The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

These 2 were pretty much best friends until about a year ago
I try to avoid Tin foil hats as often as possible, but I just can't shake the idea that Trump ran as a favor to Hillary. The emails on wikileaks where they use their media contacts to push Trump doesn't help.
"These 2 were pretty much best friends until about a year ago" - Um, no. you've no idea what sort of friendly level they were at. Donald is a gentleman, he was merely being himself speaking what he knew without assumption. Crookedhillary was always crooked, she hid everything from public eye.

Hillary is like hitler, but thank God for Wikileaks - because we've caught hitlery red handed before deceiving the entire nation.

So, yes, Donald may have had different views, but the views he had were innocent as they were through his personal lens
Wow, you're not even one of those supporting him because he's not Hillary or even because he's your party's candidate, you really truly believe he could make a good president.

Or you're a parody/joke account or alt account.
Wow, you're not even one of those supporting him because he's not Hillary or even because he's your party's candidate, you really truly believe he could make a good president.

Or you're a parody/joke account or alt account.
Donald will make a beautiful president.

Assuming any of that is genuine, it could simply be the site testing out the web parts to make sure they have their graphics and graphs and such prepared for posting the results on election night. I wouldn't find that in the least bit suspicious unless those numbers match actual results.
I saw this comment on Deadspin and I agree wholeheartedly


Clinton, Obama, et al were right about one thing: this election was about what kind of country we are. And the electorate has decided: we are an asshole. Of the assholes, by the assholes, for the assholes. And now we have an Asshole-in-Chief. Van Jones is right, we are a racist nation. But, oh, we are so much more than that. We are sexist, we are stupid, we are cowards. We look for scapegoats and jump at shadows. We value volume over content. Those of us who voted for Hillary Clinton deluded ourselves. We coddled ourselves with the notion that the country’s fever would break just in time and we’d all have a good laugh over how silly this campaign was. But now we face the cold reality that we are likely in the final gloaming of the American empire, and humanity itself struggles in the grasp of its greatest existential threat.
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I saw this comment on Deadspin and I agree wholeheartedly

There we go, thats the reason why the democrats lost. You can't have a normal conversation with a liberal because they automatically call you racist or a bigot.

The reason why Trump won is because are people are tired of all the bs liberals have been spewing. The corruption in the administration and the complete 180 of Obama's promises. The result was a rejection of progressive policies and witch hunts.

I voted for Obama in 08, Johnson in 2012 and last night. Sorry but liberals are just as much at fault in electing Trump as the very same people who voted him in. Perhaps next time try not to force your shitty ides on people and instead work with them.

"Van Jones is right,"


Last night, I listened to Mr. Jones fall apart on CNN.

"Hillary Clinton had to put down a rebellion in her own party."

It isn't "Hillary's party."
It wasn't a "rebellion."
It wasn't her place to "put it down."


Clinton and her team got what she wanted. Monkey's Paw.
One of the 2 posts immediately prior completely nailed why Clinton lost, the other is trying to force fit a narrative to their personal opinion.
One of the 2 posts immediately prior completely nailed why Clinton lost, the other is trying to force fit a narrative to their personal opinion.

Seriously though, that comment on Deadspin and Van Jones hit that shit on the turtlehead. Trump didn't just say and do things that would've sunk any other candidate, but he actively pandered to and tapped into some of the most harmful undercurrents in this country. This goes far beyond the shear lack of self awareness and stupidity of the US voting public. Back in May, I said that this was a very real possibility. I mean who the fuck can say that they want their child to look up to Trump as a role model? You'd either have to have shit for brains or subscribe to the same terrible ideas as he's been spouting. If you have a daughter, would you want him grabbing her pussy or treating her as a disposable trinket? A pox on all of you and IT IS coming. There is absolutely no way that Trump is going to help the rust belt or any of the contested states. Those areas will continue to decline because there not only is no infrastructure to support it, but there are no resources that are going to be allocated to them when public programs are going to be slashed.

I remember a few years ago when some town decided to shut down half of the street lights to save money as some stupid austerity measure. They thought, "Hey, it'll happen on an equitable way like shutting off every other light." What happened? They shut off most of the lights in the less affluent parts of town and the crime rates went up, while the more well-to-do parts kept their lights. When those places get their proverbial lights shut off, I'm going to be laughing my ass off up in liberal Massachusetts.

I don't just blame the regressives though. Oh no, I'm equal opportunity. Liberals are to blame as well. Between 2008 and 2016, the Democratic nominee lost 10 million votes. I say it again: 10.MILLION.VOTES. With stakes so high, liberals couldn't even get off their asses to vote. So what if you bought into the narrative of Crooked Hillary when you have Donald "Baby Hands" Trump broadcasting the some of the most reprehensible policy ideas in the last 50-60 years. So what if Bernie got screwed in the primaries or if she has less charisma than John Kerry. When you look at her policy ideas, Bernie had a huge influence on it. Elizabeth Warren has her part to play in this as well. She waited until it was safe to endorse someone when she could've really turned the tide and made it something meaningful. Hillary bears some responsibility for this as well. I don't know if it was hubris or what, but with the lack of the perception of authenticity, you had to get your ground game right. The Hillary from Wellesley would've won last night. Oh and fuck the Democrats for not having a spine to tell it like it is.

I'm also not going to lie, I'm afraid. The rhetoric from Trump's campaign is from the white supremacist playbook. There is no more need for coded language as he just unzipped America's pants and showed it's chlamydic racist dick for all the world to see...we only need to look at Brexit to see where we're headed. Those types of people are emboldened. If things are bad for people of color now, it's going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better, especially if you're black, Latino, Muslim, or LGBT.

tl:dr: I'm Back

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It's weird that trump's election is somehow a repudiation of the status quo. Republican leaders in congress are eagerly looking forward to working with him to pass their agenda, much of which will be an even more conservative version of the failed policies of Bush2 that crippled the country.

Unless the status quo is adhering to civil discourse, basic levels of human decency, kindness for others and the ability to string multiple sentences together without veering into personal vendettas, conspiracy theories or shocking falsehoods.

Then yeah, that status quo is gone, maybe it's never coming back.

                                                             + All Glory to Christ +

Congratulations America, you're awesome again!!!!!!!!!  :D/ The rancid swamp shall now be drained.

Donald is a new baby Christian who received Christ, let us who are believers be reminded to pray for Donald, to grow in his faith, and for his steps to be continually directed by Him.


Well we made history and the history of America is indeed the triumph of White Supremacy. It didn't take much for hate to spread, it just took good people do do nothing, including Donald Trump who relished in the attention.

So yeah, White people, time to do the jobs those illegals took from you. All the food processing, all the house cleaning, all the car washing, all the child rearing, all the jobs you didn't want to do in the first place. Don't expect to be paid more.

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The Democrat's willingness to force feed us an establishment pawn over an exciting populist guy like Bernie is the reason I left the party, abandoned liberalism, and moved further to the left. Hillary Clinton is probably the only human being on the planet who could find a way to lose to Donald fucking Trump of all people. The heads of the DNC should be paraded around town and pelted with rotten fruit for dropping the ball as badly as they did.

I feel better knowing that I voted green last night and that I didn't have any part of that shitshow.

The Democrat's willingness to force feed us an establishment pawn over an exciting populist guy like Bernie is the reason I left the party, abandoned liberalism, and moved further to the left. Hillary Clinton is probably the only human being on the planet who could find a way to lose to Donald fucking Trump of all people. The heads of the DNC should be paraded around town and pelted with rotten fruit for dropping the ball as badly as they did.

I feel better knowing that I voted green last night and that I didn't have any part of that shitshow.
Haha...I happened to be part of that shitshow and voted for Hillary. Once Greens started talking about wifi melting people's brains and being anti-vax, I had to check out.

The funniest thing about Trump being "anti-establishment" is that while he wasn't a part of the political class, he is absolutely part of the establishment that devastated the states that swung for him. He's as entrenched in the establishment as any other politician he steamrolled this election. It's fucking bananas.

edit: Totally agree that the DNC sucks balls.

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I can't wait to see how in a few years these pissed off racists who overwhelmingly voted for him get shocked that he fucked them over just as bad as as the people they rallied against and will have no one to blame but themselves.

I didn't vote for Trump (voted for Johnson) but Trump has some low hanging fruit that at least can make some strides.

Repealing Obamacare and appointing a conservative justice to the Supreme court that will uphold the Constitution are a couple easy freebies that will go a long way in getting the country back on the right track.

I can't wait to see how in a few years these pissed off racists who overwhelmingly voted for him get shocked that he fucked them over just as bad as as the people they rallied against and will have no one to blame but themselves.

Amazing that even in defeat, some people can't see through their smug self-righteous bullshit and instead stoop to the level of the people they so emphatically hate by blaming "the other".

It should say a lot that despite major ideological differences, both Sanders and Trump supporters can clearly see that the DNC absolutely deserved this loss despite the huge difference in the quality of the ground game (see: Katy Perry, The Obamas, etc) and campaign spending (anyone who spends $1.3 billion (on the books) on a campaign and loses should be utterly humiliated, see: Jeb Bush).

Now take your lumps, learn something and hope for the best in 4 years.

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Hillary was a terrible candidate crowned by the DNC establishment in a year where they needed a populist like Sanders.  When your biggest selling point is "I'm not that guy," then don't be surprised when you lose.  Trump did worse than Romney numbers-wise but Clinton still lost.  Bernie most likely would have won handily, socialism and all.

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Hillary was a terrible candidate crowned by the DNC establishment in a year where they needed a populist like Sanders. When you're biggest selling point is "I'm not that guy," then don't be surprised when you lose. Trump did worse than Romney numbers-wise but Clinton still lost. Bernie most likely would have won handily, socialism and all.
I'm not sure if Sanders would have won, but he would have at least done better in the "blue wall" states where Clinton fell apart (and rightfully cost her the election). There's a reason Sanders won these kinds of states (MI, for example) in the primaries in a similar scenario to the general election (polls that were completely garbage in Hillary's favour, as an example)

To Trump's/his campaign's credit, they knew these states were where his possible path to victory was and they followed through with courting them despite all the mocking he received from "experts" (saying they should have stayed in NC, AZ, NV, FL instead) because of it. So while he didn't have Romney's overall numbers, it doesn't matter.

Otherwise I wholeheartedly agree. Whether you like his policies or not, Trump was the one putting them out there and being the "hope and change" candidate (akin to Sanders), and that's the sort of thing that wins you the enthusiasm war (see: '08).

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The sad part is a lot of this debacle lies at th feet of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her "consolation prize" for not getting a job in the Clinton White House is reelection to the House. Although, I hope her reelection is complicated by a primary in which she gets hammered for what she did as DNC chair and what it cost the party.
The sad part is a lot of this debacle lies at th feet of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her "consolation prize" for not getting a job in the Clinton White House is reelection to the House. Although, I hope her reelection is complicated by a primary in which she gets hammered for what she did as DNC chair and what it cost the party.
Let's be fair, it wasn't just Schultz. If you think Tim Kaine stepping down right before she went in, and "coincidentally" becoming the VP pick isn't proof of his complicity, I don't know what to tell you. Same goes for the interim DNC chair Brazile who's been by all appearances, rightfully canned by CNN and is enjoying the wrath of burned Sanders supporters. Why she hasn't quietly resigned in disgrace now that the election's over is beyond me, but I'd be amazed if she was still in the picture by 2018.

Traitors, the lot of them. Kaine's just lucky NOVA (read: DC Runoff) saved his ass and turned his home state blue at the last second (though I personally think were he not VP, there's a very real possibility it wouldn't have been enough) so he wasn't utterly humiliated to the point where he completely lacks a future in government.

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I'm not sure if Sanders would have won, but he would have at least done better in the "blue wall" states where Clinton fell apart (and rightfully cost her the election). There's a reason Sanders won these kinds of states (MI, for example) in the primaries in a similar scenario to the general election (polls that were completely garbage in Hillary's favour, as an example)

To Trump's/his campaign's credit, they knew these states were where his possible path to victory was and they followed through with courting them despite all the mocking he received from "experts" (saying they should have stayed in NC, AZ, NV, FL instead) because of it. So while he didn't have Romney's overall numbers, it doesn't matter.

Otherwise I wholeheartedly agree. Whether you like his policies or not, Trump was the one putting them out there and being the "hope and change" candidate (akin to Sanders), and that's the sort of thing that wins you the enthusiasm war (see: '08).
The Democrats don't have a message to counter the Republican's message of "bringing jobs back" and they more than likely won't have one in the next midterms OR presidential elections. Unless we get someone like Warren, Deval Patrick, the Castro brothers, etc, Trump getting a second term is a very real possibility and there would be far more damage done than Reagan and Bush Jr put together.

If the Democrats had some guts, they'd tell it like it is and say that those jobs are never coming back, but that as a country, we're going to invest resources in bringing new industries that won't poison the communities, provide the resources to train them, and improve infrastructure. You can make these communities as modern as any metropolis to stop the exodus of young people without turning it into a generic corporate town with a Starbucks on every corner nor turning it into Hipsterville. We need a 21st Century New Deal.

Trump's message is anything but "hope and change" and more "taking our country the 1950's." He's a fucking huckster and the people that voted for him are gonna get burned bad.

To that end just saw a graphic today where Clinton got around five million less votes than Obama did in 2012.  FIVE MILLION.  That's why I think Bernie would have won.  High probability that Sanders could have motivated many of those five million to go to the polls as well as swing some independents that voted Trump to go to him.

So... he likes the pillars of Obamacare "very much." So... he'll ask Congress to pass some bills to amend it? What happened to utterly destroying it and firing it with a full phaser spread?
This is the beginning of the slide into the politicalization of Trump. Also, if Republicans thought they were getting Barry Goldwater, they're gonna be in for a rude awakening when he does nothing to dismantle welfare, social security, and abortion.

Next up? My guess is the wall. Special Prosecutor for Hillary is also likely to be quietly gone as well.
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So... he likes the pillars of Obamacare "very much." So... he'll ask Congress to pass some bills to amend it? What happened to utterly destroying it and firing it with a full phaser spread?
Saw that today too. The only problem is you can like the fluffy nice parts all you want, but there is no way to have those without the hard truths that come along with it that people hate so much. You cant have a no pre-existing conditions clause without having a mandate to have insurance, otherwise people can just not have insurance, and then get it as they need it for catastrophes. Its not sustainable.

Its like all of a sudden he realized there were real issues out there with real facts and had never bothered to study any of the issues he was rallying against. I have no problem amending it and changing it and really hope they do come up with something better. I wasnt a huge fan of the giant blowjob to the insurance industry to begin with, but it did help friends of mine with incurable diseases actually be able to get insurance, afford their medication, and have full complete lives and pursue good jobs. They had been trapped in hell hole jobs because of insurance previously and their bosses used it to full advantage.

So for that alone I do hope it sticks around

But the entire Republican platform on Obamacare was that it was expensive and we need to kill it. Even though the reason why the ACA was passed was because people were going bankrupt or dying from lack of affordable health care in the first place. Like we've known for these past seven years of repeal, plenty of time to reform, we are now to expect the Trump led GOP will back out? Oh well, stay the course is not stay the course.

Man, Stephen Colbert is a fucking hack. Same with the floundering new daily show guy.  All left-wing shills that act like little children. Liberals have regressed to little children on some real shit. You guys needed a reality check and check yourself out of the bubble sipping hot cocoa in pajamas. I can't even get like a solid point anymore it's just deleterious rhetoric. And you actually think Trump's a bigot cause i don't even hear it anymore. The personal depths one must reach to have an intrinsic hate towards another is profound. Shit's about to get real, this economy is gonna boom soon without an inkling of doubt in my mind. Drop the other BS and make a difference because America is the most altruistic nation in human history.

This is the beginning of the slide into the politicalization of Trump. Also, if Republicans thought they were getting Barry Goldwater, they're gonna be in for a rude awakening when he does nothing to dismantle welfare, social security, and abortion.

Next up? My guess is the wall. Special Prosecutor for Hillary is also likely to be quietly gone as well.
It's almost like he didn't promise to dismantle welfare and social security. As for abortion, kicking it back to the states is arguably dismantling it on some level, so I won't contest it, but it could easily just have been something to pull In Evangelicals and Mormons, particularly the reference to it at the third debate. Time will tell.

As for the Special Prosecutor, given the current fearmongering and overreaction by certain members of our electorate, talking about that right now is an incredibly horrible idea for national discourse/healing. Ideally, he'd just let the probe into the Clinton Foundation continue and do what needed to be done behind the scenes until a bulletproof case is put together, otherwise it just serves as a distraction and an excuse to put up opposition to all the other things he's attempting to get done. Not to mention she shouldn't charged with anything until Obama is out the door, can't risk that pardon.

If you want to get real pessimistic, it could be that he agreed to give it up in exchange for her concession rather than this shit continuing to be dragged out. Can you imagine what would be happening if the current protests were officially Clinton/Democrat-sanctioned? It'd be a fucking disaster. But as far as I know, the Foundation is still being investigated. Fingers crossed.

So... he likes the pillars of Obamacare "very much." So... he'll ask Congress to pass some bills to amend it? What happened to utterly destroying it and firing it with a full phaser spread?
Once again, the headlines over this as been as clickbaity and slanted as they've been the whole election. I guess the media hasn't learned their lesson yet.

You would think people (particularly anti-Trump) would be HAPPY that he likes the most pro-average Joe/youth parts of Obamacare. I certainly do, but I agree with sasquatc4, I knew this was just going to be a boon for insurance companies when the stocks went up upon its implementation and I'm not a fan of the overall package, but it's going to be incredibly difficult to keep those two bits and make it work. There very well may be a way, but it's going to take some work and I'm glad that his administration will hopefully be willing to at least try rather than just nuking the entirety of it from orbit.

If you really think about it though, him liking those two bits shouldn't be too surprising, given his whole populist rhetoric. But of course, these are the same people who have been trapped in their own little bubble for the last 18 months.

The guy's seemingly already pivoting to the center (though I'd argue not as much as some people seem to think) and instead of applauding his attempts to become increasingly "reasonable" (aka presidential), his opponents have decided to shit all over him and laugh at his supporters over it. You do realize this is exactly why politics has become so polarized, right?

Under President Obama, GOP been saying the US has become a joke. Hmm... Is this 11?
A newspaper of the Canada of England doesn't like Trump? What a yuge surprise.

If you don't think we're going to be best buddies with a Brexited Britain (or England, if you think the Scots will manage to do anything but continue to flail impotently), you've got another thing coming.

Of course this is predicated on Brexit actually happening and their government not standing in the way of democracy.

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And another article,

So they mention him talking to the WSJ where he brought up the 2 points he likes, the rest of the article covers the changes made to his plans after meeting with republicans. Whats saddening is the removal of things that the majority of people wanted like being able to import meds (though that would force global competition within the US borders so Im sure that made alot of people unhappy) but the biggy is no price transparency. The one thing desperately needed is wiped out by one meeting 

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Man, Stephen Colbert is a fucking hack. Same with the floundering new daily show guy. All left-wing shills that act like little children. Liberals have regressed to little children on some real shit. You guys needed a reality check and check yourself out of the bubble sipping hot cocoa in pajamas. I can't even get like a solid point anymore it's just deleterious rhetoric. And you actually think Trump's a bigot cause i don't even hear it anymore. The personal depths one must reach to have an intrinsic hate towards another is profound. Shit's about to get real, this economy is gonna boom soon without an inkling of doubt in my mind. Drop the other BS and make a difference because America is the most altruistic nation in human history.
The republicans voted for a gameshow host who enjoys grabbing women by the pussy against their will. He wants to violate the constitution by instituting a nation wide policy of unreasonable search and seizure of black people

The republicans voted for a gameshow host who enjoys grabbing women by the pussy against their will. He wants to violate the constitution by instituting a nation wide policy of unreasonable search and seizure of black people
That's the actual policy he is calling for? It's titled "unreasonably searching (and seizing items from) black people"?

Why are only black people being searched and what is being seized? I haven't heard of this

bread's done