The MangoKnife Prefers PS3 over 360 because it uses Less Power, OTT.

[quote name='DT778'] lets join together and be mad at a national tragedy.

Those tits had so much going for them before all the coke parties. fucking peaked with Mean Girls. There could have been so much more... slow motions scenes left unfilmed... low cut tops in action movies... now we just get pictures of her going in and out of courtrooms.[/QUOTE]

I also liked her kisser before she put the permanent silicone "duck face" on. (I have a penchant for testarossas with freckles)


Kotick was just on CNBC talking about the death of the "____ Hero" franchises and more hints at the COD MMO ***cringes*** anyone else think that's a terrible idea?

He was grilled pretty hard for a short segment
[quote name='h3llbring3r']

Kotick was just on CNBC talking about the death of the "____ Hero" franchises and more hints at the COD MMO ***cringes*** anyone else think that's a terrible idea?

As a gamer, yes.

If I was a Acti'd be a great idea to get that WoW $$$ for that shooter franchise
[quote name='manthing']As a gamer, yes.

If I was a Acti'd be a great idea to get that WoW $$$ for that shooter franchise[/QUOTE]

All Activision makes are COD games and whatever Blizzard makes. I think this is the year COD loses its luster and The Old Republic puts a dent into WoW.

Activision better start cracking on some new franchises because they have driven anything they made that was worthwhile into the ground.
[quote name='manthing']So what you're saying is COD BLOPS is the GH3 of the COD franchise?[/QUOTE]

I don't have the hatred of Black Ops that others do. My main feeling is that something like four developers are now working on the next COD game. That means there is going to be a lack of accountability and cohesion with their next product. With no one to be held accountable and the franchises unwillingness to truly come up with something new their market share is going to fall as their franchise stagnates. Unlike sports games where roster updates and changes mean something (to those interested), you can only put out so many shooters based on the same mechanic before sales have to decrease.

Also look at Medal of Honor once IW started working on COD. They made the same game for almost a decade before last years reboot and every year sales declined and interest eroded.

You feed the fiends weaker and weaker product and eventually they go elsewhere or they sober up.
[quote name='seanr1221']The day CoD goes pay to play, I stick to Battlefield and Halo.

I could see them trying a pay to upgrade faster model first.[/QUOTE]
One blog I read claimed it was to be micro-transaction based, so the latter might be likely. Maybe a freemium set of RPG elements?
FACT: Love letters are only good in serious relationships, like if you're married or dating for years ~guy who just recently got his first girlfriend

someone isn't getting laid on vday
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']what is a love letter

idk know what to get my girlfriend
i'm stuck at her house for a month and i don't have a car and i can't do anything[/QUOTE]
well it's too late, but was my friend. I found the perfect present for my boyfriend. His nickname is Pink Peep so I found a knitted Darth Vader shaped as a peep. It was epic. He spoiled it by opening it though. The jerk. I told him he doesn't get anything else. :p
Here is what I have learned this week. The biggest party animals and off the wall crazies are accountants and future politicians. I thought these gigs were going to be mind numbing but you give a account a beer and they will start dancing on tables and making out with each other instantly.

It was pretty crazy.
The lady with the Navy in China Lake, CA called today. She went to talk to the recruiting office and I am eagerly awaiting to hear from them.
Meh. Single's Awareness Day is overrated. I'm glad I'm off that day. Time to buy a 6-pack and drown my sorrows.

Also, the cashier who's trained in carts called off tonight. Being the only cart person there at the time, figures they try to ask me to stay. Sure I need the pay, but fuck that. It ain't worth it if you ask me. No reason for me to work a double.
[quote name='JStryke']Meh. Single's Awareness Day is overrated. I'm glad I'm off that day. Time to buy a 6-pack and drown my sorrows.

Also, the cashier who's trained in carts called off tonight. Being the only cart person there at the time, figures they try to ask me to stay. Sure I need the pay, but fuck that. It ain't worth it if you ask me. No reason for me to work a double.[/QUOTE]

I hope it's warm over there for your sake.

Trained in carts? What is there to know? Push them inside and put them near the front.
[quote name='2DMention']I hope it's warm over there for your sake.

Trained in carts? What is there to know? Push them inside and put them near the front.[/QUOTE]

As long as it's not windy, the cold weather doesn't really bother me. I do keep a heavy jacket in my truck just in case I need it, but I've only used it once so far. Otherwise, I just make do with a sweatshirt (hoodie optional) and gloves and do just fine. And while I may be wrong, I think it's only hit the teens once or twice this whole winter (while I was working). Pretty mild winter for us so far.

And you're right. There isn't really anything to learn. We do have a cart pusher which makes things really easy too. It's a little tricky when you first use it if you don't have any experience, but after a couple times, it's pretty easy.
[quote name='Eviltude']You guys think codeine will help ease my sore throat?[/QUOTE]

fuck yeah it will.

Plus it'll make you feel 'fuzzy'



What the fuck is all this bullshit under WSB's Cheapy thing in the top of the page?!?

fucking Community was one of their funniest episodes ever and The Office has been fucking ridiculous as well. Parks and Rec should be beyond epic too looking at the previews.
Hey Zoo1:

I think you can get out of your Sprint contract w/o a ETF fee, since they're upping the Directory Assistance fee on 3/1.
NBC massively fucked up and spoiled something huge by airing the wrong promo bumper tonight towards the end of the Parks and Rec episode tonight.
Hooray for not working today!

[quote name='CaseyRyback']fucking Community was one of their funniest episodes ever [/QUOTE]

The girl on girl kissing was great. They needed more of that.
Morning, OTT.

Damn Goozex people need to hurry up and leave feedback. I want me some PS3 games. Don't want to play Uncharted 2 before Uncharted.
Morning, OTT.

Ahh...Valentines Day. One of the few holidays I don't have to do anything for. I nipped that Hallmark Holiday in the butt the first year Mrs. Number83 and I dated.
[quote name='Number83']

Ahh...Valentines Day. One of the few holidays I don't have to do anything for. I nipped that Hallmark Holiday in the butt the first year Mrs. Number83 and I dated.[/QUOTE]
Wish I had gone that way; Unfortunately for me, I did the opposite. The only breaks I catch are the $14 dozen roses at Costco and my wife's favorite champagne (and mine) is not that expensive.
How do I get that bullshit off from the top of my screen? I don't care how many games are in my collection, or my TL.
[quote name='munch']I don't see how it possibly could be.[/QUOTE]

I think that it's going to be so awful, that it's going to be great...if that makes sense.

I don't think it will ever match up to the's impossible to.
The whole 'it's so bad it's great' argument doesn't work for video games like it does for movies. Bad design, graphics, gameplay can't be overcome.
[quote name='munch']The whole 'it's so bad it's great' argument doesn't work for video games like it does for movies. Bad design, graphics, gameplay can't be overcome.[/QUOTE]
So you're saying I should stop making my unlicensed Snakes on a Plane HL2 mod? :cry:
I'm saying that you can have great mechanics surrounded by an over the top so bad it's good story. I've never played a game where the controls are so bad it's good. The closest argument is for the Resident Evil games. I still think those controls are awful and detract from the game.
[quote name='munch']The whole 'it's so bad it's great' argument doesn't work for video games like it does for movies. Bad design, graphics, gameplay can't be overcome.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, I can think of two instances that I will disagree with you statement on (Please note that this is based purely on my own $.02): Conan and Too Human.

Both games were panned by the industry and the public, but I found them to be a rather enjoyable experience. And the reason why? All three games can be tied to the same link: The source material on which they were based.

Edit to your point above: The Gameplay mechanics on Too Human were abysmal. Conan had all kind of camera issues, and while they detracted from the overall experience, it was still a good enough experience that I dont regret playing them at all.
[quote name='munch']Do you guys actually think that game is going to be in any good?[/QUOTE]

It will never be as good as it should. They missed the boat for last generation. Even the hype is dying. A lot of younger gamers don't know who or what Duke Nukem is.
[quote name='munch']The whole 'it's so bad it's great' argument doesn't work for video games like it does for movies. Bad design, graphics, gameplay can't be overcome.[/QUOTE]

General impressions of the game from the press event were good.!5755039/duke-nukem-forever-is-a-tawdry-sometimes-gratifying-spectacle

By the time I get to the game's final demo level, Vegas in Ruin, I am thoroughly enjoying myself, no longer worrying about the lack of character depth, sensible story or a single map not turned into a rat maze of absurdly placed debris.

I laugh, genuinely laugh, at the Halo joke.

And when my time with Duke Nukem ends with a scene involving testicular punches, I genuinely wish I could keep playing.
bread's done