The Guild Wars/2 Topic *Its Out All the Way Now!*

I'm trying to get back into GW, so I figured I'd post my IGN, Aetherius Vale. Feel free to message me if you need help with anything.
Yay, resurrecting a freaking old thread!

I'm in guild wars, was looking for a point distribution scale so I can work on one of the warrior builds for my gvg team.

Anyhow, my ign is: Dr Chuck Norris Phd
[quote name='darkcloudinc']Yay, resurrecting a freaking old thread!

I'm in guild wars, was looking for a point distribution scale so I can work on one of the warrior builds for my gvg team.

Anyhow, my ign is: Dr Chuck Norris Phd[/quote]
The best resources I can give you are the various GW wikis out there, two of which have point distribution scale for every skill that need be considerd one...
The official Guild Wars Wiki - you can access it ingame via the help menu.
The original Guild Wars Wiki - still great and a little better then the official one in therms of amount of content.
A wiki for various builds and such. A good resource to get some intresting ideas for skill usage and combos. Personally I don't use other people's build since it takes away from the fun of figuring out what works and what dose not on your own.
[quote name='Logg']I got up to level 6 last night.[/QUOTE]
Noice. Still playing daily here. Be happy to help out whenever you get out of pre-searing, assuming you started with Prophecies.
I always get back into this game when they come out with a new box. I'll always support them and their no subscription dealie, even if I barely scratch the surface because they make these things faster than I can play 'em.

Anyone think I should just wait for GW2? I don't feel like playing this for a few months than changing. I know I know it won't come out till probably next year, end of this at the earliest.
[quote name='v1et r1ce']Anyone think I should just wait for GW2? I don't feel like playing this for a few months than changing. I know I know it won't come out till probably next year, end of this at the earliest.[/quote]

The talk says that the beta for GW2 may be available by the end of this year. The game probably won't be released until end of 2009 or sometime in 2010.

So buy now and enjoy.

[quote name='v1et r1ce']Anyone think I should just wait for GW2? I don't feel like playing this for a few months than changing. I know I know it won't come out till probably next year, end of this at the earliest.[/QUOTE]

GW is a game you can solo with heroes/hench.

I have all 3 campaigns and EotN. I've been playing rather casually for 2 years yet I only have 2 lvl 20s, no 15k armour, and have yet to finish any one campaign. I don't PvP at all, but it's still got tons of value. Definitely a worthwhile investment.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']GW is a game you can solo with heroes/hench.

I have all 3 campaigns and EotN. I've been playing rather casually for 2 years yet I only have 2 lvl 20s, no 15k armour, and have yet to finish any one campaign. I don't PvP at all, but it's still got tons of value. Definitely a worthwhile investment.[/QUOTE]
And you can do so with no pressure from monthly fees :)
Whoever came up with the idea of a monthly fee is a sadist. Sometimes I just like to come back to a game after a long time (months, years) of not playing. With GW I don't even have to think, "Gee, I gotta fork over $12 now." Even though I already bought the stupid box.

Nope, just start it up, watch it update, and go.

So how did I not ever see this thread here?

Howdy. Been playing since E3 for Everyone. IGN is Aeloren Daethyre.

Currently, I'm not playing as often as I should be, though...
[quote name='Hollow Man']Whoever came up with the idea of a monthly fee is a sadist. Sometimes I just like to come back to a game after a long time (months, years) of not playing. With GW I don't even have to think, "Gee, I gotta fork over $12 now." Even though I already bought the stupid box.

Nope, just start it up, watch it update, and go.


Exactly. We already pay monthly fees for phone, insurance, heating, power, cable, internet, etc. Now you want to pay ANOTHER monthly fee on top of that for stuff you do in your spare time? :roll:
I have the original GW but quit playing last January. Without RL friends or a decent clan to party with, such games quickly bore me. But of all the MMORPG I've played, GW is by far the best.
[quote name='Serik']I have the original GW but quit playing last January. Without RL friends or a decent clan to party with, such games quickly bore me. But of all the MMORPG I've played, GW is by far the best.[/quote]

You could always hench the game... it's difficult but doable if you're the right profession.

Forget Drok's run... I got a guild-mate to run me to Lion's Arch (from Yak's) and from there I jumped to EotN, where I get 2 Lvl 20 heroes and max armour. Now I'm plowing through all the skill quests and missions. :D
Hey guys, been playing since the game first released April 2005. Been through all campaigns countless times and experienced in PVP, GVG, HA, ect. Willing to help anyone out - PM me : IGN: Oracle Swizzlesticks, Mi Bella Adore
[quote name='Mr.Pibb']Hey guys, been playing since the game first released April 2005. Been through all campaigns countless times and experienced in PVP, GVG, HA, ect. Willing to help anyone out - PM me : IGN: Oracle Swizzlesticks, Mi Bella Adore[/quote]

Id like some help, I dont understand anything about this game.

I got to lvl 3 and im not sure how.
[quote name='Mr.Pibb']Hey guys, been playing since the game first released April 2005. Been through all campaigns countless times and experienced in PVP, GVG, HA, ect. Willing to help anyone out - PM me : IGN: Oracle Swizzlesticks, Mi Bella Adore[/QUOTE]
I'm always looking to do HA, I'll give you a buzz. Fellow beta player here too :)
Alright, I just bought the 1st three GW games from a fellow CAG, and I'm having a pretty good time. There's some fairly nice people online, one of them gave me a pouch belt!

I'm playing Prophecies, and I'm currently a level 5 Necro with a devilock. Soon as I figure out how to add friends I'll start sending you guys a few requests.

Can someone tell me if you have to multi-class? I'm looking at adding Elemental, but I'm not sure I really want to split the points at such a low level. Isn't the cap level 20?
[quote name='Bloodbooger']Alright, I just bought the 1st three GW games from a fellow CAG, and I'm having a pretty good time. There's some fairly nice people online, one of them gave me a pouch belt!

I'm playing Prophecies, and I'm currently a level 5 Necro with a devilock. Soon as I figure out how to add friends I'll start sending you guys a few requests.

Can someone tell me if you have to multi-class? I'm looking at adding Elemental, but I'm not sure I really want to split the points at such a low level. Isn't the cap level 20?[/QUOTE]
Its not like multiclassing in the D&D sense. You'll eventually be able to switch your second class to anything you want whenever you're in town with no penalty. Choosing a secondary class now just means that you have the possibility of using that classes' skills if you want with no drawbacks. So, even though you might end up choosing Elementalist ie. N/E, you might still choose to use only necromancer skills.
Started a new Archer today, I still only have the first Guild Wars.

Its funny I don't play this much, I pre-ordered it, played the Beta yet I never got to 20

This is my first Archer
[quote name='Bloodbooger']Alright, I just bought the 1st three GW games from a fellow CAG, and I'm having a pretty good time. There's some fairly nice people online, one of them gave me a pouch belt!

I'm playing Prophecies, and I'm currently a level 5 Necro with a devilock. Soon as I figure out how to add friends I'll start sending you guys a few requests.

Can someone tell me if you have to multi-class? I'm looking at adding Elemental, but I'm not sure I really want to split the points at such a low level. Isn't the cap level 20?[/quote]

Since you're just starting out, I'd recommend choosing Monk as your secondary profession for healing skills. Even then, put your attribute points into your primary profession. The only disadvantage to having a secondary is that you lack the primary attribute for that profession: for Monk, no Divine Favor attribute. Don't worry about allocating your points to the wrong attributes either: you can increase and lower them as you see fit.
Could anyone tell me if it's possible for your character to cross-over to the other series (Prop-->Faction-->Nightfall) after beating the game?

I'm looking at a wiki, but it looks like the missions to cross over aren't available once you get farther in the game. I'm hoping to travel at will, and pick up other skills from the later installments.
You have to buy the other games to bring your chars over. It has nothing to do with beating any of the games.

[quote name='Hollow Man']You have to buy the other games to bring your chars over. It has nothing to do with beating any of the games.


Nah, I mean... is it like free roam afterwards? Or how would I do that?

I see things like: Terror in Tyria


Have a Nightfall and Prophecies product key linked to the same account
Elonian character
Completion of the quest The Time is Nigh
Cannot have completed the quest Chaos in Kryta

So if I beat "Chaos in Kryta" I can't jump to Tyria at all?
You're misunderstanding something.

Simply put, if you have 1 game, and buy another. You do a quest in that game's main town and it brings you to the newly purchased game's main town. Then you can choose to go to the next game through any game's main town.

Obviously, if you do the quest in one main town and make it to the new game, theres no reason to do the other game's equivalent of that quest.
I kind of miss playing Guild Wars. I have a dozen characters just being neglected and unloved over there. I should reinstall that game onto my computer sometime.
i enjoyed playing back in the day, but i've beaten nightfall and prophecies at this point so much i don't even want to play anymore. i'm trying to sell my account.
Guild Wars. Oh yes, good stuff. I've been playing for almost three years now. If you guys want to add me I'm "Peli Growso", a W/Mo 20 and i've beaten Prophecies and Factions already (beat Factions with an ele) so if you need help feel free to add me and ask
I never like going back to Guild Wars after nothing playing for several months. You feel crappy that you've missed all the coll events and stuff.

I just bought Eye of the North on Monday (ironically I just have Prophecies), a few days after the 3rd-year anniversary stuff. :(

Nobody seems to want to party with the new content either. Very solo-ish so far. :(
Unfortunately, the majority of people are already done with all the new content. Those who stay in EotN get parties with people who have high Norn rank to do Ursan domination. I suggest starting with the Ebon Vanguard line of quests, there are usually people doing stuff there.
Yeah just beat Factions. I beat Prophecies a couple weeks ago (JUST before they added the Deldrimor Talismans) so I did it again with my brother.

Now I'm going to finish Nightfall, then move on to EotN. My brother has Ursan and it's OP, even though he's a necro.
alrighty, being that somehow i've become the one of two remaining members of a guild that was already dead when i joined, i've been soloing through EOTN in pick up groups these few weeks.
I have all the campaigns, but only beat Prophecies last week.
If any of you are actively going about in any campaign, or especially EOTN 'cause that's what i'm into these days, add me as a friend (better yet, if you dont have a guild, you can join and we can start building it up) - see you around!
I just installed this game. The last time I played it was sometime in 2005 for like an hour.

I was really hesitating when installing this game. I got into flyff and had fun with that till I realized it was a total grindfest past level 20. I swore never to play an MMO again. Well except PSO. I was debating whether to wait till I get my friends play with me but after some thought made a heartbreaking decision to uninstall PSO. I hope GW is fun. I hope I can convice some friends to play it too.
Thankfully, people don't have to deal with crazy prices for almost anything with functionality (though I guess the price of a superior vigor is still a bit high for some).
[quote name='crystalklear64']Thankfully, people don't have to deal with crazy prices for almost anything with functionality (though I guess the price of a superior vigor is still a bit high for some).[/quote]

Try to find a Major/Superior Shadow Arts Rune. Everyone is perma-Shadow-Form'ing the UW. I had to settle for a Minor for my Assassin. I'm trying to do the Drok's run with it but the knockdown is annoying. :cry:

Our guild Secret Service [CIA] is looking for allied guilds.
Ok, so...I just bought the basic game and Factions. I play on a shitty laptop that can barely handle the game, and I'm only at the part where ascalon
burns down, who wants to play this fresh, new game? :D
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Dragon Festival has been a blast so far. Hate to see the Dragon Arena go, one of the best mini games in the game.

Only get to play it consistently once a year, though theres always the mesmer/ele dodge ball team when I get enough friends gathered...
I am so happy I found this. Just wondering, is there a CAG guild yet? My guild sucks and I am only in it because of my friend. Anyway, everyone please add me, always looking for people to play with and enjoy the multiplayer aspect of the game. Not many people I know have this. My only level 20 character's name is Pac Is Still Alive because I deleted everyone else since they all sucked.
[quote name='Jaybone203']I am so happy I found this. Just wondering, is there a CAG guild yet? My guild sucks and I am only in it because of my friend. Anyway, everyone please add me, always looking for people to play with and enjoy the multiplayer aspect of the game. Not many people I know have this. My only level 20 character's name is Pac Is Still Alive because I deleted everyone else since they all sucked.[/QUOTE]
You're about 3 years late on the CAG guild.

Theres only 2 or 3 of us who play consistently, and I'm not one of those atm because of the D2 ladder reset.
[quote name='crystalklear64']You're about 3 years late on the CAG guild.

Theres only 2 or 3 of us who play consistently, and I'm not one of those atm because of the D2 ladder reset.[/QUOTE]

Well just got GW on Christmas 2006 and I sucked at it until this year. Lol I had a really long noob phase. Hey Crystal please add my character Pac Is Still Alive. I won't be on much this week (computer here isn't that good only 512mb ram) but when I go visit my dad I will be on.
bread's done