The DS is irrelevent says Sony exec

Well I must say that I'm immensly glad with my DS, and don't have enough cash to buy all the games I want for it - with some luck I may though (See Gamestop Yellow Tag Sale)
The PSP on the other hand seems really lackluster - sure Sony really seems to be pushing it but there is really nothing on it that I would really enjoy at the moment ' '
[quote name='mykevermin']It may be too early to call "desperation" on a handheld less than 6 months old. OTOH, compare the marketing approaches of the two:

Sony: We have awesome graphics, and movies the price of dvds! Nintendo can blow us!

Nintendo: Check out these awesome games coming out for DS!

Although that's not a fair analysis of the matter, that's how I interpret it as an owner of both consoles; Sony's public behavior is in poor taste, while Nintendo seems content to putter along, putting out unique and exclusive games that people are buying.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Sony's got a terrible, boastful attitude. While Nintendo has a high profile, they are nowhere near as mean as Sony's characters, such as Ken Kutaragi and now Mr. Harrison, who constantly bash other consoles and their makers.

IT's as if they're talking like they are the top. Sure the PS2 had, pretty much, the most 3rd party support, but their success doesn't mean no one else had success. Both the Xbox and GameCube are also great consoles in their own respect.
To the person who said that Nintendo always rips on Sony, I beg to differ. I remember an interview that Reggie did and said the PSP is a very nice pice of machinary.
[quote name='snipegod']Well, there's a difference between having self-respect and just being a consumer whore.[/QUOTE]

I've got plenty of self-respect and I may also be a consumer whore - but I'm a happy one. I just don't give a shit about Sony and their business practices. They could be manufacturing PS3s in some third world country with child labor and I'd still buy it. I seriously can't believe that you would deprive yourself of something fun because you don't like the company that makes the product. I guess you are like one of those guys who wouldn't bang a hot chick because you didn't have "feelings" for her - I just don't get it.
People have different ways of thinking after all. Its not a matter of right or wrong.

I do not buy products from the MS gaming division or EA. Do they make good products? Thats entirely debateable, but even if I thought they did, there is no shortage of fun to be had. I've got a 3+ year backlog of unplayed current and past gen games.

It might be a different story if they controlled the entire market leaving me with no alternatives except them. Fortunately that is not the case.
I sold My DS after I bought my PSP. Now I have purchased another DS & traded in my PSP at GameRush. Sony need's to be more worried about the 360, not the DS. I know quite a few people who gave up on the PSP already and traded it in for credit on their 360 preorder.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']People have different ways of thinking after all. Its not a matter of right or wrong.

I do not buy products from the MS gaming division or EA. Do they make good products? Thats entirely debateable, but even if I thought they did, there is no shortage of fun to be had. I've got a 3+ year backlog of unplayed current and past gen games.

It might be a different story if they controlled the entire market leaving me with no alternatives except them. Fortunately that is not the case.[/QUOTE]

BUT WHY????? That doesn't explain anything to me... I'm probably hopeless but I don't understand how if MS or EA released the best game in the history of the universe you wouldn't buy it simply because it was made by one of them. It is mindboggling.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I don't understand why you would continue to throw your money to a company that routinely minimizes and disrespects the competition and, in turn, you as a gamer. For every "must have" Sony game there is one on the competition's machine.[/QUOTE]

This is a ridiculous statement imo. First, I have a PS2 library that triples my Gamecube one, and made my Xbox one obsolete to the point that I traded in the console a couple of months back. Second, the Sony games are a small part of why I buy their consoles - fact is, the third-party support is the main reason. So if I didn't buy a Sony console, I wouldn't only be hurting Sony (and myself, for missing out on all of those games) but the third parties as well.

[quote name='snipegod']Well, there's a difference between having self-respect and just being a consumer whore.[/QUOTE] don't really believe this BS, do you? That buying a product means you have no self respect? I'll answer you like I did a friend of mine. He felt that if a company supported something he didn't believe in, he should boycott them. I told him that somewhere down the line, the money you give to ANY company is going to be used in a manner you don't agree with. If it's not done at the top by management, it will be done at the bottom by employees. But what do I care? I can't control these major companies, and I'm not spending money to invest in an ideal or philosophy - I'm buying a product. When I go to buy a product, the only question on my mind is "Is it worth the money?", not "What do I think of the latest press release by the company who made it?"

I'm curious if some of you people scrutinize ALL of your purchases this thoroughly. Has Kellogg's made any statements lately that would make you give up Fruit Loops? How about McDonald's - have they been badmouthing Wendy's or Burger King again?
[quote name='argyle']T don't really believe this BS, do you? [/QUOTE]

I'd ask the same to you. There's a little thing called consumer responsibility.

You guys think you're darling little capitalists, but Adam Smith would roll over in his damn grave at what "capitalism" has become.
[quote name='evilmax17']Sales for the week of August 15-21 (Japan)

DS - 80,945
PS2 - 33, 292
PSP - 23, 923

Yup...real irrelevent.[/QUOTE]

nice. The DS is putting sony in its place. 2nd and 3rd place i meant :)
[quote name='javeryh']BUT WHY????? That doesn't explain anything to me... I'm probably hopeless but I don't understand how if MS or EA released the best game in the history of the universe you wouldn't buy it simply because it was made by one of them. It is mindboggling.[/QUOTE]

Some people just care about the things that happen behind the scenes, not just the end result. Its just an opinion.

I could ask why dont you care? You might say because it doesnt matter as long as the end result is good, whereas at the other end of the table, I would just say the opposite thing. You cant use logic to derive a correct answer.

If I dont support a companies policies or actions, than I will be consistent and not support the company with my wallet. It acheives nothing, but it gives me peace of mind.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Some people just care about the things that happen behind the scenes, not just the end result. Its just an opinion.

I could ask why dont you care? You might say because it doesnt matter as long as the end result is good, whereas at the other end of the table, I would just say the opposite thing. You cant use logic to derive a correct answer.

If I dont support a companies policies or actions, than I will be consistent and not support the company with my wallet. It acheives nothing, but it gives me peace of mind.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough but I still can't help thinking you might be missing out on a lot of great stuff.
[quote name='stocker08']nice. The DS is putting sony in its place. 2nd and 3rd place i meant :)[/QUOTE]

And where is Gamecube on that list? :roll:

The fact that people are still buying PS2's is amazing enough to me after how many console have already been sold.

Just because DS is ahead of PS2 and PSP doesn't mean they are failing to anyone that thinks that.

Anyone that says they aren't buying a PS3 because they dont like some people attitudes in the company I really feel sorry for you, they are business competitors so if you are expecting them to say nice things about each other something is seriously wrong with you.

To me I had a DS a day after launch, never opened it and returned it since I didn't feel like a Mario 64 rehash was worth the $150. Now the most interesting DS game to me is Nanostray, I could really care less about Nintendogs. It looks fun, but that type of game isn't too interesting to me. When Resident Evil comes out for DS I may buy one even though it looks like a port of the original since I really really like RE.

Did anyone even think of Sony's reason for saying that the DS is irrelevant? Maybe Sony isn't going after the same age group as Nintendo is going for with the DS? There are a lot of reasons that they could have said it, but everyone seems to think it was to insult Nintendo.

I will buy a PS3 followed by a Revolution, Xbox 360 probably won't have a place with me since Xbox had very few games I enjoyed before selling it.

PS3 will have Killzone, DMC4, RE5 (yes I know xbox360 will have it too), I/8 and many games I am looking forward to that are interesting to ME. I'm not going to go buy an Xbox 360 that I will get little enjoyment out of just because Sony was being mean to Nintendo so I shouldn't buy anything from them. I dont know much about the Revolution yet so I can't really say what games I am looking forward to on it, but it will definatley have some must haves since its Nintendo.
The Sony exec was not out of line in his comments, I am sure it was a very strategic comment meant to stir up debate and get people talking about the PSP at a time that the DS is surpassing their sales figures.

The dry spell of games on the PSP lately is no different from the dry spell the DS encountered shortly after it launch. Give the PSP another 5 months, and I imagine that some very enjoyable games will be available for it as well.

I don't own a PSP, but I imagine that over time the quality of games will eventually make it a much more viable gaming machine than it currently is.
[quote name='whoknows']And where is Gamecube on that list? :roll:

The fact that people are still buying PS2's is amazing enough to me after how many console have already been sold.

Just because DS is ahead of PS2 and PSP doesn't mean they are failing to anyone that thinks that.

Anyone that says they aren't buying a PS3 because they dont like some people attitudes in the company I really feel sorry for you, they are business competitors so if you are expecting them to say nice things about each other something is seriously wrong with you.

To me I had a DS a day after launch, never opened it and returned it since I didn't feel like a Mario 64 rehash was worth the $150. Now the most interesting DS game to me is Nanostray, I could really care less about Nintendogs. It looks fun, but that type of game isn't too interesting to me. When Resident Evil comes out for DS I may buy one even though it looks like a port of the original since I really really like RE.

Did anyone even think of Sony's reason for saying that the DS is irrelevant? Maybe Sony isn't going after the same age group as Nintendo is going for with the DS? There are a lot of reasons that they could have said it, but everyone seems to think it was to insult Nintendo.

I will buy a PS3 followed by a Revolution, Xbox 360 probably won't have a place with me since Xbox had very few games I enjoyed before selling it.

PS3 will have Killzone, DMC4, RE5 (yes I know xbox360 will have it too), I/8 and many games I am looking forward to that are interesting to ME. I'm not going to go buy an Xbox 360 that I will get little enjoyment out of just because Sony was being mean to Nintendo so I shouldn't buy anything from them. I dont know much about the Revolution yet so I can't really say what games I am looking forward to on it, but it will definatley have some must haves since its Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

That's a lot of effort to fight a futile battle for the winning side. I recall my furor over the NFL/Madden/Sega Sports deal, and I vowed to never buy EA again (and I haven't still). People spent a lot of time trying to tell me I was a fool, EA makes good games, I'm gay (or something else really classy), things of that nature.

I didn't buy Madden. They did.

Some will buy the PS3. Others won't. You won't be the only person on earth with a PS3, so save your breath.

In the end, buy what you want, don't buy what you don't.
DS is completely beating the living shit out of the PSP in the place where it matters most for these companies- Japan. I'd imagine it's also selling better here thanks to Nintendogs and the complete lack of any decent new games for the PSP. If Sony wasn't so cocky about the PSP, perhaps they'd be in first. But they seem to think that constant new releases of overpriced UMDs are what the market wants.

And I'll be buying both Revolution AND PS3 as long as they have quality games. At this point, I only own a DS because only it, and not the PSP, has quality games that I am interested in.
[quote name='whoknows']And where is Gamecube on that list? :roll:

The fact that people are still buying PS2's is amazing enough to me after how many console have already been sold.

Just because DS is ahead of PS2 and PSP doesn't mean they are failing to anyone that thinks that.


ummm, when did Gamecube come into this. I was mearly talking about how Sony execs think the DS is "irrelevent" yet it is destroying the PSP in sales even though DS has been out for about 2 months more than PSP.
[quote name='whoknows']And where is Gamecube on that list? :roll:

The fact that people are still buying PS2's is amazing enough to me after how many console have already been sold.

Probably because they don't want to spend $80 to get their old broken PS lens fixed so they end up just buying a new system for a couple bucks more (a slim one or something)
Bottom line, I'd say DS is irrelevant to the PSP. PSP is about graphics and media options. DS is all about the games and touch screen. It also seems to me that the DS is sort of reaching for something new in its games, while the PSP is looking to allow you to have your favorite console games on the go.
[quote name='Sweetbabyjezuz']Probably because they don't want to spend $80 to get their old broken PS lens fixed so they end up just buying a new system for a couple bucks more (a slim one or something)[/QUOTE]

lol, its soo true! I brought my DRE PS2 into ebgames and they game me full trade in value so i bought a new small one.
[quote name='mrnomis27']The dry spell of games on the PSP lately is no different from the dry spell the DS encountered shortly after it launch. Give the PSP another 5 months, and I imagine that some very enjoyable games will be available for it as well.[/QUOTE]
See, not so much.

The dry-spell of DS games was very specific to America, as Nintendo was trying to push a "Western" launch with the games they released here and not too many quirky Japanese titles. The next week, the system launched in Japan with a large list of good games, which took a few months to come to America because, well, Nintendo of America is either A) swamped or B) incompetent. Maybe a little of both.

American DS owners just had to look at Japan's launchlist and say "We'll be getting all the Advance Wars and Nintendogs and Kirbys and Castlevanias soon enough." American PSP owners look at the Japanese PSP game list (keeping in mind that both the PSP and DS came out within days of each other in Japan) and wonder why the hell they made a sequel to an extremely poorly received Bleach game that will never come to America. About five months after the DS's American launch, we finally started getting the good games. Here we are, five months after the PSP's American launch, and we have no idea what's coming up for the next year.

It's not simply a problem of "Both systems have a dryspell," but "One system doesn't have a point where the dryspell is seemingly going to end, in America or Japan."

As an owner of both handhelds, I'm pretty disappointed. I was hoping for competition to spur on better games, which seemingly inspired Nintendo to try something new, but put on a whole new level of hubris with Sony. I guess it just goes to show you that predicting the way the industry moves is as much a guessing game as anything else.
One system doesnt have a point! haha. Classic.

"One of the best uses for a Nintendo DS is playing games while you're waiting for your PSP to load."
[quote name='javeryh']Fair enough but I still can't help thinking you might be missing out on a lot of great stuff.[/QUOTE]

Read through alot of your stuff and i do agree with some of it. One thing people might be missing though, is that its not a big deal that Sony dissed Nintendo...but that Sony dissed Nintendo users.

I own a DS and PSP and i myself feel that the statement offended me slightly. Basically hes saying im some little baby playing pokemon, yet the truth of the matter is that i bought both systems and enjoy the DS a ton more.

I do agree with you on your point that it shouldnt stop me from buying their products if id enjoy them. I.E. i buy EA games all the time even though im pissed there isnt an NFL2k game anymore because that means they will keep their prices up.

One thing i notice though, is all of those games are just sequels, God of War 2, Jak 6, GTA W/E. I have played many of those games, and it has worn off on me. I dont enjoy Jak all that much, god of war is ok but nothing huge, and the GTA series just isnt original to me anymore and is surrounded by so much hype it turns me off. Ill get a PS3 in due time, but more for the rpgs then for that stuff
I have DS and PSP. and so far, I do think the touch screen is kind of gimmicky. The thumb strap is so tedious to use, and using the stylus, on the other hand, will make you wish you have a third hand (because I find my self keep alternating my right hand on the buttons and the stylus when playing Mario64ds). However, I only own Mario 64 DS and RRDS; so my experience might be insufficient to support my comment. On the other hand, it's true I don't spend a lot of time with my PSP to play its UMD games (becaue the lack of games out at the moment
[quote name='Weedy649']Read through alot of your stuff and i do agree with some of it. One thing people might be missing though, is that its not a big deal that Sony dissed Nintendo...but that Sony dissed Nintendo users.

I own a DS and PSP and i myself feel that the statement offended me slightly. Basically hes saying im some little baby playing pokemon, yet the truth of the matter is that i bought both systems and enjoy the DS a ton more. [/QUOTE]

Heh... didn't even think about it that way. So I guess if I buy a DS, then I shouldn't own a PSP?

I seriously don't understand what's up with these Sony execs... they say the dumbest things.

"We fucked up our system but to you it's a beautiful piece of artwork and you better live with it because we said so."

"Poor pieces of sh*t like you can't afford the PS3 so screw everything else and start saving now because your new god commands it. You don't need to eat."

And now, "Nintendo DS owners are babies and PSP owners are adults who don't mind spending $250 a portable gaming machine to play ports and crappy games along with $30 UMD movies on a 4 inch screen when they could have spent half as much to watch them on their larger TVs. In summery: PSP = are cool, DS owners suck. This is law as we are your new god."

(*Note: don't miss the exaggerations.);-)
the thing about price drops, and price in general, is something that Microsoft hasnt nailed just yet. Its that in business, you're supposed to make money. Its not enough to sell systems (or in the MS case, give them away), but you have to recoup those losses.

Someday maybe the PSP will have games as cool as the device itself. But playing Lumines on a PSP is like bringing a stealth bomber to a drive in movie when I can play Meteos on my DS.
So what if Sony doesn't like Nintendo and their products. I'm sure Nintendo loves Sony and their products though.

Just because Sony speaks out about not liking Nintendo and their products doesn't mean that Nintendo wants to be friends with Sony and prance around and play ring around the rosie.

The DS is a factor in the PSP's success, yes. So what if Sony doesnt want to acknowledge it?

I think everyone is getting angry with Sony, because they don't only do this to Nintendo they do this to ALL competition. They skew sales numbers, they flat out lie, they are smug cocky @ss4oles that do nothing to better the industry and push overhyped crap games that sell because of advertising. Personally I'm just sick and tired of their endless bull$hit.
Actually, the average DVD costs $20-$30 and most UMDs I have seen are around $12-$20.

Are your DVDs wrapped in tissue with bows and trinkets ? , perhaps made of gold ?? because there is NO way dvd's cost 30 unless its a box set, you waited 5 years to buy it and its rare, or your buying Anime.

Also UMD average 25 bucks... Most good ones are 30, and you can get some decent older movies for 19.99
[quote name='CapAmerica']I have Lumines on my PC so... one less reason to buy a PSP.[/QUOTE]
I have a GBA SP so... one less reason to buy a DS. I can play 99% of the "DS" game library already. :)
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']One system doesnt have a point! haha. Classic.

"One of the best uses for a Nintendo DS is playing games while you're waiting for your PSP to load."[/QUOTE]

you dont even need a ds for that, you could take a nap in the time it takes for psp to load.
[quote name='stocker08']you dont even need a ds for that, you could take a nap in the time it takes for psp to load.[/QUOTE]
Are you saying when PSP loads up everybody can put down the DS and start playing quality games? (Since most psp gaems loads in under 3-7 seconds, that's not much of a nap I would say)
[quote name='praystation']Are you saying when PSP loads up everybody can put down the DS and start playing quality games? (Since most psp gaems loads in under 3-7 seconds, that's not much of a nap I would say)[/QUOTE]

quality games on the PSP! WHERE?!?! I want to get a picture of this so I can put it with my picture of Bigfoot and Nessy!
[quote name='Quackzilla']I have a GBA SP so... one less reason to buy a DS. I can play 99% of the "DS" game library already. :)[/QUOTE]

Really? Hmm.. last I knew the Only DS game to have a GBA version was Zoo Keeper. Maybe thats the only game you like? Also I'm pretty sure the GBA doesn't have a touch screen so that kind of makes it impossible to play DS games on the GBA, and if I'm mistaken the GBA only has the power of a SNES, don't think you'll be seeing Mario 64, Metroid Prime or Nintendogs on that.
Are you saying when PSP loads up everybody can put down the DS and start playing quality games? (Since most psp gaems loads in under 3-7 seconds, that's not much of a nap I would say)

uhhh... how much modding did you have to do in order to get those amazing load times. Because when I had my psp games would take as long as a MINUTE to load.
I just looked up the DS games I like, there are like 2 dozen I would play and like 150 games listed at EB.

I looked for PSP games but all I saw was movies. There are like 150 movies for the thing and like 40 games.
[quote name='ragepower']uhhh... how much modding did you have to do in order to get those amazing load times. Because when I had my psp games would take as long as a MINUTE to load.[/QUOTE]

No you dont have a PSP. A minute? the only game that loads for that long is midnightclub3. (It's really strange to see many ppl claim to own both psp and ds while the things they are saying are completely nonsensical).

DS fanboy says psp games are rehashes... (the coming castlevania is also a rehash, the digdug: Digging STrike , and Space invaders: REvolution

PSP fanboy says DS is like watered down N64 (while it's true for SM64DS and RRDS, many others are not).

So both fanboys, read this: STFU!
[quote name='David85']I just looked up the DS games I like, there are like 2 dozen I would play and like 150 games listed at EB.

I looked for PSP games but all I saw was movies. There are like 150 movies for the thing and like 40 games.[/QUOTE]

150??? those are GBA games. not the DS games. Stop contradicting urself.

Movies? DS has none LOL. (You guys keep saying PSP movie playing is a gimmick, while many of you wants to get "play yan" "or "m3" LOL).
[quote name='CapAmerica']quality games on the PSP! WHERE?!?! I want to get a picture of this so I can put it with my picture of Bigfoot and Nessy![/QUOTE]
Oh please, neither handheld system has any true A quality games on it (with possible exceptions of Advance Wars: DS and Lumines which are more B+/A- games) so far, so basically its personal preference on what types of games you like to play.
[quote name='ragepower']
Also UMD average 25 bucks... Most good ones are 30, and you can get some decent older movies for 19.99[/QUOTE]

Maybe wherever you shop. The only $25 UMD's I have seen are Kill Bill, Pirates of the Carribean and House of Flying Daggers. Everything else I have seen has been ~$15 so you are getting ripped off.
[quote name='ragepower']uhhh... how much modding did you have to do in order to get those amazing load times. Because when I had my psp games would take as long as a MINUTE to load.[/QUOTE]
Oh enlighten us all knowing one on which PSP games take a minute to load.

The only PSP game that takes around that much time is MC3: Dub so if you say anything else you happen to be lying.
[quote name='praystation']150??? those are GBA games. not the DS games. Stop contradicting urself.

Movies? DS has none LOL. (You guys keep saying PSP movie playing is a gimmick, while many of you wants to get "play yan" "or "m3" LOL).[/QUOTE]

There are like 750 GBA games.

And I miscounted, there are only like 120 DS games to PSP 20 games.

Wow! I want movies that I can only play on a 4 inch screen!!!

I would jus buy a portable DVD player and a DS for the cost that the PSP is.
[quote name='David85']Wow! I want movies that I can only play on a 4 inch screen!!![/QUOTE]

I don't see what what interests people in watching movies on a handheld. I used to think you lost something watching a theater film on a tv set. . . :roll:
[quote name='whoknows']The only PSP game that takes around that much time is MC3: Dub so if you say anything else you happen to be lying.[/QUOTE]
People have been saying that quite a lot in passing, as if its no big deal.

Loading times on a handheld IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM is pushing it as it is, and there shouldn't be even ONE game that takes a minute to load. It's absolutely inexcusable.

Also, I've heard Darkstalkers takes 20 seconds (while not a minute, it's still 17 seconds too long).
[quote name='David85']There are like 750 GBA games.

And I miscounted, there are only like 120 DS games to PSP 20 games.

Wow! I want movies that I can only play on a 4 inch screen!!!

I would jus buy a portable DVD player and a DS for the cost that the PSP is.[/QUOTE]
WOW. I would rather watch my movies on PSP 4 inches screen than watching Movie on DS+Playyan on its tiny screen. LOL YOU.

120 DS games? U play Japanese games too?? (DId you count the Japanese games for PSP?) -God told u to be biased?
[quote name='evilmax17']People have been saying that quite a lot in passing, as if its no big deal.

Loading times on a handheld IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM is pushing it as it is, and there shouldn't be even ONE game that takes a minute to load. It's absolutely inexcusable.

Also, I've heard Darkstalkers takes 20 seconds (while not a minute, it's still 17 seconds too long).[/QUOTE]

Sure, if PSPonly has 4MB of RAM like the DS, psp wont even have load time too. (anyway, not all cart based games has 0 loading time. Crazy taxi for GBA has loading time too- it says "now loading")
ANyway, for those who have said they have both DS and PSP, and still dissing one of em, YOU ARE BULLSHITTING. Just admit you don't have both already. I know saying "I got both" will make you sound "less fanboy" and "more knowledgeable." But when you say nonsensical things like "battery life under 2 hours with wifi turned off" or "all UMD games has 1 minute + load times", You are revealing your biased comment.

I have both. And I treat each of my "babies" equally.

My DS has small screen, cant play movie out of the box (Needs "PLay yan" / M3 add-on), the touch screen is good (for FPSes and RTSes and Minigames), eventhough it makes me wish to have an extra arm to use the stylus, the thumbstrap is gimmicky (my thumb can only reach half the screen without overstretching my thumb since I want to maintain complete control on the buttons), great games selection (many DS fanboys say PSP games are full of remakes / ports / rehashes - NOT TRUE, DS games like the DIgDUg: Digging strike, Ridge Racer DS, Space invader: revolution, SUper Mario 64 DS, Mr Driller are also remakes/ ports/ rehashes)

My PSP has slick screen, perfect for playing games, watching movies "on the go" (No you cant bring the movie theater with you on trips, MaxBiaggi3.), The weight could be less, and the minute+ loading time is not true at all, the battery life of
bread's done