This OTT was not made by craven_fiend

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P2570 is 1080p with 70k:1 cont and 2ms response time. It's cheapest at BBy but is still too much right now ( it was $289 right after Christmas @ costco) if you can find a 10 or 12% off coupon it would be more if a deal. Still expensive though.
I can't play games without having my speakers hooked up to the tv anymore. Me and a friend played NBA Live at his new place last night without his shit hooked up and it was lame. I like to hear more of the game and less of the announcers.
[quote name='darthbudge']Well I would love for IW to make it, but are too busy sucking their own dicks over how awesome they think the expanded MW storyline is, even though it took a total nose dive in MW2 and should just be ended already.

Also, I personally enjoyed World at War. So I imagine that their next game will just be more of the same.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, man. I thought MW2's campaign, while short, was pretty epic. I like certain things from COD4's campaign and certain things from MW2's. I can't say one is better than the other.
Why can Spike show 5/6 naked zombie strippers but radio stations can't get away with saying the F word?

Unrelated, Comedy Central has been showing black comedy all day and this is the only Black History stuff I have seen all month.
[quote name='Rocko']I'll Netflix it, keyblade, sounds interesting.

My friend tried watching Irreversible a few days ago and he said he felt like shit after the first 20 minutes because of that high frequency shit, so now I don't want to watch it. :|[/QUOTE]

What was unpleasant about the first 30 minutes was the unremitting camera direction. It really started to take a toll on my motion sickness, but you understand why it is the way it is as the movie progresses.

[quote name='prmononoke']I didn't think Irreversible was that bad. The
scene was extremely uncomfortable, and I can see how that qualifies as fucked up, but the rest of the film was pretty tame compared to that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I agree, that scene was powerful. I guess it was a combination of stomaching the direction and what was happening throughout the movie.
The Rectum, the obscure nightlife, and the violence
environment made it unsettling for me, even though I appreciate the way it was captured. Also, the
fire hydrant head-bashing
scene sort of put the cherry on top. It really captivated the character's emotion. And that made me cringe a little...

[quote name='Temporaryscars']I can't access it because they deleted it, but the main question was "Can fat black women who drive minivans get their licenses without taking a test?" The details pretty much said they were the worst drivers in the world and I almost get sideswiped by at least two a day.[/QUOTE]

I think it's an indisputable fact that people who drive minivans are the worst--most fu cked up drivers out there.
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[quote name='Temporaryscars']I can't access it because they deleted it, but the main question was "Can fat black women who drive minivans get their licenses without taking a test?" The details pretty much said they were the worst drivers in the world and I almost get sideswiped by at least two a day.[/QUOTE]

I think it's an indisputable fact that people who drive minivans are the worst--most fucked up drivers out there.
[quote name='Trakan']I don't know, man. I thought MW2's campaign, while short, was pretty epic. I like certain things from COD4's campaign and certain things from MW2's. I can't say one is better than the other.[/QUOTE]

It had a lot of epic moments in it, but the story as a whole felt very scatter brained. They had a lot of levels that were cool but never seemed to be tied into the storyline quite fully.

It was a good game, but no where near the level of awesome perfection that COD4's campaign was.

EDIT: Also they added way too many plot twists and OH SHIT moments. By the end of it I just wasn't shocked by anything because there was some shocking twist on almost every level.
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[quote name='munch']Looks like no more spoilering[/QUOTE]

That's because most 'CAGers' are whiny retards.

[quote name='Maklershed']This cinnamon bun coffee creamer tastes funny.[/QUOTE]

It's supposed to go in coffee, don't apply it to your nipples.
[quote name='manthing']That's because most 'CAGers' are whiny retards.[/QUOTE]
I'll miss wombatsucks.
[quote name='darthbudge']EDIT: Also they added way too many plot twists and OH SHIT moments. By the end of it I just wasn't shocked by anything because there was some shocking twist on almost every level.[/QUOTE]

I only remember 2 moments like you describe and they were both EPIC and AWESOME. I'm sure there were more, like the airport level, but those didn't really shock me or feel epic. Maybe it's because that level was leaked -- but even so, that would make 3. The predictability of some of the other stuff was probably a factor in not finding it epic or awesome, I dunno.

One major complaint I had was that they don't force the movie that plays if you just leave the title screen idle into the beginning of the campaign. I was like 2/3 or more done with the campaign when I finally saw it and was like "oh, that explains some shit.". If it's important to the story, play it when the game opens, IW.
[quote name='manthing']That's because most 'CAGers' are whiny retards.

It's supposed to go in coffee, don't apply it to your nipples.[/QUOTE]

It looks like Zew let the domain lapse and godaddy took it back and put up generic filler junk. What does that have to do with cheapassgamerers being whiny retards?
[quote name='Brak'][/QUOTE]


That sucks. Now how are we supposed to link the unsuspecting CAG masses to chuplayers doll porn blogs?
I think it's funny that Cheapy fixed the spoiler tags immedietly, but it takes him months to fix other serious problems, like the nodes, or having Wombat in the CagCast.
I kinda want to call some girl I went on a couple of dates with, a few years back, who I regret not smashing... but what if she doesn't look the same? :whistle2:k I haven't seen her since.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']I think it's funny that Cheapy fixed the spoiler tags immedietly, but it takes him months to fix other serious problems, like the nodes, or having Wombat in the CagCast.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: x 165
I just realized that Win7 Pro defaults to being on a business network, that's why i haven't been able to get it to show up to my netbook since it's set for a home network.
I can't believe the rock band games have lost so much money that viacom wants back some of the bonus money paid to harmonix. They may not release 20 different music games a year, but the rock band series is way better than GH. Apparently red octane is being shut down too.

Hope i'm not #83 on any of that.
[quote name='JolietJake']It also said that activision released something like 20 music games last year, i didn't realize it was so many.[/QUOTE]

Probably with all the platforms counted separately.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Finally watched Zombieland.....badass[/QUOTE]

I heard it's not as cool the second time around, but totally worth watching once.
[quote name='Eviltude']I heard it's not as cool the second time around, but totally worth watching once.[/QUOTE]
Yep. If anyone has missed it, watch the extra scene at the end of the credits.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I had the worst night of my life last night. Alcohol and tomatoes destroyed my entire world.[/QUOTE]

I know I shouldn't encourage you, but please, tell me more.

[quote name='Brak']I kinda want to call some girl I went on a couple of dates with, a few years back, who I regret not smashing... but what if she doesn't look the same? :whistle2:k I haven't seen her since.[/QUOTE]

Are you a single man now?
[quote name='zewone']I know I shouldn't encourage you, but please, tell me more.

I went to this party. Drank like three beers and some vodka, and then someone busted out his glass piece. It was some seriously good shit compared to what I had earlier yesterday. Shared a couple bowls and got completely stoned. I tried to stop drinking once I started smoking, but this chick kept fucking with me, making me drink more booze till she would let me have water, and lying to me and bringing me vodka and saying it was water. It was legit the worst I have ever felt in my life. Everything was spinning for hours, I threw up like crazy, it was just fucking terrible. It was a bad enough experience that I do not want to drink again for a very very long time. I really thought I was dying.

I'm not really hungover today, but my stomach is wrecked and I still feel a little high.
[quote name='Brak']I am.[/QUOTE]
Hope you're doing alright.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I went to this party. Drank like three beers and some vodka, and then someone busted out his glass piece. It was some seriously good shit compared to what I had earlier yesterday. Shared a couple bowls and got completely stoned. I tried to stop drinking once I started smoking, but this chick kept fucking with me, making me drink more booze till she would let me have water, and lying to me and bringing me vodka and saying it was water. It was legit the worst I have ever felt in my life. Everything was spinning for hours, I threw up like crazy, it was just fucking terrible. It was a bad enough experience that I do not want to drink again for a very very long time. I really thought I was dying.

I'm not really hungover today, but my stomach is wrecked and I still feel a little high.[/QUOTE]
Never mix weed and drinking. It's something I've learned along my travels. It gets you way too twisted, as you already know.
Thanks, guyz. Yeah. I'm fine. (We broke up a while ago.)

I'm actually pretty indifferent about it. :lol:
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