Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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This thread is no longer being updated. Please visit the V2 thread for Steam deal discussion. Thanks to everyone who made this thread a success.

Group Buys - Updated 05/20

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Free Stuff
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Past Special Sales
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Ha, I tried to buy Trine via the Steam website, then after I logged in I found out I already had it. I guess that's when you know you have too many Steam games, lol.
is Singularity worth the $7.49? The trailer has kind of got my hyped, and I keep hearing about how underrated this game is. If this was $4.99, I would have bought instantly on impulse. Any issues with the PC version that anyone knows of? I had a chance to buy this on console for $12.99 a while back, but always thought it would be better on PC, and I would wait for it on a steam sale for under $5. For $7.49 it's close enough, but I need a little push before I buy.
[quote name='tenzor']is Singularity worth the $7.49? The trailer has kind of got my hyped, and I keep hearing about how underrated this game is. If this was $4.99, I would have bought instantly on impulse. Any issues with the PC version that anyone knows of? I had a chance to buy this on console for $12.99 a while back, but always thought it would be better on PC, and I would wait for it on a steam sale for under $5. For $7.49 it's close enough, but I need a little push before I buy.[/QUOTE]

I picked it up. I went over to gamespot to check their user ratings on the PC version and out of 2000 user votes, it had an average of 8.2 rating. That seems easily worth $7.50 in my book and decided to give it a try.
Still holding out on a daily on FO3 GOTY.

Thinking on Singularity/Alpha Protocol/Frozen Synapse. Probably only going to grab one, anyone have a key recommendation if I kept it to one?
Damn.. Another day and still not a single purchase.

My opinion on some of the games I own:
1. Trine- Fun and good platformer. Another indie I actually enjoy playing. I like the fact that you can switch characters on the go, giving you a nicer variety.
2. Mount and Blade + Warband- Great games without any real story. Not a lot of depth but extremely fun during the battles. You fighting others in huge battles up to 200 people I think. Just dont expect a lot from the graphics.
3. Bully- Good game but very different from what Rockstar has done before. I would not compare it too much to GTA. I used mouse and keyboard and found them to be adequate.

Anyone has an opinion on Fire and Sword, and Alpha Protocol? I know they both received not so great reviews but have the developers improved on them with any updates?
See this is the problem with these threads I was almost sure I was going to do doom complete and wait on alpha protocol but now I'm thinking wait on doom complete and get alpha protocol and trine.

What I need is another source of income for these sales then about 2 months off so I can play the games.

I think I'm going to wait on FO: NV until I see how the steam deal plays out. I can always jump on the bb deal on saturday if I still have money.
Damn.. Another day and still not a single purchase.

My opinion on some of the games I own:
1. Trine- Fun and good platformer. Another indie I actually enjoy playing. I like the fact that you can switch characters on the go, giving you a nicer variety.
2. Mount and Blade + Warband- Great games without any real story. Not a lot of depth but extremely fun during the battles. You fighting others in huge battles up to 200 people I think. Just dont expect a lot from the graphics.
3. Bully- Good game but very different from what Rockstar has done before. I would not compare it too much to GTA. I used mouse and keyboard and found them to be adequate.

Anyone has an opinion on Fire and Sword, and Alpha Protocol? I know they both received not so great reviews but have the developers improved on them with any updates?
Mount and Blaaaaaaaade! Finally!

Probably gonna grab the Serious Sam HD pack too, they advertise the more expensive Gold edition but I don't see the appeal of having the original versions for an extra $2.

Almost bought Doom 3 'til I remembered I still have that on disc somewhere :roll:
[quote name='lassiterb']ha, i tried to buy trine via the steam website, then after i logged in i found out i already had it. I guess that's when you know you have too many steam games, lol.[/quote]

lol!!!! :)
Still unsure about Frozen synapse... looks weird.
The fact that Trine was previously in a Humble Indie bundle would make me somehow feel ripped off :p So I think I'll pass on Trine.
Still looking at M&B: Warband and Frozen Synapse...
[quote name='tenzor']is Singularity worth the $7.49? The trailer has kind of got my hyped, and I keep hearing about how underrated this game is. If this was $4.99, I would have bought instantly on impulse. Any issues with the PC version that anyone knows of? I had a chance to buy this on console for $12.99 a while back, but always thought it would be better on PC, and I would wait for it on a steam sale for under $5. For $7.49 it's close enough, but I need a little push before I buy.[/QUOTE]

If you can find one at Blockbuster they have the console version for 9.99 with the B1G1 free, so $5 after you get the other game.

I havent played much but was excited when I did pop it in. It really is a Bioshock but Russian (and thats not an insult just the beginning was very Bioshock setting the enviornment).
TRINE - Excellent game. If you like platformers then this is absolutely a no-brainer. The team behind the game put designed an absolutely breathtaking game world and the in-between maps narrative makes you feel like you are playing through a retelling of an old fairly tale. Plays great with mouse/kb and 360 controller.

SINGULARITY - Very solid shooter. This game is what you would get if you crossed Portal, Metro 2033, and maybe Fear. It has some very interesting game mechanics and weapons in it that are similar to other games (Red Faction) but somehow stay unique in their own use in this game. I've not beat the game yet but if you're hankering for a good FPS, I'd suggest watching a review of the game but know that it at least gets a recommendation from me. :)
[quote name='aus_nacht']See this is the problem with these threads I was almost sure I was going to do doom complete and wait on alpha protocol but now I'm thinking wait on doom complete and get alpha protocol and trine.


Honestly dude, i think you will get more entertainment out of Alpha Protocol + Trine. For the prices they are offering, that is the better deal.
[quote name='blitztwn36']Just wanted to point out you get TWO copies of Frozen Synapse for $12.50 - so it's $6.25 each. I haven't tried it yet, but for $6.25, I might have to bite.

Edit: Ninja'd by the crew above.[/QUOTE]

Frozen Synapse is a great game, and splitting the cost helps you get it even cheaper :)
[quote name='ForeStorm']Thoughts on some of the deals, if anyone cares:
$4 - M&B With Fire and Sword: Mount&Blade with guns. I always did want to try it out...I'll probably grab it. The horseback combat is really fun, but I'm not sure how the introduction of guns stops my axe/shield/lance character from the previous games. Probably stops him very quickly.[/QUOTE]

i'm picking this up mainly because of Rock, Paper, Shotgun's very fun to read 4-part hands on with the game. Live free, Captain Smith!
Oh wow, I was expecting the New Vegas DLC to be priced at $5 each. $3 each is a nice surprise. Bought!

Also in for Alpha Protocol. It got a lot of shit at release but some friends say it's a pretty good time.

Everybody who doesn't own Trine yet, BUY IT NOW. Really fun platformer with beautiful visuals and a great soundtrack.

And for those who going to buy Serious Sam, just buy the HD Double-Pack. You don't need the original releases and it's $2 cheaper.
Got Trine and the Doom Collection, and Serious Sam.

Even if I can't run Trine due to my gfx card, it was $2 and I will get to it during an upgrade :D.

So this makes my totals $39 for all the days so far. Not bad considering what I bought.
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[quote name='sotc1988']I've been waiting on Alpha Protocol and this is the first time it's been $5. I know a lot of people shit on the game, but once you figure out how to get around it's "quirks" it can be quite fun.[/QUOTE]

It's worth five bucks if you have any interest in a modern spy rpg with hinky controls but a great story and dialog.
[quote name='AFarewell2Arms']How does Bully play compared to the console version? I'm curious as to why the Metacritic score is about 10 points lower for the PC version.[/QUOTE]

The controls are difficult for someone used to consoles. I've always been an omni gamer I love bully on pc. Got it in the winter sale.
[quote name='mrsilkunderwear']Anyone has an opinion on Fire and Sword, and Alpha Protocol? I know they both received not so great reviews but have the developers improved on them with any updates?[/QUOTE]
Regarding Alpha Protocol:

It's like Mass Effect 1, but if the stats mattered more. In other words, it's a math shooter, with your stats determining how good you are in combat along with any natural skill you have. Since that was a contentious point of ME1 that they ostensibly streamlined down in ME2, it's important to know that going in.

Having said that, if you can get past some of the awkward gameplay, frustrating bosses, and quirks of the game, it's a very, very good story RPG with a great dialogue system. It's not just the usual good/evil choice system either, and your actions have much broader consequences as well.

Personally, I think it's worth $5 if you like story/choice-heavy WRPGs. But that's just me. Others can't get past the gameplay issues or hate the lack of skill-based shooting.

Take a look at the GiantBomb Quick Look and see if it's something you'd be interested in.
Alpha Protocol is a good game, sure it has some flaws but their is a really good game there if you can look past the surface quirks. I am gonna pick it up for pc, along with the Doom Collection (if you don't have this and don't get it for shame XD )

I also say Trine is a insta buy for $2 if you don't have it.

Fall out New Vegas is worth it though you might wanna check Best Buy for the $10 copy since it activates on steam. (sunk 40 hours into the game and haven't beaten it)

For the Mount and Blade games I would say Warband is the must have, it is pretty much the base mount and blade, plus a new faction and multiplayer. The only thing the original game has is some mods that are supposed to be really good. I found with Fire and Sword to be fun and the addition of muskets were neat, but some people hated it.

Lastly I say Ruse should be considered, its an interesting concept for a strategy game and the story mode is decently fun in my opinion. But if it doesn't seem to wow you, then you might be better of skipping it.
[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']Regarding Alpha Protocol:

It's like Mass Effect 1, but if the stats mattered more. In other words, it's a math shooter, with your stats determining how good you are in combat along with any natural skill you have. Since that was a contentious point of ME1 that they ostensibly streamlined down in ME2, it's important to know that going in.

Having said that, if you can get past some of the awkward gameplay, frustrating bosses, and quirks of the game, it's a very, very good story RPG with a great dialogue system. It's not just the usual good/evil choice system either, and your actions have much broader consequences as well.

Personally, I think it's worth $5 if you like story/choice-heavy WRPGs. But that's just me. Others can't get past the gameplay issues or hate the lack of skill-based shooting.

Take a look at the GiantBomb Quick Look and see if it's something you'd be interested in.[/QUOTE]

Appreciate your input man and thanks for reminding me of the quick look.
Mount & Blade looks pretty awesome but I find it hard to pay more than $7.50 for anything on Steam.. Might have to take a plunge for this one though. Also interested in the Doom pack and Bully. But which of them will actually get played? Guess that's the deciding factor.
What the.. I was waiting on Trine to go on sale. So when I saw it today I was so excited, logged into Steam website and clicked on it. And I got a message saying 'You already own Trine'.

I can't believe it, I didn't know I had it, apparently I bought it during last year's sale or something.

Steam should have a way to filter your library.. like, creating subcategories in it so I could create a Completed category and move some games in there to unclutter it and actually see games I still have to play.
I got Frozen Synapse. I'd love to get NV with the DLCs, but I've already beat the game on Xbox360. I don't think I want to put that many hours into that game...again.
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[quote name='zico']What the.. I was waiting on Trine to go on sale. So when I saw it today I was so excited, logged into Steam website and clicked on it. And I got a message saying 'You already own Trine'.

I can't believe it, I didn't know I had it, apparently I bought it during last year's sale or something.

Steam should have a way to filter your library.. like, creating subcategories in it so I could create a Completed category and move some games in there to unclutter it and actually see games I still have to play.[/QUOTE]

Did you buy a Humble Bundle? It came in the last pack.
trying to decide whether or not the extra $4 is worth it for the Doom Complete Pack or if I should just get Doom 3...any opinions?
[quote name='zico']What the.. I was waiting on Trine to go on sale. So when I saw it today I was so excited, logged into Steam website and clicked on it. And I got a message saying 'You already own Trine'.

I can't believe it, I didn't know I had it, apparently I bought it during last year's sale or something.

Steam should have a way to filter your library.. like, creating subcategories in it so I could create a Completed category and move some games in there to unclutter it and actually see games I still have to play.[/QUOTE]

They do

Right click on a game -> Set Category
[quote name='zico']Steam should have a way to filter your library.. like, creating subcategories in it so I could create a Completed category and move some games in there to unclutter it and actually see games I still have to play.[/QUOTE]

You CAN do that. As 0_o pointed out, just click on a game and select "Set Category."
I love singularity. Solid controls great story really cool abilities (time control powers). Pretty good graphics and atmosphere.

I kinda feels like a fallout to me as far as the look if the game and I gobble that right up

A liitle short tho so it might be worth getting a physical copy you could trade back in once ur done but that's kinda splitting hairs... Oh wait this is CAG! :)
[quote name='zico']What the.. I was waiting on Trine to go on sale. So when I saw it today I was so excited, logged into Steam website and clicked on it. And I got a message saying 'You already own Trine'.

I can't believe it, I didn't know I had it, apparently I bought it during last year's sale or something.

Steam should have a way to filter your library.. like, creating subcategories in it so I could create a Completed category and move some games in there to unclutter it and actually see games I still have to play.[/QUOTE]
You can do that! Right click on a game in the detail view of your library and select "Set Category", type a category name in the "Add Category" box to add it to the list of categories. After you add a category you can then add any games to it. I have categories setup for Backlog (shows up at top of my list), Favorites (games I will want to replay), Indie (shit indie games from packs, I keep this minimized so I never see them) and then the rest of my games are not categorized. Any categories you make will appear above the uncategorized games section.

Hope that all makes sense and answers your question.
Did anyone post a list of what games are going to go on sale for the rest of the days in this sale, like someone usually does? This thread is way too massive and old to find it, if it's somewhere in here. If so, can someone please post what page it's on, or what post number? Thanks so much.
Haven't tried Singularity yet but all the buzz says it's worth it.

I've never been a big fan of M&B and $7.50 is still a bit much for the only worthwhile entry in the series but it's worth it if you might like it, even though it still feels like half a game.

Even when NV GotY comes out, I doubt we'll see a better deal on it than this. I think I'll have to own it now.

Both Bionic Commando games are quite good. You'd be a dope not to at least have tried Rearmed.

Bully remains one of my all time favorites, too.

Alpha Protocol is pretty good despite my blood curdling at its obnoxious fanbase.
Was thinking about picking up AP, but after seeing some impressions, I think I'll pass on it. I don't see myself committing much time to it.

Looks like today will be a pass for me.
[quote name='Violentcolin']Did anyone post a list of what games are going to go on sale for the rest of the days in this sale, like someone usually does? This thread is way too massive and old to find it, if it's somewhere in here. If so, can someone please post what page it's on, or what post number? Thanks so much.[/QUOTE]

Nope there wasn't anything like that, just speculations.
[quote name='Violentcolin']Did anyone post a list of what games are going to go on sale for the rest of the days in this sale, like someone usually does? This thread is way too massive and old to find it, if it's somewhere in here. If so, can someone please post what page it's on, or what post number? Thanks so much.[/QUOTE]

The resident fortune teller will help you out.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']I'm not really feelin defense grid so far. I am not a fan of the limited places you can put towers, makes it feel like there is a certain place/combo of towers that will beat each level easily. I was hoping for a more freeform TD game like SC/WC custom maps. If it looked better I'd give it more of a chance, but so far only regret so far during the sale.[/QUOTE]

You might find Sol Survivor to be more along the lines of what you're looking for then. That game plays differently from Defense Grid and you can place towers in pretty much any open land space. It has a demo too so you can give it a shot without having to spend anything. :)
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I should read the menu items when you right click on a game on Steam, it appears. The only item I've ever read is "Pause Download". Thanks folks haha
[quote name='Violentcolin']Did anyone post a list of what games are going to go on sale for the rest of the days in this sale, like someone usually does? This thread is way too massive and old to find it, if it's somewhere in here. If so, can someone please post what page it's on, or what post number? Thanks so much.[/QUOTE]

No one knows. we just check back at 1 PM EST everyday and see whats on sale.
So...TotalBiscuit's WTF is? series on Frozen Synapse got me to buy the game.

I'll pick up With Fire and Sword, for the lulz.

Dammit Steam.

Fallout New Vegas is a pretty good deal for $15. Damn good game too. I agree with some people on here that you may be able to find it for $10 in a few other places though. Little more savings, but $15 is easily still not bad if you intend to play this cause you'll be spending a lot of time trying out everything in it. If you loved Fallout 3 and haven't played this - it's essentially way better and a no brainer for something 'really' fun.

I passed on Bully in the last sale and then regretted it. I won't make the same mistake twice being a hardcore fan of Rockstar's sandbox style games. Plus it's even cheaper so the wait was worth it after all.

Doom 3 for $5 is not bad if you've never played it and like FPSs. Pretty solid game, but it gets pretty lonely after awhile going long stretches with only monsters and yourself. However, that's part of the doom experience - to be the lone survivor to make it out alive.

I've heard good things about singularity but I might get it if it were $5.

Trine is definitely a good deal for a solid game.

Definately heard good things about Alpha protocol too. $5, not bad - not bad.

I'd wait on Homefront unless your dieing to get it.

Heard good things about RUSE too if you like RTS games. Perhaps only get it if your dieing to play.

Woah, Frozen Synapse is a TRIP! what's that about?
I can't believe I still haven't purchased a single thing!

Apparently I am a cheap ass.

I did go really crazy on the winter sale, like 75 bucks for like 15 games, several of which Ive never even installed.

Its actually surprising (dissapointing) to see how many of those games are on sale again now for more money than before.
Picked up the new Mount and Blade - I love Warband and I think the new one won't make me completely ditch Warband. Heard the guns were fun but essetially killed the melee game, which is why I mainly play Warband.

Also picked up New Vegas and its add-ons, been waiting a long time for that one. Wish I could try my luck at Best Buy but won't be able to get over there anytime soon!

As for some more thoughts on the other games:

Trine - Fantastic little game, highly recommended for that measily price.

RUSE - If you are a fan of strategy games, pick this one up. It has a very unique feel and is worth the price of admission. Add-ons are meh though, so pick them up only if you really want to.

Bully - Buy it now if you don't already have it on the console.

Alpha Protocol - Worth it for that price, but don't expect to be blown away. I had fun with it though - needed more polish sadly.
[quote name='Lhallfin']I can't believe I still haven't purchased a single thing!

Apparently I am a cheap ass.

I did go really crazy on the winter sale, like 75 bucks for like 15 games, several of which Ive never even installed.

Its actually surprising (dissapointing) to see how many of those games are on sale again now for more money than before.[/QUOTE]
You sir - indeed - win a cheap ass honor for waiting this long in the sale. Actually I respect it too - it's tough to pass up that much candy.

[quote name='GreatDoink']

Also picked up New Vegas and its add-ons, been waiting a long time for that one. Wish I could try my luck at Best Buy but won't be able to get over there anytime soon!

You did the right thing. This is the best game out of them all in my opinion. But I'm also a die-hard Fallout fan- started all the way back with the first one which was just as epic and recommended if Steam puts the classics on sale (or even has them - I haven't checked)
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