Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Friday the 13th (2009) - Bad directing with the angles, some very boring kills, some over drawn out non-Jasonesqe kills (
and Jason using a bow and arrow?
). They spent way to much time (twice as much screen time than any other character) on the douche bag rich frat boy, why try so hard for the audience to hate a character just to kill him? Why did they want to make us root for a kill versus making a lovable character? A couple cool kills but I think overall the kills were one the weakest in any 'Jason' movie besides 'X'. And don't get me started that they changed the Jason mythology that Jason is no longer dead, whiskey tango foxtrot?
^ I've been meaning to watch Sphere again too. I thought it was average when I watched it back when it hit HBO, but I think now that I'm older I might appreciate it more.
^ That's what I was thinking when I saw it again. My expectations were different too. When I saw it back then I was young and just looking for your standard straight up action movie, but it's better because it's not one of those and I appreciated and understood it a lot better this time.

Law Abiding Citizen - Solid. Gerard Butler's character kinda reminded me of Kevin Spacey in Se7en, but obviously nowhere nearly as great. Also not sure how I feel about the ending. However, I can't complain. It was enjoyable enough to warrant the $7.50 ticket.
Star Trek - I honestly didn't think it was anything special. Not bad, but I didn't see where all the praise for it is coming from.

A Perfect Getaway - Decent enough, but I had the ending figured out immediately.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - Pretty great. I think I enjoyed 500 Days of Summer more, which is similar, and I saw it before this one. Of all the Judd Apatow productions, this one seems closest to his directorial style. I really liked that none of the characters were completely horrible or blameless - they all have baggage and virtues.

Where the Wild Things Are - I loved this. I can't speak for it a kid's movie, because I think a lot of children would be bored by it. But it's perfect for adults that read the book as kids. It's been a while, but I do seem to remember a scene in the book where Max and the Wild Things dance around a bonfire, and I was surprised that was not in the movie.

Max Payne - I liked the Valkyries, and that's about it. The movie looked kind of good, but I think it might have been better with 90% less color. It's all kind of moot, because this movie was dead from the start thanks to the casting, which is about as bad as it gets. I have nothing against Mark Wahlberg or Mila Kunis, but they need to get the hell away from film noir. Wahlberg's high pitch whine of a voice is enough to ruin him for this role, but he can't brood for shit, either. And they're both so small. Also, Ludacris - yeah.

Basic Instinct - Awesome. I love the Vertigo references. The only bad part was the dance club scene - hello, 1992. I've said it in this thread before, but Paul Verhoeven needs to come back to us.
[quote name='chimpster1313']Law Abiding Citizen - Solid. Gerard Butler's character kinda reminded me of Kevin Spacey in Se7en, but obviously nowhere nearly as great. Also not sure how I feel about the ending. However, I can't complain. It was enjoyable enough to warrant the $7.50 ticket.[/QUOTE]

I'm the same with the ending as you are. I liked it but if felt like the writers just didn't know how to end it so they ended it like that. I would not be surprised if when the DVD/BD comes out we get an alt ending. I'm glad it didn't take long to build everthing up and the only down side was the ending. Hell even it wasn't bad just could have been better. I have to say I will be getting this on BD when it comes out.
It's been awhile this is what I have seen in the last 3 days:

Observe and Report - Pretty good movie with some dark comedic elements, ended great.

Fanboys - Enjoyable some good in-jokes if you like Star Wars and some hilarious cameos!

Feed - Dragged in spots very messed up movie with some gross scenes and an interesting twist.

Pervert - It was an oozing Velveatta cheese fest lots of boobs and terrible acting. However, like a car crash I couldn't stop watching.

Paranormal Activity - Watched it today with my sister not bad but not the scariest movie I have ever seen(definitely creepy though similar to the feeling you get if you have ever watched any paranormal shows on TV). Didn't really see the ending coming though that was surprising.
[quote name='chimpster1313']Law Abiding Citizen - Solid. Gerard Butler's character kinda reminded me of Kevin Spacey in Se7en, but obviously nowhere nearly as great. Also not sure how I feel about the ending. However, I can't complain. It was enjoyable enough to warrant the $7.50 ticket.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was great too. After the first scene of the movie, I thought I knew the direction it was headed, but then it turned around and totally surprised me. The ending could have been better, but was definitely an OK ending. Well worth the $6 I paid.
Evolution - I saw it over the weekend while staying at a hotel. It was entertaining at parts, although if I had payed to see it in a theater, I'd be furious.

The Incredibles - Finally saw it from beginning to end the other day. It's really good, and it got better to me since I know why Syndrome became who he is.

Slumdog Millionaire - Also saw it over the weekend, but missed the beginning. Awesome movie, and the bollywood ending was hilarious.
Sahara - 6/10

Well... I've never been a McConaughey fan so no surprises there. I have however concluded that Cruz is on my hot list since I was on the fence with her. Hungover guy is always a good laugh somehow, because he always acts like he's on crack.

Food Inc.
- 10/10

Only half way though, but as expected really great and people need to see this. At the same time I'm horrified as expected too.
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Hancock -Good kept me entertained through out.

Transformers 2 - Sure it was a mess and had some cheesy dialog but Megan Fox and big ass robots fighting FTW!
Transformers 2 on bluray - Must say, I didn't like it in theaters, and liked it even less now. But hey, Megan Fox running around, worth the two hours!
Paranormal Activity

Laughably bad and thoroughly over-hyped. Annoying characters, shitty acting, and not the least bit scary. I want my $10 back.
Little Nicky

Probably one of Sandler's weaker movies, but it had a few funny parts.

Point Break

Pretty good, I loved the bank robbery scenes.

Star Trek


K-19 The Widowmaker

I expected complete western shootouts through the whole movie, while that wasn't exactly the case still a good movie

The Brothers Bloom
The Room

Holy motherfucking shit. Watch it. Nao.

EDIT: To clarify, The Room is... Jesus, where do I start? It's... the writer/director/a lot of things calls it a black comedy. One of my roommates mentioned it recently, and the whole lot of us gathered 'round to watch it a couple nights ago. Good God, what a fucking classic. Many scenes had us rewinding to watch certain parts over and over again (the "babyface" scene especially). It's... god dammit, I am a better person for having watched this film, alright?
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Crank 2: High Voltage - I can see why some people would go ballistic for this, but I was hoping for a fun movie that just makes you feel like you could punch a hole off someone's face, like Punisher: War Zone or 300, and I just didn't get it. Had it's interesting moments, but overall, meh.

My Bloody Valentine - Again, meh. That 3 minute nude scene, though. Here's my impression of that chick.


That feels pretty straight forward. Actually, the face is that way because she's really hot. Not because her head gets caught on fire.
Adventureland - It was ok, but definately your typical paint by numbers type of love story.

Paranormal Activity - People are scared by this? Sure, I guess it had some creepy moments, but I don't see why everyone is hyping it as the scariest movie ever.
[quote name='Malik112099']Food Inc. it is absolutely crazy how fucked up the food industry is[/QUOTE]

Sadly no one cares. As long as they get it cheap at walmart, the majority could give 2 shits.
Saw VI: I don't know what to think about the movies now. It seems with each movie they are just trying to milk it as much as they can. I'm now just trying to figure out the game in the movies and not really watching it. Like this last one I was trying to think what the
reporter had to do with the game.
I'm usually wrong about them other than the last movie. I knew just before the last room that it was for all of them to get through it and not just one. Also they seem to be just more about killing people and not about making them want to live. Don't really think they ever were but it just seems like the new guy is just trying to kill people. I think it should have ended with 2 or maybe even the first one.

Quarantine: I have wanted to pick this up for a long time but never found it around the 20 dollars untill today. Picked this up and I have to say I thought it was really good. If you have not checked it out I suggest you do.
Paranormal Activity - what's so scary about this flick? I ended up laughing at most of the stuff that happened and the buildup to the end wasn't even worth it.
I just watched Transformers 2. I don't really understand all the hate. It is exactly what I expected, a low-brow action movie. I didn't even get too antsy with the super long run time.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Observe and Report.

Pretty decent, better than I expected from reviews. The gag reel is pretty funny as well.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't get into it :cry: I loved The Foot Fist Way, but I couldn't really enjoy Observe and Report. I was so happy for Aziz being in it as well, but his part wasn't that great either

[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Irreversible

Damn that was pretty brutal.[/QUOTE]

Yes. The opening scene is still hard for me to handle. It's... Crazy. But, it's great, too. It works out well, it has a message that is pushed hard, and it's shot beautifully.

I watched The Ebola Syndrome last night. It was pretty terrible, but in that Chinese Exploitation kind of way.
Under Siege - Hm... a less good Die Hard at sea. So, Die Hard 2 at sea, I guess.

Commando - Arnold Schwarzenegger murder people as John Matrix. Cindy is the most useless sidekick ever - John Matrix does not need a buddy to kill people.

Coraline - Wow - one of the best looking movies I've ever seen. I saw this on VoD, so I don't have any extras, but I'd like to see a making of. Dakota Fanning is a surprisingly talented voice actress, and Teri Hatcher was good, too.

Evil Dead 2 - A theater was showing this, so I got to see it on the big screen. I got a genuine ticket stub out of it.

Milk - I thought the direction was surprisingly understated. Anyway, the acting is really great... maybe not great enough to justify robbing Mickey Rourke, you bastards, but you know, great. I was especially impressed by Emile Hirsch. He's one of the best young actors out there, and he should be eating Shia LeBeouf's lunch at every turn.
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