The DS is irrelevent says Sony exec

[quote name='sixersballernum3']I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that you aren't playing DS-exclusive games.

Games produced across the board (NFSU:2, Madden, etc.) are never good when they try to include the stylus.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the post.

Actually, all that I own are DS exclusive games. (Feel the Magic, Mario 64, demo of Nintendogs and demo of Metroid.)

Those games are for the most part fun. But, there are many others that have added the stylus, and would have been better served to not even bother with it. Spend the development time on something useful. (Madden, Spiderman, driving games, etc.)

Also, there are times where the stylus feels like a gimmick in the games that I own. (Mario 64 - How many "matching" type games can you have? Feel the Magic - Oh please, not another "rubbing" game)

Just my 2 cents,
[quote name='sixersballernum3']What's wrong is that:

A, it's illegal.

And B, you can just play the games on your console.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, let me know when the ROM police start arresting people. I would wager a safe bet nearly 75% of all CAGS have roms on their PSP, GP32, GBA/DS, or even their computer. Get over the fact thats its 'illegal'. How many people here that own a PSP have TV shows, Clips, etc. on their PSP that they downloaded from Bit Torrents or 'other' places. Get off you're ROM high horse as this discussion really has nothing to do with the ubject on hand. If you forgot, its that the PSP has no games available to play, and people will find other ways to enjoy their $250 door stop.
[quote name='praystation']No I am talking about m3. Dint I say M3 a cpuple of times? Don't know about M3?
Here, enlighten yourself:

Anywa. for those ppl who tell me that I can "do all that crap" on laptop. Why dont you listen to youyr MP3 on laptops too? LOL[/QUOTE]
I know OF the M3 Adapter. However, I don't see a price on that site.

For the very same reasons as why PSP isn't a great mp3 player.

[quote name='praystation']anyway my 51m always feel more than 9.6 lbs as stated by alienware. It's more like 12 lbs. Your powerbook is only 6lbs? Well. Good for you. I believe 51m is made with PC components that make it haevy.[/QUOTE]
Guess what your problem is? ALIENWARE! They are all about power in their systems.
[quote name='praystation']. Don't you know PSP is NOT just an MP3 player. Plus IPOD sucks anyway. My old Ipod's battery died in 8 month, Apple cnahed it once, and still it died in 6 months.[/Quote]

Yea, thats becuase you dont know how to use it. You charge it fully when you buy it......and before charging it again, you wait until the battery dies or is down to almost nothing left...........or were you banging it against a rock????
[quote name='praystation']anywa, this topic has gone from 1 topic to a new one. Let us stop this ok? And dont claim you have an Ipod if you dont. In fact, dont claim you have anything that you dont. because when you make silly comments like It kinda reveals that you dont know shit about it.[/QUOTE]

A properly maintained iPod battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity after 400 full charge and discharge cycles.

Your stupid no matter what way you look at it with your iPod. If you discarged it enought to kill the battiey its your fault and if you had one of the Bad iPods why the fuck didn't you return it? If its broken return it, don't sit on it and then bitch about it later on.

Apple leads customer satisfaction survey, Dell falls:
Apple which remained number No. 1 in the survey, after grabbing the top spot in 2004.Bloomberg reports that Apple's customer satisfaction rating was unchanged at 81, while Dell's declined to 74 from 79 in 2004; among internet companies, Time Warner Inc.'s America Online had the biggest gain (rising to 71 from 67 a year ago), while HP rose 2 points from last year to 73 and Google scored 82 on the index. Apple has managed to keep its constomer satisfaction rating at the highest levels since 1994, while Dell slipped to the lowest levels since 1998, according to the report.

I've only had my iPod fixed once and that was cause the battiery was DOA. I've also had the battiery in my Powerbook replaced for free cause it was faulty, and that was 5 months after my 1 year warranty was up.

One of my friends has replaces the battiery in his Generation 1 iPod three times since he had it. The 3rd time was just recently. we just went down to the Apple store, they took it sent it to Apple and they replaces the battiery again for free.

I do carry my laptop everywhere I go and did use my Laptop for MP3s untill I got my iPod, I just disabled it from going in to sleep mode when I closed it. Pluged in my headphones and put it in my bag.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']What's wrong is that:

A, it's illegal.

And B, you can just play the games on your console.[/QUOTE]
I cant fit the all those old consoles in my pockets dumbarse
[quote name='CapAmerica']Anyone else have a hard time taking a guy whos name in 'praystation' opinons seriously as unbiest to Sony?[/QUOTE]

It's just a name. To mock the japanese playstation advertisement that I found "very funny" when the kid says "Purestesiong" (Pronounce: Praystasheeon). If I were a fanboy, WHY would I buy a DS??? Need a copy of the receipt sent to my email when I purchased the DS from them? I still have it.
[quote name='CapAmerica']
I do carry my laptop everywhere I go and did use my Laptop for MP3s untill I got my iPod, I just disabled it from going in to sleep mode when I closed it. Pluged in my headphones and put it in my bag.[/QUOTE]

I have never heard of ANYbody who would use his/her laptop to play songs on the go. portable cd players are big enough already. You use LAPTOP for MP3? WOw you are nerdier than ANYbody I have EVER met on this planet we call Earth.

A: heyyy Is that a CD player you got there?
You: No.. It's my laptop.
A: WHUT???
[quote name='stocker08']Yea, thats becuase you dont know how to use it. You charge it fully when you buy it......and before charging it again, you wait until the battery dies or is down to almost nothing left...........or were you banging it against a rock????[/QUOTE]

My ipod uses Li-ion, not some Nickel MetalHydrate or Nickel Cadmium battery. You dont have to discharge a Li-ion battery.
DS fan like this one: [quote name='Weedy649']Well its funny you mention that.....because it seems to me PSP games are nothing but PS2 ports so i dont see whats wrong with wanting to play gen snes nes etc on it.[/QUOTE]
complains about PSP "Ports/rehash" games. However, I found both DS and PSP has their share of rehash games as well.

Ridge Racer DS (Complete N64's Ridge Racer 64 with unusable touchscreen feature "minus" the mip mapping and "anti aliased textures")

Madden 05 (DS fanboys keep saying PSP games are "ports". If so what do you call this one? "bort?")

Space Invader: revolution (Space invader? Original? LOL)

DigDug: Digging STrike (DigDUg? Original? LOL)

Advance War: Dual Strike (Original? LOL)

RE: DS (Original? LOL)

SM64DS (Graphically toned down version of SM64 with 30 extra stars and playable Wario, Yoshi and Luigi, plus some mini games- Not Rehash?)

Mr Driller: Drill Spirits (Not rehash?)

The Sims 2 (not port?)

Madden 06 (not port?)

Bomberman (not rehash? not port?)

Puyo Pop Fever (Another Puyo Puyo game?)

NFS Underground 2 (Not a port?)

Tiger wood PGA tour (Not a port?)

Asphalt Urban GT (Ngage port is not a port?)

Retro Atari classic (Not a rehash?)

Rayman DS (not a port?)

Are you guys just biased or I am just blind here? The two games I own here (SM64DS and RRDS play exactly like how I used to play years ago, of course you have some mini matching games, Yoshi: fower petal minigame and some other good ones). You don't call these rehashes?

Actually to tell you the truth, Rehashes are not bad at all.

Iheartmetal says [quote name='iheartmetal']portability is nice and all, but you see, if i want to play an nes game, genesis, snes or any other system, i play it on my tv... at home... with its corrosponding system. i mean, i dont need to play ffvi that bad, if im going to be dropping hundreds of dollars on a psp i want to play psp games


Sure when you are at home, playing madden 06 would be great on HDTV big screen and on home console with 5.1 sound system. I would love that idea, but when i get out of the house, and crave my share of Madden tackling and all, can I bring my console and TV with me?
[quote name=' praystation']I have never heard of ANYbody who would use his/her laptop to play songs on the go. portable cd players are big enough already. You use LAPTOP for MP3? WOw you are nerdier than ANYbody I have EVER met on this planet we call Earth.

A: heyyy Is that a CD player you got there?
You: No.. It's my laptop.
A: WHUT???[/Quote]

Lets see my options were care around a lame CD player that with the slightest jolt would skip, Only could play one CD at a time, and Have to worry about CDs getting skratched in my bag. OR use my Laptop which I'm allready carrying, which can hold hours apone hours of music and won't skip.

Really having a hard time seeing this as nerdy.

[quote name='praystation']SM64DS (Graphically toned down version of SM64 with 30 extra stars and playable Wario, Yoshi and Luigi, plus some mini games- Not Rehash?)[/QUOTE]

Are you smokeing crack? How the fuck can you say SM64DS is a Graphically toned down version of SM64? SM64DS has FAR superior graphics.

Left: SM64DS - Right: SM64

Advance War is a franchise dumbass, Of corce its going to be similar to the other versions out there. But the game play is totaly differnt from the other versions. Might as well put every single sequal out there on your list if your going to put Advance War on it.

Almost every single game you listed is far from just a run of the mill port like almost all the PSP games. Each game on the DS takes advantage of the new technology that the DS brings to the table, None of thouse games play the same way as they do on the consoles. Your saying that just cause Mario64 and Ridge Racer a similar to your N64 counter parts that all DS games are clones of the N64 versions. Give me a fucken break.
Sure when you are at home, playing madden 06 would be great on HDTV big screen and on home console with 5.1 sound system. I would love that idea, but when i get out of the house, and crave my share of Madden tackling and all, can I bring my console and TV with me?
right, and thats a psp game, and what i said was, id buy a psp for psp games, not for roms, so thanks for the support
No console is completely without ports/rehashes, but PSP certainly has a lot more than DS. From a personal standpoint, I'm more attracted to DS because I never had an N64.

Hating on Ridge Racer is bullshit. The touch screen works well and it's very fun to use it that way.
[quote name='irrossistable']No console is completely without ports/rehashes, but PSP certainly has a lot more than DS. From a personal standpoint, I'm more attracted to DS because I never had an N64.

Hating on Ridge Racer is bullshit. The touch screen works well and it's very fun to use it that way.[/QUOTE]
Can you show me the video of you playing the RRDS smoothly with the thumbstrap ? or the stylus and win the first place? I can play RRDS without hitting any walls on the last round with Dpad and win the first place (last round requires as little drifts as possible, without hitting any walls). Can you do that with the thumbstrap? I want an original video. if you can. I will send you $1000 check. i will give you my address for you to send the video. I give you one week to do that. Cool? Let's prove you can do that instead of just babbling it out like some MOron who had never even played RRDS using the touchscreen.

Anyway Capamerica, I have never seen anybody using their laptop to play Mp3 on the go (the biggest mp3 player ever? WOW you rock dude!) Can you take a picture of yourself using carrying the laptop, with headphone plugged on the laptop listening Mp3? That would ROCK. (And you will see yourself mocked around the globe when I submit your picture into jokes/humor websites.

And Id I say ALL NDS game is N64 port? DId I? Are you just blind or plain tard or what? I think N64 is far more superior. Can You explain the pixelated fire, pixelated trees on SM64DS? That pixelly things are so 15 years ago. (Anybody played Doom1/2/final doom?)
CapAmerica. please post your picture with you using laptop as music player (here's an idea, stand on street corner, wear big jersey shirt and baggy pants, hold up your laptop with headphone plugged onto it, open the screen and ask somebody to take your picture with the headphone on your ears- Or this one: Have you seen those people who carry their boombox on the streets to play their Music OUTloud? yeah, do that, but use the laptop instead- and ask someone to take your picture). I bet even My paralyzed neighbor would laugh. LOL ^_^
[quote name='CapAmerica']Lets see my options were care around a lame CD player that with the slightest jolt would skip, Only could play one CD at a time, and Have to worry about CDs getting skratched in my bag. OR use my Laptop which I'm allready carrying, which can hold hours apone hours of music and won't skip.

Really having a hard time seeing this as nerdy.

Are you smokeing crack? How the fuck can you say SM64DS is a Graphically toned down version of SM64? SM64DS has FAR superior graphics.

Left: SM64DS - Right: SM64

Advance War is a franchise dumbass, Of corce its going to be similar to the other versions out there. But the game play is totaly differnt from the other versions. Might as well put every single sequal out there on your list if your going to put Advance War on it.

Almost every single game you listed is far from just a run of the mill port like almost all the PSP games. Each game on the DS takes advantage of the new technology that the DS brings to the table, None of thouse games play the same way as they do on the consoles. Your saying that just cause Mario64 and Ridge Racer a similar to your N64 counter parts that all DS games are clones of the N64 versions. Give me a fucken break.[/QUOTE]

Like PSP games that are remakes/ ports/ rehashes. THEY are franchises too MORON (have you taken an IQ test before?) . If they aren't we would call it "Original" already.
[quote name='praystation']My ipod uses Li-ion, not some Nickel MetalHydrate or Nickel Cadmium battery. You dont have to discharge a Li-ion battery.[/QUOTE]

oh so...........i guess only your 2 ipods sucked. Hmm who would have guessed. You fanboy.

get the fuck out of this fourm if all you are going to do is be a fanboy towards Sony and everything sony and go into other threads to Say how bad they suck. Just shut the hell up you stupid ass.
[quote name='praystation']CapAmerica. please post your picture with you using laptop as music player (here's an idea, stand on street corner, wear big jersey shirt and baggy pants, hold up your laptop with headphone plugged onto it, open the screen and ask somebody to take your picture with the headphone on your ears- Or this one: Have you seen those people who carry their boombox on the streets to play their Music OUTloud? yeah, do that, but use the laptop instead- and ask someone to take your picture). I bet even My paralyzed neighbor would laugh. LOL ^_^[/QUOTE]

Whats wrong with using a laptop for portable music? My friend uses it, hes far from a nerd. 4 years of high school football, and now a US Marine in Iraq. He uses his laptop in his car(uses an adapter so that it plays from his car's speakers). He uses it when at my house, or downstairs at his house. Many people at my college listen to music from their laptops while in the student lobby on campus.

Portable- Carried or moved with ease

Laptop is easy to carry, sure not in your pocket, but portable doesnt mean it has to fit in your pocket. It can be as small as a GBA Micro or big as a Laptop, its still easy to go with from place to place.
[quote name='iheartmetal']right, and thats a psp game, and what i said was, id buy a psp for psp games, not for roms, so thanks for the support[/QUOTE]

Actually he brought up an even better point against your arguement. He can play his Madden 06 on at home with 5.1 Dolby Digital, and a huge HDTV screen but that doesnt mean he wont want to play it on the go. You are saying old school games can be played on their consoles at home, but they actually are the same on the go than at home(no dolby digital or HDTV not even S-Video support)

I dont think you should buy a psp to play roms and NOT psp games but i dont see why you cant buy a psp to play psp games AND roms.
[quote name='stocker08']oh so...........i guess only your 2 ipods sucked. Hmm who would have guessed. You fanboy.

get the fuck out of this fourm if all you are going to do is be a fanboy towards Sony and everything sony and go into other threads to Say how bad they suck. Just shut the hell up you stupid ass.[/QUOTE]

You dont have to call anybody stupid just because their opinions are different from yours, right? I did that to CapAmerica as a retalitory saying. Did I ever call you stupid?

No i am not saying PSP will definetely own either. I bet FPS and RTS are going to won on DS. Look at all FPSes on console. Playing FPS without auto aim (like metroid prime / echoes) is hell. But with touchscreen precision, aiming would be as easy as playing FPSes on PC. FPSes on PSP alsop sucks. Look at Coded Arms. It's really touch to use the sniper.

RTS is the same way. Look atr Alien VS predator :extinction. or Warcraft 2 for both PS1 and Saturn. See how clunky the controls are? The touchscreen would rock!

Anyway Read my earlier posts. I am here to try to balance things out between PSP fanboys extremists and DS' ones. If I were a Sony fanboy. Why would I want to shell out cash to buy a DS? Or SNES 15 years ago? I also have an SP with flash cart (dont ask me how I use it).
Praystation, you are a fool.

If someone ALREADY carries around a laptop, why carry around something else? Just listen to the music already on the HD. Even you should understand that.
[quote name='praystation']Like PSP games that are remakes/ ports/ rehashes. THEY are franchises too MORON (have you taken an IQ test before?) . If they aren't we would call it "Original" already.[/QUOTE]
He's right though, AW:DS is a SEQUEL, not a remake like some of the others you mentioned.

Have you ever tried tapping in RRDS? Just tap near the bottom of the screen in the direction you need to go and simply hold it down for the bigger turns. It works pretty well. And of course it's harder, it even says so in the game. Sure, I'll try and get a video up, but I don't think I have anything to record with unless I take segmented videos with my digital camera. And does track matter?
[quote name='praystation']Anyway Read my earlier posts. I am here to try to balance things out between PSP fanboys extremists and DS' ones. If I were a Sony fanboy. Why would I want to shell out cash to buy a DS? Or SNES 15 years ago? I also have an SP with flash cart (dont ask me how I use it).[/QUOTE]

Hmm, i dont think owning both systems, automatically says "hey im not a fanboy since i can afford both" or just because you own one system, it means "Hey im a fanboy and i wont support that other portable because of the makers, not because i only need 1 portable console".

Besides all of this, what the hell does buying an SNES 15 years ago have to do with sony? Thats like me saying, hey i bought an N64 years ago, so im not a xbox fanboy!

Your not really a balance man, you actually seem to just argue with the DS fans and the PSP fans by saying things that dont make sense. So what if i dont score 1st place in Ridge Racer, if i wanted to score easy, id go pay for a hooker. I want challenge in my game!

BTW do you expect to hold your DS, play with the stylus, and get a good video of it with a digital camera at the same time? 0_0 Doesnt seem like it would work, especially since a slight vision difference between you and the camera towards the DS could make the footage bad
[quote name='praystation']You dont have to call anybody stupid just because their opinions are different from yours, right? I did that to CapAmerica as a retalitory saying. Did I ever call you stupid?

No i am not saying PSP will definetely own either. I bet FPS and RTS are going to won on DS. Look at all FPSes on console. Playing FPS without auto aim (like metroid prime / echoes) is hell. But with touchscreen precision, aiming would be as easy as playing FPSes on PC. FPSes on PSP alsop sucks. Look at Coded Arms. It's really touch to use the sniper.

RTS is the same way. Look atr Alien VS predator :extinction. or Warcraft 2 for both PS1 and Saturn. See how clunky the controls are? The touchscreen would rock!

Anyway Read my earlier posts. I am here to try to balance things out between PSP fanboys extremists and DS' ones. If I were a Sony fanboy. Why would I want to shell out cash to buy a DS? Or SNES 15 years ago? I also have an SP with flash cart (dont ask me how I use it).[/QUOTE]

yea, sorry about all that. I was just saying that you dont need to bash everything. Its ok to say that there is problems with the DS or you dont like it. But to come here and say that PSP kills it, or the DS just plain old sucks isnt cool.

PSP as an MP3 player: Too big, bulky, and heavy. Where can you comfortably put that for listening to MP3's on the go? Decent size 1-2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo = big $.

PSP as a movie device: Buying low-rez movies (of a limited selection for that matter) in another format. Sure, go spend $15 on a UMD movie that you can ONLY play on the PSP. A portable DVD player or a laptop does this 8000% better. Hell my wife's portable DVD player holds a charge longer than the PSP.

Argue the games if you want, if you are a big sports gamer, or racing gamer maybe, you can argue the game library. But as a hybrid mp3 player/movie watching device/ etc it's a bad argument.

And as far as lugging them all around...who, FFS, needs a DVD player, an mp3 player, and a video game machine, all on the go? Talk about short attention spans.

[quote name='praystation']
14 months? good for them. Mine didnt last that long. I duuno why. But it did. Now it has to sit in its BOSE docking at home all the time to play mp3

The purchase of a Bose product tells me worlds about your idea of value. :rofl: Poor, subpar speakers at insane markups. As they say, "No highs, no lows, must be Bose".

And try not to post 3 times in a row. There's an Edit button. Use it.
[quote name='GreenMonkey']The purchase of a Bose product tells me worlds about your idea of value. :rofl: Poor, subpar speakers at insane markups. As they say, "No highs, no lows, must be Bose".[/QUOTE]


B&W for life right here. :cool:
DS does not suck. Imagine playing Let's say Quake 2 on it, we can do all the precise aiming as on PC, unlike PSP's owners if quake2 were to come on PSP, they will have to use the analog nub to "try to lock onto" the enemies. I played Metroid Hunter demo again last night. It never stopped amazing me. I remember playing GTA: VIce city on Xbox, I always had hard time pin pointing the enemies in the middle of gun fights while using sniper rifle.

Bose docking for Ipod is not good? Really? I find it kinda good. Everymorning when I start the shaving / shower routines, I always tune it up high and I can still hear pretty well in the shower with the exhaust fan turned on (even though the unit is in my room, and facing the other way).
Whoa. Can I still get in on the $1000 check "finish first in RR DS using the stylus and/or thumbpad" contest? I'm sure I could get that done within a few hours.
[quote name='irrossistable']He's right though, AW:DS is a SEQUEL, not a remake like some of the others you mentioned.

Have you ever tried tapping in RRDS? Just tap near the bottom of the screen in the direction you need to go and simply hold it down for the bigger turns. It works pretty well. And of course it's harder, it even says so in the game. Sure, I'll try and get a video up, but I don't think I have anything to record with unless I take segmented videos with my digital camera. And does track matter?[/QUOTE]

That is what i am talking about. Because I keep hearing PSP games are ports/remakes/rehashes. When You see the list, there are only 5-6 ports (Tigerwood PGA tour, Dynasty Warrior, Darkstalker, NFL street , NBA street, and Namco museum) The rest are sequels and originals.
So CapAmerica, have you taken that picture yet? C'mon you dont have to do it for me. Do that for the charity reason. The next door grandma has stroke and on complete bed rest. She is just "waiting" for her time to come. It would be awesome if she can at least laugh abit.
IONO... Another PSP Vs. DS Thread...

I have owned both, sold the PSP months ago... I enjoy the DS alot more...
I bought a handheld to play games, not watch movies....

IMO sony needs to get off the their high horse cuz the DS is in the same market as them...
weather they admit it or not... I don't see PSP raining on DS parade anytime soon...
[quote name='evilmax17']Sales for the week of August 15-21 (Japan)

DS - 80,945
PS2 - 33, 292
PSP - 23, 923

Yup...real irrelevent.[/QUOTE]

Funny thing. When I was in Japan a couple of months after the PSP had launched it seemed the PSP games were cheaper than the DS one's and here it's the opposite.
Oh and about the price drop, mark my words: 360 launch.
[quote name='Weedy649']Whats wrong with using a laptop for portable music? My friend uses it, hes far from a nerd. 4 years of high school football, and now a US Marine in Iraq. He uses his laptop in his car(uses an adapter so that it plays from his car's speakers). He uses it when at my house, or downstairs at his house. Many people at my college listen to music from their laptops while in the student lobby on campus.

Portable- Carried or moved with ease

Laptop is easy to carry, sure not in your pocket, but portable doesnt mean it has to fit in your pocket. It can be as small as a GBA Micro or big as a Laptop, its still easy to go with from place to place.[/QUOTE]

Almost anyone in my college who had a laptop used theirs as a MP3 player too. Its there why not use it? Why should we have two systems to play MP3s?

I uses to use my laptop in my car too. Had it tied into my stereo. It was pretty nice, I also had some Map program on it that would speak directions, which came in very useful on more then one occasion.
[quote name='Sleepkyng']hey, you're the first person on CAG I've seen to know the Bose saying.

you into hifi?[/QUOTE]

Kind of. I'm like a low-budget Home Theater geek. All the aforementioned consoles are on the A/V receiver rack, hooked up to an Infocus X1 DLP projector. Onkyo TX-SR601 receiver, cheap but decent Fluance speakers (good bang/buck value speakers, upgrade to Paradigm + SVS sub will happen someday). Faroudja-based Zenith DVB318 DVD player (that I'm not that fond of, honestly). 100" of gaming and movies, yeah baby :D

Quasi-regular on AVSforum & hometheaterforum too :D

To praystation: I don't know a lot about the Ipod dock, but Bose speakers pretty much suck. Ask anyone knowledgeable about HT. Here's some links for reading, us HT geeks love to enlighten people so they don't waste their money on crappy speakers. At least when the White Van scammers rip off people they only get a couple hundred $, Bose sucks up a couple of grand.

My only personal day-to-day experience with Bose products is my car. The crappy Bose setup in my Grand Prix GTP makes my ears hurt on any sort of high notes - tinny and very HARSH. I don't have the money to yank out their system yet though, it is installed funny with non-standard speaker wire and individually pre-amped speakers as I understand. A few hundred $ to get rid of it all, and if I yank the head unit I lose my heads-up display of the radio station & CD tracks. :cry:

PS - To stay on topic bashing this Sony rep for mouthing off. To Sony exec: apparently it is the PSP that is irrelevent, as DS & SP sales appear to be virtually unaffected by the PSP. :p :p
I had to sell most of my hifi to fund my trip to china

Old setup: Pro-ject 6.1 Turntable with a Sumiko Blue Point -> NAD PP2 -> Melos Sha 1 Hybrid Preamp -> Teac Tripath Single Bloc -> Totem Rokk Bookshelfs

we're on opposite ends in terms of preference - it's 2 channel for life!
Keep in Minds that soon Sony itself will become irrelevant...They were once the great Sony, responsible for the original playstation and all that crap and now, after making Sony fans wait for the PS3 for the longest time, it ends up being a flop. I can think of a bunch of people that returned their PS3 within 24 hours saying that they got all that and more from an XBOX. now the only good reasons to buy a PS3 lies with Gran Turismo 5 and Metal Gear Solid 4.

Coders would rather code for the Xbox over the PS3 beacuse the Hardware is complex. Nintendo has it's target audience and they are not going anywhere, because in my opinion, Nintendo has a little bit to offer everyone.

The PS2 was good for it's time, the PSP in my opinion was a flop )and yes i owned one) the screen was nice but the only game i enjoyed playing was Twisted Metal Head on.

With more people turning to the Xbox instead of the Sony, im thinking that Microsoft has a MAJOR Lead on Sony in terms of coders, manpower, and being backed by the Richest Man on Earth certainly ensures their future for years to come...

Of course, this is my humble opinion, dont send me all kinds of hateful messages ok?...please :)
[quote name='Metalfan036']Keep in Minds that soon Sony itself will become irrelevant...They were once the great Sony, responsible for the original playstation and all that crap and now, after making Sony fans wait for the PS3 for the longest time, it ends up being a flop. I can think of a bunch of people that returned their PS3 within 24 hours saying that they got all that and more from an XBOX. now the only good reasons to buy a PS3 lies with Gran Turismo 5 and Metal Gear Solid 4.

Coders would rather code for the Xbox over the PS3 beacuse the Hardware is complex. Nintendo has it's target audience and they are not going anywhere, because in my opinion, Nintendo has a little bit to offer everyone.

The PS2 was good for it's time, the PSP in my opinion was a flop )and yes i owned one) the screen was nice but the only game i enjoyed playing was Twisted Metal Head on.

With more people turning to the Xbox instead of the Sony, im thinking that Microsoft has a MAJOR Lead on Sony in terms of coders, manpower, and being backed by the Richest Man on Earth certainly ensures their future for years to come...

Of course, this is my humble opinion, dont send me all kinds of hateful messages ok?...please :)[/QUOTE]

it's over, finished, etc. etc.
bread's done