To the punkasses hoarding all the CC games...

[quote name='LoganDX']I'm glad I have your permission.

Buying up everything is still selfish greed. You are saying that it is okay for the rich to get richer while the poor get poorer in the case of the stock market.

So what's next- potatoes(or any food) go on sale at the grocery store. Someone says "Hey! I'll buy up all the potatoes before anyone else and resell them for 100x profit!" So say this Einstein runs around buying up all the potatoes in the area. It causes a shortage. People can't buy them at the store. The asshole starts hawking them at insane prices. He says "tough cookies if you can't afford them. It's free market. It's capitalism. It's supply and demand, get over it. I took the opportunity now you must pay or go without!" You can't explain economics to those people, they feel cheated, robbed, etc. Yet would you be defending that person if you were hungry? Could you look at your neighbor and say"Yeah he's right. We should have been here before the store opened and bought everything first"? No you couldn't. You'd be pissed too.

Just because we're talking about games versus food doesn't change things. We as a society are setting things up to be that way. If we allow that kind of shit to start with games, clothes, toys, etc. it will happen with precious resources...[/quote]

Basically that's right. If he/she who has all the potatoes wins then so be it . But..................since everyone is throwing the freedoms of this country around, I'd like to state that if I get to one of these sales, and see some fool doing this, then I as an "American" have the right to wait for him/her/it in the parking lot and beat his hoarding ass in. Also, if at the actual sale bin someone attemps to push me away, the same goes. After all, we like to fight, in this "Free" country, right? Shit, we practically built the country on that premise. Beating the piss out of those hording, video game geek, e-bay selling can't get a real job wastes, sit at home on a Saturday night saving the video game world, get no ass losers is very patriotic. It will also teach them that just like in business (since "business" seems to be the lesson on this post) the bigger, meaner, nastier, scumbag wins. I say beat them red, white and blue! God bless America!!!!!!!!
[quote name='LoganDX']I'm glad I have your permission.

Buying up everything is still selfish greed. You are saying that it is okay for the rich to get richer while the poor get poorer in the case of the stock market.

So what's next- potatoes(or any food) go on sale at the grocery store. Someone says "Hey! I'll buy up all the potatoes before anyone else and resell them for 100x profit!" So say this Einstein runs around buying up all the potatoes in the area. It causes a shortage. People can't buy them at the store. The asshole starts hawking them at insane prices. He says "tough cookies if you can't afford them. It's free market. It's capitalism. It's supply and demand, get over it. I took the opportunity now you must pay or go without!" You can't explain economics to those people, they feel cheated, robbed, etc. Yet would you be defending that person if you were hungry? Could you look at your neighbor and say"Yeah he's right. We should have been here before the store opened and bought everything first"? No you couldn't. You'd be pissed too.

Just because we're talking about games versus food doesn't change things. We as a society are setting things up to be that way. If we allow that kind of shit to start with games, clothes, toys, etc. it will happen with precious resources...[/quote]

That's the dumbest example I have ever heard in my life. Don't try to reply defending it, because that really was one of the worst examples I have ever heard in my life. How old are you? I'm being serious now. How old are you?
your example is nonsensical. just like physics dictate that gas rush in to fill a vacuum, economics dictate that potatoes flow in the area to fill the demand.

Of course the price will be higher, since the area requires twice as many potatoes as it usually does. If the stores that were bought out don't get more product, somebody else will do it for them.

What exactly are you suggesting? that nobody be allowed to resell anything?

In an efficient world, you'd buy software directly from the publisher. There would be no stores, no different prices, and publishers would compete directly for your money.

Even the fact that circuit city exists, and sometimes needs to get rid of excess stock, is a result of the economy you hate so much without understanding.

Seriously, get yourself an introductory level book on economics. you may be enligtened.
Oh man... I had my one great laugh of the day with the "tater example"... and to tag along with the last 2 posts... Zing!
So someone clarify to me the difference between someone who buys like 5 copies of one game to resell and someone who buys 5 copies of one game to trade. Aren't they both hoarders?
The way I look at it is cheapassgamer is a community... we come here because we don't keep everything to ourselves, the spirit of the board is sharing. I'm not saying only buy one, or if you see a rare game pass on it cause you already have it/don't have the system it's for. I'm just saying any community is bound to fail if there's not some selflessness. The people who first posted some of the crazier deals like VJ, Disagea etc.. didn't HAVE to tip everyone off... they could have cleared out 4 more CC's in their area to ensure they'd be sitting pretty, but they didn't. Without someone sharing you wouldn't have even known about this deal.

Now don't get me wrong, I made out pretty well.. and I may trade some of my games.. but I didn't go in, see 5 copies of Pikimin and buy all 5... sure we "live in a capitalistic society" but the general standard of our society isn't the standard of this board. Whiping out an inventory is Fat Wallet's game, not ours and I always appreciated that difference in this board... but I guess a quick buck is just too much for some people.
[quote name='LoganDX']
So what's next- potatoes(or any food) go on sale at the grocery store. Someone says "Hey! I'll buy up all the potatoes before anyone else and resell them for 100x profit!" So say this Einstein runs around buying up all the potatoes in the area. It causes a shortage. People can't buy them at the store. The asshole starts hawking them at insane prices. He says "tough cookies if you can't afford them. It's free market. It's capitalism. It's supply and demand, get over it. I took the opportunity now you must pay or go without!" You can't explain economics to those people, they feel cheated, robbed, etc. Yet would you be defending that person if you were hungry? Could you look at your neighbor and say"Yeah he's right. We should have been here before the store opened and bought everything first"? No you couldn't. You'd be pissed too.

Just because we're talking about games versus food doesn't change things. We as a society are setting things up to be that way. If we allow that kind of shit to start with games, clothes, toys, etc. it will happen with precious resources...[/quote]

LMFAO... that's the funniest shit I've ever read on this board... no question.. I just keeled over laughing, which is bad because I agree with your basic point, but that example was just too much "THAT BASTARD BOUGHT ALL TEH POTATOOOOOOOOES! OUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE... HOWEVER SHALL WE LIVE?"
I say that's living in too much of a fantasy world. The reason I hear people gripe "hoarders" were because at their particular CC they went in and it just so happened that someone before them bought all the copies of X game.

What's the difference between the person who bought all those to resell and the person who bought all those to trade, at CAG or somewhere else online (like GameTZ)? There is none... because objectively you cannot be certain what the intentions were of the person who bought all the copies.

There are at least a handful of people in the trading forum who have multiple (and by that I mean at least 3 or more) copies of a particular game. The most of a game I have ever seen at CC (minus new releases) is 5, so odds are said people bought all those copies. And then there's the question of are those traders even asking for 1-for-1 trades... me thinks no in most cases.

Community is great and all, and I'm all for it. Hell, I rushed through dinner Satruday night so I could get my findings up, taking the time to go through scribblings on napkins to type up 45 some odd GC games for CAG. But do I expect some random CAGer to hook me up with that rare and elusive copy of Marvel vs Capcom 2? No... because that would assume a level of entitlement that just does not exist in the world of consumerism. I'm all for selflessness, but that's just expecting too much from a site called CHEAP ass gamer.
The best part of this thread is the anti-resellers claiming to understand capitalism and then promptly proving that they have no understanding at all. The mantra seems to be "I understand capitalism BUT ."

I understand your disappointment, but games are a commodity like anything else. A free market moves commodities to people who value those commodities the highest. Buy low, sell high.

I look at this sale as an opportunity, for the $5 CC games as well as a chance to get better deals on ebay.

I know this may be against the spirit of this site, but would it really kill anyone to buy a truly great game at full price? I like a cheap ass game as much as the next guy, but I don't hesitate to support great games. This madness over Disagaea is out of control.

Just for the record, I got up early on Sunday and got almost all of the games I wanted. I got multiple copies of some of the most desirable games, beyond my wildest expectations. I'm happy I did it. I'll do it again. Yeah, that's right. And it's none of anyone's business what I do with them. I bought them for MYSELF. I may sell them, give them away, or trade them in. I make no apologies for making MYSELF happy and doing what I want with MY own money that I work for. You bet I'm selfish. If unselfishness is defined as me doing something for someone who has done nothing, I want no part of it.

By the way, potatoes are bought and sold for profit, by farmers, futures traders, mercantile exchanges, wholesalers and grocers. Each person sells to the highest bidder, and each one supports themselves and their families. Potatoes are not given away. I can't believe that needed explained.

Just because someone has a small business does not make it less of a business. I buy a lot of stuff off ebay, and I appreciate the service.

Who is John Galt?
I agree, to expect people to sell u their extra copy of a game at cost + shipping is pretty rediculous... and I love that there are people on here who will either ship you a game for 10 bucks or even actively go to CC FOR YOU and pick out what you want, because their store has it and yours doesn't then ship it to you with minimal profit. That's a testament to the people on this board.

Also I agree alot of people are crying cause THEY wanted all the good games, and since they got there and every elusive title they were after was missing, they're looking to vent their disappointment, and it comes out as these "fuckin hoarders!" posts we see everywhere... and that's stupid... you have no idea how many the store had... who bought them... or what their intentions were.

But some people have valid complaints... stories of people with carts full of multiple copies who won't even spare one to a real gamer who politely asks... people who have no intention of playing any of these games and turn around and trade them into EB or sell them on ebay. Traders aren't exempt but at least you're helping other people get something they would have otherwise not have gotten (you have 3 VJ's, u trade off two for some games you couldn't find... everyone goes home happy) There's a difference between grabbing a few extra games and whiping out the store... sure you can argue over where to draw the line, but it's certianly not a postive thing.
If there are cheap games at a local store, like CC, I'm all for going out and getting the games you like. Hell, maybe even pick up a game or two you can use for a trade.

However, it is wrong to go into these public stores and begin hording muliple copies of each game title. This is why some stores, like Fry's, have purchase limits on certain items. Say what you will, but these aren't wholesale stores. If all of you are so desperate to buy cheap crap, why don't you purchase your games and DVD's from a bulk distributor? You would make more of a profit and everyone would be happy.

Am I bitter? The answer is no. I went to Circuit City on July 2 and found UFC Tapout for 20 dollars. I found something I liked, then I left. Thats the way these public stores should be.
I'm curious how people would react to the idea that thier local store didn't have any copies of some of the hot games they were looking for (VJ, Disgaea, etc.) It's entirely possible, yet everyone seems ill at ease to even think that possiblity is valid.
Apparently, all of thier problems are a direct result of these supposed "hoarders". I'm curious how many actual hoarders there were in action out there... some of the hauls that other CAGs got make me seriously question if there were actually only a few resellers, and that the vast majority of the games were bought by a large number of people for thier own use or for thier friends.
Even if every person only went in and bought 10 games, that's going to clear out a CC extremely quickly.

I mean heck, I got about 20 games across 2 stores, without duplicating the purchase of a single title.
[quote name='manofpeace20']If there are cheap games at a local store, like CC, I'm all for going out and getting the games you like. Hell, maybe even pick up a game or two you can use for a trade.

However, it is wrong to go into these public stores and begin hording muliple copies of each game title. This is why some stores, like Fry's, have purchase limits on certain items. Say what you will, but these aren't wholesale stores. If all of you are so desperate to buy cheap crap, why don't you purchase your games and DVD's from a bulk distributor? You would make more of a profit and everyone would be happy.

Am I bitter? The answer is no. I went to Circuit City on July 2 and found UFC Tapout for 20 dollars. I found something I liked, then I left. Thats the way these public stores should be.[/quote]

Not really a good comparison. Fry's has never to my recollection done a mass blowout like this. Unlike most big chains they'll hold on to products until the bitter end, marking them down a little bit every once in a while until they finally go. There are a lot of titles you can find new at Fry's and almost no place else because of how willing they are to take stuff publishers are desparate to close out just so they can have more $10 game along the lines for the check out stands. Those 'bubblegum' items add up.
[quote name='JSweeney']I'm curious how people would react to the idea that thier local store didn't have any copies of some of the hot games they were looking for (VJ, Disgaea, etc.) It's entirely possible, yet everyone seems ill at ease to even think that possiblity is valid.
Apparently, all of thier problems are a direct result of these supposed "hoarders". I'm curious how many actual hoarders there were in action out there... some of the hauls that other CAGs got make me seriously question where there were actually only a few resellers, and that the vast majority of the games were bought by a large number of people for thier own use or for thier friends.
Even if every person only went in and bought 10 games, that's going to clear out a CC extremely quickly.

I mean heck, I got about 20 games across 2 stores, without duplicating the purchase of a single title.[/quote]

Good point. I found tons of stuff but if we took a survey to determine the top ten items from the list I'd be willing to bet none of them would be among the selection I found across nine CC locations. It was all either cleared out Saturday or was never there to begin with.
NOBODY would be bitching if everyone got the games they wanted. Therefore, you're NOT bitching about people hording - you're WHINING due to your OWN greed of not being able to get what you want when you want it.

Apparently people think this world revolves around them and everyone should bend to their needs and wants. Sorry folks, doesn't work that way. Be happy if you even got one game, and if you didn't, too bad for you - hopefully you get in on the next sale. I'll repeat myself from before - I got NOTHING from the Best Buy sale. Did I log on CAG and cry about horders? No, just went "damn, missed out" and went about my business. I wasn't mad at anyone and I didn't care who got the games before me or if they were being resold - me being upset about it would not have put a game in my hand.

And that potatoes thing, hahaha. Nice one.
[quote name='joeposh']I agree, to expect people to sell u their extra copy of a game at cost + shipping is pretty rediculous... and I love that there are people on here who will either ship you a game for 10 bucks or even actively go to CC FOR YOU and pick out what you want, because their store has it and yours doesn't then ship it to you with minimal profit. That's a testament to the people on this board.

I guess some people are just nice. I did exactly that recently, went back out to a store to buy a cheapass game for someone here. Total profit after gas, time, supplies--virtually nothing [I didn't lose any money, however.] I wouldn't expect that of everyone [as evidenced by this very thread], bt the fact that you consider it 'ridiculous' is a sad reflection of the times.

For whoever asked: I'm 31, married, with one son. Both my wife and I work. I make decent money, and I hope to make more. I own a lot of stuff, and would like to own more. But whatever point you are trying to make with that isn't analogous to this situation--whatever my salary is is between my boss and me, and is based on the company's income and my worth to the company.

IN this case the hoarders are buying something directly from a retailer--not a wholesaler or distributer--for the express purpose of reselling/trading. It's like people who sell those 'Promo Only' cd's/dvd's on ebay, it's not supposed to happen.

And I guess the dichotomy of our arguments is this: I believe you can and should be a capitalist, without being a punkass/jerkass. Some of you believe capitalism apparently *inherently* includes being a jerkass,
hoarder, selfish, etc.
So in your opinion, Ken Lay should go free and not pay a fine. Martha Stewart should go free and not pay any fines. They're just being capitalists. What's his name, Keating, he should have been found not guilty of anything. Those people who buy up all the gallons of water before a hurricane, then immediately resell them for $8/gallon [while not complying with the same business laws Food Lion had to in the first place], that's perfectly okay and not immoral/unethical/'wrong'.
Acting morally and ethically is not mutually exclusive to capitalism. However, I guess that since apparently everything is moral or ethical now, the question is moot.
NOBODY would be bitching if everyone got the games they wanted. Therefore, you're NOT bitching about people hording - you're WHINING due to your OWN greed of not being able to get what you want when you want it.

Despite the fact that I didn't want to believe it, it does seem that is more and more becoming the case. It wouldn't seem that way if you were in the store when one person bought say 20 copies of the game you wanted.. then a whine about hoarders seems valid... but jumping into the fray a couple days, or near a week later and whining about it is just silly and selfish.

Apparently people think this world revolves around them and everyone should bend to their needs and wants. Sorry folks, doesn't work that way. Be happy if you even got one game, and if you didn't, too bad for you - hopefully you get in on the next sale. I'll repeat myself from before - I got NOTHING from the Best Buy sale. Did I log on CAG and cry about horders? No, just went "damn, missed out" and went about my business. I wasn't mad at anyone and I didn't care who got the games before me or if they were being resold - me being upset about it would not have put a game in my hand.

Yeah, I've rarely if ever gotten Target or Best Buy clearences.
The only reason I got a bunch of the CC games I did was because I went in there looking at games with the mindset "Would I rent this game?"
If the answer was yes, I bought it. I never saw any of hotly desired games, and I went there on the second day of the sale, only a couple of hours after CC opened.

I'm thrilled for what I did get, and couldn't care less what I didn't.
Of course, for the game I really wanted, I actually **GASP** paid full price **GASP**.

And that potatoes thing, hahaha. Nice one.
Yeah. The potatoes example was a good one. It's amazing how easily a poorly crafted example can be turned back on the one who created it.
NOBODY would be bitching if everyone got the games they wanted. Therefore, you're NOT bitching about people hording - you're WHINING due to your OWN greed of not being able to get what you want when you want it. p
Perfect. Like I said, nothing was promised with this deal. I got to CC right when it opened and those big name games were all gone. You don't see me whining.
[quote name='jebus179']
NOBODY would be bitching if everyone got the games they wanted. Therefore, you're NOT bitching about people hording - you're WHINING due to your OWN greed of not being able to get what you want when you want it. p
Perfect. Like I said, nothing was promised with this deal. I got to CC right when it opened and those big name games were all gone. You don't see me whining.[/quote]

Plus, most of the big name games werent even there to begin with.
Hey, shouldn't you all be PLAYING the games you bought? Just because of this sale I will have a backlog until 2010. Sure, I didn't get a lot of the games that I really wanted, and it was due to people getting there before me and stacking their baskets FULL of stuff, but I got a good amount of quality titles nonetheless.

Would I have been happier having left CC with MvC2, GGX2, CvS2, Disgaea, and Panzer Dragoon Orta? Sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Was I a bit bitter, especially hearing some kid gloat at the fact that he nabbed EIGHT copies of Disgaea earlier that day? Of course. Am I still happy as I return home and pop in Gladius or Dark Cloud? Yup. Even getting ONE game at $5 is a sweet deal.

Y'all should quit whining and play the games you DID get. If you didn't get any, go buy one from the many people trading and selling their CC games at decent prices ($12 for most of these games is still an excellent price).
[quote name='dtcarson'][quote name='joeposh']I agree, to expect people to sell u their extra copy of a game at cost + shipping is pretty rediculous... and I love that there are people on here who will either ship you a game for 10 bucks or even actively go to CC FOR YOU and pick out what you want, because their store has it and yours doesn't then ship it to you with minimal profit. That's a testament to the people on this board.

I guess some people are just nice. I did exactly that recently, went back out to a store to buy a cheapass game for someone here. Total profit after gas, time, supplies--virtually nothing [I didn't lose any money, however.] I wouldn't expect that of everyone [as evidenced by this very thread], bt the fact that you consider it 'ridiculous' is a sad reflection of the times.

For whoever asked: I'm 31, married, with one son. Both my wife and I work. I make decent money, and I hope to make more. I own a lot of stuff, and would like to own more. But whatever point you are trying to make with that isn't analogous to this situation--whatever my salary is is between my boss and me, and is based on the company's income and my worth to the company.

IN this case the hoarders are buying something directly from a retailer--not a wholesaler or distributer--for the express purpose of reselling/trading. It's like people who sell those 'Promo Only' cd's/dvd's on ebay, it's not supposed to happen.

And I guess the dichotomy of our arguments is this: I believe you can and should be a capitalist, without being a punkass/jerkass. Some of you believe capitalism apparently *inherently* includes being a jerkass,
hoarder, selfish, etc.
So in your opinion, Ken Lay should go free and not pay a fine. Martha Stewart should go free and not pay any fines. They're just being capitalists. What's his name, Keating, he should have been found not guilty of anything. Those people who buy up all the gallons of water before a hurricane, then immediately resell them for $8/gallon [while not complying with the same business laws Food Lion had to in the first place], that's perfectly okay and not immoral/unethical/'wrong'.
Acting morally and ethically is not mutually exclusive to capitalism. However, I guess that since apparently everything is moral or ethical now, the question is moot.[/quote]

I don't know if that was all directed towards me (the "so in your opinion" parts etc) but I think you're misinterpreting my intentions. I said to EXPECT it... as if everyone should do it and you have a right to it... would it be nice for me as a consumer if everyone acted that way? sure... but With the amount of effort it takes to pick up a game, drive to the post office, send off a package, how can I get upset at someone for wanting to make a little profit on that? You're one of those people that goes the extra mile and I thank you, but to expect everyone to do that... I just don't think is fair/reasonable. By the same token people shouldn't EXPECT to pay 20+ bucks (unless it's an extremely rare game) for this stuff... so it's kind of a balance.
[quote name='WildWop']Hey, shouldn't you all be PLAYING the games you bought? Just because of this sale I will have a backlog until 2010. Sure, I didn't get a lot of the games that I really wanted, and it was due to people getting there before me and stacking their baskets FULL of stuff, but I got a good amount of quality titles nonetheless.

Would I have been happier having left CC with MvC2, GGX2, CvS2, Disgaea, and Panzer Dragoon Orta? Sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Was I a bit bitter, especially hearing some kid gloat at the fact that he nabbed EIGHT copies of Disgaea earlier that day? Of course. Am I still happy as I return home and pop in Gladius or Dark Cloud? Yup. Even getting ONE game at $5 is a sweet deal.

Y'all should quit whining and play the games you DID get. If you didn't get any, go buy one from the many people trading and selling their CC games at decent prices ($12 for most of these games is still an excellent price).[/quote]

Well said, WildWop 8)
Honestly... if Circuit City knows whats best... they will institute a limit on purchases tomorrow... I am expection bedlam myself as my wife and myself will actually go over to pensacola to pick up some games... while keeping in contact with her friend who will scour the CC here in Mobile.

As for last week... I did pick up a nice load of games but nothing like some people did... never picked up more than 2 of a game and only did that because I wanted to trade, not ebay

Even helped a Fat Wallet member find games, we helped each other out
Honestly I left tons of games back in the store, if they didnt appeal to me... I didnt get them :)
I spent over 250.00, and about 12 of the games were multiple copies to sell on eBay for 20.00+ to fund my purchase. Consider me a "hoarder" if you want, I'd like to call it "smart shopping".

Now to those who clean out every circuit city in hopes of making money, even though they know they will very will only make a few bucks on most of the games...that's greedy, and wrong.
[quote name='WildWop']Hey, shouldn't you all be PLAYING the games you bought? Just because of this sale I will have a backlog until 2010. Sure, I didn't get a lot of the games that I really wanted, and it was due to people getting there before me and stacking their baskets FULL of stuff, but I got a good amount of quality titles nonetheless.

Would I have been happier having left CC with MvC2, GGX2, CvS2, Disgaea, and Panzer Dragoon Orta? Sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Was I a bit bitter, especially hearing some kid gloat at the fact that he nabbed EIGHT copies of Disgaea earlier that day? Of course. Am I still happy as I return home and pop in Gladius or Dark Cloud? Yup. Even getting ONE game at $5 is a sweet deal.

Y'all should quit whining and play the games you DID get. If you didn't get any, go buy one from the many people trading and selling their CC games at decent prices ($12 for most of these games is still an excellent price).[/quote]

You are a true hero. That's exactly what people need to be doing. Playing and enjoying what they did get instead of whining about not getting Disgaea or another high dollar game.
I spent over 250.00, and about 12 of the games were multiple copies to sell on eBay for 20.00+ to fund my purchase. Consider me a "hoarder" if you want, I'd like to call it "smart shopping".

Now to those who clean out every circuit city in hopes of making money, even though they know they will very will only make a few bucks on most of the games...that's greedy, and wrong.

I personally see no difference between you and a horderer. Both are being smart shoppers (one making his games free and the other making a profit off all the games he bought). I have no vendetta to anyone. I am like oh I missed the deal. I am one that if I really want a game I will pay the money to get it. Period. Last sunday, I could have awaken early to get down there when they opened but I was like 'Hell I want to sleep in and not fight the rush.' This coming sunday it is going to be a mad house down there with little to nothing more than is already there. But that is just me not to try and go down there...
On a side note, if you managed to nab a copy of Chaos Legion, and are playing it, stick with it. Be patient. Some of the early levels I found to be boring, but then I got the "Power" legion, and it got REAL fun.

They will knock down enemies and stomp and pound them into the ground when you hit triangle. It's like having a thug offensive line walking around with you, tossing things up in the air and slamming others to the ground. Good times.

Gladius is also fun. Highly recommended for FFT fans.
I ended up buying six games, but then going back and returning two of them because after thinking about it and reading reviews, they didn't sound like my kind of game.
Does anyone know if a Sat-nite restock has been confirmed, denied, or based on the store?
[quote name='jebus179']
That's the dumbest example I have ever heard in my life. Don't try to reply defending it, because that really was one of the worst examples I have ever heard in my life. How old are you? I'm being serious now. How old are you?[/quote]

Thank you oh lord and master for setting me straight. I shall never ever defend my example because you told me not to. Oh wait I don't listen to jackasses very well.....

Whether you feel it was a dumb example or not, my point still holds true. Change what is hoarded to something other than games. Some people will defend greed until it personally affects them. You go ahead and defend greed and selfishness all day long but when you get literally robbed (mugged, held up at work, house broken into, etc.) make sure to defend that as capitalism too. Greed is still greed. There is such a thing as too much of anything. Even with greed "fueling" the free market system, there can be too much. Why else do we see everyday where some greedy CEO or wall street "tycoon" is indicted on some charge or another. What do these charges boil down to? Greed. But that's different, you say? Wrong answer. It still affects all sorts of people.

Wanting a copy of all sorts of games for yourself is understandable. Hoarding every game so no one else can get them is selfish greed. There may be a fine line between them but there still is a line to cross.

It's funny though. I never said I hated resellers. I said I hate hoarding resellers. Also, it seems all some of you got out of my example seems to be that I used potatoes in it. I also put in there to insert any food in there, but most of you are hung up on the potatoes. Dtcarson said something about water and no one seems to be hung up on that. "OMG he said water!!!" Throughout history, there has been all kinds of shortages and guess what? Potatoes were one of them. If all your mind can focus on is the potatoes and not the point that I was trying to make, then I ask how old YOU are.

BTW, Jebus I said how old I was earlier. Maybe you should actually read what I post...
[quote name='LoganDX']I know threads like this exist but bear with me here....

I went to CC today hoping for something left. Why did I wait so long to go? Well because I had to work, that's why! I had to assume that most good games were gone and of course I was right. I found four games to buy I was interested in. I asked the salesgirl if they would have more. She told me no, those were it. She told me how it was a glitch and they didn't know about it before Sunday morning, blah blah blah.

What surprised me was to learn that the hoardin ass bitches told her they learned about it from Cheap Ass! As she told me I could tell she had no good feelings towards CAGers. So thanks, you shaq-fuing shit lickin' cock smokers!! I hope when you try to sell your precious games on ebay, they don't sell and you can't pay your fees and you lose your account and errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :twisted: Yes I'm full of rage right now.

See what pisses me off is not that all the games were gone- I assumed they would be. I'm pissed because some shit eating gutter monkeys hoarded the games and tarnished the image of good CAGers. They say don't shit where you eat, well I hope you don't try to eat here for awhile.

Go back to Fat Wallet where you belong.

To all the decent CAGers--- Thanks for letting me get that out, I needed to vent.[/quote]Well, you might have waited to late to check that CC in Fort Wayne. I was there on July 4th, and there was a few people buying a ton of games, but I was still able to get my hands on some good games; however, I didn't know Viewtiful Joe was on the kist and missed the opportunity. :(

It does make me angry in some way that some people bought a ton of quantities of the same game, but I pretty much have everything so there wasn't much worrying for me. 8)
Well, I know alot of people are "revenge bidding" on ebay right now. What I mean is people bidding with under 0 or low feedback names and not paying. That's just lame... really lame. I mean, I didn't hoard, I decided I didn't want a couple of games. Hell, I even handed somebody some games I didn't want in store. Big deal, ya know?
[quote name='dtcarson']So in your opinion, Ken Lay should go free and not pay a fine. Martha Stewart should go free and not pay any fines. They're just being capitalists. What's his name, Keating, he should have been found not guilty of anything. Those people who buy up all the gallons of water before a hurricane, then immediately resell them for $8/gallon [while not complying with the same business laws Food Lion had to in the first place], that's perfectly okay and not immoral/unethical/'wrong'.
Acting morally and ethically is not mutually exclusive to capitalism. However, I guess that since apparently everything is moral or ethical now, the question is moot.[/quote]

THese are silly cases to use as comparisons. In the case of Keating and Lay there was very real damage done to people by means found to be criminal under the law. (Martha Stewart case is something of a joke. Her biggest mistake was ever offering any cooperation instead of immediately lawyering up.) In these instances you're talking about malfeasance resulting in victims losing their life savings. Likewise, in the case of water hoarders, this is a life or death situation.

Comparing these to missing out on some luxury items is laughable. Nobody has ever reportedly died or even had their greatly diminished in quality for want of a cheap video game.
I must lead a charmed life, at least when it comes to CAG endeavors. After seeing my local CC had nada I took care of my returns (SX Superstar, GBC Harry Potter, Kinetical, Clone Wars Xbox, and a Obi Wan that rang at $20) and headed off to take care of other business. When I stopped by the 7-11 for the free Slurpee I realized I was just around the corner from K-mart and decided to take a peek inside.

Sure enough, they'd added some titles to their clearance shelf since I was there last just two days earlier. Got Swingerz Golf and Toxic Grind for $4.99 each. Upon getting home and tallying up my expenditures for all games, the stuff I kept vs. the gifts I gave and stuff I sold I found I was no longer in profits due to a previously misplaced receipt but still my cost per kepts game is around $2.50 give or take a feww pennies.

The day went fine without any further stocking by CC.
I'm pissed at my local circuit city because I went there last weekend when the news broke about all the $5 games and they didnt have any in stock. I dont think anyone went down there and hoarded any cuz I went down right when it started last weekend and there were none to begin with.
Well, I went to best buy, bought 5-6 of the Rainbow Six 3 Demo disks, gutted them, and used the green cases so that the games that I got for sickeningly low prices at Gamerush had the proper cases, rather than those messed up Blockbuster cases.
Anyone justifying hoarding by saying "Obviously you don't understand capitalism" or "It's a free country, I can buy what ever I want".

Sure, it's legal.
Sure, it makes you a tidy proffit.

It's selfish, you're an ass. It's legal, and you probably feel good, but you're an ass; and everyone that you screwed over thinks so.
wow everyone really had some hog taking all the games.. same with the lakewood one. he just grab whatever his hands can hit (which was like 6 or something) and went away waited for the second round.. you can tell a lot of people were piss.. and even the games i think werent as good couldnt find out really.. i guess every CC on sun was a bust.. i wonder if anyone else's CC open at ten on that day
[quote name='epobirs'][quote name='dtcarson']So in your opinion, Ken Lay should go free and not pay a fine. Martha Stewart should go free and not pay any fines. They're just being capitalists. What's his name, Keating, he should have been found not guilty of anything. Those people who buy up all the gallons of water before a hurricane, then immediately resell them for $8/gallon [while not complying with the same business laws Food Lion had to in the first place], that's perfectly okay and not immoral/unethical/'wrong'.
Acting morally and ethically is not mutually exclusive to capitalism. However, I guess that since apparently everything is moral or ethical now, the question is moot.[/quote]

THese are silly cases to use as comparisons. In the case of Keating and Lay there was very real damage done to people by means found to be criminal under the law. (Martha Stewart case is something of a joke. Her biggest mistake was ever offering any cooperation instead of immediately lawyering up.) In these instances you're talking about malfeasance resulting in victims losing their life savings. Likewise, in the case of water hoarders, this is a life or death situation.

Comparing these to missing out on some luxury items is laughable. Nobody has ever reportedly died or even had their greatly diminished in quality for want of a cheap video game.[/quote]

Ken Lay, maybe. Martha Stewart, it's the exact same situation.
She had 'insider' info [much like a list of discounted games before the sale date.]
She took advantage of it by selling when it was profitable [or before the drop in value]. Much like many of these hoarders bought when it was profitable.
There is absolutely no difference in these scenarios, except that 'insider trading' of stocks is officially illegal. And that's exactly what happened here--someone with insider information, released that information to unapproved parties before it was supposed to be released, [some companies fire employees for this] and many of those parties acted upon it. Martha Stewart's selling didn't 'hurt' anyone any more than Joe Blow buying 19 copies of Disgaea or Viewtiful Joe 'hurt' me. Free Martha Stewart, right?
Regarding the water--Hey, the people who were on the short end of the stick, water-purchase wise, can still get water. They're not going to die. They just have to pay 5 or 10 bucks a gallon for it. Those water hoarders will be glad to sell the water, so no one's going to 'die' from their actions.

And after all, what would the people who lost money thanks to Keating and Lay do? Once they covered housing, food, clothing, everything else is 'luxury' anyway. They'd only buy stuff with that money anyway.

1SwtDeception: My CC opened at 11. I made it there about 1110, and there weren't too many people there. The 'clearance' games were now all in one box, maybe 60 games in all, and on the PS2 side, they features like 40 copies of Pryzm the Unicorn, about 1/2 dozen Freaky Flyers, a few JamPacks, one Fantavision, a few old football games and that was about it. Some lady with two kids was there with a big print out list of games talking to the clerk, who was saying 'It's a clearance, we're just getting rid of stuff.' I don't know if she hoarded or bought a bunch for her kids or hoped to or what, but she, like I, walked out emptyhanded. As we left 4 teens virtually ran into the store, toward the game aisle, to come to a sudden stop in shock when they looked at 'this crap' in the clearance bin.
Apart from a few hoarders and lucky Johnny-on-the-spots, if my CC was any example, I'm betting there were more than a few unhappy/pissed off CC customers on Sunday.
When you think about it, everyone wins. The people who got ripped off on eBay have their games, and the people who managed to get their games also win. But I do not approve of CAGs who find out about this deal, run out and buy the whole shitload, and resell. It's a community, not for just your own fucking self. Share the wealth.
[quote name='dtcarson'][quote name='epobirs']

THese are silly cases to use as comparisons. In the case of Keating and Lay there was very real damage done to people by means found to be criminal under the law. (Martha Stewart case is something of a joke. Her biggest mistake was ever offering any cooperation instead of immediately lawyering up.) In these instances you're talking about malfeasance resulting in victims losing their life savings. Likewise, in the case of water hoarders, this is a life or death situation.

Comparing these to missing out on some luxury items is laughable. Nobody has ever reportedly died or even had their greatly diminished in quality for want of a cheap video game.[/quote]

Ken Lay, maybe. Martha Stewart, it's the exact same situation.
She had 'insider' info [much like a list of discounted games before the sale date.]
She took advantage of it by selling when it was profitable [or before the drop in value]. Much like many of these hoarders bought when it was profitable.
There is absolutely no difference in these scenarios, except that 'insider trading' of stocks is officially illegal. And that's exactly what happened here--someone with insider information, released that information to unapproved parties before it was supposed to be released, [some companies fire employees for this] and many of those parties acted upon it. Martha Stewart's selling didn't 'hurt' anyone any more than Joe Blow buying 19 copies of Disgaea or Viewtiful Joe 'hurt' me. Free Martha Stewart, right?
Regarding the water--Hey, the people who were on the short end of the stick, water-purchase wise, can still get water. They're not going to die. They just have to pay 5 or 10 bucks a gallon for it. Those water hoarders will be glad to sell the water, so no one's going to 'die' from their actions.

And after all, what would the people who lost money thanks to Keating and Lay do? Once they covered housing, food, clothing, everything else is 'luxury' anyway. They'd only buy stuff with that money anyway.

If you examine the Martha Stewart case you'll find that she was not convicted of insider trading. In fact they ended up having to drop that charge. What she was convicted of was trying to cover up her 'crime.' This is why you should never cooperate with the DOJ, which is the real lesson here. If she'd lawyered up immediately they'd have had to drop the whole thing.

It's like you spot someone leaving Circuit City with a large bag and you insist they show you what they bought in case you don't approve. There is no reason why anyone should cooperate if approached on that basis.

You are just making yourself sound like a child. People lost massive sums of money to Lay and Keating's schemes. This wasn't extra money. In most cases this was in things like 401K's that were to be the basis of a retirement. Comparing this to losing out on cheap video game is infantile and shows no sense of perspective. Even in the case of someone who ultimately survived their losses with little impairment to their lives the crime is still very real since it was their money. Real property was lost, not potential property that had never been theirs and was only a hoped fro opportunity.

It isn't as though you had to lay down $100 to get in the door of CC regardless of what was available inside. All you lost was a bit of time and transortation cost. If you think that is even remotely in the same category as someone in late middle-age having their retirement savings wiped you need to stop playing games for a while and get out into the real world.
The 'real world' is those people buying the gallons of water when Hurricane Andrew comes through, then hawking them for 10 bucks a gallon.
I guess that's okay.
I know what the 'real world' is. People whose selfishness and greed overwhelm any sense of decency, *regardless* of the impact to others, whether it be financial, emotional, or luxury, is the issue. The concepts behind the scenarios are the same, if not the impact to others. I'm of the opinion sometimes it's not right to be a punkass, whereas you're of the opinion that it's all right as long as it's not someone's life savings or doesn't mean cooperating with the feds.
Since I'm infantile and juvenile and not in the real world, I guess I'll go play video games instead of working for a living, taking care of my family, paying bills and taxes, like I have been doing. It's funny, I like to think 'be thoughtful of others' and 'don't be a greedy/selfish SOB' is a mature and responsible way to live life, but here I am being called juvenile for it.
People who defend this type of greed can enjoy a nice bite of my ass.

And for the record, not all of us who have the opportunity to bottom feed choose to do so.

I went into a CC a week before the official sale and nabbed 13 games. They had several copies of RE: Code Veronica for the GC and I could have easily taken every last one and made some serious profit but I opted to spread the wealth and let others enjoy.

So I take a rather large piss on the theory that we must all grab everything we see for the purposes of a quick profit.
[quote name='Grammaton-Cleric']People who defend this type of greed can enjoy a nice bite of my ass.

And for the record, not all of us who have the opportunity to bottom feed choose to do so. [/quote]

Now I'm confused. Is bottom feeding the same thing as ass biting?
[quote name='eldad9'][quote name='Grammaton-Cleric']People who defend this type of greed can enjoy a nice bite of my ass.

And for the record, not all of us who have the opportunity to bottom feed choose to do so. [/quote]

Now I'm confused. Is bottom feeding the same thing as ass biting?[/quote]

I kinda think so. Either way, welcome Cleric to CAG. Just watch your Equilibrium...
bread's done