The Official PlayStation Vita Thread - 11/4: FW 3.00 Coming Just in Time for the PS4 Launch!

It's a training game, which uses a lot of weird things for those minigames.

Sony's revealed how Vita changes how LBP's creation mode:
LittleBigPlanet and LBP2 enabled PS3 players to play, create and share custom-made levels and game modes online for all to enjoy. Now, with the upcoming PS Vita game harnessing the handheld’s plethora of inputs and sensors for playing and creating, Sackboy’s new adventure will be the most accessible – and empowering – LittleBigPlanet yet.

We’ve seen glimpses of what PS Vita adds to Play starting at E3, when SCEE’s Pete Smith demonstrated how the touch screen, gyroscopes, and rear touch panel helped Sackboy navigate levels in all-new ways. At gamescom, Smith was joined by Tarsier Studios designer Richard Meredith to show us some more Play possibilities and tools you’ll use to Create new types of games.

Even the “Super Oval” shape of PS Vita is giving the development team novel new possibilities. Smith turned the Vita vertically to demonstrate a gravity-based game where players rapidly sort colored balls into the right chute – reminiscent of a touch-enabled version of PSN game Droplitz.

Next, the duo demonstrated an air hockey game where two people can play at once by each grabbing one side of the PS Vita. The demonstration made clear that, much like in LBP2, Vita’s LittleBigPlanet will allow for games far outside of simple side-scrolling platformers. Add in PS Vita’s tilt sensors, front and real touchscreen, cameras, and microphone and you’ve got a powerful but intuitive suite of control options for playing and creating levels.

Of course, if you see it in the world of LittleBigPlanet, you can also create it yourself.

Meredith took the controls here, showing how the most basic functions of creation can now be mapped to the intuitive touch screen. He first painted a simple stickman with his finger. As he dragged the completed scarecrow around the screen, the game automatically recorded the movement path. When he let go, and the little man danced along the path all on his own. Sorcery!

Smith then shared an anecdote about how development team members were tasked with making a complete game in about three minutes. Meredith re-created the experience by selecting a Swiss cheese texture and drawing a maze with his finger, dropping in a few pitfalls to make things interesting. Then he snapped a photo of someone’s mouth with the PS Vita camera, which he placed as the end goal of the maze. Drop in a ball, assign tilt controls to steer, and you’ve got yourself a game! Meredith also showed a more advanced version of that level, which took him a couple of hours to create. Though it packed far more detail and polish, it was essentially the same game he created in just a few minutes.

When it comes to the third element of LittleBigPlanet, Share, the team is working on a seamless connection between the PS Vita and PS3 community, including compatibility. It seems clear that finding new levels to play will be as easy on PS Vita as it is on PS3. Perhaps most importantly, the simplicity of the new Create interface should entice countless new players to contribute to the millions of levels already living in the LBP ecosystem.

The new About a Blob game from Drinkbox is coming to Vita:
Only a few months removed from bringing About a Blob -- a cute little side-scroller where players squeezed and slid all around the world as a gooey mass -- to the PlayStation Network, Drinkbox Studios has its sights set on the PlayStation Vita. Mutant Blobs Attack is coming, and here are all the mushy details.

Are those blobs attacking?

What is Mutant Blobs Attack?
Mutant Blobs Attack is a 2D, blob-based platformer from developer Drinkbox Studios. You'll play as -- you guessed it -- a mutant blob. You'll roll through environments devouring everything in your path. Drinkbox says you'll go from the size of a quarter to that of a giant city.

Wait, wait, wait -- more blobs? Is this connected to About a Blob?
Yup. About a Blob and Mutant Blobs Attack take place in the same universe.

So Mutant Blobs Attack is just the same thing as About a Blob?
According to Drinkbox, no. "We were happy with the way things turned out on About a Blob, although having learned a lot over the course of that project's development we definitely want to do some things a bit differently this time around," said Chris McQuinn, Drinkbox designer and self-proclaimed awesome guy. "Last time, for example, we really made an effort to please a wide audience which limited what we could do with the game some extent (e.g. in terms of difficulty, and/or in the 'edginess' of the game's humor and presentation). This time we're not quite as worried about pleasing everyone, we really want to focus on just making a game that we would enjoy as gamers."

OK, so how does it play?
Mutant Blobs Attack is a 2D platformer. You'll control it via touch-based controls along with the traditional joystick. "We're trying to be careful not to spread ourselves too thin by attempting to do everything -- the system really has a lot of inputs," McQuinn said.

ZOMG! Those blobs are attacking!

When is it coming out?
McQuinn said to look for Mutant Blobs Attack close to the North American launch of the PlayStation Vita.

When can I play it?
Drinkbox will be at PAX 2011 and running a Mutant Blobs Attack high score competition. If you win, you'll be included in the final game.

Cool. Is this one of those Vita games I can play on the PS3?
Maybe, but definitely not right away. Once the Vita version is out, Drinkbox is hoping to release a PS3 version of Mutant Blobs Attack, and that would support Sony's cloud system so that you could have one save to use on both the Vita and the PS3.
Loved the first game on PSN, so I'll definitely keep an eye out for the sequel.
I just read they're changing the art style from the original.

WHY? IT WAS THE BEST PART OF THE GAME! Why take away its' amazing charm, WHY?
Those games look great FriskyTanuki! Can't wait to get even more details at TGS! Here's to hoping for an early 2012 release date and to a strong solid lineup of games!
[quote name='KingBroly']I just read they're changing the art style from the original.

WHY? IT WAS THE BEST PART OF THE GAME! Why take away its' amazing charm, WHY?[/QUOTE]
You don't even know what they're changing it to. It could be an even more charming art style.
Konami Brings Four PlayStation Vita Titles to Tokyo Game Show:

Asphalt Injection (PS Vita, Race Game)
AR Combat Digi Q (PS Vita, Simulation)
New Little King's Story (PS Vita, RPG)
Mahjong Fight Club (PS Vita, Mahjong)

Ubisoft unveils PS Vita lineup:

Assassin’s Creed
Rayman Origins
Dungeon Hunter Alliance
Michael Jackson the Experience

That's two publishers...two. I know Codemasters is bringing F1 2011/12 out next year for the PSV, and then there are all of Sony's first-party titles...really glad I reserved mine last week :)
[quote name='KingBroly']I saw it. It's like...they made everyone taller. [/QUOTE]

Sounds like Animal Crossing 3DS :p
As shown during the E3 conference, players can attack each other's lairs, but what does that mean? Well, as players progress through the game they'll level up and get the chance to upgrade, but they can choose to upgrade either themselves or their lairs. Upgrading a lair allows players to change how it's constructed, which creatures are in it, what defenses are in it, and so on.

Choosing whether to upgrade your character or your lair has ramifications. Upgrade your character and he or she will be stronger for the main campaign and for successfully attacking other players' lairs. However, if you upgrade your lair then you stand a better chance of getting rewards by players trying to attack your lair and failing. It's a similar system to that of Demon's Souls, in which players can enter other people's games and launch attacks, the victor reaping the spoils. If someone attacks your lair in Ruin, you can defend it from them in real-time in what will hopefully an epic PVP showdown. The major difference with Ruin, though, is that players can attack your lair even when you're offline. If a player tries to attack your lair over and over again while you're offline but fails each time, then that means you're going to rack up rewards big-time.

Read more:

I'm actually quite interested in this now. Before I was vaguely interested...kinda-not-really, but I definitely like the idea of invading other peoples' lairs, a la Demons Souls/Dark Souls :)
Only problem I could see is if the lairs are too easy when you're offline. Too easy being that a majority of players are able to defeat Lairs when they are evenly leveled. Other than that, it sounds like it should be great fun! Plus you can play it on the PS3 as well, which is pretty awesome!
I'd imagine with the connectivity of the PSP we'll see updates to improve balance and such fairly quickly/regularly. I'd like to think that players will either beef up their characters to make lairs easier, at the sacrifice of their own lairs and costing them exp, etc. Keep in mind, this is all on the side, there's still the main campaign where our character matters...
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']A new Persona 4 remake for the Vita was announced in the new Famitsu.[/QUOTE]

So many games I've wanted to be made's all coming true :D All I need now is Burnout and possibly a Final Fantasy or similar epic RPG.

The Vita is just simply amazing now. The wait is going to be unbearable :p

Details on the Persona 4 remake:
First, the game everyone was expecting due to the recent teaser splash site, a remake of Persona 4. Atlus is bringing the PlayStation 2 title to PlayStation Vita as Persona 4 The Golden. This new version adds a number of new features:
  • A new character named Mary
  • 1.5 times the voice of the PS2 version
  • Wireless support for calling on others to help you when you're about to die in a dungeon.
  • Other elements that fans of the original have heavily requested
  • New opening anime with new song from Shouji Meguro
  • New animation movies
A release is set for Spring 2012.
I'm wondering if that second bullet point is implying the chance of a female main character? This is just awesome, I hope the translation for the west doesn't take too long, since it should be mostly the same as the PS2 version.
So much news from developers/publishers on great games coming to the Vita, i am feeling this console almost has as much support as the PS3/Xbox 360 did at their launches.
This is so great, can't wait until we get a PS Vita release date! Hopefully Atlus will be nice and release the localization for the United States near the Japanese release!
This is the first time I'll be getting a console/handheld at they normally include any sort of free game/movie/bundle for early adopters?
[quote name='SynGamer']This is the first time I'll be getting a console/handheld at they normally include any sort of free game/movie/bundle for early adopters?[/QUOTE]

Nothing has been announced but still a possibility.
[quote name='SynGamer']This is the first time I'll be getting a console/handheld at they normally include any sort of free game/movie/bundle for early adopters?[/QUOTE]

I don't believe it's normal for handhelds, or for most consoles, but Nintendo can be considered an exception for some of their consoles I believe.

Some more info on various features in the OS:
Stay constantly connected to your games and friends with amazing apps on PS Vita.

LiveArea Screens


Each game on PS Vita will have its own LiveArea Screen, which is split into two zones. In the Info Zone you can find out about the latest downloadable content for the game you're playing, and see tournament events that are taking place. In the Communication Zone, see how your PlayStation Network friends are getting on through automatic status updates. You'll be able to see if they've earned a new trophy and leave comments for them, too. The LiveArea Screen is the best way to see what your friends are up to and let them know how well you're doing in your favourite PS Vita game.



Stay connected to all of your PlayStation Network friends and make new ones by sharing information about your location using Near. Press the Update button and find new people based on where you are, challenge them to games or play cooperatively and enjoy a completely unique gaming experience on PS Vita. You can even send and receive new levels, unlocks and in-game items to enhance the way you play - everywhere you go will hold new surprises.

You can view your friends' game preferences, see how many trophies they've earned and compare your stats to see who the better player is. Near will be pre-installed on your PS Vita.



Fancy a chat while you're gaming? Speak with your friends anytime you like with Party. The voice and text chat application will also be pre-installed and allows you to talk to up to eight party members, no matter what you're doing. Tell them about the game you're playing, what you're looking at online or hatch plans in multiplayer matches.

Your friends can even invite their own friends to join in the fun, so you'll meet more new people who love PS Vita as much as you do. Join an existing Party and see what everyone else is up to, or create your own and see who fancies a chat. Make sure you save your favourite Parties so you can head back there at any time.

Friends List and Profile


In your profile you can share information about yourself. Choose an avatar that represents you best, add your friends and let the world see your gaming and trophy stats.

Your Friends List will allow you to search for and add new friends, and accept requests sent to you.

Click on a friend's profile to see what game they are playing on either PS Vita or PlayStation 3. You can join their game, take a look at what you've played together recently or compare your trophy collections. You can also see your friend's recent activity, check out if they've been to any Parties and view their Near profile.



PS Vita games will support trophies so you can show your friends what you've achieved in all of the great games on PS Vita and on PS3. Click on one of your friends' profiles to see how they've been getting on, and compare all of your trophies to see who the better player is. Has your friend got more trophies than you? Keep playing until you have the most.

PSN Message


Another great way to contact your PlayStation Network friends is through PSN Message. Send them an update or even a picture you've taken with your PS Vita to let them know what's going on.

Keep up to date with all of the latest PlayStation Vita info and sign up to the latest news via email with Inside PS Vita. Head over to and become part of a gaming revolution.
Take your videos, pictures and music everywhere with PlayStation Vita.

Along with amazing gaming and networking features, PS Vita also provides you with tons of storage for your own media. Never be without your favourite entertainment on the go.

Video Player


Keep all of your favourite films and videos to hand on your PS Vita, and enjoy them on the system's stunning 5 inch OLED screen. Be sure to make full use of this amazing display by visiting the Video Store of PlayStation Store and downloading even more great titles and enjoy them, wherever you are.

Photo Viewer


Store all of your images and view them anytime on PS Vita. Check out pictures you've snapped with one of the PS Vita system's two cameras, and build up albums of screenshots you've taken while playing your favourite games.

Taken an amazing picture or fancy sharing a screenshot? Upload it to Twitter and instantly let your followers see what you're up to.

Music Player


No matter what you're doing, you can always enjoy the amazing features of PS Vita. On the bus? Plug in your headphones and turn up your favourite tunes. Out with friends? Use the PS Vita system's built-in stereo speakers and let everyone join in the party.

Web Browser


The PS Vita system's web browser is the perfect place to enjoy the internet. Surf the net, browse your favourite pages and type using the touch screen keyboard on the stunning 5 inch OLED screen. Make sure you check out, which has been specifically adapted for the browser and looks fantastic.

Keep up to date with all of the latest PlayStation Vita info and sign up to the latest news via email with Inside PS Vita. Head over to and become part of a gaming revolution.

Stay connected and in the know with PlayStation Vita.

The amazing social networking features of PS Vita can help you stay in touch with your friends and up to date with all the latest gossip. Find out what's going on all over the world, wherever you are, with these social network apps. They've been developed specifically for PS Vita and will be available to download for free from PlayStation Store.


Facebook allows you to create your own personal profile, connect with friends, colleagues and family, and ultimately stay in touch with your contacts. Share your photos, create social events and Like your favourite companies, artists and brands to see what they're up to. Just earned a platinum trophy in your favourite game? Update your status and let your friends know about your achievements on PS Vita.

This app has been designed especially for PS Vita, so your pictures, videos and profile will look stunning on the system's 5 inch OLED screen.

Stay connected and in touch with Facebook, and be sure to Like the Official PlayStation Facebook page and keep up to date with your favourite games at


Instantly update your followers with news, pictures and information using Twitter. As well as sending your own Tweets, you can follow your friends, idols, celebrities, industry experts and organisations to find out what's happening all over the world. You can even take a screen grab of the game you're playing on your PS Vita and share it, so everyone can see you pushing the Little Deviants around or getting a hole-in-one in Everybody's Golf.

Download Twitter for immediate news, opinions and updates, and make sure that you follow PlayStation on Twitter at


Let your friends know where you are and find out where they're hanging out with Foursquare. Check in at venues all over the world to earn points and badges, and leave tips, reviews and recommendations for your friends to read. Check in at a location more than anyone else and you can even become its mayor.

You're always in the know with Foursquare - don't miss a trick.


Get together with friends and family all over the world with Skype. Give them a call on your PS Vita and catch up with either text or voice chat, no matter where they are.

These social network applications use either 3G or Wi-Fi technology. If you have the 3G model, you'll be able to stay connected all the time, wherever you are.

Keep up to date with all of the latest PlayStation Vita info and sign up to the latest news via email with Inside PS Vita. Head over to and become part of a gaming revolution.
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Oh man, finally, a proper browser. While I'm not sold on some of the UI choices, specifically the friends list, it still looks "OK". I'm really digging the interactive approach they are taking to games and friends online.
The Twitter and Photo Viewer paragraphs suggests that we'll be able to take in-game screenshots to view or share online. Also, Party seems to support eight people now.
[quote name='Josh5890']The more I hear about the Vita, the more I hate the fact we have to wait at least 6 months for it[/QUOTE]

Same here. The browser and music player look promising also
What I want to know is whether we can play music when playing games or not? Listening to my music while playing Madden would be awsome.
[quote name='Josh5890']What I want to know is whether we can play music when playing games or not? Listening to my music while playing Madden would be awsome.[/QUOTE]

I want to know this also. I hope we could at least listen to music while on the browser.
I think you'd be able to, since it allows cross-application type stuff. However, I'm not entirely sure, but this would definitely be pretty amazing if you could! Hopefully we'll see that happen with the PS Vita, if not, no skin off my back.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']I think you'd be able to, since it allows cross-application type stuff. However, I'm not entirely sure, but this would definitely be pretty amazing if you could! Hopefully we'll see that happen with the PS Vita, if not, no skin off my back.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what I was thinking. It wouldn't anything close to deal breaker but amazing if could have it. I get more excited every time more news come out about the Vita but then realize I have to wait months for it to come out
Man I am so freaking hyped for the Vita, this is honestly the most excited I have been for a system since the SNES back in the day. I am considering day one buying this which is something I never do. The one thing that makes me nervous is that day 1 consoles are not always reliable. I am terrified of being an early adopter and getting stuck with an issue like the DSlite hinge, PS2 DRE or the 360 RRoD. I think one more big game announcement or system feature and I would cave though. I keep hoping they will announce that like 90% of PSN titles will play on the vita or something, if that was the case id be in instantly.
They had me at Disgaea 3.

I have enough Sony Rewards points for this - I'm debating whether to wait and see if the actual Vita shows up on Sony Rewards, or if I should just get a Sony Style gift card in case the whole Sony Rewards program blows up before Vita comes out.
oh man typing on touch screen is a pain in the ass..

id prefer if vita has a slide keyboard. like the Google G1. yes its a phone i know.. but pictionary on it was SOOOO much fun
[quote name='giantqtipz']oh man typing on touch screen is a pain in the ass..

id prefer if vita has a slide keyboard. like the Google G1. yes its a phone i know.. but pictionary on it was SOOOO much fun[/QUOTE]

Obviously you haven't used a larger screen for typing. A 5" OLED screen is going to be bliss to type on, especially with those specs :D
Will have to wait on getting a Vita. This fall is going to have too many high-quality games to purchase or rent. $250 is a great price for what you get, but it's too expensive for me.
[quote name='SynGamer']Obviously you haven't used a larger screen for typing. A 5" OLED screen is going to be bliss to type on, especially with those specs :D[/QUOTE]

This. Plus I think they will still give us the option to use the d-pad.
[quote name='dallow']The rumored JPN release is Nov 2nd.
Probably Feb or Mar for US anyway.[/QUOTE]

You could import it as well, if you really wanted to play one early enough! So glad the PS Vita is not region-locked!
[quote name='Droenixjpn']You could import it as well, if you really wanted to play one early enough! So glad the PS Vita is not region-locked![/QUOTE]That's the plan!
[quote name='dallow']That's the plan![/QUOTE]

Just hope import prices aren't 150% higher than the actual price of the console.:whistle2:#
bread's done