Throw down the ONE game you own that you doubt *any* other CAG has!

[quote name='Sarang01']GOT FFX International.

I'll throw out a few I doubt anyone here has: "Densha De Go! Shinkasen", "Super Producers", "N.U.D.E.(Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment)", "Arcturus: The Curse and Loss Of Divinity", "Wachenroder" and "Unison(Japanese version)".[/QUOTE]

I knew from the start you'd win the fucking thread. Oh well. :lol:

If you got FFX International, then I might as well throw out... uhm... ESPGaluda and Dodonpachi Daioujou?
[quote name='Chacrana']I knew from the start you'd win the fucking thread. Oh well. :lol:

If you got FFX International, then I might as well throw out... uhm... ESPGaluda and Dodonpachi Daioujou?[/QUOTE]

Well the funny thing is this: "Wachenroder" is suppose to be a fairly good Strat RPG albeit unknown, "Arcturus: The Curse and Loss Of Divinity" is an Isometric Action RPG that isn't that old and happens to be Korean.
Can anyone tell me what happened to those B-Movie Adult rated games for the PC back in the 90's?
And speaking of winning there's something out there I'm trying to find with a 90-99% completed copy of a game. Too bad it was never finished in it's current form.
edit: Oh and I own "Para Para Paradise" on the PS2 though I'd rather have "Para Para Dancing", the Korean version of it. Frankly the Koreans songs are fun to FS to without having to stick to the Para Para routine of the other songs.
[quote name='Sarang01']Well the funny thing is this: "Wachenroder" is suppose to be a fairly good Strat RPG albeit unknown, "Arcturus: The Curse and Loss Of Divinity" is an Isometric Action RPG that isn't that old and happens to be Korean.
Can anyone tell me what happened to those B-Movie Adult rated games for the PC back in the 90's?
And speaking of winning there's something out there I'm trying to find with a 90-99% completed copy of a game. Too bad it was never finished in it's current form.
edit: Oh and I own "Para Para Paradise" on the PS2 though I'd rather have "Para Para Dancing", the Korean version of it. Frankly the Koreans songs are fun to FS to without having to stick to the Para Para routine of the other songs.[/QUOTE]

I've heard of Wachenroder somewhere... was that a PC game?
How about US only games?

I remember playing all the way through planet edge. You were trying to restore the moon, and I remember at the end, you restored the moon only to have the earth disappear. The game is really crying out for a sequel. One of the few endings I remember 15+ years later.
[quote name='wubb']Oh wait. I just thought of a game I can throw out.

Burn Cycle for the PC. Factory sealed. I don't know how scarce it is, but the couple times I've checked eBay there have only been one or two in completed auctions. (And it's basically worthless.)[/quote]

I can't touch those 2600 controllers of yours but I still own Burn Cycle. That game was pretty cool for back in the day. Not a hell of a lot of gameplay per se, but it had cool music and art direction, in general.

Gotta miss those days of a VERY super-imposed live actor in front of a static CG low res background :lol:
[quote name='STATIC3D']Haven't seen anyone say they've had the ones I listed...

Atari 2600:
007 James Bond

Top Gun (original "old school" ASCI type graphics game)

Anyone? :}~~~[/quote]

Top Gun I *believe* i played... that sounds really familiar. That was shareware, though, er no?

Minor tangent: anyone here ever play a game called Beast which was a two player ascii graphics game where you pushed around lines of blocks to crush your enemies (big H's) or to crush e/o. You could actually build little fortresses to hide in, but they could squish you back... anyone know what the heck I'm talking about?
[quote name='coltyhuxx']Top Gun I *believe* i played... that sounds really familiar. That was shareware, though, er no?

Minor tangent: anyone here ever play a game called Beast which was a two player ascii graphics game where you pushed around lines of blocks to crush your enemies (big H's) or to crush e/o. You could actually build little fortresses to hide in, but they could squish you back... anyone know what the heck I'm talking about?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I played that! It was pretty fun. I wonder if I still have a copy somewhere.

Was it two player? It kind of seems like it was.

There may have been a shareware release of the game, but I'm not sure. The version I had was a full version purchased in a store. I did a bit of searching and found a link with some info on the verison of Top Gun I had.

It was the DOS version I had. If you click below the cover pic where it says "9 more" the page shows several cover versions. Look at the back of the DOS box cover and you can see the in game graphics (left pic = take off carrier shot, right pic = gameplay).

I had forgot the game was actually vector graphcis...whew, them were the

Since noone else has mentioned having 007 James Bond or Alien for 2600, I went to find some images/info of those as well...

edit, found it on atariguide as well...

James Bond 007: (images of cart and box, I had the silver 2600 Parker Brothers version, box art for 2600 version was similar to that of the C64 one, just the box was more sliver than flat gray).
I had DoAX2 for the 360 for a few days :p

the only obscure thing I have is a Melty Blood ReAct expansion disc for Windows JP. Tried Ebaying it a few times with no luck.
[quote name='furyk']Finally I think I'm the only CAG with ... Pokemon Pikachu 2, the tamagochi rip off thing.[/quote]

I still have my Pokemon Pikachu 2. I even have the first one. I'd still be using Pikachu 2 if I felt like getting a new battery... but I'm lazy.

[quote name='vherub']those people who said journeyman project, was that due to it being a pack-in for packard bell pcs circa early to mid 90s?
or did you purchase it?[/quote]

I had The Journeyman Project as well, and it did come with the Packard Bell that was my first computer. I loved the game.

I really want to find the sequel(s?). I remember seeing previews for it, and then never seeing anything about it again.

[quote name='trunksx34']PYST (Myst Parody) for the PC[/quote]

I used to have that. Stupid game. Haha...

[quote name='daroga']The Japanese version of Electroplankton, complete with extra shiny case, box, and headphones! WOW![/quote]

Got that too.

As for games that I doubt any other CAG has...

Star Trek: BORG (PC) - An interactive movie game that I actually enjoyed. Unfortuntely, the setup application only works on Windows 95, and therefore won't install on anything newer.

Home Alone (SNES) - I hate this game. Haha...

King of the Monsters 2 (SNES) - I used to like this a lot. Not anymore though...

Hook (SNES) - Its really my sister's game, and she just didn't want it. Now its mine. Never really liked it.

That's all I can think of or find.
If I'm remembering right, isn't the company that did the Journyman Project the same as the one that did maybe two of the Myst games (III and IV maybe)? Their name slips my mind right now.

I rented Hook for my SegaCD and wasn't impressed. Guess I'm glad I never bought Star Trek: Borg if it only runs on 95!
[quote name='MadFlava']E.T. for the Atari 2600. I'm listing this because its so bad that I'm sure the rest of you have destroyed your copies or threw them into a landfill.[/quote]

I got rid of all my 2600 games years ago (used to own ET). I kind of wish I hadn't now though.
I'll pretend I have some prowess with these:

Cool Spot, Taz Mania, and Joe Montana Sports Talk Football '93 on Sega Genesis.

Double Switch on the Saturn.

Power Move Pro Wrestling on PSX.

Bruce Lee on Xbox.

A lot of mediocre and shitty games, but some are rare.
[quote name='ArchangelOfWar']I'll pretend I have some prowess with these:

Cool Spot, Taz Mania, and Joe Montana Sports Talk Football '93 on Sega Genesis.[/QUOTE]

Triple kill on those... None of those are much fun either for me to be honest. You would think Cool Spot would be a blast.
How about Swords of Twilight for the Amiga? RPG but was not turnbased that I recall. You had a bunch of premade guys and had to send out teams of I think 3 or 4. If they died, they were not coming back. I enjoyed it but I never managed to beat it.
[quote name='ArchangelOfWar']I'll pretend I have some prowess with these:

Cool Spot, Taz Mania, and Joe Montana Sports Talk Football '93 on Sega Genesis.

Double Switch on the Saturn.

Power Move Pro Wrestling on PSX.

Bruce Lee on Xbox.

A lot of mediocre and shitty games, but some are rare.[/QUOTE]

Have Sports Talk and Power Move. LOVE LOVE LOVE Power Move!

[quote name='HumanSnatcher']I wonder how many CAGs own or have owned Jet Moto 1 and 2. Still got my copies. Never did get 3. And I wish the PS2 version hadn't been cancelled[/QUOTE]

I've got the first Jet Moto.
WrestleCrap'sRD;2590327 said:
Have Sports Talk and Power Move. LOVE LOVE LOVE Power Move!



Guy in Crowd: "....OG!!"

My friend loved the Rage Against The Machine ripoff song that played during the credits in that game.

Soccer for Atari 5200 (before they changed the labels on all their sports games to Realsports Soccer, Realsports Baseball, etc...same game, different title)
Captain Novolin for SNES (mint and sealed) or Ren and Stimpy Firedogs (Blockbuster only) for SNES.

Was SF: Alpha 2 mentioned above a joke?
And a few pages back someone said Poy Poy, I've got that too!
I didn't have time to look through the entire thread, but here's mine.

Wall Street Kid for the NES.

I'll throw out a few others:

Atari 800:

Gateway to Apshai (I loved this game, perhaps one of the earliest action RPG's ever made)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
Jumpman Junior
Dukes of Hazzard


Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat
Warhammer: Dark Omen


eJay Clubworld
Fighter Maker 2
Yu-gi-Oh: Duelists of the Roses


Yourself! Fitness


Europa Universalis
Imperialism II (fantastic turn-based strategy game)
[quote name='dopa345']I'll throw out a few others:

Atari 800:

Gateway to Apshai (I loved this game, perhaps one of the earliest action RPG's ever made)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
Jumpman Junior
Dukes of Hazzard


Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat
Warhammer: Dark Omen


eJay Clubworld
Fighter Maker 2
Yu-gi-Oh: Duelists of the Roses


Yourself! Fitness


Europa Universalis
Imperialism II (fantastic turn-based strategy game)

I have eJay Clubworld and Yourself! Fitness.
[quote name='PINKO']staring christerpher walkin[/quote]There is no way you could seriously think that's even remotely close to "Christopher."
WrestleCrap'sRD;2593125 said:
I actually had that on the Atari 1200XL...did the C64 version actually LOAD MOVES like the Atari version did?

I'd be interested to see what your entire wrestling game collection is, and how it compares to mine.
[quote name='PINKO']ripper for dos and win 95

staring christerpher walkin[/QUOTE]

This is one hell of a game. I need to get a copy for myself one day.
[quote name='crowbb']I actually owned some of those. I had Keef the Thief for Amiga. It was my free game in some mail away offer (buy 2 or 3 get one free). I never got very far in it but it was ok.

Lords of Magic is actually one of my favorite games of all time, despite the horrible game killing bugs. Step on the invisible square o' death in combat? Good! GAME GO CRASH NOW! Heh.

I think I had Blueprint too (I had like every 5200 game) but can't say I remember it outside of the cartridge label though.

I have Iron Storm as well. I got it when my Saturn was falling out of favor so I never really played it much but it looks really good.

Oddest game I had that nobody else had is probably Spaceship Warlock. I got it in some multipack and was a terrible game but the music "Spaaaaaaaaaaaceship Warlock. Ahhh Ahhhhh. Ahhhh Ahhhhhhh " is forever burned into my brain. My roommate in college left the music playing for like 3 hours straight once just to annoy me. I nearly had to smash his computer.

If it didn't have to be storebought I would say Devil Whiskey. It's a Bard's Tale clone (Original RPG BT not the new one) that came out a few years back and was a very good game. I bought it as a DL first then got a boxed copy when they finally got them made but I don't think they were ever distributed outside the website.[/QUOTE]

I use to and may still have that somewhere, I remember the music clearly, that would be the first memory of that game, finished it too.

My few for the list

Knights of Xentar with the NC-17 disk and mousepad that I convinced my mom to buy me in 9th grade lol.
[quote name='dopa345']

I've got Sacrifice. I actually just started playing it last week. (I *think* it's been mentioned before, not sure).
[quote name='Arakias']Captain Novolin for SNES (mint and sealed) [/QUOTE]

I've got that (I was the first to mention it) and someone else mentioned it too. So three people now...we're beating the odds or something :D
I had Buck Rogers and Jumpman Junior for the Atari 400 I think. Most of those things used the same cartridges so may have been the same thing.

I have Shadow of the Horned Rat for PS1.

Also have Europa Universalis and Imperialism II (and I also) for PC.

[quote name='dopa345']I'll throw out a few others:

Atari 800:

Gateway to Apshai (I loved this game, perhaps one of the earliest action RPG's ever made)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
Jumpman Junior
Dukes of Hazzard


Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat
Warhammer: Dark Omen


eJay Clubworld
Fighter Maker 2
Yu-gi-Oh: Duelists of the Roses


Yourself! Fitness


Europa Universalis
Imperialism II (fantastic turn-based strategy game)
WrestleCrap'sRD;2593125 said:
I actually had that on the Atari 1200XL...did the C64 version actually LOAD MOVES like the Atari version did?


C64 version was great. I havent played in a while so dont actually remember moves. I remember resetting it trying to get Gorgeous George to play as or some sort or square pixel head guy. The music rules as well.
bread's done