The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword

[quote name='icedrake523']No, it wasn't a shitty game. Samus barely had a character before this, so the idea that this game "destroyed" her is nonsense. It just went against people's assumption of what she was like (ie a woman who acts like a man).[/QUOTE]
First, even granting that - the character that they did make fucking sucked. The dialogue was bad. The voice acting was bad. It wasn't just different. It was bad.

fuck, man. That is just bad. That's an actress that doesn't know what the fuck she is doing, who isn't receiving any direction, and who is working with a bad script to begin with.

But let's go back a bit. This assertion I see thrown around every now and then - that a silent character has no character - is just not true. Does it place limitations on the character you create? Sure. It's pretty hard to do Deadpool if you take away his mouth. But what a character does says just as much about them as what they do not do.

Is it open to interpretation by we-the-fans? Sure. Is that bad? No. Haaaaayllll naaaaaaw. That's where your nuance lives. That's where your subtext lives, and all that good shit that gives characters dimension. Good characters are a lot more than what they say and what people say about them.

That whoever the fuck wrote for Other M decided, "No. That's not so. We just haven't assigned Samus a personality," is unfortunate. It is doubly unfortunate that the personality they assigned to her - this character that they have given the name and appearance of Samus - is recognizably different from the Samus that has slowly come out of previous games. But it's pretty unforgivable that this new Samus is just plain bad.

I hope you're happy. You've had me acknowledging the existence of Other M for, like, two posts now. fuck. I mean, just watch that fucking cutscene.

EDIT: Here. Here's something happier.

Also happier:
Skyward Sword is almost finally out.
I already went through this once last year, I won't waste my time again. Other M isn't a great game, but it's still good and worth playing. Haters gonna hate.
I'm probably one of the few people who didn't like Ocarina but loved Wind Waker,. Sky walker looks alot more like Ocarina (while Twilight Princess felt more like Ocarina). Hope it's good.
[quote name='GizmoGC']I'm probably one of the few people who didn't like Ocarina but loved Wind Waker,. [/QUOTE]
I fit into that category, but it's mainly because I never had a N64 when it was popular; I got the gamecube first, then a used N64 after that.
[quote name='icedrake523']I already went through this once last year, I won't waste my time again. Other M isn't a great game, but it's still good and worth playing. Haters gonna hate.[/QUOTE]
It's all about opinion. Other M is the only Nintendo game I have played in my life that I could not even play for an hour before wanting to trade it in which I did :lol:.

One more day to Skyward Sword. Question, does anyone know what the collectors edition of the guide have over the regular edition?
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']It's all about opinion. Other M is the only Nintendo game I have played in my life that I could not even play for an hour before wanting to trade it in which I did :lol:.

One more day to Skyward Sword. Question, does anyone know what the collectors edition of the guide have over the regular edition?[/QUOTE]

Off of Gamestop's page "Hardcover collector's edition includes bonus cloth map of the surface world!"
[quote name='themaster20000']Off of Gamestop's page "Hardcover collector's edition includes bonus cloth map of the surface world!"[/QUOTE]
Yeah I seen that, just making sure it isn't like Skyrim's guide where you get that electronic map. I am just going to get the regular guide at BB tomorrow then.
The actual game play and everything of Other M weren't bad,but the cut scenes made Samus seem like a whiny little bitch instead of a bad ass bounty hunter. Oh yeah, Skyward Sword looks like it is going to be great. The wii game I have been waiting for.
[quote name='GUNNM']
wonder if its too late to pre order the special edition D=[/QUOTE]

I'd say it is.

I know I was late in preordering it as the game just fell off my radar; both Gamestop's near me are no longer taking reserves on the special edition and all of the major online chains seem to be out of the bundle.

I'm sure this game is great, but at this point its going to cost me $90 since it requires the MotionPlus Wii Remote and I don't have one, since no other game I was interested in on the Wii required it.

As much as I like Zelda, I'm not sure if its almost $100 after tax great, especially since I'd never use the MotionPlus remote again after Skyward Sword.

Hopefully I can find a bundle tomorrow morning scouring stores as they open.

Edit: Target actually has the special edition in the ad, so maybe they are expecting a ton of it? I guess I'll hit them up tomorrow morning.
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As far as the bundle goes, I am pretty sure they will have them for a while after the game comes out, as you need a motion plus to play the game. I could be wrong, but who knows.
[quote name='animalspinners']As much as I like Zelda, I'm not sure if its almost $100 after tax great, especially since I'd never use the MotionPlus remote again after Skyward Sword.

Hopefully I can find a bundle tomorrow morning scouring stores as they open.[/QUOTE]

You don't need a full motionplus remote, just buy the add-on motionplus for $20.
[quote name='scottman']You don't need a full motionplus remote, just buy the add-on motionplus for $20.[/QUOTE]

Thanks man, I didn't even realize that was a thing.
[quote name='animalspinners']I'd say it is.

I know I was late in preordering it as the game just fell off my radar; both Gamestop's near me are no longer taking reserves on the special edition and all of the major online chains seem to be out of the bundle.

I'm sure this game is great, but at this point its going to cost me $90 since it requires the MotionPlus Wii Remote and I don't have one, since no other game I was interested in on the Wii required it.

As much as I like Zelda, I'm not sure if its almost $100 after tax great, especially since I'd never use the MotionPlus remote again after Skyward Sword.

Hopefully I can find a bundle tomorrow morning scouring stores as they open.

Edit: Target actually has the special edition in the ad, so maybe they are expecting a ton of it? I guess I'll hit them up tomorrow morning.[/QUOTE]

I think this is a regional thing then. I pre-ordered mine maybe a week ago at most. I hope they have enough to fill all the pre-orders though.
[quote name='cindersphere']I think this is a regional thing then. I pre-ordered mine maybe a week ago at most. I hope they have enough to fill all the pre-orders though.[/QUOTE]

My local GS is next to a college and is the top store in the district so I wasn't surprised when they were sold out of preorders. You're right though, it depends largely on the store and region.
Can't you buy the MotionPlus attachment for about $20 instead of buying a Motionplus Wii Remote? You also might be able to find a cheap Red Steel 2 bundle with the attachment for $20.
K-mart is supposed to have bundles in stock and with a I think $15 coupon on the game. So if you live near a K-mart try that maybe? I say K-mart because ones around here open super fucking early.

I wish there was a way to just get the game + soundtrack. I didn't want the Wiimote but I did want the soundtrack.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']K-mart is supposed to have bundles in stock and with a I think $15 coupon on the game. So if you live near a K-mart try that maybe? I say K-mart because ones around here open super fucking early.

I wish there was a way to just get the game + soundtrack. I didn't want the Wiimote but I did want the soundtrack.[/QUOTE]

The initial offering of the regular game and the bundle will both include the CD soundtrack. The extra in the bundle is only the controller at this point.
Well, the reason why people are getting the Bundle is because the controller is awesome (jacket aside, it should be Gold, too).

I have to wait until 11am (7 hours right now) until Gamestop opens so I can get my copy.
Yes, it is one damn pretty controller. I'm wishing they put in a golden nunchuck since there is space for the thing, but the box isn't that sturdy.

Now I've to hunt down the golden classic controller.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']K-mart is supposed to have bundles in stock and with a I think $15 coupon on the game. So if you live near a K-mart try that maybe? I say K-mart because ones around here open super fucking early.[/QUOTE]

Yep, got one at K-Mart. Had a $15 coupon so the price was $55 and it came with a $20 coupon, so mission accomplished.
I am so tempted to pick up the bundle I don't have a motion plus and the gold remote is awesome. I am torn on going with the kmart deal or hoping for a BF deal.
I am finally home with Zelda and a Motion Plus adapter. I've got about an hour until the Packers-Bucs game..This is my first Day 1 console experience since OOT.

Edit - First 5 minute spoiler discussion

Zelda is a fucking bitch

Edit #2 - I like the chastising the game gives you for opening cubbies in other people's homes. :D
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A friend of mine is a Gamestop manager, and I decided I'd humor myself and ask him what the odds were that I could find a LE copy. He said the store he closed the night before had 2 copies that didn't get sold on the midnight release, and if I got there when they opened I'd probably be fine.

I got there 5 minutes early, and a guy at the Starbucks next door saw me and walked out. He said he had been there since 10am, but his wait didn't matter since I was first in line. A 3rd guy showed up, and when they let us in I mentioned to the employee I heard they had 2 copies. I would have felt bad if the guy who'd been there since 10am didn't get a copy on my account, but I could tell I totally ruined the 3rd guy's day.

Now the real question is - do I power through and finally finish Twilight Princess, or dive straight into Skyward Sword? I'm worried that after playing SS that the tacked-on motion controls in TP will make the game practically unplayable in comparison.
Awesome that you got a LE, and good for the other dude too. I would go straight into SS myself. You just paid a premium for it, may as well dig into it now and discover this brand new world with the rest of us. Twilight Princess will still be there, and will still have enough redeeming qualities to go back to at a later date.
I've played through 2 hours of it so far...

- Facial animations...uh...holy shit, man. Holy shit
- I don't get all
- Controls are fine. Haven't ran into many problems. A couple of things happened that were me just misjudging swings.
- My Bundle Box ripped at the top ;_;
- Re-Centering...I don't really see the issue. It's one of those 'I see I'm off-center on the map, down on the d-pad to re-center' things that I don't really see why people are bitching about it.
The previews said you could turn off the controller overlay.. how do you do this? Manual is no help and I hate having this big transparent controller on the sides of my screen at all times.
Took me a bit to get use to flying, but once I learned that you just quickly flick the controller up a little to go up, life has been so much easier. Also liking the upgrade system so far.

I'm about to leave the starting place for the first time, so I'll probably find out what dowsing is. Otherwise so far so good.

[quote name='animalspinners']The previews said you could turn off the controller overlay.. how do you do this? Manual is no help and I hate having this big transparent controller on the sides of my screen at all times.[/QUOTE]

In the menu (equipment page) at the bottom left there is an interface button. You can select "Standard", "Light" (wiimote hotkeys with no overlay overlay or nunchuck hotkeys) and "Pro" (No hotkeys/overlay).
Maybe 90 minutes in. Really like the art style, it works well with the hardware but I can't help but dream of how it would look in HD. Things that are far away get really blurry and it's a shame this game wasn't on a more powerful system.

This game makes it clear that the series needed to evolve. It's basically been the same gameplay mechanics since OoT, rehashed across every game since without a lot of evolution until now. The dash mechanic adds a lot, as does the stamina.
[quote name='johnnypark']Maybe 90 minutes in. Really like the art style, it works well with the hardware but I can't help but dream of how it would look in HD. Things that are far away get really blurry and it's a shame this game wasn't on a more powerful system.

This game makes it clear that the series needed to evolve. It's basically been the same gameplay mechanics since OoT, rehashed across every game since without a lot of evolution until now. The dash mechanic adds a lot, as does the stamina.[/QUOTE]

Agree with ya. I love being able to dash, and having actions like climbing, running and carrying heavy objects all coming from a well implemented stamina system.
[quote name='icedrake523']Is that a good "holy shit" or a bad "holy shit"?[/QUOTE]

Like...'there's no fucking way they should be able to do that on Wii hardware' holy shit.

Dowsing is...I dunno. At least it's not required anymore after getting
the Slingshot.
Or so I've been told.

EDIT: First Dungeon down.

There's A LOT of combat in this game. My arm feels sore already. I also wouldn't recommend the Gold Wiimote if you have the option, either. They changed the material on the Jacket, so it's a lot tougher and it REALLY digs into your hand while using it.
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[quote name='KingBroly']It requires Motion Plus, whether it be the add-on or the controller with Motion Plus built in.[/QUOTE]

Will it work without motion plus, or is the control just bad?
[quote name='johnnypark']Maybe 90 minutes in.[/QUOTE]
Oh, so you're not even done with the opening cut scenes?

Loving the game so far. The only thing I hate is that it uses the motion sensors for pointing instead of the IR sensor. On my small (19") tv, I have to swing my arm really wide in order to reach the corners of the screen, which sucks.

Also, I'm loving the gold controller. Now they just need to make a gold nunchuck to go with the wiimote and classic controller (from Goldeneye).
[quote name='2DMention']Will it work without motion plus, or is the control just bad?[/QUOTE]

You have to use Motion Plus.
[quote name='animalspinners']The previews said you could turn off the controller overlay.. how do you do this? Manual is no help and I hate having this big transparent controller on the sides of my screen at all times.[/QUOTE]

They don't give you the option until about 2 hours in, so if you can't find it, that's why.

[quote name='KingBroly']Like...'there's no fucking way they should be able to do that on Wii hardware' holy shit.

Dowsing is...I dunno. At least it's not required anymore after getting
the Slingshot.
Or so I've been told.

EDIT: First Dungeon down.

There's A LOT of combat in this game. My arm feels sore already. I also wouldn't recommend the Gold Wiimote if you have the option, either. They changed the material on the Jacket, so it's a lot tougher and it REALLY digs into your hand while using it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, the facial expressions are fantastic, Wii or not. Too bad it took a game with a development cycle as long as the system's lifespan to produce that kind of quality. Same goes for Xenoblade. Between both games, they would have sold a lot of systems if SS had come out earlier and Xeno game out stateside.

I haven't noticed any real difference with the golden Wiimote, other than it's got a more matte finish, which I think I like better.

[quote name='ROB64']Oh, so you're not even done with the opening cut scenes?

Loving the game so far. The only thing I hate is that it uses the motion sensors for pointing instead of the IR sensor. On my small (19") tv, I have to swing my arm really wide in order to reach the corners of the screen, which sucks.

Also, I'm loving the gold controller. Now they just need to make a gold nunchuck to go with the wiimote and classic controller (from Goldeneye).[/QUOTE]

Re: the cutscenes, haha quite right, but at least in this game I feel like I need a slow start to get acquainted. It's actually something very different. Starting up Twilight Princess, on the other hand... I was banging my head against the wall with out long it took to actually get started, despite not adding any significant changes to the basic formula.

I can't imagine playing this game on a smaller screen, especially a 4:3 display. With the sweeping motions, it was definitely designed with 16:9 in mind.

The more I think about it, OoT was quite revoluntionary, no doubt. Wind Waker's style and setting made it feel like a significant departure, too. TP was exciting when it came out but it really just felt like a darker, bigger OoT. Skyward Sword's innovations are well overdue.
With this game, it goes pretty quickly through the control tutorials, I think they just lengthened the story in the beginning because this game (to my knowledge) is the first in the series chronologically.

I should probably hook it up to the big screen to see if there's much of a difference. :p

Hahahaha holy crap, I just found the restroom. ...Link can use the toilet.
On another note, the CD is awesome. The Wind Waker Movement is a great mashup of songs from that game (which has, imo, the best soundtrack to date in any Zelda game.)
Was surprised that a good number of stores in my area were out of the stand alone version. I had to go a little out of my way to pick up a copy.

Did I have to watch that 3 minutes video of the motion plus or was I too excited and impatient to not see the skip option?

I can never get the flying mechanics to work properly (tilt down/tilt up for speed). Just like in Mario Galaxy 2, I keep losing altitude. It's pretty irritating for me since motion controls usually don't frustrate me like this. Also I don't like re-centering and was hoping it had a on screen cursor like in Twilight Princess but I'll probably get used to it.

I was hoping it would control like a third person Red Steel 2 and it does. Except now I just barley move my arm, just mostly my wrist.
A few more impressions:

Fast travel via save statues is great. Reminds me of the fast travel in Xenoblade, makes me wonder if either game took cues from the other. Definitely a huge improvement...

...which is somewhat canceled out by the needlessly long distance of flight between points of interest in Skyloft. And yes, I'm having the same problems with losing altitude and speed. It seems if I don't to the Charge action for awhile, the camera pans to an almost over-head view of Link and his bird, and my arm is tired from constantly readjusting the flight pattern. What a pain.

On a similar note, the skydiving when you jump off is kinda fucked up too. I can get him to go down towards the bottom of the screen, but nothing I do makes him drift up/towards the top of the screen. The tight-rope walking feels broken, also.

I think they spent all their time perfecting the sword combat, because it controls beautifully, but then all the other motion stuff seems tacked on and unnecessary. Thankfully those things don't make up a large part of the game - as KingBroly said, it's a very combat-intensive game. But damn are there some parts that are needlessly frustrating due to controls.
[quote name='johnnypark']A friend of mine is a Gamestop manager, and I decided I'd humor myself and ask him what the odds were that I could find a LE copy. He said the store he closed the night before had 2 copies that didn't get sold on the midnight release, and if I got there when they opened I'd probably be fine.

I got there 5 minutes early, and a guy at the Starbucks next door saw me and walked out. He said he had been there since 10am, but his wait didn't matter since I was first in line. A 3rd guy showed up, and when they let us in I mentioned to the employee I heard they had 2 copies. I would have felt bad if the guy who'd been there since 10am didn't get a copy on my account, but I could tell I totally ruined the 3rd guy's day.

Now the real question is - do I power through and finally finish Twilight Princess, or dive straight into Skyward Sword? I'm worried that after playing SS that the tacked-on motion controls in TP will make the game practically unplayable in comparison.[/QUOTE]

While I sit here and patiently wait for Amazon to ship me my copy **Grumble...Grumble** I have a question for you and others who did not preorder this game (and yet wanted it and the LE)

Why didn't you preorder the game and save yourself hassle?

I mean seriously, why not, if you know you're going to get it (or even if you were remotely interested in it) what is the drawback to not doing it? Especially with this game, has anyone seen the prices they are selling for in the Amazon marketplace lately....freakin' insane.

Anyway hope they ship it soon, they said it will be the 23rd before it shows up, stupid Amazon...**Grumble...Grumble** ;)

[quote name='KingBroly']I also wouldn't recommend the Gold Wiimote if you have the option, either. They changed the material on the Jacket, so it's a lot tougher and it REALLY digs into your hand while using it.[/QUOTE]

People leave those things on? I took mine off day 1 and they never been put back onto the things, they make my hands sweat too much and they're not easy to clean.
I found that putting up your Shield against Moblins confuses them, which allows you to get in hits easier. They're kinda the hardest enemy I've fought in the game so far and they're like the second or third enemy you meet. Sheesh. You really have to think about some of these enemies. The other motion control stuff is okay. Tight Rope walking sucks until you realize you can shake the barbs off and the Bird controls are decent once you realize all it does is speed you up.

I got to the second temple, but I'm going to go back to Skyloft to upgrade my items just a bit since I'm at Max Rupees with my 2nd Wallet. Skyloft is a pretty well realized town in my opinion. Everyone has a house/room, and there's so many little details in this game, like the Mail Bag from Wind Waker being in Link's closet. This game has a lot of love and care put in it.

Also, enclosed/dark areas really have graphical problems. You can see banding going on which kinda stinks. I guess this game really pushes the Wii hard.
While flying, hold the controller flat or tilted slightly downwards and flick upwards to gain altitude. Once you get a hold of those basics, flying is pathetically easy and you'll wonder why you couldn't do it so easily sooner (I was incredibly terrible until I looked up some flying hints online). You'll generally want to stay above the halfway mark on the altitude meter which isn't really a problem.

When skydiving you need to hold the controller flat. It may require you to hit down on the D-Pad if your alignment is out of whack.

The tightrope walking needs the controller to be held up. If you start drifting to one side, fling it over to the other. Once you get that down it's pretty easy. The enemy/barb parts require you to drop and waggle.
I put about an hour and a half in. Just got out of the starting area and made it to the next save point. Now I was worried for this game because I disliked TP because it felt like a OOT ripoff.

I really love this game. Just the whole swordplay and such. Now it did start off slow but well it got better fast. Although I am not playing again until tomorrow so I don't end up playing this all night, lol.

Also really glad they included the bonus cd with all copies. I didn't need a 3rd Wiimote but I did want that bonus cd (I went to three k-marts on launch day of OOT 3DS to get the bonus CD, lol).
bread's done