To the punkasses hoarding all the CC games...

eldad9 wrote:
Grammaton-Cleric wrote:
People who defend this type of greed can enjoy a nice bite of my ass.

And for the record, not all of us who have the opportunity to bottom feed choose to do so.

Now I'm confused. Is bottom feeding the same thing as ass biting?

I kinda think so. Either way, welcome Cleric to CAG. Just watch your Equilibrium...

I like your sig btw...
[quote name='LoganDX']who me? If so, thanks...[/quote]Don't blame me because I only took seven games at the CC in our area, while taking three at another. If I had the list with me and went right when CC opened, I might have hoarded all games, lol, j/k. :wink:
[quote name='dtcarson']The 'real world' is those people buying the gallons of water when Hurricane Andrew comes through, then hawking them for 10 bucks a gallon.
I guess that's okay.
I know what the 'real world' is. People whose selfishness and greed overwhelm any sense of decency, *regardless* of the impact to others, whether it be financial, emotional, or luxury, is the issue. The concepts behind the scenarios are the same, if not the impact to others. I'm of the opinion sometimes it's not right to be a punkass, whereas you're of the opinion that it's all right as long as it's not someone's life savings or doesn't mean cooperating with the feds.
Since I'm infantile and juvenile and not in the real world, I guess I'll go play video games instead of working for a living, taking care of my family, paying bills and taxes, like I have been doing. It's funny, I like to think 'be thoughtful of others' and 'don't be a greedy/selfish SOB' is a mature and responsible way to live life, but here I am being called juvenile for it.[/quote]

Actually, if you trouble yourself to look you'll find that many states have anti-hoarding laws regarding vital goods during emergencies. Prosecutions have resulted in the wake of events like natural disasters that caused shortages of potable water.

Again, there is simply no comparison between life-sustaining items during a shortage and luxury goods that are widely available at their manufacturers SRP. You've been deprived of nothing but the chance of a cheap game. Remember, what you've been promised as a citizen is the pursuit of happiness, not the guarantee thereof.
[quote name='Samurai T'][quote name='LoganDX']who me? If so, thanks...[/quote]Don't blame me because I only took seven games at the CC in our area, while taking three at another. If I had the list with me and went right when CC opened, I might have hoarded all games, lol, j/k. :wink:[/quote]

Oh yeah? Well prove it. Show me your receipt(s) :wink:

Naw, I'm just kidding. What kind of luck did you have?...
[quote name='Gabers']MasterSun1 sounds like a right-wing republican.[/quote]

Whats wrong with that. Vive la RWR!!!

And whats up with all the Sacramento fans???
I love Sacramento as much as the next guy, but DAMN!!!
[quote name='joeposh'][quote name='Gabers']MasterSun1 sounds like a right-wing republican.[/quote]

Haha I was just thinking the same thing... it's easy to talk like that when you're getting the breaks but as soon as your on the short end of the stick, that mantra tends to disappear.

I'm not mad at people who bought a ton of games, with a sale like this... if you have the money and the desire, then go ahead... but to clear out every copy of any half way decent game, with no intention of ever playing them yourself is pretty shitty. I know you "have the right to"... but why not leave even one copy of the game so you can make another collecter/gamer happy? I'm not asking you to ignore a pile of Viewtiful Joe's, just to take other people, who are just as excited as you about this sale as you probably are, into consideration by leaving a few scraps here and there.

Unfortunately some people will never understand the concept of sharing the wealth... and will simply proclaim "this is a capitalist society" ... "it's CHEAP ASS GAMER... not Dumb Ass Gamer!" or "you snooze you lose" as they wipe out every location they can...[/quote]

When you say sharing the wealth, im not going to be paying for your games. But thats probally not what you meant. I bought a ~$300 spread out between 3 CCs but I only bought 2 of any game, so before you brand me as a Right Wing Republican (which I am) consider that I wasn't a complete ass. There, I said it.
[quote name='"bradr"'][quote name='"alongx"'][quote name='"opportunity777"']This isn't Nazi Germany you facist ... see I can label people too :p[/quote]

Oh yeah? Well the Jerk Store called and they said they're running out of you!![/quote]

Maybe all the hoarders bought all of them :D

Seriously, though. There'll always be people who'll buy a whole bunch of stuff. Yesterday at CC, some guy and his woman were physically trying to shove me out of the $4.99 bin. They put their hands out in front of mine many times as I was reaching to look at something. It was rude and frustrating but nothing at CC is worth raising your blood pressure over.[/quote]

You should have shoved them back, ganked thier baskets and ran for the counter screaming "Naa Neee Naa NE NA nA, BEEOTCH!!!!
wow, a triple post to say basically nothing. Just edit your posts to include your new comments instead of repeatedly posting, mmm k? Okay...
[quote name='LoganDX'][quote name='Samurai T'][quote name='LoganDX']who me? If so, thanks...[/quote]Don't blame me because I only took seven games at the CC in our area, while taking three at another. If I had the list with me and went right when CC opened, I might have hoarded all games, lol, j/k. :wink:[/quote]

Oh yeah? Well prove it. Show me your receipt(s) :wink:

Naw, I'm just kidding. What kind of luck did you have?...[/quote]Well, I didn't notice a few games were that price, so I missed out on buying them, like Viewtiful Joe and Gauntlet Dark Legacy (Xbox). Mostly though, I just bought games that were normally $20 everywhere else, for only $5. I got PSO Episodes I & II (Xbox) for $14, although not $5, but that was the best price in the area since everyone else wanted $30 for it.
[quote name='LoganDX']wow, a triple post to say basically nothing. Just edit your posts to include your new comments instead of repeatedly posting, mmm k? Okay...[/quote]

[quote name='sying'][quote name='LoganDX']wow, a triple post to say basically nothing. Just edit your posts to include your new comments instead of repeatedly posting, mmm k? Okay...[/quote]

That could of been put in one of your already pointless posts saying you understand.
[quote name='Tom'][quote name='sying'][quote name='LoganDX']wow, a triple post to say basically nothing. Just edit your posts to include your new comments instead of repeatedly posting, mmm k? Okay...[/quote]

That could of been put in one of your already pointless posts saying you understand.[/quote]

I totally concur Tom
[quote name='Tom'][quote name='sying'][quote name='LoganDX']wow, a triple post to say basically nothing. Just edit your posts to include your new comments instead of repeatedly posting, mmm k? Okay...[/quote]

That could of been put in one of your already pointless posts saying you understand.[/quote]

Who me? Or Sying?....
bread's done