of the time. Where every IGN editor (every single one) had their launch console die within one year's time. Where one of their programs is named, "Three red lights."

Firmware updates are constantly causing failures on consoles, including Wii, 360, and PS3. This happens with every firmware update. Sometimes, it is more widespread than others, but especially around the BIG updates they do during the Fall (The Fail?).

So I think you're using the history of consoles to mask the current reality of consoles. They fail a lot more often than most electronics and easily on the scale of a pre-built gaming PC.

[quote name='MSI Magus'] The second big reason is because with a PC if you do not know what your doing your fucked when a single thing goes wrong. If something goes wrong with my console in the first year or two I generally can just return it to the store I bought it, if its after that a lot of times you can send it in to the manufacturer and they fix it for $100 regardless of whats wrong with it. If your a PC gamer and you are good with PCs you can fix it yourself...but often only after hours worth of diagnostic work and headaches and then discovering you need a new $200 graphics card. If you are a PC gamer and you do not know how to fix a PC(which is still most of the worlds population)you would be looking at $50-$200 to take it in to a PC expert and have them determine the problem, then another $100-$400 for parts and labor. Generally if something on your PC breaks and you can not fix it yourself your looking at $150-$300 easy.

Unless of course you treated your gaming PC like your console and bought it pre-built and have a warranty on it. If you go past the typical warranty period and did not buy the EXTENDED warranty, then you pay to have it repaired/replaced, just as you would on a console. The only difference is that you have the OPTION to save some money, build your own PC, and take on the warranty/repairs of the computer as a whole (with individual warranties on the different components) yourself.

You speak as though the gaming PC must be bought and built. This is not so. It can be pre-built. And you can buy a mostly built PC and update the video card alone to make a gaming PC out of most of the cheaper desktops.

[quote name='MSI Magus']
So, as I said I disagree strongly there. I find consoles more reliable before this generation and pretty on par this generation. And I also find that fixing a PC that breaks down is pretty on par to a console that breaks if your a fix it yourself person, but vastly more expensive and annoying if your not.[/quote]

Wrong. Fixing a PC is a lot simpler due to how easy it is to get into the case because it's BUILT for you to do so. If you are fixing it yourself, it's easier for the user to get into the OS (because the gaming OS is not built to be manipulated), easier for you to get inside the hardware (because the console's case is not built to be opened), and easier for you to figure out what's wrong because the whole thing is built by you (if it IS built by you). Even if you buy a pre-built one, it is still easier to open and access than the console's. In the scenario where you are fixing it yourself, PC's are easier to fix. No if's, and's, or but's.

Consoles do not allow you to open them completely without violating your warranty and do not allow you any capacity to manipulate the underlying software or even regress firmware updates.

If BUYING repair services, the consoles may be cheaper, depending on what is wrong with the computer. But the computer is capable of so much more than the console, it becomes a cost-benefit scenario where you pay $100 to get your gaming console back or you pay $200 to get your gaming computer that also houses your music, your videos, your photos, can allow you to use MS Office, produce videos, edit photos, stream movies (to your consoles ironically enough), etc.

[quote name='MSI Magus']
As we seem to agree on at this point though I think this really comes down to your needs and your means. If you can build, fix and maintain your own PC then I think it works out quite a bit better for you, especially given the fact that PC developers are not pushing technology these last 5-6 years like they had the last decade or two. If you can not, well chances are you are not nearly as big of a PC fan.[/QUOTE]

PC developers have all become indie developers. All the hardcore PC developers of yesteryear, sans Valve and Blizzard, have become console developers first, PC porters, and the lack of hardware change in the consoles has led to the games not pushing PC hardware hard at all. We're in year 5 of the 360. It only took a year for the gaming PC to match 360 visuals at higher resolutions and everything since then has been gravy.

The longer that the console makers keep this generation going, the better the PC value proposition will become. It does not take much on the PC side to match the specialized, cut-down version of the Geforce 7900 in the PS3 or the very specialized prototype of the Radeon 2600 in the 360. To say nothing of the Gamecube-level hardware of the Wii.
One thing about weekend sales right now though. If you considering getting them you'll have to be wondering, if I buy this now how much cheaper might it be in a few weeks.
[quote name='Terlan']One thing about weekend sales right now though. If you considering getting them you'll have to be wondering, if I buy this now how much cheaper might it be in a few weeks.[/QUOTE]

But maybe it won't.

This isn't exactly anything new, in terms of gaming cheapassery. It applies to retail, too.
[quote name='eastx']That is a very interesting discussion. Me, I love my 360 and Xbox Live the most, but Steam and PC gaming are a very close second. But seriously, take it to the Steam discussion thread. We're here to talk about deals, not the advantages and disadvantages of PC gaming.[/QUOTE]I moved all the posts in question to the thread above.
[quote name='aosora13']I hope Steam has more deals around and/or right after Christmas that are better than the Black Friday deals which beyond a few Indie Packs was pretty weak.[/QUOTE]
They're always better around Christmas. Around that time period of the sale, a TON of games are available at discounts AND they offer the daily deals on other games (or games that were already available at a discount due to the sale).

My games list is mostly compiled of games I got during the Thanksgiving and Christmas sales of last year.
Thanksgiving sale kinda let me down, so I'm really hoping the Christmas sale delivers. In particular, I'm looking for Dragon Age Ultimate, Witcher Enhanced, and Crysis Max.
[quote name='eastx'][youtube]XnpbU2qSsq4[/youtube]

Swords and Soldiers HD is now available on Steam! It's even on sale for $7.99, marked down from regular price of $9.99. It's a very cool (and pretty) strategy game.[/QUOTE]

7 dollars if you go to the official website and order it there with the coupon code 'sinterklaas'. Either way you get a steam key.

(although the code might end in 5 minutes for all I know 11:55 here xD)
[quote name='Stry-ker']When does the weekend deal usually get posted? I thought I usually see it right when the midweek comes down[/QUOTE]

Used to be it would appear on Thursdays at around 4 PM PST.
I know people wouldn't like this post, but i really need to get rid of them... during the half life 2 fiasco, I didn't have time to sell two copies. I got two more copies of HL2 @ $2 each for anybody that wants it.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Perhaps there's something wrong with my eyes, but top tier console games don't look much worse than top tier PC games. Or the differences are too subtle or something.

Not trying to insult PC games here, but current consoles still look strong, compared to advances that were made in previous console lifespans.[/QUOTE]
Yes there is something wrong with your eyes :lol:
I too need to get rid of some left over copies:

Warhammer Dawn of War Chaos Rising: $5 (2 left)
GTA IV Episodes from Liberty City: $7.50 (3 left)
[quote name='Mike UFC']Used to be it would appear on Thursdays at around 4 PM PST.[/QUOTE]

No weekend deal? Or perhaps they're going to start a holiday sale this weekend? Hopefully, the latter.
So awhile back Steam announced you would be able to buy steam points/gift people steam points. Has anyone heard anything about these being sold in store anytime soon? I just got about $500 in gamestop credit for about $300 and it would be awesome to be able to turn some of that in to steam points.
[quote name='MSI Magus']So awhile back Steam announced you would be able to buy steam points/gift people steam points. Has anyone heard anything about these being sold in store anytime soon?[/QUOTE]

No. Just the Steam Wallet thing, which is honestly just for TF2 bullshit.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No. Just the Steam Wallet thing, which is honestly just for TF2 bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Sigh, was kind of thinking this would be the case...but really hoping we may see steam cards in stores soon.
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