The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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[quote name='Mr. Beef']

This guy's channel has the opening and ending segments of Raw for those who just want to watch Punk.[/QUOTE]
Link doesn't work. It's amazing how interested I am in WWE again all thanks to the Punk storyline. It's literally become one of those "oh snap! What's he going to do next?!" Moments that I haven't had in literally years.

Sting this Thursday regains the Impact World Title.... I mean TNA World Title.... or whatever the fuck its called.

[quote name='Demolition Man']Really? Really? Really? REALLY? REALLY TNA???? REALLY IMPACT WRESTLING????

Sting this Thursday regains the Impact World Title.... I mean TNA World Title.... or whatever the fuck its called.


You forgot the best part
A clown helped him win
I haven't watched a show since Elimination Chamber 2010 or posted here in about as long, but the Summer of Punk Redux has me interested enough to keep tabs on things for now.

Guy had the crowd so into him last night that John Cena was getting booed in his hometown. It's hard for me to comprehend that in today's WWE.
The greatest part of that promo was that there was NOTHING heel about it, not even against Boston. It was all an attack on Cena, and Cena couldn't handle it so he had to punch Punk. Makes me think that the winner of MITB will be a heel (Miz or ADR) just because there'll be nothing face about taking the title from Punk when he leaves Sunday. I think even McMahon was impressed last night.
well shit, out walks the most compelling piece of the program.
Now help me out with some history here, will Punk have to shoot Cena to walk out with the belt? How is that advantageous to Vince to book the title leaving?
[quote name='Tybalt Flux']The greatest part of that promo was that there was NOTHING heel about it, not even against Boston. It was all an attack on Cena, and Cena couldn't handle it so he had to punch Punk. Makes me think that the winner of MITB will be a heel (Miz or ADR) just because there'll be nothing face about taking the title from Punk when he leaves Sunday. I think even McMahon was impressed last night.[/QUOTE]

Comparing Cena, in front of his 'hometown' crowd in Boston, to the NY Yankees is as quick and easy a heel maneuver as imaginable. Not to mention effective.

Like JBL goosetepping in Germany so many years back, if you'll pardon the immediate jump to Moore's law. It's cheap, it's easy, but it sure is effective. Punk didn't break German state law, however.
That was the beauty of it all. Where most heels would applaud the rival team just to get a cheap heel, PunK made the hometown hero to be the badguy by juxtaposing him with something they hate, without necessarily belittling the actual town, since they hated Cena/don't want to be associated with the Yanks anyways.
Am I insane, or did Cena really ramp up his Boston accent during that promo?

I don't want to get into a huge deconstruction of that promo, but there were some definite problems with it. The first glaring thing is that, and it seems ridiculous to get picky with this in the world of professional wrestling, Punk's demands were just a little too over the top. Nothing in the history of the company has shown that Vince McMahon would capitulate to *those* kinds of demands, making the entire thing ring a bit hollow. It also, of course, doesn't help that the WWE title has been an afterthought for so many years, which makes Vince's concern about it all the more implausible. That aside, Vince was pretty effective here. I really enjoyed the apology segment, if nothing else.

Cena. Cena. Cena. Honestly, here's your black hole that everything is getting sucked into. I watched that and sort of felt like Cena was participating in a totally different promo than the one Punk and Vince were in. Punk and Vince were desconstructing the business and making a ton of 'insider' references and jokes, but here comes Cena still hamming it up as 'John Cena, kayfabe warrior'. Corny humor? Check. Bonus points for making it about poop? Double check. Reference to things America hates? Check. Making that reference something that's a hot-button issue, like terrorism? Double check. Speech about how what they do is all about those cuddly-wuddly fans? Check. Reminding us ad-nauseum that *he* loves those fans more than anynody else? Double check.

It was like a checklist of 'Top Babyface Wrestling Promos, 1985-1995'.

My favorite part was, obviously, when the clean-cut, All-American hero responded to being called a sports team with violence. It was pandering *and* a bad message for kids all at the same time! Double trouble!

... ahem, anyway, it got me thinking about just how over the top Cena was in the promo, and a little seed of something entered my mind. This is, without a doubt, Punk's storyline. He's the focal point, and he's very much the old school fan's voice in this. The question is... is WWE, or at least Punk, smart enough to have had Cena play it up intentionally last night? It wasn't far off from normal Cena, but it definitely seemed a little more forced than his regular schtick. I don't know if I have even the smallest reserve of faith in me to believe that, but it was something that popped in there.

No matter the outcome of all of this, it's at least gotten me interested enough again to seek out these promos. Hell, if I had enough people to go in with me, I'd consider ordering MitB just to see what happens. It's a storyline that makes me give a shit where it's going, enough to possibly give them money to find out. It's why, at the end of the day, this all had to have been Punk's idea, because WWE hasn't been able to raise those feelings in me for years.
[quote name='007']Am I insane, or did Cena really ramp up his Boston accent during that promo?[/QUOTE]

I was just at that point in the vid when you posted this, and I thought "man, he's insane." Then I clicked back ten seconds and heard (8:25 or so in the 4th vid above)

"y'know how many days I walk into a WWE lawkah room and wanna rip his face awf with my beah hands?"

Either he spent a few days around his family and friends (which, I can assure you, will trigger those old accents), or he was trying, very subtly (and to his credit) to get over w/ the local crowd.
[quote name='007']I don't want to get into a huge deconstruction of that promo, but there were some definite problems with it. The first glaring thing is that, and it seems ridiculous to get picky with this in the world of professional wrestling, Punk's demands were just a little too over the top. Nothing in the history of the company has shown that Vince McMahon would capitulate to *those* kinds of demands, making the entire thing ring a bit hollow.[/QUOTE]

To me, that was the whole point of it. Punk had already made up his mind and had no plans to come back, so he requested the most ridiculous things he could think of to publicly humiliate Vince and find out just how desperate he was to get Punk to re-sign, all for the cash he knew Punk would be making the company.
Points well made, 007. Cena ruined the mood entirely because he can only talk one style, and this story arc doesn't fit it. Punk hammed it up by saying he wanted his face on turnbuckles, but dude got over ice cream bars (!!!). It was intense, it was fascinating to see McMahon willing to portray himself as having weakness, as able to be bullied. It's not a side of the character we've seen much of, if at all.

But it was serious, well-made television. On one hand, there is an issue here that is interesting, without respect to shoots, to wrestling versus entertainments, to whatever insider bullshit we find more fascinating than the television program. The person in the title match is promoting this as their last day on the job. But they've built up the match with such intensity, and it's happening during a 'chaotic' PPV where the outcome of the match is in some degree of doubt, no matter how modest.

So, it's serious WWE. A good storyline, an adventurous one. Out comes Cena to his "RAPADOOOOOO" song, and fucks up the whole thing. He's like the guy who shows up in jean shorts to your black tie affair, the guy who would ruin a blind date by asking a girl, over fine wine at a Michelin-starred restaurant, if she rinses the poopy out of her butthole before she has sex. He's the guy who, when he opens his mouth, reasonable people stand agape and silent as the sound of a record scratching demonstrates to the crowd at home that this is an awkward moment. He's the guy who, if you were to share a hotel room with him, wouldn't take the hint to leave when you show up with a one-night-stand.

And that's Cena's promos in a nutshell. Awkward. Goofy. Forced. He didn't ruin the segment, but the guy is simultaneously the champion *and* the fifth wheel in a storyline about the very belt he's holding. We're tryin' to have a moment of privacy here, John. Go on outside and get some fresh air, for a few, huh? Take a fuckin' hint, will yeh?

I came across the tv series Party Down on account of it being on Netflix Streaming. It's a brilliant, but short-lived tv show. Late last night I watched the 4th or 5th episode, where they're catering the porno industry awards show. The character Roman, at least in this specific episode, reminded me of how Cena is presenting himself in this storyline.

If you haven't watched this series, it's fucking brilliant. And also no longer on the air, so it's not hard to watch all 15 or whatever episodes.
Non-wrestling sidenote: I second the Party Down endorsement. If you haven't seen it, go now. Go.
The Cena humor in that promo nearly killed the storyline for me. Rugs from Bed Bath and Beyond? Dog poop? Dog pee? Really?! Even my seven year old niece would think that was fucking lame... so it's obviously not being directed to anyone over the age of four.

I'm not sure who's writing his content, but his humor is bargain basement. If he doesn't have a writer, then he should be ashamed... and I'm truly embarrassed for him. It was so bad that regardless of how hot the angle is, I nearly stopped watching.

He needs a break... and a full repackaging. I understand that he sells merch, but so did Hogan, and 6 years of Hogan dominating the WWF nearly killed the company. Cena's "tweener" role in the company is only going to wind up as detrimental. He's become one-dimensional... a one-trick pony. It's time for a full heel turn. This could have easily been done with the Rock... and even now with Punk. Will it happen? Likely not. But remember what happened when they turned Austin full-heel by teaming him up with Vince? Gold.

I really want to buy the PPV... but after 27 years of watching this company, I approach that decision with caution. We're all well aware of how well the WWE is at dropping the ball. Especially at key moments. Allowing Punk to walk away with the title is an instant story progression, as would be having Punk win only to immediately drop it to the MitB winner. Which also gives the WWE a chance to instantly put over an undercard worker (Daniel Bryan?). If they really wanted a money-maker, that's how they would swing it. If they did, I guarantee there would be asses in seats the following night on RAW... all with the tshirt of the guy who robbed Punk of his newly won title before he could "leave" with it.

Whew... ok... I'm done.
Is there any possibility that there's a verbal agreement (hence the lack of "insider knowledge") that Punk is staying? I can't believe someone that has run the enterprise that is now the WWE would be so god damn stupid to let this all walk away. He's got his new Austin in Punk, now if they unleash it into Attitude Era Part II they may actually retain fans. They got pretty close a couple of times in the whole spiel last night.

Honestly, why would Vince go through this whole charade, just to let Punk walk away. It's bad business and if Vince knows anything it's how to make money.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']But remember what happened when they turned Austin full-heel by teaming him up with Vince? Gold.[/quote]

I remember the ending to WM17 being really good and shocking, but don't recall the followup all that much. They went into the Alliance/Invasion stuff after that, which, as we all know, if the single greatest squandered opportunity in the history of professional wrestling. Really?

I really want to buy the PPV... but after 27 years of watching this company, I approach that decision with caution. We're all well aware of how well the WWE is at dropping the ball.

Punk brought up Cena's firing storyline last year, and what a crock that was. Remember how white hot Nexus was during their "debut" when they tore apart the Raw set. Remember how Cena single-handedly destroyed them, and look at where they are now. Barrett is a nobody, along with Danielson (i.e., they're lower-card Smackdown talent, so they might as well not exist). The tag team champion Nexus couldn't beat one person last night on Raw, which is roughly the 657th time that's happened on WWE programming in the past decade (imagine Legion of Doom losing in a handicap match to Bret, to Shawn, to Hogan even).

WWE will, without fail, drop the ball. Why? Not on purpose, mind you. They still think Punk is the heel here, and they're going to plug ahead with the idea that fans are really loyal to WWE as a brand. They'll cheer Cena, they'll cheer McMahon, they'll boo Punk. Because he's fighting WWE, and that makes him a heel. That's exactly how they'll drop the ball.

[quote name='nasum']Is there any possibility that there's a verbal agreement (hence the lack of "insider knowledge") that Punk is staying?[/QUOTE]

I think there's an agreement that he's going to take some time off and return in 3-6 months, give or take. Absolutely. If WWE let him run through the indies as WWE champion, that would be amazing and beneficial for all companies involved. But that won't happen. Punk may win the title on Sunday, but he won't leave with the belt. He'll be back before Wrestlemania, though. Count on it.
[quote name='mykevermin']I remember the ending to WM17 being really good and shocking, but don't recall the followup all that much. They went into the Alliance/Invasion stuff after that, which, as we all know, if the single greatest squandered opportunity in the history of professional wrestling. Really?[/QUOTE]

Ok... I agree about the Alliance angle. But some of those promos with Angle and Austin battling for Vince's attention were classic.
What are the chances WWE pulls a Day of Reckoning 2 storyline, with the WWE Championship gone missing, and the IC (or US in this case) title becoming the top belt? It sounds crazy but think of how well that would work. It finally makes the second tier title regain some of the prestige it's lost over the years. It instantly brings up 2 people to main event status, with Ziggler being champ and Kofi fueding with him. It'll freshen up the ME scene ridiculously with Cena being "fired" and having those new people in the mix. It'll also shake up the match for Wrestlemania. What ever happened to "Anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation!!!"? Having a match set 1 year in advance just seems completely counterproductive.

Eventually Punk comes back in a few months, and then you have several possible feuds to plug him into. Whoever is the top title holder at the time, whoever is the MITB holder, Cena (of course), or even the New Nexus for abandoning them.
I think we all know what is going to happen.

CM Punk beats the holy shit out of Cena for half an hour to thunderous applause and cheers.

Cena goes super sayan and wins with his 5 moves of doom. CM Punk leaves in disgust as Cena does his stupid poses and shit.
TNA, a day after releasing Orlando Jordan due to "budget concerns", has apparently signed 21 year veteran and 42-year-old Kid Kash.

As a side note, they have not signed Shiima Ion, Low Ki, or Jack Evans.

I'd personally love a Mcmahon-Punk swerve where they were in cahoots this whole time and now want to bring Cena down. It'll never happen but still...
[quote name='JJSP']TNA, a day after releasing Orlando Jordan due to "budget concerns", has apparently signed 21 year veteran and 42-year-old Kid Kash.

As a side note, they have not signed Shiima Ion, Low Ki, or Jack Evans.

[quote name='mitch079']I'd personally love a Mcmahon-Punk swerve where they were in cahoots this whole time and now want to bring Cena down. It'll never happen but still...[/QUOTE]

Some major swerve like that is exactly what's needed to get people excited for Summer Slam.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']

I was a Kid Kash fan when he is smacking Trinity around and getting all heelish, but that was almost 10 years ago. TNA doing what TNA does best. Hiring guys over 40. You lose OJ who was making "hogan's buddy" money and you could probably hire Evans AND Zima Ion with that freed up cash. Wrestling matters indeed.
- Good Humor has been flooded with requests from WWE fans for the return of WWE Ice Cream bars, following CM Punk's promo on Monday's RAW. The term WWE Ice Cream bars has been trending online all week and there have been several online petitions and Facebook pages created for the cause.

Good Humor is sending the following statements to fans who write in to them on their website about the ice cream bars:

"Thank you for writing us regarding Good Humor .

The product you have contacted us about has been discontinued. Our company's goal is to provide consumers with a variety of products to meet their needs and preferences. As you may know, marketing is a complex function, and many business factors are taken into consideration before discontinuing a product.

Before a product becomes available at the retail level, much time and expense is involved in perfecting the recipe, consumer focus testing, and marketing support. It truly saddens us when we must discontinue a product. However, consumer demand is a major factor. When the level of demand is insufficient to ensure that consumers receive high quality products at an affordable price, the product may be discontinued.

We apologize that this product is no longer available and hope you will continue to enjoy the other products we offer. We will forward your comments to our brand staff."

I'm never going to get to try these things!
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Summer SlamFest.[/QUOTE]

Kidding aside, that's the big thing with this angle that people seem to not be talking about. This is a big angle, arguably one of the biggest WWE has run for a long time. It's culminating at MitB... so what happens at SummerSlam?

It's lost some of it's sheen recently, but SummerSlam is still the third biggest PPV of the year, behind only Mania and the Rumble. It's also really the last 'old school' one left besides those two, and there's a push to usually make it seem like a big deal.

Cena was busy with Miz, which is basically over. Cena is flirting with Rock, but there's little indication he'll be around before the first of the year. Cena's feud with Punk is scheduled to end the month before SummerSlam. That's Raw.

Smackdown has the Orton/Christian feud, which has run it's course. The most they could get out of it is if Christian wins at MitB, but another Orton/Christian match after that is just really, really pushing it. Unless the world wants another Orton/Sheamus match (NO. NO. NO.), the main event scene of Smackdown is also a little iffy.

So, that's the question... is WWE honestly banking on the two Money in the Bank match winners to carry things into SummerSlam? Signs seem to be pointing towards new feuds being set up heading into SummerSlam but, at least on the Raw side, is there anything that won't be viewed as a disappointment after this Punk feud? After this, the allure of Cena/Del Rio is basically gone, even more so since Del Rio has just been completely mis-booked since moving to Raw.

I don't know, that was a collection of random thoughts. It just dawned on me that this amount of hype seems much more like what a SummerSlam build should be, not one for a more 'filler' PPV. MitB should, arguably, have enough of a hook as it is with the MitB matches, so the fact that they've been given short-shrift here is weird in itself.

Right. Done.
Here's what'll happen..

Punk wins. Cena's "fired".
MitB winner cashes in, wins the belt from Punk.
Cena's back the next night on Raw, stating that he's not fired because even though Punk won, Punk didn't walk out of Chicago with the belt. Cena cashes in his "rematch clause", wins the belt back, and we forget about how the past few weeks were awesome and go back to bitching about it in the chat rooms (which is pretty fun).
[quote name='masked lemon']I think we all know what is going to happen.

CM Punk beats the holy shit out of Cena for half an hour to thunderous applause and cheers.

Cena goes super sayan and wins with his 5 moves of doom. CM Punk leaves in disgust as Cena does his stupid poses and shit.[/QUOTE]

It's just as likely that they actually let Punk win since he's clearly at least a temporary face now, then immediately have Del Rio or whoever won the ladder match come out and get the title off of him. Either way, it's a perfect opportunity to shit on a guy in his own hometown, as WWE loves to do.

Then you've got your out for Cena being fired, as Vince's wording was "if CM Punk leaves Chicago" with the belt, not "if CM Punk wins."

It's really fucking annoying that Good Humor doesn't put out something that's the same thing as the old ice cream bars with some other license. Or no license at all, I don't care. Just make them again.
[quote name='masked lemon']So uh, I got a new tattoo:


That's going to look extra good when the hair grows back in on his starter kit beer gut.

Star Wars underwear is the cherry on top of a loser sundae.
[quote name='neocisco']That's going to look extra good when the hair grows back in on his starter kit beer gut.

Star Wars underwear is the cherry on top of a loser sundae.[/QUOTE]

That man will never get laid.
Got Rey's new DVD set today - pretty awesome match selection, and I like that they FINALLY have the match listings back, even if they are on their own side of the inside of the case. Oddly, Eddie's tobasco sauce-ish shirt is blurred in this match with Angle on Disc 1.
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