Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

This movie is a waste of Terry Crews' talents and I don't mean this:

Better than him being in an Adam Sandler movie.

The Sunset Limited.

Samuel L Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones put on great performances. You would think SLJ is really that religious and TLJ is that bitter and depressed, IMO.

(Or....maybe I've just watched too many mindless action movies lately?)
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Birdman- 8/10  Great performances but weird ending. First half was good but then it gets a lil too weird. Not sure if Keaton is gonna win but he'll def get nominated. Emma Stone was great too.

Foxcatcher- 8.5/10  Really creepy performance by Steve Carrell and good perf. from Mark Ruffalo.

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug- Much better than I expected. Richard Armitage as Thorin is damn cool, since I keep forgetting he's a dwarf but his presence makes him bigger. Kili is way too hot. Legolas is a Dynasty Warrior?

I don't really see how they're going to wrap everything up in the next movie, considering they have to kill Smaug, unite the armies for war to temporarily take down Sauron, and etc. This particular movie was over two and half hours long, and it was all about getting to Erendor or something.

Watched more of Batman Forever, man that is a terrible movie.

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug- Much better than I expected. Richard Armitage as Thorin is damn cool, since I keep forgetting he's a dwarf but his presence makes him bigger. Kili is way too hot. Legolas is a Dynasty Warrior?

I don't really see how they're going to wrap everything up in the next movie, considering they have to kill Smaug, unite the armies for war to temporarily take down Sauron, and etc. This particular movie was over two and half hours long, and it was all about getting to Erendor or something.

Watched more of Batman Forever, man that is a terrible movie.
I forgot how they really drilled the point how "two-faced" Two-Face was. I did get some laughs from Jim Carrey just being himself.
Watched a few of the Trailer Park Boys movies. Really funny stuff. I can't believe I missed the show and movies until recently. Watched the movie from 2006 and watched some of the newer films as well. 

In a Lonely Place:

Pretty sad film. Highlighted by one of Humphrey Bogart's best performances.

Ninja Scroll:

The story for me was weak.It was way too simple,and the main villain is painfully generic.The animation and music are fantastic though. Overrall it was good,and I could definitely see why this was such a gateway film for a lot of anime fans in the 90's.

Saw the new Godzilla's good but nothing great. As a fan of the old movies, I'm very well aware he doesn't show up very long in them either but I did hope to see him more in this. After all, we're paying to see him, not the humans. I can only hope he shows up more in the two planned sequels. I didn't mind Aaron whatever his last name from Kick-Ass's character but would have preferred if Cranston was the lead since he was way more interesting. Also, I hear they want to use Ghidorah as early as the first sequel which I think it is a bit weird since he's one of his greatest foes in the old lore and he just doesn't strike me as someone you want to use so early in a new series.

Saw the new Godzilla's good but nothing great. As a fan of the old movies, I'm very well aware he doesn't show up very long in them either but I did hope to see him more in this. After all, we're paying to see him, not the humans. I can only hope he shows up more in the two planned sequels. I didn't mind Aaron whatever his last name from Kick-Ass's character but would have preferred if Cranston was the lead since he was way more interesting. Also, I hear they want to use Ghidorah as early as the first sequel which I think it is a bit weird since he's one of his greatest foes in the old lore and he just doesn't strike me as someone you want to use so early in a new series.
I think in the sequel we'll get a lot more Godzilla. Hollywood movie series don't tend to last long because of reboots, so that might be why they might use Ghidorah so early.

Saw the new Godzilla's good but nothing great. As a fan of the old movies, I'm very well aware he doesn't show up very long in them either but I did hope to see him more in this. After all, we're paying to see him, not the humans. I can only hope he shows up more in the two planned sequels. I didn't mind Aaron whatever his last name from Kick-Ass's character but would have preferred if Cranston was the lead since he was way more interesting. Also, I hear they want to use Ghidorah as early as the first sequel which I think it is a bit weird since he's one of his greatest foes in the old lore and he just doesn't strike me as someone you want to use so early in a new series.
I had more of an issue with Ken Watanabe's character. He really had no point other then occasionally saying a shitty line,and being the character to say "Gojira".

I didn't mind Ken's character, though it felt like it was a waste of the actor since he's pretty great. Another thing I didn't mention was I didn't like the entire train sequence as I really don't think the movie dragged like some have complained but that train part was one of this completely unnecessary parts which proved to be useless. They could have had more Godzilla in place of that scene, just a pointless segment of the story.

Watched Transformers 4 today to get another out of backlog and it's pretty much how I thought it would be. Contrary to what some would say as I do hate these films but try to catch the new ones to find some redeeming things in them as I don't watch them to hate/complain as honestly I can do that without watching any of them as at least I'm trying to find something good in each one. Anyway, Wahlberg by far is the best protagonist this franchise has ever had though I didn't care for his daughter, her boyfriend but I enjoyed the villains as well (Frasier, Titus Welver and the bald CEO). Considering the events I can understand why Optimus is more agitated and violent but can't held but feel his personality has definitely taken a severe change since the third film when in the first two he was all about peace and staying out of conflicts while in this he was happy to kill anything that moved. Bay also can't seem to make up his mind how powerful he is but that's not new since he's been like that since the second film. Sometimes he is in god mode and can take down anyone as well as an entire army while other times he can get punked. Lockdown, for example, was pretty badass but considering Prime has taken down Megatron by himself while another time he took him down along with Starscream and another Decepticon he should have been a fairly easy fight but he still struggled.

Saw the new Godzilla's good but nothing great. As a fan of the old movies, I'm very well aware he doesn't show up very long in them either but I did hope to see him more in this. After all, we're paying to see him, not the humans. I can only hope he shows up more in the two planned sequels. I didn't mind Aaron whatever his last name from Kick-Ass's character but would have preferred if Cranston was the lead since he was way more interesting. Also, I hear they want to use Ghidorah as early as the first sequel which I think it is a bit weird since he's one of his greatest foes in the old lore and he just doesn't strike me as someone you want to use so early in a new series.
Even though there wasn't a lot of Godzilla himself there were still quite a few scenes with the other two monsters.

I'm sure we'll get more Godzilla in the sequel, and more monsters since now they're allowed to use the existing ones and don't need to invent any others.

Even though there wasn't a lot of Godzilla himself there were still quite a few scenes with the other two monsters.

I'm sure we'll get more Godzilla in the sequel, and more monsters since now they're allowed to use the existing ones and don't need to invent any others.
I seem to recall the director saying Godzilla would be in the second movie as much as he is in the first. Mothra and Ghidorah will probably be in a majority of the movie like the MUTOs were. Eh, I'm ok with what he's doing considering what Emmerich did to the '98 version.

What is cool is that Toho is making a new Godzilla movie slated to release in 2016. Hopefully it's good, while the Millenium series isn't bad, I didn't like them as much as the Showa series.

I seem to recall the director saying Godzilla would be in the second movie as much as he is in the first. Mothra and Ghidorah will probably be in a majority of the movie like the MUTOs were. Eh, I'm ok with what he's doing considering what Emmerich did to the '98 version.

What is cool is that Toho is making a new Godzilla movie slated to release in 2016. Hopefully it's good, while the Millenium series isn't bad, I didn't like them as much as the Showa series.
Heisei era is probably my favorite. I like the Millenium movies, but the constant reboots was a big negative for me, although Giant Monsters All Out Attack is probably my favorite Godzilla movie.

I was pretty excited to hear about the 2016 Godzilla movie as well. Apparently there's going to be another Gamera movie sometime too.

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Heisei era is probably my favorite. I like the Millenium movies, but the constant reboots was a big negative for me, although Giant Monsters All Out Attack is probably my favorite Godzilla movie.

I was pretty excited to hear about the 2016 Godzilla movie as well. Apparently there's going to be another Gamera movie sometime too.
I really need to go back and rewatch all the Heisei and Millenium films. While Heisei was going on as I was growing up, I didn't watch them much, but I watched the shit out of the Showa films so I know them very well and remember them fondly. That could be why I say that's my favorite era. Hell, for a while I said the Pierce Brosnan Bond films were the best. But rewatching them now along with the Connery films, they're pretty terrible save for Goldeneye.

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I don't care what anyone says I LOVED the 98 one and still do now. As said before I am a huge Godzilla fan too and never understood why so many detested it. I was only in sixth grade at the time but followed shit pretty good back then like I do now and recall the filmmakers stressing this was their own take on the creature, it was not meant to follow any of the old films or be a new modern take with the old films as influence (like Edwards was recently) but people still harped anyway. As a monster film it's really good, the cast is fun (tons of Simpsons VAs for the keen eyed) and I just really liked the story. I still am pissed they never made a sequel to that and we just got that cartoon. That film really didn't get as much shit as some say, it was more or less Godzilla fanboys who thought Toho should be the only one to make Godzilla films to really bitch.

I watched Star Trek 09 earlier to further complete my backlog since I've been on a role. I've never seen anything ST besides being familiar with some of its alumni like Takei, Nimoy, Stewart and some of the memes associated with them thanks to the internet. Liked it, nothing really bad to say except there were a couple action sequences I thought were kinda boring. Really enjoyed the cast specifically, hard to pick a favorite since I enjoyed all of them pretty equally. Might lean toward Spock since it was fun seeing Sylar again in such a different role.

I don't care what anyone says I LOVED the 98 one and still do now. As said before I am a huge Godzilla fan too and never understood why so many detested it. I was only in sixth grade at the time but followed shit pretty good back then like I do now and recall the filmmakers stressing this was their own take on the creature, it was not meant to follow any of the old films or be a new modern take with the old films as influence (like Edwards was recently) but people still harped anyway. As a monster film it's really good, the cast is fun (tons of Simpsons VAs for the keen eyed) and I just really liked the story. I still am pissed they never made a sequel to that and we just got that cartoon. That film really didn't get as much shit as some say, it was more or less Godzilla fanboys who thought Toho should be the only one to make Godzilla films to really bitch.
Judging it as just a monster film it still sucks. The CGI on Godzilla looks like shit;even for the time(hence why it's always dark and raining). Godzilla is constantly changing size throughout the film. The characters are annoying and unlikable.


The worse movie to ever come out of Canada. It's probably the worse film I've ever seen in my life.But I just could not stop watching it.It is fucking hilarious. It is a disaster on every level of film-making,but it just keeps drawing you in.

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I really need to go back and rewatch all the Heisei and Millenium films. While Heisei was going on as I was growing up, I didn't watch them much, but I watched the shit out of the Showa films so I know them very well and remember them fondly. That could be why I say that's my favorite era. Hell, for a while I said the Pierce Brosnan Bond films were the best. But rewatching them now along with the Connery films, they're pretty terrible save for Goldeneye.
The Showa movies are definitely good (mostly) and probably have the most memorable scenes. They're just a different tone from the rest.

I don't care what anyone says I LOVED the 98 one and still do now. As said before I am a huge Godzilla fan too and never understood why so many detested it. I was only in sixth grade at the time but followed shit pretty good back then like I do now and recall the filmmakers stressing this was their own take on the creature, it was not meant to follow any of the old films or be a new modern take with the old films as influence (like Edwards was recently) but people still harped anyway. As a monster film it's really good, the cast is fun (tons of Simpsons VAs for the keen eyed) and I just really liked the story. I still am pissed they never made a sequel to that and we just got that cartoon. That film really didn't get as much shit as some say, it was more or less Godzilla fanboys who thought Toho should be the only one to make Godzilla films to really bitch.
There are just so many un-Godzilla like things it should be easy to see why people didn't like it (also the annoying cast). Zilla being killed by missiles was the biggest thing that bothered me Godzilla is supposed to be far stronger than that. The army shouldn't be able to hurt Godzilla unless they are using something like MechaGodzilla or Moguera.I actually do like the design of Godzilla in it, and the cartoon was actually pretty cool since there were other monsters in it.

^The cartoon was the only good thing that came outta that film.

The Purple Rose of Cairo:

It's a really charming,and funny film. It really shows the magic of films.

John Wick - Now Hollywood this is how yo make an action film. Really enjoyed this one, the title character was just plain badass.

Snowpiercer. Um, what? Why did people like this so much?

Most things on the train didn't make sense. Where did you fit a cart full of soldiers in the cars they passed through? How is the aquarium inside as large as train cars, but still had room for water and fish? Where did the insects come from? Why couldn't the eternal engine exist outside of the train? Why couldn't people outside the train survive at all, unless the train generates that much more energy than anything else combined on Earth. How did that guy's arm take 7 minutes to freeze when the train was moving, when the 7 people froze like 100 ft from the train tracks?

Why did Tilda's character take off her dentures? Was she offering sexual favors?

And the cameras shaking during the fight scenes were really bad.

Reading the synopsis of the original comic with 1,001 train cars makes much more sense in context. And the ending of that was much more grim, with no chance of hope.

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Pineapple Express was better than I thought but felt it was 20 minutes too long. Franco and Rogen are a really good team, and I do have a spot for comedy duos. At least it didn't take the cheap way out by having Jeff Goldblum, getting Bill Hader's ghost, etc like with some comedy movies.

Snowpiercer. Um, what? Why did people like this so much?

Most things on the train didn't make sense. Where did you fit a cart full of soldiers in the cars they passed through? How is the aquarium inside as large as train cars, but still had room for water and fish? Where did the insects come from? Why couldn't the eternal engine exist outside of the train? Why couldn't people outside the train survive at all, unless the train generates that much more energy than anything else combined on Earth. How did that guy's arm take 7 minutes to freeze when the train was moving, when the 7 people froze like 100 ft from the train tracks?

Why did Tilda's character take off her dentures? Was she offering sexual favors?

And the cameras shaking during the fight scenes were really bad.

Reading the synopsis of the original comic with 1,001 train cars makes much more sense in context. And the ending of that was much more grim, with no chance of hope.
Do you put this much thought into all the movies you watch?
Snowpiercer. Um, what? Why did people like this so much?

Most things on the train didn't make sense. Where did you fit a cart full of soldiers in the cars they passed through? How is the aquarium inside as large as train cars, but still had room for water and fish? Where did the insects come from? Why couldn't the eternal engine exist outside of the train? Why couldn't people outside the train survive at all, unless the train generates that much more energy than anything else combined on Earth. How did that guy's arm take 7 minutes to freeze when the train was moving, when the 7 people froze like 100 ft from the train tracks?

Why did Tilda's character take off her dentures? Was she offering sexual favors?

And the cameras shaking during the fight scenes were really bad.

Reading the synopsis of the original comic with 1,001 train cars makes much more sense in context. And the ending of that was much more grim, with no chance of hope.
I thought it was okay but the ending was awful.
Makes Chris Evans and friends seem like the bad guys since they pretty much destroyed the human race. Good going guys.

The Babadook - great horror flick. Very good sound and atmosphere which is what I prefer over jump scares. And the kid went from someone I wanted to see die to the complete opposite.

The Houses October Built - blech

VHS Viral - really enjoyed the first two. What a disappointing turd this was.
Watched Silver Linings Playbook last night.

Thought for sure that everything was made up in someone's head, cause everyone seems to always know about everything that happened.

Don't know why Jennifer won Best Actress for this. She was good, but it wasn't spectacular/extremely memorable.

VHS Viral - really enjoyed the first two. What a disappointing turd this was.
Same here. I watched this with a few people and we all absolutely hated it. They emphasized how they're all connected way too much but it was extremely stupid and I didn't care about it at all.

Birdman - Very good. Great performances throughout and wonderfully shot and edited.

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I really need to watch The Babadook.  Planning to view Tusk this week.  Has anyone seen Ironclad?  It came out a few years ago.  I was really surprised by how well it was made.  I'm planning to try the sequel, which I hear is horrible.

Things to Come:

While production values are great for the time,the film just comes off as a mishmash of ideas. The acting and script were just so over the top.None of the characters were remotely interesting either.

Hong Kong Godfather. Surprisingly I realize I've never seen any R-rated Hong Kong movies! Most of the stuff I watched were post-1990, which I assume when the industry decided to promote censorship or something. This is a classic sleazy movie, gratuitious nudity (over four pairs of boobs, female crotches, butts whatever). And the violence is just insane, even if it involves butcher cleavers. It's a very grindhouse flick.

Big Trouble in Little China- lots of exposition, but leads the way for lots of humor and action. It's a film I would watch again, especially compared to the Thing. Kurt Russell is so John Wayne in this thing and it makes me wonder what crazy adventures he had while driving his truck. Too bad they never made more films.


Pretty hilarious for the most part. Doesn't waste anytime setting stuff up,and is just focused on getting laughs

Gunga Din:

Loved it. Had great characters and well done action scenes.

Grand Budapest Hotel:

Wonderful film. Wes Anderson really has been getting better with each film.

Sleeper is amazing.

Big Trouble in Little China- lots of exposition, but leads the way for lots of humor and action. It's a film I would watch again, especially compared to the Thing.
You didn't like The Thing more than Big Trouble? I've been watching all of John Carpenter's movies recently and Big Trouble isn't as good as most of them.
Dawn Of The Apes - I liked the story more in Rise but the action in this was better. The only thing that didn't make sense for me was when Koba doesn't shoot Ceasar after he tells him he's weaker. Koba shoots him earlier but now he just throws the gun away? Uhhh okay....

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bread's done