The CAG Backlog Support Group.

Sorry for the non-topical post, but I'm new here.

I was trying to find a way to ask the website owners/moderators a question, but I couldn't find anywhere in the forums or website a direct way to contact them.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be appreciated!!



Since July I've beaten Horizon: Zero Dawn, Fallout 4, Luigi's Mansion. Next on the list is Heavy Rain, God of War ps4, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.

Edit: Forgot I also beat Super Mario Odyssey.
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2B's announcement for Soul Calibur VI made me want to play Nier: Automata again. I decided to do a Hard playthrough with all the HUD features disabled.

Man, it took me five hours of trying to beat the first chapter. If you're reckless the grunts can kill you, and the boss has attacks that can one-shot you. The HUD missing didn't play into the difficulty. The first chapter is one of the most challenging parts of the game. It doesn't have any checkpoints, so if you're insta-killed 20 minutes into it you need to start all over.

In the future I'll do a Very Hard run. In this run I'm also going to focus on using weapons other than my favorites.

And I'd also like to finish my Royal Edition run in Final Fantasy XV before the second season of character episodes start rolling out next year. Working on my backlog has come to a halt.

I started playing The Witcher 3: Complete Edition. I had been jumping between a few games, but I think I'll settle in to Witcher 3. The funny thing is since I've been trying out multiple games I have multiple control schemes in my head. During one fight in Witcher 3 I forgot how to swing my sword.

Finished Halo 3:ODST.  Boring campaign with boring city background. There were many times where I ran past enemies and didn't have to engage in combat.   I will say driving levels are still fun.

My backlog is....large. It includes the above three games, any thoughts? (No spoilers)
All great titles! I can say Quantum Break is the weakest link! I definitely see why Beyond Good & Evil is classic.

I have since beaten:
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided DLC
Watch Dogs
Tekken 7
Prey 2017
Life is Strange: Beyond the Storm
Crash Bandicoot 1 from N’Sane Trilogy

Current playing:
Crash Bandicoot 2
Watch Dogs 2
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I playing Dark Souls 3 again, but the one with all DLC which I never played. 

Was playing Red Dead 2 for a good bit, but the game got boring and idc for it anymore. 

I playing Dark Souls 3 again, but the one with all DLC which I never played.

Was playing Red Dead 2 for a good bit, but the game got boring and idc for it anymore.
I yet to start Dark Souls 3 due to my lack of free time. How does it compare to the other titles?
Dark Souls 3 is amazing. Dark Souls 1 will always be my favorite, but DkS 3 is just a smidge behind it. (I feel the world felt way more connected in 1, which is why I prefer it). fwiw, I've destoryed every DkS game and got every single one of them on release. 

DkS 3 community still crazy active. If you have GCU, you can get the trilogy for $48. If you are not interested in that, I highly recommend you buy DkS 3 with all the DLC vs the vanilla version. 

If I had to rate DkS 3, I would give it a 9.5 / 10. 

Finished Mass Effect 2 including Shadow Broker and Arrival DLCs. Jumped straight into ME3 and was pissed off that they never fixed the face import bug. Went back to ME2 to recreate the face as best I could and did a pretty good job. Inputted that ME2 code into ME3 and it just didnt look right at all. Ended up pulling a Black-Widow-in-Infinity-War and changed FemShep's hair from red to platinum to make the switch more dramatic so I wouldnt miss having the exact look any more. Seems to be working.

Also still mid Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Well, I'm sucked back in to Conan Exiles. I started a new character. Setting goals and working towards them is addictive. I wonder if Conan or Street Fighter V will be my most played game of the year? I'm pretty sure Nier: Automata will be third. I hope PSN sends out year in review e-mails again.

I will go back to The Witcher 3. I was having a lot of fun with it. But it might be after I'm done with Resident Evil 2. That's just a month away.

Well, I'm sucked back in to Conan Exiles. I started a new character. Setting goals and working towards them is addictive. I wonder if Conan or Street Fighter V will be my most played game of the year? I'm pretty sure Nier: Automata will be third. I hope PSN sends out year in review e-mails again.

I will go back to The Witcher 3. I was having a lot of fun with it. But it might be after I'm done with Resident Evil 2. That's just a month away.
Sounds like you’re making progress. I’m about to start Assassin’s Creed Unity.
My goal for the Christmas break is to (finally) Platinum Fallout 3.  I'm working through Who Dares Wins right now as the last part of DLC though I still have a few non-trophy side quests I want to do.  Not sure if it's the DLC that's buggy or my system is just getting worn down but it tended to freeze up quite often, especially when there were many entities nearby.

After I finish Who Dares Wins I have the evil and neutral karma trophies to get and lastly the only other side quest I didn't do, Strictly Business.  The karma shouldn't be too bad but Strictly Business could take some time.

I want to finish this before my PS3 kicks the bucket on me, it's my original 250 GB I purchased in December 2010.  I have save backups but I know something will go wrong.

Playing thru DMC HD collection on PS4. Of the three original DMC games, I've only ever played some of 1, and beaten 3, and had never played 2.

I breezed thru most of the first game on normal difficulty. I found that the worst thing in that game is the wonky camera. The only stage that gave me any trouble was when you finally kill the slug-thing  (mission 20, I think), but overall it was good.

I'm about a third of the way thru DMC2 now. I've always heard how its the worst of the original trilogy, but so far it doesn't seem that bad. I do not like the upgrade system, but the camera is much better than the first.

Since early November, I have beaten Heavy Rain (PS4), God of War (PS4), Spider-Man (PS4) and Red Dead Redemption (Xbox). God of War is the best game I played this year. Also, now I know why Red Dead is so popular. It's so good. Nier: Automata is next.

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Closing out the year having beaten:

Watch Dogs 2 + All DLC
Trials of the Blood Dragon
DIshonored: Death of the Outsider

Currently starting Middle-Earth: Shadow of War & Crash Bandicoot 2 HD. Overcooked! 2 also!
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I won't be beating any more games this year, so I'll give my year roundup now. I beat 20 games this year. One game each for the Xbox 360, PS3, and Vita. Then it was 17 PS4 games. The Sony Rewards trophy passes caused me to focus on Playstation games with trophies. Two of the games I beat I picked from my PS+ library because they were easy platinums. Rime and Color Guardians; they were fun. I got 10 platinums this year.

Two games that stifled my progress were Nier: Automata and Conan Exiles. I spent a lot of time with them. Nier doesn't seem that bad because around the time I was playing it I was able to beat a couple PSVR games that didn't take long. But Conan Exiles is all I played for about two months. Afterwards I took a month trying to find a game to settle in on, and it ended up being The Witcher 3. It's a great game, but then I went back to Conan. But this time I was able to beat quick games in Astro Bot: Rescue Mission and Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.

List of beaten games. * denotes platinum

:360: Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

:vita: Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
:ps4: Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
:ps4: Mafia III *

:ps4: Nier: Automata *
:ps4: Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV *

:ps4: The Invisible Hours *

:ps3: Drakengard 3 *
:ps4: Prey
:ps4: Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash *

:ps4: Color Guardians *
:ps4: Rime *
:ps4: Farpoint
:ps4: Watch Dogs

:ps4: Bioshock: Infinite *
:ps4: Resident Evil 4
:ps4: Arizona Sunshine


:ps4: Conan Exiles *



:ps4: Astro Bot: Rescue Mission
:ps4: Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon

Yesterday I got an e-mail from Amazon about games available for pre-order. It had the games you'd expect, Cyberpunk, Metro, Resident Evil 2, Sekiro, and Rage 2, but at the bottom it had a game I hadn't heard of before. Biomutant.

My first impression from the cover was that Palico has seen some shit (it's not a Palico). I checked out a few gameplay videos. How have I not heard of this game? It looks awesome.

I recently discovered the subreddit with an interesting idea — to challenge yourself with playing 12 games in 12 months. I started that and beat Oxenfree in January. Here's the full list:

Oxenfree — January
Teslagrad — February
Valley — March
Contrast — April
Shank — May
Hidden Folks — June
Orwell — July
On Rusty Trails — August
Hitman GO: Definitive Edition — September
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons — October
Old Man's Journey — November
Last Day of June — December
The first game I beat this year was Resident Evil 2. Remake. I beat Claire A and Leon B before January ended, and I beat Leon A and Claire B a couple days ago. It's a great game. I want to do a run with the Noir costumes and Noir black and white filter, but first I should play through the bonus missions. Hunk and Tofu, and the dlc missions that are coming out in a week.

I don't think I'm going to make much progress on my backlog this year. I keep wanting to replay games. Soul Calibur VI, Conan Exiles, and for a while Resident Evil 2. I also feel like playing Resident Evil 7 again. I want to play some Resident Evil in VR.

I need help. 

I'm off Friday - Tuesday and am in need of a game to play. I don't mind buying. 

Frontrunner is the new Metro, but I have a feeling I wont like it. 

Finally finished Mass Effect 3. Had the extended cut DLC installed and also the knowledge of all the disappointment of the ending. Maybe they fixed it or maybe I gave it a low bar, but the ending seemed fine. I also wonder though, in a world where people praise the 'bravery' of the fate of the characters at the end of "Rogue One" if today the original ending would have been taken better. *shrugs* We'll never know.

Anyway, on to Crackdown 3 while I have this cheap 'Game Pass'. The "Play Anywhere" aspect seems to be working fine on my PC.

I beat Accounting+ and got it's platinum. I don't know if I should count Nitroplus Blasterz as a beaten game. On the way to getting the platinum I beat story mode with all the characters, and I skipped through the entire second story. I suppose there was a good amount of story in it to make it more than just a regular arcade ladder, but I skipped through all the dialogue. I just rushed through everything to unlock the platinum in five hours.

I also went back and got the platinum for Resident Evil 2. I only needed three more platinums to complete a platinum trophy pass for Sony Rewards. Even though Sony Rewards said we would only get one more trophy pass of each kind if we had them active in October of last year, but it looks like new trophy passes do start when we complete one. If I had known that I might have continued to focus on games in my backlog that had reasonable platinums. For over a month I have been switching between Persona 3 Portable (a game with no trophies) and Bloodborne.

I wonder if I can cherry-pick another ten platinums before the end of October? There are a few Telltale games I have as PS+ titles. Those you just have to play through to get the platinum.

The Accounting+ trophies are kind of funny. It's a $12 game, and it got eleven gold trophies and a platinum. There are $30 games that don't even get a gold trophy. I wonder how Sony allocates trophies?

I'm finally back into Fallout 3! :rofl:

I'm starting to think I should just skip on exploring every inch of the game and just get through the parts to finish and platinum like I originally planned. I mean, I enjoy it, but it's taking WAY too long. I'm approaching 400 hours since November 2010 and I still haven't touched one of the DLC maps or a few of the side quests. Just finished Oasis last night, it was pretty easy.

Might also help if I stopped trying to hoard every weapon that is dropped. Fourty fully repaired Chinese assault rifles is enough!
I did it, I finally did it! Just got my platinum trophy for Fallout 3!

My first trophy was on 11/11/10 and just got the platinum today on 12/29/19; just over 9 years and about 500 hours of gameplay (my last save showed 493.17.53 but I had to go to old saves to get evil and neutral karma trophies). I also had to go back to an early save to complete "Strictly Business".

Some may wonder why so long and why so many hours? I had a tendency to only play over holiday breaks because I wanted to immerse myself in the game for hours at a time. I also enjoyed exploring every corner of every area I encountered. The amount of attention to detail and the depth of the stories is amazing; this game is truly a masterpiece. Even being as conscientious about exploring as I was, I probably still missed some things. That's how deep this game is.

Time to move on to something else. Just finished loading "The Outer Worlds" to my PS4...

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Funny, I'm *still* mid LiS:BtS. I just dont have any momentum with that game. I should just pick a weekend and finish it though.
I beT the original Life is Strange in 2019. Haven’t started Vegjre the Storm or Life is Strange 2.

I’m now about halfway through Inside.
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Since my last post. I'm finally starting Red Dead Redemption 2. It's great finally getting to play this amazing title. 

I did the Game Pass Ultimate upgrade for 3yrs this past summer . So, I'm beating old games that I never played. I beat Ori and the Blind Forest, What Remains of Edith Finch, Arkham Asylum and Tomb Raider DE.
Wow, I did pretty badly last year. All I beat was Resident Evil 2. I tried a bunch of games but didn't like them (Call of Duty Ghosts, Assassin's Creed) but I think I'll do better this year.

I plan on trying handheld games from the PSP and DS libraries and finish my PS2 and Gamecube collections.

I beat Zelda Twilight Princess HD & Wind Waker HD. Both were Great! Not sure for the next game.

I'm down to 7 physical games in my backlog. AC Origins, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Shield, Dragon Quest 7, Dragon Quest 11 & Red Dead Redemption 2.

I'm trying not to buy any games until these are beat.
Tale Spin via the Disney Aternoon Collection. Never liked the game so being hard than the other Disney games.  The ending, like Rescue Rangers 2, was a letdown.  I hope Ducktales 2 and Darkwing Dark are better.

Slowly working on Battletoads. Thank goodness for that rewind feature. And even with it, the jumping areas are so unfair.

Working on Inversion for the PS3.  The generic story is kind of boring though.

Probably should get back to finishing PS3 version of Batman: Telltale Series. If it didn't slow down to a crawl so much, it might have been worth continuing right away.

Looking at the Completed Games 2021 thread.  How you all finding time to complete so many games?! 

Yard work, laundry/cleaning/cooking, sleeping less than 8 hours, and working 8 hours alone are eating most of my gaming time.

Just stick with something and don't stop till you beat it. I'm working 7-days a week and still manage to beat at least 1 game a month. That's always my goal, at least one a month. Even if its something short and quick, I'll try to beat something each month. Many games take me multiple months (I think Trails of Cold Steel IV took me over 5-months!) but I keep plugging away and eventually beat them.

Today I finally beat Secret of Mana (from the Switch Mana Collection). I rented it back in the 90's, and got kinda far, but never beat it. I tried picking it back up here and there over the years, but never got very far at those times. Well, I finally stuck with it and finished it. Honestly, I was never impressed with it back then, and it is still underwhelming today. However, I'm glad to finally cross it off the backlog list.

So yeah, I'm trying to maximize my gaming time.   My commute from work gives me about 30 minutes downtime.  Usually I spend that time browsing social media.  The largest parts of my backlog consists of PS3/360 era titles.

Do you all think I should get a Switch Lite and buy all the last generation ports?   Bioshock, L.A. Noire, Borderlands: Pre-Sequel, Burnout Paradise, Resident Evil Origins, Resident Evil Revelations Collection, and Resident Evil Triple Pack come to mind.

I know I'm creating more backlog by buying these Switch ports.  The portability of a Switch just seems so nice.  I also just can't find the time anymore except during work and work breaks.

I'll probably hold off until there's a sale.  Probably going to go for the digital Switch versions since I have them more or less physical on other consoles. 

So what do you all think?

I used to get a lot of game-time in on my lunch breaks, so its possible to whittle down a back-log that way. It can just take awhile. The Switch digital versions of past-gen games are good alternatives to play on-the-go or without having to plug in an older console. In the last couple months, I've crossed the first two No More Heroes games off my backlog by playing the switch versions, despite my Wii versions sitting on the shelf for the past few years unplayed. Now, they can keep sitting there in the collection, but at least I know they're no longer backlogged.

I FINALLY beat SMT3: Nocturne HD Remaster on the Switch today, and I feel a giant weight off my backlog. I played the PS2 original years ago, and put in 100+ hours. However, I was playing it on a backwards-compatible PS3, and it got the YLOD before I could beat it, so my save-file was lost. Well, I now can mark it off my list of disappointments. I went all-out and got the True Demon ending, which wasn't easy but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Granted, I was just playing on Normal difficulty, but still, it wasn't easy.

Been thinking lately about just dumping all of my common physical titles. Game Pass / PlayStation Now looks so much more convenient and shelf space saving.

So what do you all think?  Sell off common titles to fund Game Pass and PlayStation Now subscriptions. 

Well it looks like I might be getting evicted at the end of the month and probably homeless.  Despite paying rent and following my landlord's fair rules. 

Landlord has Stage 4 cancer.  They are good people overall. 

I don't know what I'm going to do.  Worst case, I'm camping outside in the woods behind my work.  Maybe, bathe at the local gym; gonna need a membership.

Relevance to this thread.  I guess I am going to have to go full digital now and/or handhelds only.  I suppose I could sell off my physical copies of games to get digital versions of the games I really wanted to keep.

Any advice?  Thanks ahead.

Well it looks like I might be getting evicted at the end of the month and probably homeless. Despite paying rent and following my landlord's fair rules.

Landlord has Stage 4 cancer. They are good people overall.

I don't know what I'm going to do. Worst case, I'm camping outside in the woods behind my work. Maybe, bathe at the local gym; gonna need a membership.

Relevance to this thread. I guess I am going to have to go full digital now and/or handhelds only. I suppose I could sell off my physical copies of games to get digital versions of the games I really wanted to keep.

Any advice? Thanks ahead.
Dude, that sucks! I assume you rent an apartment in their building that they are now being forced to sell? Live in an area where rents are high / difficult to find? To me finding a place to live would be top priority, gaming would be furthest from my mind. Depending on where you live you might be able to find low income housing thru section 8, at least until you get back on your feet.

As far as gaming goes unless you have something you're extremely attached to I'd start selling stuff off right away. You could put things into storage but you risk losing them if you miss payments, plus those payments add up over time.

If you don't already have a portable system I wouldn't invest in one right now, I'd stabilize my living situation first.

Good luck!

Dude, that sucks! I assume you rent an apartment in their building that they are now being forced to sell? Live in an area where rents are high / difficult to find? To me finding a place to live would be top priority, gaming would be furthest from my mind. Depending on where you live you might be able to find low income housing thru section 8, at least until you get back on your feet.

As far as gaming goes unless you have something you're extremely attached to I'd start selling stuff off right away. You could put things into storage but you risk losing them if you miss payments, plus those payments add up over time.

If you don't already have a portable system I wouldn't invest in one right now, I'd stabilize my living situation first.

Good luck!
Thank you! Yeah, I don't know exactly what they are going to do with the building, at the end of the month. I was blindsided because I was under impression that as long as I keep paying rent I would have been able to stay. I did not financially prepare for this.

All I really know is I might have to find a new place and like you said rent is high around me.

Supposedly, section 8 type housing behind my workplace. So I probably should look into that.

I know gaming is the last thing, just figured what you all would do; if in my situation. Never used any of those storage places before.

I suppose I should just hold onto video games that I had from my childhood. Probably sell off the rest.

bread's done