Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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92 (100%)
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Group Buys - Updated 05/20

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Free Stuff
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Past Special Sales
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How is Magicka single player? Unfortunately the friend I'd like to play it with has a mac so he is out of luck, but it still looks kinda fun so I'm tempted to pick it up just for myself but I've heard it's super difficult with just 1 person.

Also does anyone have a Portal 1 Steam code (or can gift it) they are willing to sell cheap? I just pre-ordered Portal 2 PS3 from Amazon and I'd kind like to grab the first one also.
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[quote name='jimbodan']How is Magicka single player? Unfortunately the friend I'd like to play it with has a mac so he is out of luck, but it still looks kinda fun so I'm tempted to pick it up just for myself but I've heard it's super difficult with just 1 person.[/quote]
A lot of the fun of that game is getting accidentally killed by (and killing) your friends over and over again. It's okay in singleplayer, though. It's just that co-op takes it to a whole other level. Try the demo?

Also does anyone have a Portal 1 Steam code they are willing to sell cheap? I just pre-ordered Portal 2 PS3 from Amazon and I'd kind like to grab the first one also.
I'm still not sure if that's even possible. I don't think people will be able to sell those codes, as they might require the PS3 integration or whatever.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']It's also a place where people without anything to say repeat things other people have said right back at them in a way meant to be argumentative and contrary and make the person's comments seem irrational or silly, even though they haven't done anything other than repeat what the person said in the first place, and then when the person calls them out on it, they get all freaked out and, lacking a good response or actual reply or any ability to actually hold their own in a conversation, say something stupid like "lol what a tool." That's just an example though, totally hypothetical.

Seriously, I still don't get the point you were trying to make with that first post. You replied to me saying that I choose not to buy the game (because I'd only want it with all the DLC, but the DRM in the DLC prevents me from getting it; yes, I could avoid the DLC with DRM, but like I said, I'd only want the complete game, without DRM, which is impossible in this situation), by literally saying "but you're CHOOSING not to buy the game," and nothing else of substance, as though you'd made some new counter-point that should either get me to reconsider, or make me look silly. All you did was reiterate exactly what I said. I ask again: what the hell was your point?[/QUOTE]

I assumed he was trying to make the semantic distinction that you said you "can't" get Borderlands, whereas most people would've said they "won't" get Borderlands, because of the DRM.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']A lot of the fun of that game is getting accidentally killed by (and killing) your friends over and over again. It's okay in singleplayer, though. It's just that co-op takes it to a whole other level. Try the demo?

I'm still not sure if that's even possible. I don't think people will be able to sell those codes, as they might require the PS3 integration or whatever.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm DLing the demo right now probably the best way to find out I guess.

I'm talking about the codes for Portal 1 that come as the free bonus for pre-ordering Portal 2 on Steam, NOT the PC codes for Portal 2 that come with the PS3 version.
I played the hell out of Borderlands on 360, anyone have any reason to suggest the PC version? MODS etc?

I really liked Magicka for those on the fence about it. Its definitely got issues, but the game is weird and fun. I also feel good about supporting the devs.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']It's also a place where people without anything to say repeat things other people have said right back at them in a way meant to be argumentative and contrary and make the person's comments seem irrational or silly, even though they haven't done anything other than repeat what the person said in the first place, and then when the person calls them out on it, they get all freaked out and, lacking a good response or actual reply or any ability to actually hold their own in a conversation, say something stupid like "lol what a tool." That's just an example though, totally hypothetical.

Seriously, I still don't get the point you were trying to make with that first post. You replied to me saying that I choose not to buy the game (because I'd only want it with all the DLC, but the DRM in the DLC prevents me from getting it; yes, I could avoid the DLC with DRM, but like I said, I'd only want the complete game, without DRM, which is impossible in this situation), by literally saying "but you're CHOOSING not to buy the game," and nothing else of substance, as though you'd made some new counter-point that should either get me to reconsider, or make me look silly. All you did was reiterate exactly what I said. I ask again: what the hell was your point?[/QUOTE]

what was your point? that youre not buying the game because of drm? great to know.
What substance was there to your post? Somehow saying you cant buy it is of more value than saying you can but dont want to.
You're welcome to keep jabbering, your opinion has no value to me, I dont give a shit.

Like I said before, what a tool.
[quote name='jimbodan']I'm talking about the codes for Portal 1 that come as the free bonus for pre-ordering Portal 2 on Steam, NOT the PC codes for Portal 2 that come with the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

Or, I see. My bad. I was also confused, because the extra copies of Portal 1 will be Steam gifts, not codes. Someone would have to gift it to your account directly.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Or, I see. My bad. I was also confused, because the extra copies of Portal 1 will be Steam gifts, not codes. Someone would have to gift it to your account directly.[/QUOTE]

Ah gotcha, didn't know there was a difference, guess I'll edit my post
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Hi, welcome to the internet. There are many different places on the internet. We call these "websites." You are currently on a particular kind of website called a "forum." On such "forums," people can say things, and sometimes other people will say something in response to to something specific someone else has said, and occasionally, the first person will reply back the the second one, and so on and so forth. This can go on for quite some time. This is what we refer to as a "discussion," in internet parlance. This is somewhat similar to the real-world practice known as "discussion" or "conversation."

Now that you have a basic understanding of the internet, I hope you enjoy your trip down the information superhighway. Have fun surfing the net! :D[/QUOTE]

It's difficult to have a conversation when one of the parties doesn't speak the same language. I take it English is not your primary language ? Hence, your inability to grasp the meaning of my question.
I have to say I understand what he says clearly. English might not be his first langauge but I still think he knows what he is talking about very well. The Internet is a network of networks that connect to each other. The Internet is vast and there is usually hobbies, news, and/or websites pertaining to institutions, governments, and universities.

This website/forum is towards interests.

Back to the Steam Topic:

How is Magika? Is it really that good. I am not happy I missed the Bioshock 2 $5 dollard deal.
For those wondering about playing Magicka in SP...

I played through the entire game (twice almost) using the spells laid out in this thread:

It tells you the most powerful spells and the instances in which to use them. The game can be hard and downright unfair at times, but if you just memorize those spells and train your fingers to hammer them out, you'll be laying waste to fools in no time.

Of course the downside to this is that it gets a bit boring only using a few spells. Sure you could experiment, but I didn't feel the need to as I knew all the spells that caused super quick bad-guy death.

I think to get the true Magicka experience, you'll need to play with people (preferably friends) online. That way you can experience the madness of killing/being killed by some wayward spell and then laugh your ass off about it.
[quote name='paz9x']what was your point? that youre not buying the game because of drm? great to know.[/quote]
Yeah, this is a subject that many people talk about all the time around here.

What substance was there to your post?
Nothing more than the substance of my opinion, which the same substance that 99.99% of posts on this forum have. What substance was there to yours, other than trolling over a common sentiment that many people agree with, and trying to start an argument, because you wanted to go on a little trolling power trip?

Like I said before, what a tool.
Like I said before, what a desperate, no-substance reply because you don't actually have anything to say and never did, but you're a second-rate troll who can't even keep up but feels like he has to say something, so you pick a word as stupid as "tool." Stop trying.

[quote name='semifast']It's difficult to have a conversation when one of the parties doesn't speak the same language. I take it English is not your primary language ? Hence, your inability to grasp the meaning of my question.[/QUOTE]
No no dude, ya see, the reason I didn't answer your question directly, is because I was mocking you for asking something so ridiculous. I wasn't complaining that someone commented. I was replying to them and having a conversation, which you can't seem to understand, so I explained it to you, since you seem to be new to the internet and/or basic human communication. English is very much my native language, but I don't understand how you can even resort to that card, when you don't grasp the language well enough to understand sarcasm and mockery. If you are a native English speaker, with any reading comprehension or critical thinking abilities whatsoever, then you should have been able to see that there was and an to your question embedded in, and explained by, the sarcasm, which was something along the lines of "this is a forum, where people share their thoughts and opinions and talk about them, so what you're saying makes no sense. What did you think happens on a forum?" But hey, if you're going to make jokes about speaking English at the same time you demonstrate a lack of ability to comprehend anything other than the most direct and literal statements, well, I just won't say anything. You also seem to be speaking some sort of version of English where people put a space between the end of a sentence, and a question mark.
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[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Like I said before, what a desperate, no-substance reply because you don't actually have anything to say and never did, but you're a second-rate troll who can't even keep up but feels like he has to say something, so you pick a word as stupid as "tool." Stop trying.[/QUOTE]

I used the word tool, because you are a tool. I have no desire to get in an internet pissing match with a jerk-off that needs to demean people on an internet forum.

If thats because I am a second rate troll that cant keep up with the almighty then great. I know you're a prick as does every decent person who reads the trash you post. You can continue on without my help.
OK so question about Borderlands: I own the GOTY on DVD while my friends are planning to buy it through Steam, can we still play the Co-Op together? If not i could just buy it again on Steam but i really don't want to.
[quote name='abhinav']OK so question about Borderlands: I own the GOTY on DVD while my friends are planning to buy it through Steam, can we still play the Co-Op together? If not i could just buy it again on Steam but i really don't want to.[/QUOTE]

You can play it with them.
[quote name='paz9x']You can play it with them.[/QUOTE]

Hooray, thanks for the heads up. I'll try to get my friends to pick up the game
[quote name='sealionnn']Yeah, it uses Gamespy.[/QUOTE]

I don't think I have heard those two sentence segments together before.

Yeah + it uses Gamespy. It just doesn't compute :)
[quote name='pROvIs']I don't think I have heard those two sentence segments together before.

Yeah + it uses Gamespy. It just doesn't compute :)[/QUOTE]

GameSpy's middle-ware - that's why it's used b/c they have two different versions for DRM reasoning - Steam versions and Non-Steam versions (Retail, most Download stores NOT Steam).
This way w/ GameSpy in the middle - these all can play together.

These days, most companies want to get their game on Steam b/c Steam-versions often do VERY good numbers and b/c more of a cut goes to dev's and publishers (less middle-men involved).

So, whether you buy at Non-Steam (Securom protected) or Steam (Steam protected), you all can play together. :p

Might also want to check GameRanger b/c at one time, the community in the beginning was split on using GameSpy and GameRanger b/c many had issues out-the-box w/ connectivity and DMZing your PC to get it going w/ Gamespy (patch fixed it way later). When the issues were out there and NOT fixed, GameRanger unofficial supported the game and this is what most BL users used on the beginning before GameSpy Internet issues got fixed).

Last time I played BL [around when DLC Double Pack came out to Retail], the community was still split. Some was on GameSpy, some on Gameranger.
[quote name='Xealot42']Hmm Civ V for $30. Is any of the DLC worth picking up?[/QUOTE]

The only DLC worth picking up is the added races but even they are questionable. If you really like civ they are worth it otherwise there is plenty of game without them.
[quote name='pROvIs']Seems pricey for that. $15 or $20 would have been more reasonable.[/QUOTE]

Trilogy on PS3 is going to be $40, and this includes Conviction and the DLC, so it's not that bad of a deal at all. Not for me, but still not bad.
[quote name='Xealot42']
Is the DLC worth picking up?[/QUOTE]

I'm disappointed that we didn't see it hit at least the 50% sale mark. It's been 7 months, now, and as I understand it the game is selling well, and still top-5 on Steam (active players at any point in time), but the DLC is not selling as well. There's a lot of blowback from the community on Firaxis adopting the DLC model. Plus, there's a ton of mods available if you want more game.

That said, the Polynesian pack appeals to me. It's got a new game-mode that looks like fun.

The other new-leader updates, they don't appeal. There's already 18 civs in the base game; more than I've had time to play. I'll wait until all of the DLC content is rolled into a single upgrade.

But I can't see paying for maps under any circumstance, when you can just download a ton of maps for free, *in game*, from the modders.
[quote name='moojuice']Anyone having issues purchasing from steam right now?[/QUOTE]

Nope - just purchased the Civ V DLC civlizations with no problem.
I'll probably wait until all the DLC is together in one pack, or until they're at least .99. Maybe it's just me being stubborn, but I'm not paying that much for 1/100000000th of the game.
Huh, seems like Magicka Complete was holding up my transaction. It was 7.xx when it was in my cart, along with some Civ5 DLC when it wouldn't let me check out. Now Magicka complete is 15.xx, and it will let me check out...

Reconsidering my purchase now, was going to pick up the DLC since I was getting Magicka on the cheap (was going to buy it mainly because of the price, and play it further down the road), but with Magicka back up to 15, may just scrap my whole transaction together.
[quote name='Big Matty Kane']I'll probably wait until all the DLC is together in one pack, or until they're at least .99. Maybe it's just me being stubborn, but I'm not paying that much for 1/100000000th of the game.[/QUOTE]

Probably the smart move but I've been looking for a reason to play the game again anyways, so 40% off is good enough for me.

I do hate this DLC model 2K has adopted for Civ though. I'm gonna be mighty pissed if (when?) they release a proper expansion that includes all the DLC.
[quote name='moojuice']Huh, seems like Magicka Complete was holding up my transaction. It was 7.xx when it was in my cart, along with some Civ5 DLC when it wouldn't let me check out. Now Magicka complete is 15.xx, and it will let me check out...

Reconsidering my purchase now, was going to pick up the DLC since I was getting Magicka on the cheap (was going to buy it mainly because of the price, and play it further down the road), but with Magicka back up to 15, may just scrap my whole transaction together.[/QUOTE]

Yeah looks like they raised the price on Magicka. I was on the fence after trying the demo. But now with the price increase, no way. Probably for the best since it really seemed like it would be so much more fun playing with a friend and I would have been stuck plying alone.
Missed the deal on Borderlands! Grrr

Anybody still has an extra license to sell from the 4 pack deal?....would really appreciate it.
Hey, didn't see it mentioned, but the Splinter Cell pack, with SC1, SCCT, SCDA, and Shitter Cell Conviction Deluxe is $25.98 right now. Includes the DLC for SCC too. It's $.99 more than SCC DE by itself. And SCC is steamplay also.
[quote name='dabamus']Hey, didn't see it mentioned, but the Splinter Cell pack, with SC1, SCCT, SCDA, and Shitter Cell Conviction Deluxe is $25.98 right now. Includes the DLC for SCC too. It's $.99 more than SCC DE by itself. And SCC is steamplay also.[/QUOTE]

Just seen this also, think its worth it?
If you have never played SC1 or CT, then yes by all means. I believe those two are $20 total normally.

DA and SCC are just an added bonus in that case.
I'm trying to figure out which Civ V content I want. I want new civilizations and new leaders. I look at the summaries for all this content and it doesn't say something as simple as:

New leader, new civ. I get the map pack is not what I'm looking for, but what about the other bits? I see the two-pack has Spain and a new leader, so I'm assuming the other civ included in that is a real civ and a real leader. What about the rest? Sure would be nice if Civ V DLC was restricted to new civilizations and leaders so that every pack included a new civ, a new leader, and some new maps rather than my feeling fleeced to buy map packs too...

Especially when map packs are something the mod community should be fully capable of...
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I'm trying to figure out which Civ V content I want. I want new civilizations and new leaders. I look at the summaries for all this content and it doesn't say something as simple as:

New leader, new civ. I get the map pack is not what I'm looking for, but what about the other bits? I see the two-pack has Spain and a new leader, so I'm assuming the other civ included in that is a real civ and a real leader. What about the rest? Sure would be nice if Civ V DLC was restricted to new civilizations and leaders so that every pack included a new civ, a new leader, and some new maps rather than my feeling fleeced to buy map packs too...

Especially when map packs are something the mod community should be fully capable of...[/QUOTE]

All of the Civ's and leaders are based on real ones and have new scenarios. I'm not much of a scenario player as I like starting my own games with an open world. The extra races to add variety as not as many were included in Civ 5 but they are not essential.

The map packs were preorder bonus' and are not substantial. Basically, they had to add the maps as dlc to satisfy completionists who couldn't get all of them as a preorder bonus. They also have to artificially inflate the price so people feel like they got something of worth from their preorder. Often these things go free in the future.
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I'm trying to figure out which Civ V content I want. I want new civilizations and new leaders. I look at the summaries for all this content and it doesn't say something as simple as:

New leader, new civ. I get the map pack is not what I'm looking for, but what about the other bits? I see the two-pack has Spain and a new leader, so I'm assuming the other civ included in that is a real civ and a real leader. What about the rest? Sure would be nice if Civ V DLC was restricted to new civilizations and leaders so that every pack included a new civ, a new leader, and some new maps rather than my feeling fleeced to buy map packs too...

Especially when map packs are something the mod community should be fully capable of...[/QUOTE]

The DLC that have Civilization names in them. Those have new civs with 1 leader in each. There are 4: Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar II), Polynesia (Kamehameha), Spain (Isabel), and Inca (Pachacuti).

The Mongol civilization was delivered for free already.

If you click through the descriptions on each DLC, it says straight up if it contains new civs and new scenarios. I'm not sure that it could be any more straightforward.

You're right about the maps though. You can get plenty of adequate maps in the mods without bothering with the map pack DLC. As Provis stated, those were originally pre-order bonuses; you could get ONE map depending on where you preordered (Amazon, Best Buy, Steam, Direct2Drive). Now, you can download the ones you didn't get for a small fee. But - there are plenty of mod maps available to enjoy without paying.
Looks like today is:

Max Payne Collection: $3.73
Max Payne: $2.50
Max Payne 2: 2.50
Bully Scholarship Edition: $3.73

Too bad I just bought Max Payne Collection on D2D. Played Bully on 360 years ago and it was fun for a while but got old. Both are worth the money though.
Nice prices! Too bad I already have all of them.

Actually I think the only Rockstar games on Steam I don't have are Midnight Club 2 and Manhunt. :lol:
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I already own Bully from a previous sale haven't gotten around to playing it yet and I played both Max Payne games on PS2 so its a pass for me today, lets see what tomorrow brings
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