The Target Clearance Thread

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Since the Target deals are usually of the "your mileage may vary" type, let's keep all the target clearance deals in this thread.

Here is a fairly easy way to check if your local Target has the games on clearance without making the store clerk unlock the display case and price-scan a bunch of games. Very often, games may be on sale, but will not be marked as such.

BigDirty came up with this nice time saver. Respect his cheap ass skills.

1) Check this thread for games that have been reported on clearance.

2) Go to, or similar website and search for the game to locate its UPC code number. Its in the grey box underneath the box art graphic.

3) Go to , , or and enter the code so you can print out the UPC.

4) Go to Target and use the price scanners to scan your printouts and search for cheap ass deals!

FYI: "When a game's price ends with 8 cents, further reduction is possible, when it ends in 4 cents, that's the ball game, pick it up cause it's not going any lower. If it ends in 9 cents, it's just on sale or on a non-clearance reduction." - BigDirty

When posting what you have found, please note the location that you found it at, example:

Philadelphia, PA
Snyder Plaza

Game Name, System, Price

(This edit from Big Dirty)
OK I keep on following the steps from page 1. But then whenever I scan the code on one of the websites given it says it is invalid. Somebody pleas help.
I got a raincheck for luigi's mansion today and went to another target later and used it to get MArio and Luigi superstar saga for only 21.50!!! I told the kid something about my cousin wanted a mario game so can I just sub this. he's like sure.

What an experience this was...

Okay, I asked for Luigi's Mansion, and they didn't have it. Cool. "Can I get a rain check?"

The guy pauses, looks off... mumbles, "Yeah." He then asks how many I'd like. I wasn't thinking, and was just ecstatic and replied, "Oh, just one."

Then I felt stupid -- and started regreting my response. "Don't get greedy," my wife warned me. I did anyway, so I went back, checked for other missing $19.99=$14 sale games -- couldn't find any of Desert Storm for the X-Box, so I of course asked for it. None? Oh shucks, I'll take two rain checks, please. :)

I deliberate on what I wanted for real -- wanted Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Saphire, and figured I'd picked up SSX: Tricky for $7 (30% off $9.99) as well. I turn to the guy, and low and behold, he found a Desert Storm for X-Box. Now what? I don't even OWN an X-Box! Oh... well, do you have two? Cause remember, I needed two, and if I can't get one for this other guy, I'll be screwed... eh, yeah, that's it.

He looked so confused. "No, I'll just take the substitution..." And he's like, "You can't substitute something we have." So I was like, "Okay, but you can substitute Nintendo for Nintendo, right?"

Nope -- just GameCube for GameCube. So, I ended up getting SSX3 for $37 (after tax), which ain't so bad, and I'm subtracting some money for selling some free games I had gotten recently, so in the end I made out alright. But after getting into it with several people at K-Mart, trying to get them to price match their website with Pikmin, and not succeeding there either -- I'm worn out!

PS: IF ANYONE MISSED THIS 30% OFF DEAL, and own an X-Box -- I have a Quantity 2 for Conflict: Desert Storm I, so if your local Target is out of this game, and you want 30% off two X-Box games -- PM me, and maybe we can work out a little dealio (PS/S: I'm all about the GC/GB/GBC/GBA -- :) ). You could save up to $30 with this slip! (It says, "At any Target store until 02/04/04").
[quote name='SunnyRT']I just got back from Target and found a great deal. Target (at least in the Ft. Lauderdale, FL area) is having a great sale on certain XBox Platinum Hits and a few other Gamecube games. Instead of the regular $19.99 sticker price, they are reduced to $14 BUT only until this Saturday Dec 20, 2003. Some games include:

XBox - Spiderman
XBox - Conflict Desert Storm
XBox - Ghost Recon
Gamecube - Luigi's Mansion

But there's more. When I went, both Spiderman and Conflict Desert Storm were sold out, so I asked for a rain check on each. The rain check ticket at Target reads as follows:

We apologize for being out-of-stock on the item you were looking for. Here are some options for you to consider.


Use this to receive the advertised sales price at any Target store until 01/31/04

ITEM Description blah blah blah $14.00
Reg. $19.99 @ 30% off


Choose a substitute and receive the same percentage off (listed above) on a regular-priced item within the same product category (i.e. TV for TV, doll for doll, shirt for shirt).

So that means you can go to Target, and until Saturday, pick any of the games listed for $14. If you don't want any of those games, find one that is sold out and ask for a rain check. Then, just use your rain check ticket to get 30% off of ANY video game.[/quote]

I posted this a while ago, percentages can go into the 50s sometimes. Target is trying to get back at me for doing this while I worked there, but they won't return my phone calls. It's legal, but some stores may have issues with it. Just come back another time and try again. It's stackable with online coupons.
So I've got this, "Reg. $19.99 @ 30% off -- Choose a substitute and receive the same percentage off (listed above) on a regular-priced item within the same product category (i.e. TV for TV)."

Now, that's a bit untrue. It's apparently got to be "brand for brand" too (though I suspect it's different with each and every store). My store didn't have some lame ass replacement crap game for the game that's out of stock -- other's stores do. Other's allow you to substitute any game for any game. I hate the inconsistency. :(

Anyway -- we just have to check in here and find out what percentage off sales are going on, and then find the games that're out-of-stock, raincheck them -- and BAM!?


Is there any way to find the original price?

Lion King for GBA is still 44% off until 12/22 at my Target. If they still have copies just buy them all. Return your unwanted Lion Kings in 90 days & u should be kewl.
Ouch -- BUY unwanted games, and just return them all? LOL, now that's Cheap Ass!

So, Lion King, for the GBA, huh? Awesome -- I was wanting Pokemon Pinball for the GBA, but they wouldn't let me turn a GameCube 30% off into a GBA 30% off. My offer for 2, 30% receipts still stands, especially if anyone's willing to just pick me up one of these 40% off Lion King on the GBA deals.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Yo. Hi. I need 30% PS2 & 30% on Gamecube, I'll trade 44% off Lion King for some. Damn. I asked for 5 Lion king rainchecks and they gave me one receipt w/ quantity 5. So I'll look like a super ass when I use it. Unfortuntaely I was only able to use mine for Gameboy games so yea I'm willing to trade.

LOL Someone should set up a Target raincheck trade site w/ feedback ala eBay haha.

PS: My friend in kali does not have the Lion King deal. It's $30 there. Will they still honor that raincheck? haha
Well unfortunately my raincheck is for two, 30% off X-Box games, if your local Target is out of "Conflict: Desert Storm" -- but applied to two, $50 X-Box games, that's a $30 savings.

I'm gonna give this "Lion King" thing a shot, unless there's any takers on what I got. :)

This is kind of funny. People are starting to go out looking for specific games and hoping the store DOESN'T have them.

"Excuse me, do you have Lion King for GBA?"
"Yes we do, here it is."
"Oh, that's too bad."


"Man, I've been to three Targets today, and they all had the games I was looking for. This sucks!"
You know it! LOL -- I'm jonsing for that 44% off GBA raincheck, but all I got in return is this 2, 30% off X-Box raincheck to trade.

I just hope the same guy isn't in the Electronics section as last time. He either knew I was up to something, or thought I was stoned (my wife noted my eyes were really bloodshot, and the guy probably just thought I was messed up, lol).

The other day i went to a target and saw that nba jam (reg 29.99) was out of stock and on sale for 19.99. So i got a rain check, drove to another target, and got Karoake Revoulition with the mic for 38.88 instead of 59.99 :]
Okay, I called my local Target, and they said today couldn't be the last day of a sale, because their sales begin and end on Sunday -- thus Monday can't be the last day of the "Lion King" sale.

THEN, I call another one and get some crap about how it was a price-cut, and I can't get a raincheck on a price-cut, just on sales. Oh, and they're out of stock too.

Can't anyone that's succeeded at this at their local Target help a brotha out? :cry:


Maybe we can turn this thread into "what's on sale this week at target/what's likely to have a raincheck." That would be helpful.
Just got back! :whistle2:D FFx2 & karaoke revolution 44% off! hard to do it with a straight face! trouble at all either :whistle2:D Have to go back cuz the Lion King might just be around the corner! Ack! >_< I'm assuming no one else in my area is doing it yet otherwise Karaoke Revolution wouldn't be there. haha
Wait, so a raincheck works how? I'm reading posts over and over, and I still don't get it. Or at least, I slightly get it.
Read the first page. Basically the percentage off the game on the raincheck can be applied to other games.

For example:
Lion King for GBA was 44% off last week. You can get a raincheck for it if it was sold out at your store. On the raincheck it says you get 44% off a substitution. This is where stores vary. The policy is so ambiguous. Ask someone at the store. Here are the possible interpretations of substitution on the receipt.

1. "There are no substitutions at this time." You're outta luck. Raincheck can only be used for Lion King.
2. "Substitute for same game system only." So if you have raincheck for 44% off Lion King, you can use on a GBA game not PS2! You can then get 44% off GBA Mario Kart.
3. Substitute for any other video game. So if yo u have raincheck for 44% off Lion King, you can get 44% off FFX2.

Basically ask guest services, manager, and people working at electronics until you get the answer you want! Some employees may state a different policy than the next person. Then just get there name & you should be set. :whistle2:D Be sure to ask if you can substitute when the game goes back in stock too. Hope that helps!
Its not "where stores may vary" it is where clerks may vary. But it says clearly on the rain check that you can "CHOSE" a subsitute. If that helps anyone.
I have a question for you guys? When a Target is going to close down, will it move its stuff or clearance it off? My target down the street is closing, being torn down, and super target being built. I'm hoping to get some good deals. It closes on the 16th of Jan.
Yes it does say that. "Choose a substitute." But one of my stores are arguing there are no substitutes you know what I mean. I think that should be left up to the store. For example, if you try to get a refund w/o a receipt they don't have to honor that if they don't want to. I think this is the same deal.

The fact that you can get infinite rainchecks means even if it has to be same game system & same price, it is still abusable. So I think stores should be able to do what they want.
Well. The stores around here have different policies. However the clerks have generally been consistent with the entire store. Oh wellz I'm off for more action tonite. Wish me luck. :whistle2:D
Maybe we can turn this thread into "what's on sale this week at target/what's likely to have a raincheck." That would be helpful.

Let's not.........maybe a new thread with that subject would be a better idea.

This is supposed to be the Target Clearence Thread, I really don't want to have to sift through 50 posts about what's on sale 'cause I'm perfectly capable of reading those nice glossy ads they print with the paper every Sunday.

It's been 2 weeks since any of my local Targets have added to the clearance merchandise. :cry: Perhaps we will see more closeouts after the holiday season.
Let's not.........'cause I'm perfectly capable of reading those nice glossy ads they print with the paper every Sunday.[/quote]

Well It's hard to tell what actually sold out and would get a raincheck, I'd never suspect rides gone wild would get one, while Desert storm for ps2 wouldn't. But what ever..
Buy all the games then return em at another store. I'm still wondering if anyone has cleaned out an entire electronics department. At 44% off, all video games are worth buying!

Now, are these sale prices you could raincheck, if they're out of them? Sorry if bringing up this raincheck thing bothers people in the Target thread here -- but it's too great a deal.

Bleh! Why didn't anyone tell me that KOTOR sale ended on the 24th! OH wellz I'm willing to trade Lion King receipts for KOTOR.


Currently only thing for sale at my target is FFX for $15.88
well, in the case of the hulk I was wondering if it was possible to get the game sent to the store from the website for store pickup, return it, then get it at the clearance price later on.
[quote name='Soft Nugget']well, in the case of the hulk I was wondering if it was possible to get the game sent to the store from the website for store pickup, return it, then get it at the clearance price later on.[/quote]

I don't think Target does in-store pickups of online orders. The best you could hope for is to buy the item and ask them to give you the clearance price - most stores will price match their own drops.

So...any cool GBA or PC titles on clearance lately? I'd love to get another deal like Sonic Advance for $6.50... :D
The EA Gamer's Pack (don't know the exact name) for PC was $10.48.

It's got four games, including Freedom Force and Need For Speed II. Oldies, but goodies. Can't remember the other two though.

EDIT: Thanks for the heads up video_gamer324
[quote name='SteveMcQ']The EA Gamer's Pack (don't know the exact name) for PC was $10.48.

It's got four games, including Freedom Fighters and Need For Speed II. Oldies, but goodies. Can't remember the other two though.[/quote]

Correction: It includes Freedom Force, not Freedom Fighters. Also, the other two games are 'Earth and Beyond' and 'Command and Conquer: Renegade.' You can pick it up for $10 at EB.
Thanks for the correction. It's the superhero game, though I did see Freedom Fighters PC for $14.98 at Target.

I wasn't aware the EA Gamer's Pack retails that cheap elsewhere. It might go down to $7.98 sometime soon so keep an eye out.
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