The Swedish ÖTT

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[quote name='darthbudge']New England style clam chowder and whole wheat crackers for dinner here.[/QUOTE]

chowdah from a can?
[quote name='Chika']I could use some beer, too. All I've got left is Sam Light, Corona Light, 2 Mikes Light and 2 cans (yes, cans) of Busch. Don't hate, they aren't mine. My father left them here 2 summers ago. There might be 1 more Newcastle and 1 more Dogfish Head hiding in the way back. Sad times.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Chika']I could use some beer, too. All I've got left is Sam Light, Corona Light, 2 Mikes Light and 2 cans (yes, cans) of Busch. Don't hate, they aren't mine. My father left them here 2 summers ago. There might be 1 more Newcastle and 1 more Dogfish Head hiding in the way back. Sad times.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't hate. Hell, I just cracked open a can a Bud.

The funny thing is I don't like canned beer and I don't like Budweiser. Yet, that's all I have been buying the past few weeks.

Hell, even the fact that I have been buying alcohol lately is odd for me...
Man, Beatles is so fun. Can't wait to go through it with vocal harmonies tomorrow with a friend.

I need a mic stand so I can do guitar and vocal harmonies.
[quote name='DarthPuma']What's the title of this videogame? I'd like to look up a video of it so I can see if I want to purchase it. You've mad it sound pretty badass.[/QUOTE]

IL2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey. If you're into flights sims, you'll love it. It has an arcade mode that feels similar to Crimson Skies but with a historical backdrop, a realistic mode that's hard to master but rewarding when you do and a simulation mode that will kick your fucking ass.
[quote name='darthbudge']Yeah, it's all I had. :cry:[/QUOTE]

you gotta learn to cook, son. and i'm not talkin about the peanutbutter shrimp and mashed potatos type cooking that you've been doing.
[quote name='rabbitt']You mean, you löve Swedish girls.

And so do I.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Temporaryscars']IL2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey. If you're into flights sims, you'll love it. It has an arcade mode that feels similar to Crimson Skies but with a historical backdrop, a realistic mode that's hard to master but rewarding when you do and a simulation mode that will kick your fucking ass.[/QUOTE]

Never played a real flight sim, but I love the shit out of Crimson Skies. I'll check it out.
[quote name='DarthPuma']Never played a real flight sim, but I love the shit out of Crimson Skies. I'll check it out.[/QUOTE]

Just try the demo. It's a good representation.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Man, how am I supposed to secure the skies of Europe if she keeps kicking me off the TV?[/QUOTE]

Buy a second TV, dumbass.

[quote name='DarthPuma']What's the title of this videogame? I'd like to look up a video of it so I can see if I want to purchase it. You've mad it sound pretty badass.[/QUOTE]

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
[quote name='Chika']shau-dair!


Come back here, i'm not through demeaning you!
[quote name='DarthPuma']Never played a real flight sim, but I love the shit out of Crimson Skies. I'll check it out.[/QUOTE]

Worth $6? The KMart near me still has a copy lingering in the clearance rack.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I found my grinder! Today has been a good day.[/QUOTE]

I haven't used mine in a while. I need to clean it.

To break apart your weed without getting your hands dirty, temp.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Worth $6? The KMart near me still has a copy lingering in the clearance rack.[/QUOTE]

Crimson Skies? Hell yes. It's a great game.
I have a little bit of a buzz going and I swear: I would KILL for a chicken shawarma with a big ole side of pita bread and hummus right about now...
Ick, i can't stand hummus. There is a greek restaurant here i tried a while back which had it and i couldn't stand it.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']I have a little bit of a buzz going and I swear: I would KILL for a chicken shawarma with a big ole side of pita bread and hummus right about now...[/QUOTE]

i'd settle for that with falafel instead of chicken since I can't have it :cry:
I drank the last Jone's Fufu Berry Soda today so I bought another 4 pack when I went out today. I wanted either cream soda or just cola, but they didn't have anything close to that so I went with "Orange Cola", not orange flavored soda.
unfortunately, the little scraping tool isn't packed inside the grinder. :(

I haven't used mine in forever and I've been breaking up buds with my fat short nailed fingers. :[
[quote name='Eviltude']I drank the last Jone's Fufu Berry Soda today so I bought another 4 pack when I went out today. I wanted either cream soda or just cola, but they didn't have anything close to that so I went with "Orange Cola", not orange flavored soda.[/QUOTE]

i have a couple bottles of fufuberry around here. i bought an "easter" sampler a couple years ago and tried like 1 of each bottle and the rest have been hanging out in the back corner of my kitchen under the kitchen table where it's not easily accessible.
Fufu berry was ok, but it had a hell of a bite for a soda. The combination of the regular sugar carbonation and the tartness of the berry flavor was what did it, but once I got beyond that it was decent.
[quote name='Eviltude']I think it's time we all grew up and started doing cocaine like adults.[/QUOTE]

I've heard that before. Where's it from?
I give people rides all the time and they never give me marijuana.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I've heard that before. Where's it from?
I give people rides all the time and they never give me marijuana.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, but I know it's from something.

If you come out here next summer, we'll smoke a fattie, TemporarySenseofHumor.
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