The DS is irrelevent says Sony exec


262 (100%)

It's kind of funny because I feel as if the PSP is becoming irrelevent. The DS has a wonderful lineup coming out.

“Nintendo knows its target audience, because it has really narrowed that down; and it’s pretty much defined by a boy or girl’s ability to admire Pokémon," he added.

That's funny I've never played a single Pokemon game. I guess I'm not a true Nintendo fan.
[quote name='gizmogc']I was waiting for this article to show up here...took 4 days[/QUOTE]

You are not the only one on that issue.

I hope this topic doesn't turn into a flame war, like it did on Gamefaqs.
I have nothing against the PSP. I own one. But I like my DS a little better and I've never in my 34 years played a single Pokemon game. Weak comment. Bad Sony rep.
[quote name='Kain Vincent']You are not the only one on that issue.

I hope this topic doesn't turn into a flame war, like it did on Gamefaqs.[/QUOTE]

I honestly didn't post this to start a flame war....I thought it was actually kind of funny. His statements are just off base. We know the PSP has better graphics you don't need to keep telling us.
This article pissed me off when I read it a few days ago. How can he not realize that he is insulting the people that own both. And having had both I can tell you my DS gets more play time than my psp. That's doesn't mean I hate the PSP. It just is what it is. And by him saying that the DS is a kids pokemon system, (paraphrasing), it only makes me want to support Nintendo more, to change that perception.
Well even this statement as well:

"It’s fair to say that Nintendo stepped out of the technical race and went for a feature differentiation with the touch screen."

“But I fear that it won’t have a lasting impact beyond that of a gimmick - so the long-lasting appeal of the platform is at peril as a direct result of that.”

I would agree with him if the Touch Screen was the only way you could play a game on the system but there is a d-pad and 6 buttons so his statement is just silly and off base.
This is the type of crap that makes me really partial to other consoles, it's one thing to have high thoughts of what you sell, it's another to make ignorant statements like this constantly.
Well what do you think he is going to say....

"I think Nintendo will continue to kick our ass! We have shit coming out on our own system, so just go buy the DS!"

I mean come on.
Its statements like this that have been pushing me away from Sony more and more.
2 years ago I would have said I would be getting a PS3 and the Revolution and that I most likely wouldn't be getting a 360 any time soon. But now its more like I'll be getting the 360 and the Revolution and I'll most likely won't be getting the PS3 anytime soon. Just cause I'm getting pissed off with Sony being so full of them selves.

Okay Now heres my little pissed off rant after reading this a couple days ago:

Sony should just shut up, they have no right to attack Nintendo. Nintendo is kicking Sony's butt Big time in the handheld market, If the PSP was at least doing remotely good then they would have the right, but the PSP isn't doing good, and it won't be any time soon. Sony is the one who have "narrowed" their market. Nintendo is open to EVERYONE, Sony on the other hand is marketing the PSP to a small demographic of 18-25 year old Males who have $250 to throw away on a handheld.

And what the hell are they talking about that the DS is a gimmick, you want to talk about gimmick, look at the screen on the PSP, sure its nice but after a month you just don't give a shit. And how about all the extra features the PSP has, UMD Movie, MP3 player, Image Viewer, Web Browser and all the other shit they are putting into it to get peoples minds off the fact there are no games for it and there won't be more then a handful of so-so titles in the next year. The PSP is the one who is full of gimmicks, Not the DS the DS has introduced a whole new way into playing and not trying to sell its self as a handheld with nice graphics. You would think Sony would have learned something from going agenst MS in the Home console market. Pretty Graphics WON'T sell a console.

Also we want SALE figures Sony, Not SHIPPED figures. We don’t give a shit how many PSPs are sitting in the back room of Wal-Mart we want to know how many people actually own the thing.
So what if Sony doesn't like Nintendo and their products. I'm sure Nintendo loves Sony and their products though.

Just because Sony speaks out about not liking Nintendo and their products doesn't mean that Nintendo wants to be friends with Sony and prance around and play ring around the rosie.

The DS is a factor in the PSP's success, yes. So what if Sony doesnt want to acknowledge it?
[quote name='CapAmerica']Its statements like this that have been pushing me away from Sony more and more.
2 years ago I would have said I would be getting a PS3 and the Revolution and that I most likely wouldn't be getting a 360 any time soon. But now its more like I'll be getting the 360 and the Revolution and I'll most likely won't be getting the PS3 anytime soon. Just cause I'm getting pissed off with Sony being so full of them selves.

Okay Now heres my little pissed off rant after reading this a couple days ago:

Sony should just shut up, they have no right to attack Nintendo. Nintendo is kicking Sony's butt Big time in the handheld market, If the PSP was at least doing remotely good then they would have the right, but the PSP isn't doing good, and it won't be any time soon. Sony is the one who have "narrowed" their market. Nintendo is open to EVERYONE, Sony on the other hand is marketing the PSP to a small demographic of 18-25 year old Males who have $250 to throw away on a handheld.

And what the hell are they talking about that the DS is a gimmick, you want to talk about gimmick, look at the screen on the PSP, sure its nice but after a month you just don't give a shit. And how about all the extra features the PSP has, UMD Movie, MP3 player, Image Viewer, Web Browser and all the other shit they are putting into it to get peoples minds off the fact there are no games for it and there won't be more then a handful of so-so titles in the next year. The PSP is the one who is full of gimmicks, Not the DS the DS has introduced a whole new way into playing and not trying to sell its self as a handheld with nice graphics. You would think Sony would have learned something from going agenst MS in the Home console market. Pretty Graphics WON'T sell a console.

Also we want SALE figures Sony, Not SHIPPED figures. We don’t give a shit how many PSPs are sitting in the back room of Wal-Mart we want to know how many people actually own the thing.[/QUOTE]

all valid points. WAY TO GO!

The DS is a great system, but Nintendo will ruin it for me if every game they make is going to use the touch screen...........becuase the touch screen is somewhat of a pain in the ass to use for some games, but with other games its excellent..........

...........oh and Nintendo is fucking stupid if they dont put a Mario Party DS on the market............
[quote name='David85']Well what do you think he is going to say....

"I think Nintendo will continue to kick our ass! We have shit coming out on our own system, so just go buy the DS!"

I mean come on.[/QUOTE]

Of course not, but mudslinging, is an act of desperation. We do this that and the other thing better is one thing. When they feel the need to outright trash talk, they should be too respectable of a company to need to resort to that. That's playground shit.
[quote name='howlinmad']an act of desperation[/QUOTE]

It may be too early to call "desperation" on a handheld less than 6 months old. OTOH, compare the marketing approaches of the two:

Sony: We have awesome graphics, and movies the price of dvds! Nintendo can blow us!

Nintendo: Check out these awesome games coming out for DS!

Although that's not a fair analysis of the matter, that's how I interpret it as an owner of both consoles; Sony's public behavior is in poor taste, while Nintendo seems content to putter along, putting out unique and exclusive games that people are buying.
Normally, you are on ignore Quack, but I just had to see what you typed.

So, the question begs: what kind of bag of hammers are you to even debate this? Where are you spending $20-30 on a single dvd? What, are you fuckin' Canadian?

If you're selective about where you find UMDs, you might find on or two for $10-12 (if you've got a hankerin' for Daddy Day Care, that is). In reality, you're a liar and a fool for trying to claim that UMDs are cheaper than DVDs.
[quote name='CapAmerica']Its statements like this that have been pushing me away from Sony more and more.
2 years ago I would have said I would be getting a PS3 and the Revolution and that I most likely wouldn't be getting a 360 any time soon. But now its more like I'll be getting the 360 and the Revolution and I'll most likely won't be getting the PS3 anytime soon. Just cause I'm getting pissed off with Sony being so full of them selves.

Okay Now heres my little pissed off rant after reading this a couple days ago:

Sony should just shut up, they have no right to attack Nintendo. Nintendo is kicking Sony's butt Big time in the handheld market, If the PSP was at least doing remotely good then they would have the right, but the PSP isn't doing good, and it won't be any time soon. Sony is the one who have "narrowed" their market. Nintendo is open to EVERYONE, Sony on the other hand is marketing the PSP to a small demographic of 18-25 year old Males who have $250 to throw away on a handheld.

And what the hell are they talking about that the DS is a gimmick, you want to talk about gimmick, look at the screen on the PSP, sure its nice but after a month you just don't give a shit. And how about all the extra features the PSP has, UMD Movie, MP3 player, Image Viewer, Web Browser and all the other shit they are putting into it to get peoples minds off the fact there are no games for it and there won't be more then a handful of so-so titles in the next year. The PSP is the one who is full of gimmicks, Not the DS the DS has introduced a whole new way into playing and not trying to sell its self as a handheld with nice graphics. You would think Sony would have learned something from going agenst MS in the Home console market. Pretty Graphics WON'T sell a console.

Also we want SALE figures Sony, Not SHIPPED figures. We don’t give a shit how many PSPs are sitting in the back room of Wal-Mart we want to know how many people actually own the thing.[/QUOTE]

Why would you deprive yourself of a PS3 because of Sony's corporate attitude? This makes no sense to me. Who care what dumbass remarks they have about themselves or their competitors. This is like not buying a CD because you disagree with the band's politics or not going to see a movie because the star cheats on his wife. Who gives a shit? Just entertain me.
[quote name='mykevermin']It may be too early to call "desperation" on a handheld less than 6 months old. OTOH, compare the marketing approaches of the two:

Sony: We have awesome graphics, and movies the price of dvds! Nintendo can blow us!

Nintendo: Check out these awesome games coming out for DS!

Although that's not a fair analysis of the matter, that's how I interpret it as an owner of both consoles; Sony's public behavior is in poor taste, while Nintendo seems content to putter along, putting out unique and exclusive games that people are buying.[/QUOTE]

Not really desperation from a standpoint of their product failing no, maybe for lack of a better answer for it not really dominating right now. Sure, DS had a head start, but to hear Sony tell it, PSP is so good it makes you want to slap your momma. I don't play Pokemon, have never played Pokemon, nor do I ever want to play Pokemon, yet I play my DS.

Nintendo just basicly says, hey, our game is fun. Sony says, our shit doesn't stink.
I want a PSP, of course. I just want to have fun with a video game, I really don't have any brand loyality. But I'm not going to commend Sony for being arrogant pricks. I will however commend Nintendo, they have a better business model, based on how they do business alone, they back that up consistantly with fun and innovation. I'm not a Sony hater really, I just despise their business. And I'd really love to see them put in their place. Mark my words, it is coming.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Actually, the average DVD costs $20-$30 and most UMDs I have seen are around $12-$20.[/QUOTE]

WOW where the hell do you buy DVDs?

DVDs around here cost from $9-$20, New Releases normally are at most $22-25 but most of the time they are $20. Only time I see a movie cost $30 or more is when its one of those Super Special Limited Edition DVDs where it comes with a T-shirt, Poster and other crap.

UMDs around here are $20-25, I think I may have seen one or two for $15

[quote name='javeryh']Why would you deprive yourself of a PS3 because of Sony's corporate attitude? This makes no sense to me. Who care what dumbass remarks they have about themselves or their competitors. This is like not buying a CD because you disagree with the band's politics or not going to see a movie because the star cheats on his wife. Who gives a shit? Just entertain me.[/QUOTE]

I just don't feel right giving money to a company that acts like this. If you buy their stuff they see that they can continue to act the way they are and people won't care. If they want to be a bunch of jerks they can go right ahead I just won't buy their stuff and another company will get my money. If enough people do that developers might start leaving or making their games multi platform and maybe after enough has happen Sony will realize they have trashed their image by being such jerks.

Right now the only way I might get a PS3 is if its really cheap and I can mod it so I can play pirated games. cause until Sony stops acting like a bunch of first graders and starts acting like a respectable company I don't want to give them any of my hard earned money.
[quote name='Quackzilla']People who pirate games are assholes, you opinions and posts are now totally worthless.[/QUOTE]

Never said I pirate games, I just said right now the only way I might get a PS3 is if its really cheap and I can mod it so I can play pirated games. The odds of me getting a really cheap PS3 is slim to none. So Its unlikely I'll have one so I won't be playing pirated games.
[quote name='CapAmerica']Never said I pirate games, I just said right now the only way I might get a PS3 is if its really cheap and I can mod it so I can play pirated games. The odds of me getting a really cheap PS3 is slim to none. So Its unlikely I'll have one so I won't be playing pirated games.[/QUOTE]

Please, Cap. Quack stomped in here like a rapid frothing fanboy-twit, made some dumb fucking arguments that couldn't stand up to the tiniest bit of scrutiny, and so he tries to render someone *else's* points worthless?

There's a reason even us lefties in the vs forum think he's a fool's fool.
[quote name='megashock5']Weak comment. Bad Sony rep.[/QUOTE]

Big corporations like Sony only designate specific people to talk with the media, so chances are good this guy's comments were just another scripted portion of the Sony hype machine's ongoing spin cycle. It doesn't mean anything.
Sony knows 2 things once they price drop its going to knock the ds out.

2. they have liberty city storys coming out on psp only.
Thats going to have to be one big price drop to rival the DS. The PSP would have to drop to like $150.

And I think you give a little to much credit to GTA. I don't think GTA is going to be as big of a system sell as people think. Most people are just going to see it as more or less a port of GTA3. Sure GTA is a big game on the PS2, but lots of people own PS2 and they are alot cheaper and have a hell of alot more games. the PSP on the other hand is way over prices and has only a small handfull of so-so games.

Also think about this the GBA had a recent GTA game and that didn't sell many systems. Sure it was 2D but it was a GTA game none the less.
[quote name='CapAmerica']Thats going to have to be one big price drop to rival the DS. The PSP would have to drop to like $150.

And I think you give a little to much credit to GTA. I don't think GTA is going to be as big of a system sell as people think. Most people are just going to see it as more or less a port of GTA3. Sure GTA is a big game on the PS2, but lots of people own PS2 and they are alot cheaper and have a hell of alot more games. the PSP on the other hand is way over prices and has only a small handfull of so-so games.

Also think about this the GBA had a recent GTA game and that didn't sell many systems. Sure it was 2D but it was a GTA game none the less.[/QUOTE]

I'd say you're wrongly minimizing the difference between 2D and 3D GTA games. It's going to be hot upon release if the series' notoriety is still fresh in people's minds.

It will sell systems, which PSP does need right now. Comparably, there are already several system sellers for DS (including, lamentably, Mario 64).
oh I do think it will sell systems, But I don't see it as that big of a system seller. I don't think you'll have alot of people running out to pick up a PSP just for GTA.

We also don't know how GTA works as a handheld game. Are the people who like GTA also in the same group of people who play handheld consoles?
Its going to be intresting to see what happens.

It will also be intresting to see how it does after the whole 'Hot Coffee' incident.
[quote name='CapAmerica']WOW I just don't feel right giving money to a company that acts like this. If you buy their stuff they see that they can continue to act the way they are and people won't care. If they want to be a bunch of jerks they can go right ahead I just won't buy their stuff and another company will get my money. If enough people do that developers might start leaving or making their games multi platform and maybe after enough has happen Sony will realize they have trashed their image by being such jerks.

Right now the only way I might get a PS3 is if its really cheap and I can mod it so I can play pirated games. cause until Sony stops acting like a bunch of first graders and starts acting like a respectable company I don't want to give them any of my hard earned money.[/QUOTE]

You are depriving yourself for no reason, IMO. I don't like Sony as a company but I'm sure as hell not going to sit back and have GTA6, Jak4, God of War 2, etc. pass right by because of their attitude. If you and hundreds of others want to do this to make a point and eventually make Sony a better company go right ahead - in the mean time I'll be having fun with my PS3.
[quote name='Skelah']Sony knows 2 things once they price drop its going to knock the ds out.

2. they have liberty city storys coming out on psp only.[/QUOTE]

Sony has stated they wouldn't be dropping the price of the PSP at all. Now if they start shipping a bundle-less console cheaper or lower the price then Nintendo is forcing their hand whether they will admit it or not. A lot of people will say well it shouldn't matter because the PSP is in a class by itself with the screen and the graphics. Well IMO if they don't have the games that people want it doesn't matter.

As for GTA...I think it will be a big PSP game but I don't think it will anywhere match the PS2 sales. Why? When GTA III came out it was something completely new and different. There have been 2 sequels since then. While crazed fans of the series will get a PSP I think the average person would think:
1. I can play three versions of this game on my PS2
2. Is one game really worth me spending $250?
I still find it funny that everyone I know with a PSP does everything except play games on the goddamn thing! Sure Wipeout Pure and Lumines are treats, but a lot of the current PSP draw is for unintended functionality (ie: emulation). And yes, I’m in the camp that truly believes that each PSP firmware update is a thinly veiled attempt to destroy beloved homebrew apps.

As far as Harrison ‘s statement goes, it’s just pissy PR spin. I have seem nothing on the PSP that has made me go and drop the coin for the unit. I’m not saying I’ll never pick one up, I’m just saying that, for the price, it’s missing a killer app IMHO. In the meantime, my DS is treating me just fine.
[quote name='1modernboy']I still find it funny that everyone I know with a PSP does everything except play games on the goddamn thing! [/QUOTE]

I've never done anything with my PSP except play games on it. I am curious to watch a movie on there but I'm not buying one for it. HSG and Lumines was worth the $250 alone, IMO.
I am not big fans for GTA's & Halo Maddness... I thought is average game and i don't know why peoples making big deal out of it.

Thought New Super Mario Bros. is going to be ROCK on DS!!
I often wonder if the execs even play the games/systems that they push onto the masses. I love my PSP, but I would have gotten a DS instead in a heartbeat if the two screens weren't so small.

I'm still waiting for the PSP online equivalent of Mario Kart DS? I'm not talking this ad-hoc garbage, I want the full online racing.
[quote name='javeryh']You are depriving yourself for no reason, IMO. I don't like Sony as a company but I'm sure as hell not going to sit back and have GTA6, Jak4, God of War 2, etc. pass right by because of their attitude. If you and hundreds of others want to do this to make a point and eventually make Sony a better company go right ahead - in the mean time I'll be having fun with my PS3.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand why you would continue to throw your money to a company that routinely minimizes and disrespects the competition and, in turn, you as a gamer. For every "must have" Sony game there is one on the competition's machine.
[quote name='javeryh']I've never done anything with my PSP except play games on it. I am curious to watch a movie on there but I'm not buying one for it. HSG and Lumines was worth the $250 alone, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Same here, only ever played games on my psp, but own 2 movies, the spider man 2 movie and The Grudge which I have yet to watch. I also believe GTA will be a big seller unit wise for the PSP, but owning a psp already, I am not very interested in the GTA games and will not be buying this game.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I don't understand why you would continue to throw your money to a company that routinely minimizes and disrespects the competition and, in turn, you as a gamer. For every "must have" Sony game there is one on the competition's machine.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? Sony could take out a full page ad in the Times every single day calling me and Miyamoto the world's two biggest douchebags or whatever and I'd still buy a PS3. I want to play the games. Period. Sure it may be true that "for every must have Sony game there is one on the competition's machine" but playing Metroid Prime and God of War is more fun for me than just playing Metroid Prime and nothing.
[quote name='javeryh']Are you serious? Sony could take out a full page ad in the Times every single day calling me and Miyamoto the world's two biggest douchebags or whatever and I'd still buy a PS3. I want to play the games. Period. Sure it may be true that "for every must have Sony game there is one on the competition's machine" but playing Metroid Prime and God of War is more fun for me than just playing Metroid Prime and nothing.[/QUOTE]

Well, there's a difference between having self-respect and just being a consumer whore.
What 'decent' releases has PSP had post-launch? Hot Shots Golf, Death Jr., Midnight Talk about 'hot' titles. DS has had so many in the past few months its sick. Nintendogs, Advance Wars, Meteos, Kirby....and yet they pretty much call the DS crap.

GTA will help sell SOME PSPs, but not everyone is willing to drop $300+ to play yet another incarnation of GTA so soon since SA (however, it has been it may infact pull in some extra buyers). Sony just needs to shut up. Lower the price, bring out some decent games, and make a higher quality system that dosnt come with 12 dead pixels which is 'normal' for a $250 device. Ive NEVER had a single dead pixel in any handheld system I have ever purchased besides my original GB and that was 8+ years after.
bread's done