Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Brotherhood of the Wolf - good action/mystery film. A few really good action scenes and a little horror makes it a fun watch. I know im 8 years late on seeing it :/
Role Models. I usually hate Sean William Scott, but the movie was pretty damn good. There were a few "Mtv's The State" alumni's which was a nice suprise.
[quote name='dastly75']Il Mare[/QUOTE]

amazing movie... another example of a great asian film being ruined by a remake so americans can see more white people in it. fucking reeves
Don't think I wrote this yet:

Changeling- Terrific. Angelina Jolie is superb as Christine Collins. It seems so unrealistic. Then you realize its a true story, and it becomes a very powerful flick...

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li: THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN
[quote name='homeland']amazing movie... another example of a great asian film being ruined by a remake so americans can see more white people in it. fucking reeves[/quote]

Seriously, while I was watching it, I kept thinking to myself, why would this movie need a remake? It's not old and it's already damn good.
[quote name='Hostile']The Express -- Not bad. Remember The Titans is still my #1 favorite football movie though.
Slumdog Millionaire -- I enjoyed it.[/quote]

Agree with Slumdog, though I saw it a week before Oscars after it had been showered with praise and how it's the second coming of India.

I saw 'Dark City', a sci-fi noir-ish type film. Apparently it's one of Roger Ebert's favorite movies ever. It's really weird, but it was enjoyable enough. The acting was really good at least.
Saw goodfellas last night for the first time in a long time. I remember it being good but I liked it more last night when I saw it on the History channel. Still not sure what one is better the book or the movie. Both are great. If you want to check out the book it is called wiseguy.

First time i've seen it i'll admit, and i wasn't sure how well it'd hold up after so long, but it was pretty good. The end was a little confusing, but wikipedia cleared it up for me i figured it out. I sort of want to watch it again, haven't had that feeling since WALL-E.
Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach - 6/10

Stiffler is pretty funny although there are some WTF moments.

Ping Pong Player
- 7/10

I guess it was funny only because I can relate since I'm asian. The guy acting like a moron some how was refreshing in an opposite way say the douches are in SuperBad.
The Dark Knight - First time seeing it since the theatrical release. Still a great movie. Batman's voice annoyed me less this time through. The most disappointing part is Joker talking about
how he and Batman are destined to clash forever.
It's a great speech that has been spoiled by Heath Ledger dying. Then again, I didn't think any movie Joker would ever eclipse Jack Nicholson so I suppose things could still work out.
Synecdoche, New York. I'm a big fan of Charlie Kaufmans previous work, I thought Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine in a Spotless mind were both great. This new one though I'm not sure about. After watching the 2 hour movie both my wife and I had no idea wtf just happened. I was intrigued to find the meaning behind the movie and enjoyed the fact it wasn't a "traditional film" while my wife thought it was pure crap. Searching IMDB it seems that our 2 takes on the movie are not alone. I read some takes on what the movie is about and if some of the theories are correct I have an even greater appreciation for the film.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']What did you think of Once?[/QUOTE] It was ... odd. But I think I liked it. I'll probably watch it again, soon. Just to be sure.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']It was ... odd. But I think I liked it. I'll probably watch it again, soon. Just to be sure.[/QUOTE]

That's kind of how I felt after watching it. But a second viewing made me appreciate it.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Sex Drive - Not bad for a sex comedy.[/quote]

2nd opinion mirrored.

I thought this movie was going to be a bad Nat' Lampoons College movie, but it's actually went above and beyond my expectations.

It's funny, and most of the story is decent, I was also amazed at how well the characters/actors were, at least the core three that was the entire story.

As for a real movie first time...

My Name is Bruce.

Hilarious movie, a spoof on a spoof on the spoof of Bruce's life. Very good, probably his best since E.D.

What's interesting is the Making of, is also good and nearly as long as the movie...
Azur & Asmar

Kinda slow at the beginning. Beautiful middle section. Strange and wacky at the end.

Slumdog Millionaire

Amazing film. One of the few films where I really loved the characters. The cinematography was amazing as well.

Waltz with Bashir

Harrowing, but beautiful film.
[quote name='Tybee']Azur & Asmar

Kinda slow at the beginning. Beautiful middle section. Strange and wacky at the end.


That looks really cool! Thanks for telling/posting about it. I'm going to have to rent/netflix that one at some point.
Valkyrie - 8/10

Really good, It's the first and only movie with Tom Cruise I can stand... as a bonus he actually dies too. Anyway, It's a great overall movie.
l'ennemi intime - Pretty damn good war movie that gave a basic understanding of the complexity that was the French-Algeria war back in the late 50's early 60's.
[quote name='chimpster1313']Day of the Dead - terrible acting, but a fun zombie movie. bub ftw![/QUOTE]

Ah, my favorite "of the Dead" films.
Some great quotes from that movie...

"I'm running this monkey farm now, Frankenstein!"
"Choke on 'em! Choke on 'em!"

Actually, Captain Rhodes and Bub really make the film.
Swim Team VS The Undead

awesome cheesecake gore film from Japan. Its a movie that you definitely have to turn off your brain to enjoy. Gonna have to buy this one
Barefoot Gen (first time)
Barefoot Gen 2
Grave of the Fireflies (2nd time seeing this film after a couple year hiatus)

all for my anime/japanese culture/war film class. Barefoot Gen 1 was pretty devastating. I thought Barefoot Gen 2 was good, as well, but not nearly as good as the first.
sure i dont need to tell anyone its kickasss.... but i finally saw Batman-Dark Knight

great movie, ledger did AWESOME as the joker
Martyrs - The French are making the best horror films right far. Last year we got Inside (Á l'intérieur), and a few years before that High Tension(Haute Tension), and Them(Ils) to name a few. They are definitely on the top of their game and have no signs of giving up their lead.
[quote name='whoknows']I don't know why, but I really like this movie.[/QUOTE]
I know why.
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