The Official PlayStation Vita Thread - 11/4: FW 3.00 Coming Just in Time for the PS4 Launch!

[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm slightly worried/confused about why they're using flash instead of ROM. If indeed that's really what they're doing.

Flash actually doesn't hold it's data forever without being refreshed, plus costs more, so...I don't know why they'd use it to store games, when large ROMs are already expensive!

I'm super curious how large games will be...I wish reviews would list cartridge sizes for DS, 3DS, and Vita games, as I'm always curious![/QUOTE]

ROMs on the SoC are NAND Flash. Flash is non-volatile (doesn't require refresh like volatile DDR RAM, for example).
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't think there's really much of a difference as far as the ease of a system being hacked is concerned. If it's going to be hacked, it'll happen.

Sony's main concerns are to make sure it's not stupidly simple to crack and that the price is appealing for consumers for the features that it has.[/QUOTE]

Sure it will get hack some day, but Sony and MS gotten a lot better at slowing it down. With upgradeable firmware they can easily block it and make pirate chose between backups or playing new games. Look at PS3, after it was hacked Sony released new firmware and manged to stop pirates from playing new games or hacking new system. Plus the lawsuit with geohot scared a lot of hackers from working on the system.

This sure beats the day of PS2 and xbox where once it was hack they never did anything to stop it.
[quote name='Anexanhume']ROMs on the SoC are NAND Flash. Flash is non-volatile (doesn't require refresh like volatile DDR RAM, for example).[/QUOTE]

Actually, Wolfpup is right, for once. Flash does need refreshing, but this is in periods of years, not nanoseconds. If you leave a USB drive somewhere for 50 years, it'll have almost no data.
[quote name='elessar123']Actually, Wolfpup is right, for once. Flash does need refreshing, but this is in periods of years, not nanoseconds. If you leave a USB drive somewhere for 50 years, it'll have almost no data.[/QUOTE]

And thus it is practically non-existent. The period of use of these types of electronics is not something that would endanger the data. All storage mediums break down eventually. Everything has a MTTF.
[quote name='Anexanhume']And thus it is practically non-existent. The period of use of these types of electronics is not something that would endanger the data. All storage mediums break down eventually. Everything has a MTTF.[/QUOTE]

By 50 years, you've expected to find no data. But you could lose enough data to make a flash cartridge not usable after even 5 years. You have zero games that you still play after 5 years?

Five year old games currently include Gears of War, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Final Fantasy XII, Twilight Princess, Kingdom Hearts 2...

Games that are almost 5 years include Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, CoD4:MW, Bioshock, Portal, Uncharted, Crisis Core, Half-Life Episode 2...

This could be worse than digital distribution, if they really are going with flash, and it's not some mis-translation/mis-communication. I wouldn't be happy if I couldn't pay a game I bought after five years just because I didn't have the time.
[quote name='elessar123']By 50 years, you've expected to find no data. But you could lose enough data to make a flash cartridge not usable after even 5 years. You have zero games that you still play after 5 years?

Five year old games currently include Gears of War, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Final Fantasy XII, Twilight Princess, Kingdom Hearts 2...

Games that are almost 5 years include Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, CoD4:MW, Bioshock, Portal, Uncharted, Crisis Core, Half-Life Episode 2...

This could be worse than digital distribution, if they really are going with flash, and it's not some mis-translation/mis-communication. I wouldn't be happy if I couldn't pay a game I bought after five years just because I didn't have the time.[/QUOTE]

What do you think DS carts, GBA carts, etc. are on? The problem introduced by this medium for the PSV is not a new one.
[quote name='Anexanhume']What do you think DS carts, GBA carts, etc. are on? The problem introduced by this medium for the PSV is not a new one.[/QUOTE]

Those aren't on flash. You can lose game saves on the other cards, which is different from losing the game itself. This is like scratches on your discs appearing randomly after a few years, until it's so scratched, that there's no data.
[quote name='elessar123']Those aren't on flash. You can lose game saves on the other cards, which is different from losing the game itself. This is like scratches on your discs appearing randomly after a few years, until it's so scratched, that there's no data.[/QUOTE]

They are on all on a ROM technology. The problem is that Sony hasn't been completely clear about the game medium. It doesn't make sense for the games to be on a reprogrammable medium given that the game should be a static data item. They wouldn't use the same Flash memory you see in a thumb drive or SSD because it would be prohibitively expensive. Why pay for something to be re-writable when you have no intention of doing so? While it may not be on the MROM technology that Nintendo likes to use, I can't see them being on a flashable medium given the high price built into each cart in that case.
[quote name='Anexanhume']They are on all on a ROM technology. The problem is that Sony hasn't been completely clear about the game medium. It doesn't make sense for the games to be on a reprogrammable medium given that the game should be a static data item. They wouldn't use the same Flash memory you see in a thumb drive or SSD because it would be prohibitively expensive. Why pay for something to be re-writable when you have no intention of doing so? While it may not be on the MROM technology that Nintendo likes to use, I can't see them being on a flashable medium given the high price built into each cart in that case.[/QUOTE]

Which is why I said I hope it's a mis-translation/mis-communication. As of right now, they're calling it flash memory in these night vision goggles... I mean, NVG cards.
I'm liking the remote play feature on the Vita. If it is expanded on and I get to play most or all of my PS3 games on the Vita, then I'm definitely going to be getting this system on day 1 even with the battery limitations. I don't have as much time or opportunity to play my PS3, so being able to play my PS3 games on the go would be a huge boon for me.
Ugh. While I agree that it would look OK on a shelf if the case is the same as a PS3 case, I don't need more clutter in my house. I keep all of my games in drawers anyway and I'm running out of space.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Vita Japanese box art. I hope in the US they dont go with the ugly blue boxes.[/QUOTE]

I LOVE those boxes! :)

[quote name='RCS0926']I'm liking the remote play feature on the Vita. If it is expanded on and I get to play most or all of my PS3 games on the Vita, then I'm definitely going to be getting this system on day 1 even with the battery limitations. I don't have as much time or opportunity to play my PS3, so being able to play my PS3 games on the go would be a huge boon for me.[/QUOTE]

Is that different from the PSP remote play? My understanding is there's just a handful of games that support that, right? If any game's output could somehow be streamed to the Vita, that could be handy from time to time :)
I am actually kind of excited about Vita now. My PSP ended up collecting dust, as the lack of 2nd anlog limited it to being an RPG machine, and I can only handle so much RPG.

The touch and 2nd analog should really open up the possiblities with Vita. Time to start dropping hints for the g/f.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']I am actually kind of excited about Vita now. My PSP ended up collecting dust, as the lack of 2nd anlog limited it to being an RPG machine, and I can only handle so much RPG.

The touch and 2nd analog should really open up the possiblities with Vita. Time to start dropping hints for the g/f.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I thought I'd be playing more RPGs on m PSP and DS, but I think I've outgrown playing RPGs a bit. At the very least, I don't have as much time or patience to sit through slower paced games. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more console-style games on the Vita in addition to some of the more innovative games that will take advantage of the Vita's features.
[quote name='RCS0926']I agree. I thought I'd be playing more RPGs on m PSP and DS, but I think I've outgrown playing RPGs a bit. At the very least, I don't have as much time or patience to sit through slower paced games. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more console-style games on the Vita in addition to some of the more innovative games that will take advantage of the Vita's features.[/QUOTE]
I don't think i've outgrown RPGs, as much as I've outgrown text heavy games. On a handheld, either all the communication is done through walls of text or it's got voice acting. Unfortunately, I'm playing the game while I'm doing soething else, and I can't have the volume on.
The only game I really enjoyed on my psp was Jeanne D'Arc, and halfway through it started to feel like work managing inventory, and really tough battles. Still the gameplay was fun, it was just all the battle prep that sucked the life out of the experience. I tried a bunch of shooters, but none were great. The casual games like patapon, were just cheaper and better on iOS. So I sold the PSP.

But grow weary of the simplicity of the iOS games. I really thinkg Vita could be a great formula. I do worry that it really won't sell well because of iPods, and smartphones. It may do well within the gamer community, but not sure that it will catch on with kids, or hard core gamers. But I hope it sells enough to be attractive to devs.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']I am actually kind of excited about Vita now. My PSP ended up collecting dust, as the lack of 2nd anlog limited it to being an RPG machine, and I can only handle so much RPG.

The touch and 2nd analog should really open up the possiblities with Vita. Time to start dropping hints for the g/f.[/QUOTE]

It could have used more games like this, but have you played Bend's Syphon Filter games? They have crazy high production values, and really show off what that hardware can do. They work around the controls too.

Though yeah, besides the awesome power of it (well, even more awesome!) I love that Vita has two sticks!

Now that I know it actually has MORE RAM than the other two systems, I'm thinking I really might make Vita my main console... maybe.

[quote name='RCS0926']I agree. I thought I'd be playing more RPGs on m PSP and DS, but I think I've outgrown playing RPGs a bit. At the very least, I don't have as much time or patience to sit through slower paced games. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more console-style games on the Vita in addition to some of the more innovative games that will take advantage of the Vita's features.[/QUOTE]

I've been very burnt out on Japanese style RPGs for quite a while, although I think a lot of it is just that we don't get a new Sakaguchi game every year or two like we used to, and I don't like other developers of that stuff much.

I'm still (so far) enjoying Dragon Quest 9, so I do actually think I can still enjoy the genre/sub-genre, but yeah, most of the time I try a Japanese RPG and just wish I was playing something else anymore.

Heck...I'm really loving Fallout New Vegas. It's almost like...well it hits both the RPG stuff and the action stuff well for me.
Sony definitely won't let pirates hack this one. They'll be absolutely sure of that, if not, well, I don't understand why.

Can't wait for an actual release date for us though, kind of hoping it's not that far off from their release.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Sony definitely won't let pirates hack this one. They'll be absolutely sure of that, if not, well, I don't understand why.

Can't wait for an actual release date for us though, kind of hoping it's not that far off from their release.[/QUOTE]

Yes, because allocating tons of resources on anti- piracy works so well. IMO, if they're smart, will worry about it less, and accept that it will happen.

The DS/DSi/3DS were cracked quickly, yet it didn't exactly stop DS games from selling.
Two best ways to prevent piracy(both of which Steam has shown).

1. Sales.

2. Create a community.

Me and a lot of my friends used to pirate games all the damn time, but once steam came along everyone just stopped. Talking with them about it recently pretty much everyone said it was because they felt that with a little patience they could get the game they wanted at a damn fair price and that steam had created a community that they wanted to be a part of.

Yes pirates will always exist, but many people pirate because they are cheap or because they feel games cost too much. If you do 50-75% off sales a few times and drop prices on games at a reasonable pace it will deter a lot of pirates.
[quote name='elessar123']Yes, because allocating tons of resources on anti- piracy works so well. IMO, if they're smart, will worry about it less, and accept that it will happen.

The DS/DSi/3DS were cracked quickly, yet it didn't exactly stop DS games from selling.[/QUOTE]

It shouldn't take a lot of resources. Just keep your firmware update and go after people who release exploit and those who sell backups. That really nothing compare to potential lose from piracy.

[quote name='MSI Magus']Two best ways to prevent piracy(both of which Steam has shown).

1. Sales.

2. Create a community.

Me and a lot of my friends used to pirate games all the damn time, but once steam came along everyone just stopped. Talking with them about it recently pretty much everyone said it was because they felt that with a little patience they could get the game they wanted at a damn fair price and that steam had created a community that they wanted to be a part of.

Yes pirates will always exist, but many people pirate because they are cheap or because they feel games cost too much. If you do 50-75% off sales a few times and drop prices on games at a reasonable pace it will deter a lot of pirates.[/QUOTE]

PC gaming is probably the worst example as it has been hit the hardest by piracy.
[quote name='62t']It shouldn't take a lot of resources. Just keep your firmware update and go after people who release exploit and those who sell backups. That really nothing compare to potential lose from piracy.

PC gaming is probably the worst example as it has been hit the hardest by piracy.[/QUOTE]

Actually I think its a great example because it proves how effective reasonable prices, sales and the feeling of community are as anti piracy measures. Again I am a reformed pirate and I have quite a few friends that pirated a lot and stopped as they started using steam. Meanwhile at the same time that we were buying crap tons of games on steam we were pirating PSP and DS games simply because we felt they cost far too much. Before you nag me out I ended up buying over 100 DS games and about 40 PSP games, anything I pirated that I enjoyed I ended up buying...I just bought used at the price I felt was appropriate. Again if Sony offered a steam model where people felt a part of a community and at the same time they felt they could find games at reasonable cost if not at launch a few months after, I think it would do a lot.
[quote name='62t']It shouldn't take a lot of resources. Just keep your firmware update and go after people who release exploit and those who sell backups. That really nothing compare to potential lose from piracy.[/QUOTE]

The flash carts worked with the 3DS before it was released in the states. That's not exactly something a firmware can easily fix.
[quote name='elessar123']The flash carts worked with the 3DS before it was released in the states. That's not exactly something a firmware can easily fix.[/QUOTE]

And those flashcarts were later block with firmware update. Sure there are newer carts but they havent get any 3DS backup.

More of the interface being shown at the press conference. They show off the lock screen at the beginning, then the user-customizable backgrounds for each screen on the main UI, the multimedia capabilities, multitasking and how you manage that stuff, and the Welcome Park app that is kind of a tutorial for how to use the Vita's various control options.

The Zone of the Enders collection is also coming to Vita next year.

Lumines: Electronic Symphony demo.

A trailer for Gravity Rush/Daze that gives a better idea of what it is outside of the montages that it's been shown in.

Proof that Super Monkey Ball is Super Monkey Ball, though the ability to take pictures of stuff to auto-generate a level is kind of cool.
Thanks for the great post Frisky! Lots of great stuff to watch compiled in one place!

GameInformer has a podcast up where they discuss Vita vs 3DS. Interesing since they are one of the few groups of people that have spent any real time with both systems. The general consensus was that the Vita is the HH that every gamer has dreamed of for years and looks MUCH better then the 3DS, but that its got a huge up hill fight with its pricing, the economy, its late start and the growing popularity of phone gaming.
I really think Sony needs to bundle at least a 2GB memory card with this thing...I'm already paying $250 for it, I want to make sure I can buy the system + 1 game and go home and enjoy it. Basically I want to leave GS with system + 1 game for under $300.
[quote name='SynGamer']I really think Sony needs to bundle at least a 2GB memory card with this thing...I'm already paying $250 for it, I want to make sure I can buy the system + 1 game and go home and enjoy it. Basically I want to leave GS with system + 1 game for under $300.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I went from teetering back and forth on a day one purchase to thinking eh ill wait for an Amazon sale or to find a good used one on CAG. I think in this day and age people expect a system to come with at least a few GB of storage. Shit I mean even the Ipad came with 8-12 gb on its starter model 2 years ago and Sony expects us to do FAR more data heavy things then you do with an Ipad.
I'll wait for the final bundling of the PSV for North America, but if there is not at least a 2GB memory card, I'm definitely canceling and waiting for a bundle deal.
[quote name='SynGamer']I'll wait for the final bundling of the PSV for North America, but if there is not at least a 2GB memory card, I'm definitely canceling and waiting for a bundle deal.[/QUOTE]

I would hope there is a $300 bundle that includes uncharted and a memory card. At the least.
[quote name='Anexanhume']I would hope there is a $300 bundle that includes uncharted and a memory card. At the least.[/QUOTE]

Yeah see I could even deal with that. A "starter pack" that for $300 includes the system a desirable game and a mem card(at the very least 6 gigs) for $300. Really though since they are pushing PSN and downlading games this time they really should have if not had it built in at least made mem cards dirt cheap in fair sizes(16gb min 32gb realistic)
[quote name='MSI Magus']Yeah see I could even deal with that. A "starter pack" that for $300 includes the system a desirable game and a mem card(at the very least 6 gigs) for $300. Really though since they are pushing PSN and downlading games this time they really should have if not had it built in at least made mem cards dirt cheap in fair sizes(16gb min 32gb realistic)[/QUOTE]

Agreed and for people like me who might want to use it for music and video want a lot of storage because I don't want to carry my Zune HD, Phone, PS Vita around all the time. I'm really hoping the 16gb and 32gb aren't too expensive
[quote name='JG5253']Agreed and for people like me who might want to use it for music and video want a lot of storage because I don't want to carry my Zune HD, Phone, PS Vita around all the time. I'm really hoping the 16gb and 32gb aren't too expensive[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I was really hyped at the thought of how digital the Vita would be and that I could finally have all my handheld games in one spot. Now it looks like first off the mem card options are not big enough to truly let you keep a huge catalog on your system at once and second that even keeping a very large number will be very expensive. That is just speaking about games, forget about even trying to use it as a mixed Music/Movie/Games/Photo player. I have a 64 gb Ipad and just with pictures and games I filled the damn thing up in a month or so. PSN games will be much larger and movies will be huge in comparison to my photos.

I really just do not get Sony who time and time again has said and shown with actions they want to push to go digital.....yet then each time shoot themselves in the foot with high price points and low amounts of storage.
Am I the only one who thinks Lumines is completely unnecessary? Lumines II was unnecessary and it looks like they are just going to release the same game for the 3rd time (albeit a great one). But wait... it's 3D! :roll:
[quote name='MSI Magus']Agreed. I was really hyped at the thought of how digital the Vita would be and that I could finally have all my handheld games in one spot. Now it looks like first off the mem card options are not big enough to truly let you keep a huge catalog on your system at once and second that even keeping a very large number will be very expensive. That is just speaking about games, forget about even trying to use it as a mixed Music/Movie/Games/Photo player. I have a 64 gb Ipad and just with pictures and games I filled the damn thing up in a month or so. PSN games will be much larger and movies will be huge in comparison to my photos.

I really just do not get Sony who time and time again has said and shown with actions they want to push to go digital.....yet then each time shoot themselves in the foot with high price points and low amounts of storage.[/QUOTE]

I think 32gb would be good enough for me just don't want to pay close for a $100 for it. I mean the 32gb micro sd card can be had for like $50. I also wanted to keep a lot of games on PS Vita because my PSP collected a lot of dust so I missed out on a lot good games for it and I'm interested in downloading old PSP games to play on the Vita

Edit: Does anybody have an estimate of how much the memory cards would cost and another thing I want know to is if the Vita will be able to play the PS one Classics?
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In all fairness, Sony have gone about this smartly. $249.99, AMAZING price for the specs we're getting, it's been nothing but raves from the media in regards to the pricing. Imagine if Sony had included 8 or 16GB...the price would have most likely been $299.99/$349.99, which is pretty damn expensive. Better to let the consumer buy your hardware and then worry about what size memory card they need than to inflate the price and lose potential customers/interest.

I'm not saying I like it, but I get it ;)
[quote name='JG5253']I think 32gb would be good enough for me just don't want to pay close for a $100 for it. I mean the 32gb micro sd card can be had for like $50. I also wanted to keep a lot of games on PS Vita because my PSP collected a lot of dust so I missed out on a lot good games for it and I'm interested in downloading old PSP games to play on the Vita

Edit: Does anybody have an estimate of how much the memory cards would cost and another thing I want know to is if the Vita will be able to play the PS one Classics?[/QUOTE]

Vita will be able to play PSOne classic
[quote name='SynGamer']In all fairness, Sony have gone about this smartly. $249.99, AMAZING price for the specs we're getting, it's been nothing but raves from the media in regards to the pricing. Imagine if Sony had included 8 or 16GB...the price would have most likely been $299.99/$349.99, which is pretty damn expensive. Better to let the consumer buy your hardware and then worry about what size memory card they need than to inflate the price and lose potential customers/interest.

I'm not saying I like it, but I get it ;)[/QUOTE]

I also agree with this also. A lot people of don't like downloading games and having the Physical copy and just need the memory card for saves. I rather pay $250 for the system and then buy memory card later on when I have the money for it instead having to pay more all at one once. I think the reason might be that they probably aren't to making a lot money on the system its self and would need to make up for it with games and accessories. Hopefully they do package it with a 2gb memory card so I could test out the music and video player and if I really like it I'll probably get a 32gb memory card.

Another question I have is if it will be able to play HD movies?
[quote name='JG5253']I also agree with this also. A lot people of don't like downloading games and having the Physical copy and just need the memory card for saves. I rather pay $250 for the system and then buy memory card later on when I have the money for it instead having to pay more all at one once. I think the reason might be that they probably aren't to making a lot money on the system its self and would need to make up for it with games and accessories. Hopefully they do package it with a 2gb memory card so I could test out the music and video player and if I really like it I'll probably get a 32gb memory card.

Another question I have is if it will be able to play HD movies?[/QUOTE]

You dont need a memory card for save. Most games allow you to save on the cart
[quote name='62t']You dont need a memory card for save. Most games allow you to save on the cart[/QUOTE]

Really? that sounds awesome. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the Vita day one for US launch and it will be the first console I get day one
[quote name='JG5253']Really? that sounds awesome. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the Vita day one for US launch and it will be the first console I get day one[/QUOTE]

Yea, that's why they're flash memory. It's also able to directly patch the carts.
[quote name='SynGamer']In all fairness, Sony have gone about this smartly. $249.99, AMAZING price for the specs we're getting, it's been nothing but raves from the media in regards to the pricing. Imagine if Sony had included 8 or 16GB...the price would have most likely been $299.99/$349.99, which is pretty damn expensive. Better to let the consumer buy your hardware and then worry about what size memory card they need than to inflate the price and lose potential customers/interest.

I'm not saying I like it, but I get it ;)[/QUOTE]

I disagree. When you look at places like newegg you can get memory dirty freaking cheap. A 32gb USB drive thats like the size of my thumb only costs like $30. $30 is the cost to the consumer so realistically I bet they can produce the drive for $10-$20 meaning Sony could have made one for roughly that cost. I really think vs making consumers pay another $50-$100(I believe the 32gb drive they announced was $112 in Japan)this would have been an incredibly smart move.

$250 is a good price for this handheld but with hidden costs it is $300-$350. In this economy and with people addicted to their damn phones(not to mention how unportable the Vita is)I think that they may have just priced themselves out of a lot of peoples market.

Edit - And again making people pay $100 for even a halfway decent ammount of storage is just counter productive to going digital. Look at how people have went nuts over Steam and the Ipad and how they love having all their games right there. Now imagine that it cost you $100+ extra for every 32gb of memory. Still think people would go nuts?
[quote name='MSI Magus']I disagree. When you look at places like newegg you can get memory dirty freaking cheap. A 32gb USB drive thats like the size of my thumb only costs like $30. $30 is the cost to the consumer so realistically I bet they can produce the drive for $10-$20 meaning Sony could have made one for roughly that cost. I really think vs making consumers pay another $50-$100(I believe the 32gb drive they announced was $112 in Japan)this would have been an incredibly smart move.

$250 is a good price for this handheld but with hidden costs it is $300-$350. In this economy and with people addicted to their damn phones(not to mention how unportable the Vita is)I think that they may have just priced themselves out of a lot of peoples market.

Edit - And again making people pay $100 for even a halfway decent ammount of storage is just counter productive to going digital. Look at how people have went nuts over Steam and the Ipad and how they love having all their games right there. Now imagine that it cost you $100+ extra for every 32gb of memory. Still think people would go nuts?[/QUOTE]

I don't think you could compare prices with a USB drive since its a lot bigger than the memory cards they use. If anything we could compare it to micro sd cards but we cant really because we haven't heard the speeds of the memory cards and the micro sd cards get more expensive the higher class you want. Really though the apple charges you $100 to jump from a 16gb iPad to 32 gb and another $130 for just 3G
[quote name='MSI Magus']I agree. I went from teetering back and forth on a day one purchase to thinking eh ill wait for an Amazon sale or to find a good used one on CAG. I think in this day and age people expect a system to come with at least a few GB of storage. Shit I mean even the Ipad came with 8-12 gb on its starter model 2 years ago and Sony expects us to do FAR more data heavy things then you do with an Ipad.[/QUOTE]
The iPad is $500-$600 and doesn't allow for replaceable memory, so you're not going to get the same set-up without giving up the cheaper price tag.
bread's done