The Guild Wars/2 Topic *Its Out All the Way Now!*

[quote name='crystalklear64']I've only done Ascalon and Arah, and only story mode.

I thought Ascalon was pretty fun with the series of 4 boss battles, each having its own quirk (such as the ranger one having high ground advantage, the mesmer lovers and having to split them up to weaken them, etc). Not sure what you mean by running back from waypoints, maybe if you kept on dying? In the group I was with we never wiped and we got each other up pretty quick so we never used the wps.

Arah was pretty lame but had some cool set-pieces. I have a feeling there are bugged parts of it though so it will probably get better with some patches and time (something that could be said of the entire game really). Meanwhile I'll be farming karma and gold in preparation of meaningful stuff to use it on.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how you weren't dying. I kept dying instantly, and I'm a toughness stacked guardian. Just going from full health to none.
Our group was a necro, 2 thieves, a warrior, and an engineer (me).

I honestly don't know enough about the other classes yet to know what they were doing, but it seemed like any time someone went down, the baddies would go for that person, and as long as they are in the downed state (not fully dead), you can easily out-heal their damage turning the downed guy into a tank. That leaves the other 3 to wail on the dudes. As eng I have a ton of CC to keep guys off of my team as well. Bomb kit gives pulsing blind, big ole bomb gives an aoe knockback/down, glue bomb gives aoe snare, rifle gives a snare and a knockback, battering ram gives a knockback, mine kit gives a knockback.

As for instantly dying, were you level 30 and with a full group with level 30 armor? If so, I don't see how you could instantly die. I was playing glass engineer and could still take 2 or 3 hits as long as I dodged the big stuff. However I will say that me and my friends all had ranged options (dual pistol thieves, rifle warrior) and I know guardian doesn't but still, you shouldn't die in one hit..
The only instances worth farming right now are CM story and CoF explore. The former will net you ~1 level per run, at a rate of 15 minutes per run once you hit 40. You can either grind that fast to 60 or stop at 50 and head to TA for a change of pace. At 70, the latter is even faster with a good group and you can start farming for 'fiery' gear at 75 in explore mode. I started a new character with a friend two days ago and we're already mid-60's now that we know all the tricks for blowing through the content. The two I mention really are a savior after 40 because no way did I want to grind their boring content again at such a slow rate.

BTW, best group composition you can have is two warriors, two guardians, and an elementalist healer. Just cleave everything down while the healer keeps you up. It's so laughable how bad the dungeons are when everything is tank n' spank cleave, cleave, cleave. Digging my warrior for PvE, but I'm not sure how practical they will be in WvW. Pretty much forced to take a root ability if I want any chance of killing players.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Our group was a necro, 2 thieves, a warrior, and an engineer (me).

I honestly don't know enough about the other classes yet to know what they were doing, but it seemed like any time someone went down, the baddies would go for that person, and as long as they are in the downed state (not fully dead), you can easily out-heal their damage turning the downed guy into a tank. That leaves the other 3 to wail on the dudes. As eng I have a ton of CC to keep guys off of my team as well. Bomb kit gives pulsing blind, big ole bomb gives an aoe knockback/down, glue bomb gives aoe snare, rifle gives a snare and a knockback, battering ram gives a knockback, mine kit gives a knockback.

As for instantly dying, were you level 30 and with a full group with level 30 armor? If so, I don't see how you could instantly die. I was playing glass engineer and could still take 2 or 3 hits as long as I dodged the big stuff. However I will say that me and my friends all had ranged options (dual pistol thieves, rifle warrior) and I know guardian doesn't but still, you shouldn't die in one hit..[/QUOTE]

Level 34, with a full group. A lot of my gear is level 32 masterwork. And yeah, staff is the closest thing to a ranged option for guardian.

Funny thing is, some encounters weren't that bad, like the one with the two lovers you have to separate, and the dude on the pillar, but the first boss was pretty bad, as was the last, and the traps kept killing people as well. The room with the spikes that were in every part of the room so you couldn't rez somebody in there was pretty annoying as well.

I have a suspicion that I just have trouble seeing the circle on the ground due to my colorblindness. Not sure though, since I wasn't the only person dying a lot.
[quote name='Jodou']AC is garbage; nobody should waste their time on that instance.[/QUOTE]

Then perhaps they should have made it not the first instance, and not made people wait until level 30 to actually play one in the first place.
[quote name='patch notes']added a system to limit the experience and gold that players can receive from speed-farming dungeons.[/quote]

Detonate Mine Field: This skill is no longer a blast finisher.

not even the big ole bomb is a blast finisher. mine field was like the only way to combo with your own bombs.
I don't know why they nerfed dungeons... I mean you have to run one over 50 times to get the full armor set. They force you to grind for the gear and then punish you for grinding for your gear.
Umm, why nerf the only thing to do at endgame when you have no monthly sub? Is Anet straight fucking retarded? It's not our fault you idiots have no idea what you're doing making dungeons.
Well I got the old "the email account associated with your account has been changed" email this morning.......fuck. I got the support ticket in right away but I'm sure all my shit is gone by now already.....sigh. I wasn't a very high level at all, I've just been so busy lately but still it pisses me the hell off. Why can't they just have an authenticator I mean really??? It's fucking 2012 ArenaNet get your shit together.

had that happen to my original guild wars account during a time when i had stopped playing.
luckily i was perpetually broke in gw so there was really nothing to take except 1 of each crafting material i kept just to have a collection.

when the noticed came up about people losing their accounts in gw2 i made up a new pass on the spot.
I'm in the process of updating the game right now and then I will boot it up and see if anything's missing. To ArenaNet's credit they got my account fixed within about 3 hrs of me filling out the support ticket. I was shocked that it appeared to be resolved so quickly.
Ok well I got back in and most of my stuff is still intact which is good. Some things were taken but nothing I will forever cry about, plus I can't do anything about it anyways. However, one of my 2 characters was deleted and is now gone. He was only like level 8 but that still pisses me off. Moral of this story is don't get hacked.
That sucks cgarb84, glad you got your account back.

Yeah, ArenaNet's support is really fast. I've been getting responses within 30 minutes to an hour at times.

Earlier this week I got my new HD 7770 graphics card. Unfortunately, since installing it, Guild Wars 2 has been virtually unplayable with constant black screen crashes. I can play lots of other games perfectly fine - the crashes specifically only happen with Guild Wars 2 I'm positive my graphics card isn't defective. With older drivers it rarely happens, but they want me to continue to use the newest drivers (I'm sure it's to help collect data).

Seriously hope this gets fixed soon, I miss playing.
Login servers down. Just zoned out of CoF and got booted from the server. Sucks cuz I had a really good group exploiting the magg timer event. Trying to grab as many tokens on the warrior before they patch it, because they made the event very hard for pugs. Pretty funny since I don't think half as many people would be doing it if not for the buff to the event. But Anet is just doing what every company ever does when they don't like something: ruin our fun.
[quote name='deviousnaraku']That sucks cgarb84, glad you got your account back.

Yeah, ArenaNet's support is really fast. I've been getting responses within 30 minutes to an hour at times.

Earlier this week I got my new HD 7770 graphics card. Unfortunately, since installing it, Guild Wars 2 has been virtually unplayable with constant black screen crashes. I can play lots of other games perfectly fine - the crashes specifically only happen with Guild Wars 2 I'm positive my graphics card isn't defective. With older drivers it rarely happens, but they want me to continue to use the newest drivers (I'm sure it's to help collect data).

Seriously hope this gets fixed soon, I miss playing.[/QUOTE]
From personal experience, I've had too many problems with ATI/AMD cards, especially driver side. Eventually switched to Nvidia and have been a happy customer. Black screen crashes sounds like something else besides graphics card. Do you have a sufficient power supply for your system? Also, does your system run hotter than normal when running GW2?
Just got the game and it is filled with lag. Talked to some people in game and they said it shouldn't be my system and it sounds like it is my internet. I can type in the chat and have everything typed and entered before I even see the first or second word sometimes. I can turn to my left and by the time I stop I have done a 360 and died in some cases. Odd thing is with other games I have no lag issues at all.
[quote name='sendme']Just got the game and it is filled with lag. Talked to some people in game and they said it shouldn't be my system and it sounds like it is my internet. I can type in the chat and have everything typed and entered before I even see the first or second word sometimes. I can turn to my left and by the time I stop I have done a 360 and died in some cases. Odd thing is with other games I have no lag issues at all.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps it is your Internet, as I assume you got your system specs cleared and you know that's not the problem. Lag isn't too common in GW2 anymore so its obviously something wrong on your end, the question is...what?

If its not your system then the causes of your lag are pretty limited. Are you running Dial-Up?
[quote name='sendme']Just got the game and it is filled with lag. Talked to some people in game and they said it shouldn't be my system and it sounds like it is my internet. I can type in the chat and have everything typed and entered before I even see the first or second word sometimes. I can turn to my left and by the time I stop I have done a 360 and died in some cases. Odd thing is with other games I have no lag issues at all.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Perhaps it is your Internet, as I assume you got your system specs cleared and you know that's not the problem. Lag isn't too common in GW2 anymore so its obviously something wrong on your end, the question is...what?

If its not your system then the causes of your lag are pretty limited. Are you running Dial-Up?[/QUOTE]

there's been reports of many ISP companies throttling your GW2 traffic to a crawl.

there's a HUGE reddit thread about it. I would contact your ISP and see if you can get past 1st level troubleshooting to get someone to help you.

GW2 doesn't lag, but I haven't heard Charter doing it. I think Time Warner and Cox Cable were mentioned as some that were doing it.
[quote name='option.iv']From personal experience, I've had too many problems with ATI/AMD cards, especially driver side. Eventually switched to Nvidia and have been a happy customer. Black screen crashes sounds like something else besides graphics card. Do you have a sufficient power supply for your system? Also, does your system run hotter than normal when running GW2?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there can be any number of things that causes black screen crashes. I've spent days troubleshooting, updating, etc. It's definitely not a power problem since I tested a 600w PSU and still continued to get them. Both my system and the graphics card never got hot/overheated. The highest the graphics card ever got was 125F with GW2, but it gets hotter with other more demanding games. I'm going to RMA the graphics card and hopefully the replacement doesn't have the problem.
I've also had bad luck with modern ATI cards. Not driver issues though. If for whatever reason you decide to not RMA, you can try underclocking the card. Only thing that worked for me when trying to fix a friend's 4850.
[quote name='deviousnaraku']Yeah, there can be any number of things that causes black screen crashes. I've spent days troubleshooting, updating, etc. It's definitely not a power problem since I tested a 600w PSU and still continued to get them. Both my system and the graphics card never got hot/overheated. The highest the graphics card ever got was 125F with GW2, but it gets hotter with other more demanding games. I'm going to RMA the graphics card and hopefully the replacement doesn't have the problem.[/QUOTE]
I've had a similar case where I had an ati graphics card often black screen crash. I had to switch the processor (the current one was being overclocked). Graphics cards tend to have problems with overclocked CPUs. But if you're running stock, just disregard this.
Oh hoho hohoho best of patch notes:
Citadel of Flame
• Fixed an exploit in Magg’s chain that was allowing players to skip the entire dungeon and still be rewarded.

Dungeon Rewards
We’ve made some significant updates to dungeon rewards. I wanted to try and clarify them here. All of these changes have been the result of an original exploit which was letting players receive upwards of 20 levels by completing a single dungeon run. We initially closed this exploit, which caused some new problems. The result is this new system which should increase dungeon rewards for players who play though them normally but help curb inflation of rewards for those who are using exploitative methods to farm them.
1) Dungeon tokens are now rewarded at the end of an explorable chain. This was done to stop players from repeatedly entering a chain and farming the first boss that dropped tokens rather than playing the entire chain. At some point in the near future, we will make up for this by making dungeon tokens a rare drop so that even players who are not completing a chain can make partial progress toward the rewards.
2) Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day. This means that if players can complete all 3 chains of a dungeon in a day, they’ll receive a total of 180 tokens, which is enough to purchase some of the smaller rewards.
3) Dungeon tokens should be account bound. This will allow players to have a single character farm tokens for their other characters.
4) Last week, to limit the most extreme cases of dungeon speed-clearing, we introduced a system to limit rewards for rapidly repeating dungeon clears. However, a bug in that system caused it to impact more players than intended. This week, we’re updating the system to not impact clearing different chains of the same dungeon. We’ll continue to evaluate this system in coming weeks.

• Grenade Barrage: This Grenade Kit skill should now be usable underwater.
• Short Fuse: This trait is no longer overwritten by the Grenadier trait. Also, this trait now works with underwater grenades.

The engineer changes are lol. I figured they nerf nades for sure. In WvW me and my two buddies, they'd go pick a fight with a mob (about 6 we decided was the most), run away like they were going to die and jump into the water where I would be waiting at the edge so they'd pass right over me.

Then we'd kill them all.

Underwater nades are so fucking op and they just got even better.

Now if only they made the underwater objectives worthwhile. (easy event completion but who gives a fuck about wandering Quagaans?)

The token changes are going to be funny to read the forums after since 99% of the QQing about it was that it took SO MUCH WORK for a cosmetic reward (no shit its guild wars). Now it doesn't take much work but all those people will still QQ since the gear isn't any better than your regular stuff.
The tokens at the end is an awful change for a couple reasons. One, it puts all your eggs in one basket since some groups are terrible and don't end up finishing because people leave. If people want to farm the first boss of a dungeon over and over without getting the coin reward at the end, who the fuck cares? Whatever happened to letting players play the way they want to Anet?

Two, imagine you're at the final boss and the power/net goes out. Guess what, you just wasted 15-20 minutes of your time. I've seen that happen twice to other people while running CoF and they missed out on the end reward. But they weren't too pissed because it was only 5 tokens.

This is what I'd call a lazy fix for their bad dungeon designers. They're tired of patching the leaking dam since everyday people are finding new 'jumping puzzles' in their dungeons to bypass content. In CoF, it was possible to get 40 tokens a run by exploiting two spots and bugging an event. Their whole 'buff' to daily run is a joke because it makes the grind even harder now that we can't get more tokens per run from chests.

I'm noticing a trend here where they say they want certain things for players and then do the opposite, like not having grinds in the game. Oh yeah, it's called lying.
I am glad they made tokens account bound at least. Now I'm curious as to whether you can farm the daily reward on two or more characters to maximize your return.

Speaking of that change: anyone hear about the guy crafting the first legendary last night right after the patch? Guess they bugged something with shards from soulbound to account bound because he couldn't stack them afterward lol. He literally had all the mats ready to go but couldn't stack the shards to craft it. Stay classy Anet.
Geez, hadn't played this game in a couple weeks and logged in today and boy does it seem to have dropped off hard. Last time I played there were what seemed like 100's of people in the world and today I ran across 1 person, not a single word in general chat, and not a single overflow. I checked and my particular server showed "Full". Could just be most people are high level in the corresponding areas or PvP but damn it felt like a ghost-town.
Anet has been pissing people off with some bad patches, nerfs, and lack of endgame content in general. Most people are 80 and doing pvp or instances so finding people to help with events in the world can be extremely difficult. Just sampling what people are playing in our vent, there's BL2, TL2, LoL, pandas, and. . .nobody playing GW2. So yeah, there you go.
[quote name='woodcan']Geez, hadn't played this game in a couple weeks and logged in today and boy does it seem to have dropped off hard. Last time I played there were what seemed like 100's of people in the world and today I ran across 1 person, not a single word in general chat, and not a single overflow. I checked and my particular server showed "Full". Could just be most people are high level in the corresponding areas or PvP but damn it felt like a ghost-town.[/QUOTE]
You got left behind.

But check out Kessex Hills. I'm sure you'll find tons of people. :lol:
Yeah, the game really feels empty compared to the first couple of weeks. I'm still coming back to it to level up my second character, but I'm starting to feel ronery. I really didn't mind the presence of other players, especially with how there really is no KSing in this game.

All the people on my friend's list have remained gray for a while now.
[quote name='option.iv']Yeah, the game really feels empty compared to the first couple of weeks. I'm still coming back to it to level up my second character, but I'm starting to feel ronery. I really didn't mind the presence of other players, especially with how there really is no KSing in this game.

All the people on my friend's list have remained gray for a while now.[/QUOTE]

I stopped playing this a few weeks ago. This game has one of the biggest communites of assholes I've ever seen in an MMO. Anytime I'd ask a question the only response I'd get is "Go back to WoW" (Which is pretty funny since I haven't played that since early Cata. But I'd play WoW over this. At least people are nice enough to answer my goddamn questions there.). I'd like to say that is the reason why GW2 is dying, but League of Legends proves that a game can thrive despite a toxic community.
That has not been my experience at all. When questions are asked in map chat on my server there's usually half a dozen helpful answers. Maybe it's your server.
I've been making bank.
Got myself a fully decked out exotic zerker set and finally some 15 slot bags.

Currently doing dungeon runs to get the desired look and then it'll be off to WvW till new PvE stuff comes out.

I'm almost ready!
[quote name='crystalklear64']I've been making bank.
Got myself a fully decked out exotic zerker set and finally some 15 slot bags.

Currently doing dungeon runs to get the desired look and then it'll be off to WvW till new PvE stuff comes out.

I'm almost ready![/QUOTE]
Did you get your guild backpack yet and socket it with an exquisite ruby? Costs 5g, but it's BiS!
[quote name='Jodou']Did you get your guild backpack yet and socket it with an exquisite ruby? Costs 5g, but it's BiS![/QUOTE]
aw yea.
[quote name='Genocidal']That has not been my experience at all. When questions are asked in map chat on my server there's usually half a dozen helpful answers. Maybe it's your server.[/QUOTE]
Same here. I did see occasional "Get a better computer" or arguments about how GW2 is better than WoW in the first couple weeks, but now, not so much. It's mostly people chatting together and calling out waypoints for events. If I can't complete an event by myself, I ask nearby people and most of the time they're like "Sure" and we get stuff done. This is all on Eredon Terrace.
[quote name='option.iv']Same here. I did see occasional "Get a better computer" or arguments about how GW2 is better than WoW in the first couple weeks, but now, not so much. It's mostly people chatting together and calling out waypoints for events. If I can't complete an event by myself, I ask nearby people and most of the time they're like "Sure" and we get stuff done. This is all on Eredon Terrace.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that an EU server? Perhaps that is why you're getting so much help, because you're playing with European people.

I've had pretty much the same experience on Darkhaven. Only time I see someone being an asshole is when they ask a stupid question like how do I jump, and then I'm the one calling them an idiot.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Isn't that an EU server? Perhaps that is why you're getting so much help, because you're playing with European people.


Last I checked, everyone typed in english and it was an America server.

[quote name='crystalklear64']I've had pretty much the same experience on Darkhaven. Only time I see someone being an asshole is when they ask a stupid question like how do I jump, and then I'm the one calling them an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Just don't. You're feeding the trolls and instigating at the same time... Best thing to do is ignore...
[quote name='JasonTerminator']I stopped playing this a few weeks ago. This game has one of the biggest communites of assholes I've ever seen in an MMO. Anytime I'd ask a question the only response I'd get is "Go back to WoW" (Which is pretty funny since I haven't played that since early Cata. But I'd play WoW over this. At least people are nice enough to answer my goddamn questions there.). I'd like to say that is the reason why GW2 is dying, but League of Legends proves that a game can thrive despite a toxic community.[/QUOTE]

Not sure whether you are trolling or what. The server I am on is full of helpful and good people. Yeah there is the occasional trolling in Map Chat, but 99% of the time it is done in good fun by people that are doing the same events together. In all honesty, most of the real "bullshit" i have seen occurs in overflow, but even then it is mostly done in jest. Yes, every now and then some jackass pops their head up to try and stir up some kind of crap, but 99 times out of 100 it is quickly diffused by showing them what a dumbass they are being by deflecting their crap back on them.
[quote name='Spyder187']Not sure whether you are trolling or what. The server I am on is full of helpful and good people. Yeah there is the occasional trolling in Map Chat, but 99% of the time it is done in good fun by people that are doing the same events together. In all honesty, most of the real "bullshit" i have seen occurs in overflow, but even then it is mostly done in jest. Yes, every now and then some jackass pops their head up to try and stir up some kind of crap, but 99 times out of 100 it is quickly diffused by showing them what a dumbass they are being by deflecting their crap back on them.[/QUOTE]

Nope, I'm not trolling, and Sorrow's Furnace was the server I played on, and there were tons of assholes. So yeah.

Been playing The Secret World after getting it on sale this week, and that game seems way better in terms of community.
The Secret World better do amazing. I do NOT want Dreamfall to get cancelled because they went full retard with a MMO out when WoW and GW2 are around. I've waited too long for this!
So I decided to check out just how badly they nerfed dungeons today after taking a break since tokens were all buggy. Big mistake. Ran CM story on an alt, which took two hours because they added so much trash and people were mostly res zerging EVERY PACK, not just the bosses. We weren't awful either, because people were dodging and doing their best, it was just every pull was filled with silvers that would hit hard and knock you down. Keep in mind this is STORY mode, not even explorer so this to me is extremely overtuned for people just leveling. It went from extremely enjoyable with great rewards to complete fucking garbage in one patch. I'll never go there again.

Then I had trouble even finding a group for CoF (fewer people out there plus most already have their gear I guess) since I was going to grind out a few tokens for an alt. When I did, nothing much had really changed except we had to do the defend magg event legit after they removed a rock you used to be able to use as a 'jumping puzzle' exploit lol. We tried and tried so many different tactics of kiting and dropping all sorts of CC, but never could get past 75% with magg alive. Leader finally gave up, dropped group, which kicked us all out of the dungeon and I got a rage tell from him telling me my guild was blacklisted on gw2guru ROFL (w/e the fuck that means, but it made a great SS for the lulz later). So after an hour or so, I had a 20s repair bill and zero reward thanks to Anet's infinite wisdom of making tokens at the end of the run only now.

I logged in disgust, the first time I've EVER just straight up logged out of the game because I wasn't having fun. The idiot devs are absolutely killing this game and the PvP has already lost its charm for me. I was pleasantly surprised by this game, but the zero testing of these balance changes completely turn me off.
A lot of people are unsatisfied with dungeons now, but I can't help but wonder if that is simply because it was too great before. People who used to be able to speed run/jumping puzzle/run through a dungeon with ease were spoiled by that and can't take doing a dungeon with lesser rewards that is more difficult. That's fair, but to people who haven't experienced dungeons pre-patch, the "new" dungeons shouldn't be bad to them because they won't know what to expect.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Nope, I'm not trolling, and Sorrow's Furnace was the server I played on, and there were tons of assholes. So yeah.

Been playing The Secret World after getting it on sale this week, and that game seems way better in terms of community.[/QUOTE]

One of us. One of us. One of us. :applause:
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']A lot of people are unsatisfied with dungeons now, but I can't help but wonder if that is simply because it was too great before. People who used to be able to speed run/jumping puzzle/run through a dungeon with ease were spoiled by that and can't take doing a dungeon with lesser rewards that is more difficult. That's fair, but to people who haven't experienced dungeons pre-patch, the "new" dungeons shouldn't be bad to them because they won't know what to expect.[/QUOTE]
The problem is Anet has done a horrible job communicating exactly what you should expect. Explorer mode says to me: revisit a dungeon to explore/experience it in a new way. Nowhere does it say this is meant to be hard mode and in fact many of the bugs have become the way to proceed.

For example, when I first started doing CoF and the Magg path, I was taught to rush across the lava pit to get Magg to follow quickly. I had no idea it was designed to be an encounter where you cleared the path and killed everything in the way. In fact, doing that would be near impossible since the fire still ticks you while it's spawning, regardless if the person extinguishing the flames was on top of it. The very fact you're exploiting the AI pathing to warp to you at the end never crossed my mind until I was reading a forum post.

Anet leads me to believe that they want players to take raiding seriously, but the joke that is their dungeons are so horribly balanced and buggy leaves the impression they're simply trolling us. I'm all for challenging content when it comes down to player skill, but they need to be consistent with design. If they want us to bring certain classes for the benefits they provide, then respect us as raiders and give us proper threat tables, healing, tanking, and interrupt abilities; not just what looks cool on paper. Binding abilities to your weapon really hampers this a lot because I feel I shouldn't be pigeonholed into using a certain weapon just for a specific fight. In a game that pushes you to customize yourself however you want, this is a pretty derp idea.

The bottomline here is they're ripping the funfactor out of their endgame content and it shows. Less people are playing just from personal experience and it is becoming increasingly hard to get a group. Our server is/was one of the more populated out there from all I've heard, so it's not a ghost town by any means. What people are doing, however, keeps shifting to what is fun and right now it's not dungeons.
I've only done a few dungeons but they've all been great so far. Except Arah. fuck Arah. Every single fight in Arah is one giant pain in the ass, at least on the Mursaat path. I've never done speed runs so I'm not "spoiled" its just being disabled for entire fights while you watch everyone else kill things is not fun.
bread's done