The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

Okay here's some more coming soon crap, main interesting things are Empire Earth and Ground Control II (though you can already get those for $6 on GOG):

- Empire Earth
- Empire Earth II
- Fish Fillets 2 (lol what is this I don't even)
- Ground Control
- Ground Control II
- Pro Cycling Manager Season 2010
- Treasures of the Serengeti
- Voodoo Dice
- Women's Murder Club: Darker Shade of Grey
- Women's Murder Club: Death in Scarlet

More interesting than any of this, though, is that the demo and preorder for Worms Reloaded should theoretically be going live before too terribly long. Hellllllllll yeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, been waiting for that forEVER. Unless they messed something up REALLY bad (like, MI2SE bad), that's a guaranteed buy, for me.

Also, there should be demos of Kane & Lynch 2 and Mafia II up within a month, as well.
[quote name='yeah-yeah']Can't...stop...playing...Defense Grid...

Anyone else replay a level until they finish with all cores intact?[/QUOTE]

Yes! I also try for Gold medals, though it's hard because the scoring system sucks.
[quote name='eastx']Yes! I also try for Gold medals, though it's hard because the scoring system sucks.[/QUOTE]

I swear they adjust the Gold medal score to be 40 points higher than the score you get on the level. Do you get anything special for getting all Golds?

Is there a reason I should care about this? I'm assuming no (unless I live in France, which, sadly, I do not).
[quote name='paz9x']that blows, i was anticipating some cag co-op this weekend, thats the best part of the game IMO.[/QUOTE]

I'll be up for some co-op.. I actually bought the game back on the stteam sale so I have both FE & SE HD now..
Team Beast Hunt mode is a lot of fun for co-op.. basically its a co-op mode with two teams vs each other, and you play for points..Then for every certain amt of points the team gets, you get a "token" so you can kill someone on the other team lol.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I'd buy Plants vs. Zombies if there was a really good deal on it. :) I liked the demo a lot. I'm just not very good at RTS and other types of games where you must click madly.[/QUOTE]
it's a very very doable defense game. I understand the hesitation in getting a defense game that might scale up to become insanely hard. PvZ doesn't do that. Except for the extra modes and puzzle modes but the main defense mode is pretty doable. Even when it gets hectic it's not really a clickfest. Unlike say Pixel Junk Monsters which is fun but scales up rather hard. I think i"m on Med2 and it's insane how many times I keep dying.
The next batch of Sega Genesis games coming to Steam is Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, Bonanza Bros, Columns, Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine, Ecco Jr, Eternal Champions, Fatal Labyrinth, Galaxy Force II, Kid Chameleon, Ristar, Sonic Spinball, and Super Thunder Blade.

Uh, so Sonic Spinball is great and all, but I am completely fucking dumbfounded as to why they still don't have any of the classic Sonic games on this thing. Instead, we have Sonic 3D, for 66% more than the rest of the Genesis Classics sell for. Bravo, Sega!

I'm still not buying any of these, because SEGA was too lazy to implement any online multiplayer (which free emus do just fine), unlike their PS3/360 Genesis compilations. I would've killed for Steamworks-enabled multiplayer on these things.

The only one I would buy is Alien Soldier, and that's because I'm always more than willing to buy Alien Soldier.
I'm waiting on a quarter way decent Yugioh PC game much like the Magic one, unfortunately the only ones available have poor interfaces or you have to buy digital expansion packs
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I'm waiting on a quarter way decent Yugioh PC game much like the Magic one, unfortunately the only ones available have poor interfaces or you have to buy digital expansion packs[/QUOTE]

I'll be honest, I played the shit out of Power of Chaos. I liked it because like Duels of the Planeswalkers, it wasn't too complicated, but just plain fun. I still play with friends via tunneled LAN sometimes (because the AI cheated like a mofo).
Hmmmm..... I'm tempted to buy the Magic game, but I already own it on Xbox. Do many people play online? That'd be the only reasoning for me to pick it up again
[quote name='slofton']Hmmmm..... I'm tempted to buy the Magic game, but I already own it on Xbox. Do many people play online? That'd be the only reasoning for me to pick it up again[/QUOTE]

Yup, usually at least a thousand people online.

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']News on the oddbox, munch is pretty much done but Stranger's is being tough.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that was posted 4 months ago. There's been talk that it might slip into early 2011 actually, but there's still hope for this year.
The Steam user "Snuffle Bunz" is contacting CAG members through the CAG MTG group.

Do not follow any links this person posts. They put up a link to "", which appears to be pure virus bullshittery.

I didn't post the actual address, of course, nor did I go to the address.

I don't know if they'll get a hold of others, but watch out.
So, anyone else having problems playing co-op with Alien Breed? My friend and I were able to play two days ago, but we haven't been able to connect since last night. Doesn't matter if he hosts, I host, or if we both try to join different public games, it just wont join.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Yeah, that was posted 4 months ago. There's been talk that it might slip into early 2011 actually, but there's still hope for this year.[/QUOTE]

Herp derp, someone just sent it to me so I assumed it was recent.
Blackops: Tango Down is out, anyone get it yet? I hear it suffers the same fate as Borderlands, great game with janky PC support.

EDIT: No dedicated servers, deal breaker. Hopefully they patch it in ala Lead and Gold.
So I've been reading the Steam forums about Blacklight, and I think I will avoid it. For one, it uses GFWL (yuck). It also has aim assist with horrendous mouse acceleration and the FOV is fixed.

It's a shame companies poorly port over console games. I wish we could go back in time to when games were made on a PC then ported over to consoles, ya' know, the way that would make the most sense.
[quote name='SEH']So I've been reading the Steam forums about Blacklight, and I think I will avoid it. For one, it uses GFWL (yuck). It also has aim assist with horrendous mouse acceleration and the FOV is fixed.

It's a shame companies poorly port over console games. I wish we could go back in time to when games were made on a PC then ported over to consoles, ya' know, the way that would make the most sense.[/QUOTE]

I'm also going to wait for bit, at least until it's been patched a bit. No text chat or dedicated servers aren't deal breakers, but enough for me to at least wait for a sale if it isn't. I guess the aim assist is only if you use a controller, no?
So I see Dark Star One has come out for the 360 at a price of 49.99. I see the same game on steam for 9.99. What gives here? It looks like it may be a decent game and I do have some interest in it. Does anyone here have any experience in playing it?

Also, Ascaron and Strategy First put this out in Aug 2006. Now 4 years later Kalypso Media UK puts it on consoles. Wtf gives with that? Are devs seriously that hard up for sales that they have to dig back into the past and basicly recycle a 4 yr old game and hope nobody notices so they can try to make a buck?
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[quote name='Mike UFC']I'm also going to wait for bit, at least until it's been patched a bit. No text chat or dedicated servers aren't deal breakers, but enough for me to at least wait for a sale if it isn't. I guess the aim assist is only if you use a controller, no?[/QUOTE]

Apparently aim assist is even there if you have a mouse+keyboard. Seems odd, but people on the Steam forums are bitching about it. If it's only there for the controller, then I don't care since I'd never use one. There's still the issue of crappy mouse accel though.
[quote name='Spyder187']So I see Dark Star One has come out for the 360 at a price of 49.99. I see the same game on steam for 9.99. What gives here? It looks like it may be a decent game and I do have some interest in it. Does anyone here have any experience in playing it?

It's an enhanced version of the game (new graphics, features, etc.). The only thing to complain about is that the new game isn't coming to PC too (that we know of).
[quote name='SEH']It's a shame companies poorly port over console games. I wish we could go back in time to when games were made on a PC then ported over to consoles, ya' know, the way that would make the most sense.[/QUOTE]

Well Capcom still does it which explains why their PC versions are in most cases well optimized and superior to the console versions.
[quote name='SEH']So I've been reading the Steam forums about Blacklight, and I think I will avoid it. For one, it uses GFWL (yuck). It also has aim assist with horrendous mouse acceleration and the FOV is fixed.

It's a shame companies poorly port over console games. I wish we could go back in time to when games were made on a PC then ported over to consoles, ya' know, the way that would make the most sense.[/QUOTE]

While I too would like pc games ported to consoles and not vice-versa, the reality is publishers sell more games on consoles than they do on the pc. So for them it makes more sense to port console games over to the pc. :cry:
[quote name='mogamer']While I too would like pc games ported to consoles and not vice-versa, the reality is publishers sell more games on consoles than they do on the pc. So for them it makes more sense to port console games over to the pc. :cry:[/QUOTE]

But in some caes it's unexcusable, like Borderlands. It runs on the Unreal 3 engine and has all the capabilities the mess with things like FoV, mouse acceleration, toggling ADS and tons of other things but they just didn't add the functionality that would take a handful of hours tops.

Upon further inspection, Tango Down is also on the unreal engine so they have no excuse.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']But in some caes it's unexcusable, like Borderlands. It runs on the Unreal 3 engine and has all the capabilities the mess with things like FoV, mouse acceleration, toggling ADS and tons of other things but they just didn't add the functionality that would take a handful of hours tops.

Upon further inspection, Tango Down is also on the unreal engine so they have no excuse.[/QUOTE]

You are absolutely correct in what you say. I hate to say this, but gamers, as a whole, are either getting dumber or more desperate for games. Because it seems like every publisher is just getting lazy (among other things) and we're just lapping it up. :cry:
Free game from Valve coming in 3 days:

This was spawned from a UT2K4 mod. Valve hired the mod team, who went on to work on L4D and Portal 2, but they kept working on a new version of Alien Swarm in their spare time, and have now finished as a new, full, free, standalone Source-engine game. fucking awesome.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Free game from Valve coming in 3 days:

This was spawned from a UT2K4 mod. Valve hired the mod team, who went on to work on L4D and Portal 2, but they kept working on a new version of Alien Swarm in their spare time, and have now finished as a new, full, free, standalone Source-engine game. fucking awesome.[/QUOTE]

That look absolutely outstanding! 4P co-op AND free?! Hells yes! Thanks for posting this!
My friend and I have been having a blast in Alien Breed, but our only gripe is that it's only two player co-op. This appears to be a relatively equal experience but for four players. My friends and I will definitely check this out.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Free game from Valve coming in 3 days:

This was spawned from a UT2K4 mod. Valve hired the mod team, who went on to work on L4D and Portal 2, but they kept working on a new version of Alien Swarm in their spare time, and have now finished as a new, full, free, standalone Source-engine game. fucking awesome.[/QUOTE]

Cant beat free and the video looks amazing. Definitely going to give this one some playtime. Thanks for the heads up on it.
That's so fucking cool. Free, 4 player co-op and filled with addictive horde type gameplay, SourceSDk included and all the steam features (cloud, achievements, stats)? Yes please.

In other news, they put up the Fallout 3 DLC up individually. I lol'd when I saw that the main game costs $30 and the GOTY edition was listed right below it for $50 BEFORE all the DLC.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Free game from Valve coming in 3 days:

This was spawned from a UT2K4 mod. Valve hired the mod team, who went on to work on L4D and Portal 2, but they kept working on a new version of Alien Swarm in their spare time, and have now finished as a new, full, free, standalone Source-engine game. fucking awesome.[/QUOTE]

Also, in addition to the full SDK, there is mention of a "Tile-based map generation tool."

I don't know if they mean that the game can randomly generate maps, or if there is a noob-friendly mapping tool similar to Trackmania or something. I'm guessing the latter. Either way, very cool.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']But in some caes it's unexcusable, like Borderlands. It runs on the Unreal 3 engine and has all the capabilities the mess with things like FoV, mouse acceleration, toggling ADS and tons of other things but they just didn't add the functionality that would take a handful of hours tops.

Upon further inspection, Tango Down is also on the unreal engine so they have no excuse.[/QUOTE]

Are there any config.ini type of edits that you can make yourself to do some different things with the way the engine works? They're very popular for games that don't natively support certain resolutions and whatnot.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Free game from Valve coming in 3 days:

This was spawned from a UT2K4 mod. Valve hired the mod team, who went on to work on L4D and Portal 2, but they kept working on a new version of Alien Swarm in their spare time, and have now finished as a new, full, free, standalone Source-engine game. fucking awesome.[/QUOTE]

that look soutstanding. cheers valve.
Man, people are ri-fucking-diculous. Someone on the Steam forums is already whining about whether or not there will be free post-release content and continued support for the game, and to the scale of TF2. And of course, there's the usual "DEDICATED SERVERS OR I WILL NO PLAY" and "OH NO I SAW THE WORD 'MATCHMAKING' THIS WILL BE A WORTHLESS GAME" bullshit. Amazing.
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[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Man, people are ri-fucking-diculous. Someone on the Steam forums is already whining about whether or not there will be free post-release content and contended support, and to the scale of TF2. And of course, there's the usual "DEDICATED SERVERS OR I WILL NO PLAY" and "OH NO I SAW THE WORD 'MATCHMAKING' THIS WILL BE A WORTHLESS GAME" bullshit. Amazing.[/QUOTE]

I expect nothing less from the Steam forums and / or PC only gamers. I'd like to say I can't believe they would bitch about a free game but... well, I can believe it.

They wonder why publishers have abandoned them... you can't even give them games for free.

I don't want to make it sound like I'm slagging on PC gamers (I've got over 250 games on Steam alone, so I'm one of them) but they are, by far, some of the whiniest people on forums I've ever seen, who are quick to bash a game over the slightest reason.

In other news, it seems Mafia 2 is going to be a Steamworks game as well.
[quote name='animalspinners']I expect nothing less from the Steam forums and / or PC only gamers. I'd like to say I can't believe they would bitch about a free game but... well, I can believe it.

They wonder why publishers have abandoned them... you can't even give them games for free.[/QUOTE]

People bitching about anything at all? I believe it.
It really sounds like Valve is pushing Steam as a platform now that it's on Mac, first by giving portal out for free and now this. I mean they were always pushing it but never to the extent of this. I foresee big things for Steam.

Also, obligatory zomg so excited.
No weekend deal, but THQ is offering 75% off digital PC games through their store - a good handful of them use Steamworks and it's a far better deal than the Summer Sale.

These are the Steamworks enabled games:

Dawn of War 2 - $7.50
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising - $7.50
Metro 2033 - $12.50
Saints Row 2 -$5
Dawn of War: Soulstorm - $7.50

Been waiting for Chaos Rising to hit under $10 so I'm in.

Not Steam related, but Red Faction: Guerilla is $5 and can be registered and downloaded off Impulse, so there's that too.
[quote name='animalspinners']No weekend deal, but THQ is offering 75% off digital PC games through their store - a good handful of them use Steamworks and it's a far better deal than the Summer Sale.

These are the Steamworks enabled games:

Dawn of War 2 - $7.50
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising - $7.50
Metro 2033 - $12.50
Saints Row 2 -$5
Dawn of War: Soulstorm - $7.50

Been waiting for Chaos Rising to hit under $10 so I'm in.

Not Steam related, but Red Faction: Guerilla is $5 and can be registered and downloaded off Impulse, so there's that too.[/QUOTE]

So you would download off THQ and just register the cd key on Steam?
Sweet prices on those THQ games! Nobody's posted Metro 2033 impressions other than stating it requires a lot of system resources. I wanna know what it's like...

Future Wars is out on Steam! It's on sale for $8. If it had Steam features I'd probably jump right away. Instead I shall hold out for the holiday sale.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']So you would download off THQ and just register the cd key on Steam?[/QUOTE]

You don't even need to download it off THQ, that's the best part.

Get the CD Key (which they provide in your order summary), register that CD Key on Steam, and start downloading from there ;)

[quote name='eastx']Sweet prices on those THQ games! Nobody's posted Metro 2033 impressions other than stating it requires a lot of system resources. I wanna know what it's like...

Slow paced, atmospheric FPS... it's not for everyone, but it's damn good. I haven't played a ton of it to give an accurate description, but I think if you like story based shooters you'll enjoy it. It's also a Russian (at least I think they are... eastern European, definitely) made PC game, which I find are a little rough around the edges (glitches, bugs, etc) but always come through in atmosphere and gameplay.

I would say if you enjoy games like Half Life, Bioshock, and the slower paced FPS's you can't go wrong for $12.50. I spent $30 on the 360 and felt it was worth it.

It's also supposedly very short, but when it's $12.50 that becomes manageable.
bread's done