Trade In 3 Select Games, Get Fight Night Round 4 Free at GameStop


2 (100%)
[IMG-L=5198]7741[/IMG-L]Trade in 3 select PS3 or Xbox 360 titles to GameStop and get Fight Night Round 4 free. Click the image on the left for eligible titles. Customer may be responsible for sales tax on full retail price in some states. Offer ends 07/12/09.

Fight Night Round 4 Trade-in Promotion

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People seem to confuse getting "screwed over" with idiots making mistakes. If you're dumb enough to trade a game in for $1 that you could have gotten $20 for, that's your mistake. GS didn't screw anyone over. If I brought a game into GS (first of all, I would never trade anything to them if they weren't having a promo), and I thought the TIV was a joke, I'm out. They don't beat you over the head and make you leave with the lousy amount of credit.

As for a "real job," I'm not even sure what the fuck that even means. Any job where you do honest, legitimate work and get paid is a real job. Honestly, that's the kind of dumb ass thing I would expect a child to say. I wouldn't expect an adult who allegedly has a "real" job to even think it, let alone let that thought get translated into words, either verbal or written.
Traded in a :360:Quantum of Solace, :ps3: GTAIV and :360: FEAR 2 for my copy of Fight Night Round 4. Pretty stoked about it. Adding the game to the list of my un-played pile.

[quote name='SMITTYBLAZE']Please tell me how they screw people over?
By buying your games from you when no one else would?

If you talk out of your ass, make sure you can back it up.

ohhh you'd rather want them at "real jobs", I guess that humans shouldn't work at game stores as a manager, CEO, or store clerk. They should be able to get "real jobs" at a "higher caliber". Who should they go work for AIG? The game industry is huge right now morons. I'm sure those guys who were at "higher caliber" jobs would love to be working for Gamestop.

Don't forget to answer how they screw people over.[/QUOTE]

Gamestop completely screws gamers over because:

1) they don't give them $50 for each game they trade in
2) they have the audacity to make a profit on the used games that they buy from people
3) they don't give them guides for free
4) their weekly coupons aren't 50% off exactly the platform that they're looking for that week

Wow. What an evil corporation GS is.

Sometimes I think absolute children inhabit this place.
Dude, you forgot about they had the nerve to raise the price of used copies of Wii Sports. Because, you know, then we couldn't buy 10 copies from them and flip them for a big profit on eBay, anymore. Bastards!
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Exactly. But wait, it's much cooler to complain about businesses and make up funny names for them. Game$top. You see what I did there?[/QUOTE]
I see what you did there. :applause:
I wonder what its like smelling like Gamestops Balls all day .

For real though my local GS has had like five different managers in the past six months . They are dropping like flies .

And is fight night any good ?
These people don't play games, they're "flippers". I'd be suprised if they knew anything about the game.

I played the demo and I didn't think it was very good.
I tried taking back a copy today and they offered me cash. I asked them to put it on my edge card but they said they had to put it on another gift card.
Traded in QOS, Web of shadows, and GTA4 on 360 for Fight Night on ps3. It wasnt even gutted, still sealed. Question, Were other people charged sales tax on the deal?
Not complaining too hard, got a new game for around $26 thanks to BB and a bit of driving.
Ill tell you now, PS3 selection at BB's suck balls in the NOrth OC, South LA county area. I hit probably 12 BB's and couldnt find 2 games I wanted. The 360 selection wasnt much better, took all 12 stops to get my 3 tradeins. Thankfully just by taking a different route home from work, i can hit like 10 of the BB's so i didnt waste a lot of gas.
Gamestop is a pawnshop. Their profit comes from selling used product that people sell to them at a fraction of the price. When opportunities come up like this to take it to the pawnshop i say swarm swarm swarm.


Wonder how long its gonna be for a QoS 360 used deal of the week lol
[quote name='smackattack']Traded in QOS, Web of shadows, and GTA4 on 360 for Fight Night on ps3. It wasnt even gutted, still sealed. Question, Were other people charged sales tax on the deal?
Not complaining too hard, got a new game for around $26 thanks to BB and a bit of driving.

Yes, many of us have been hit with sales tax. However, if you used your edge card, you may have been able to cover some of it with the bonus from it.
[quote name='jer7583']Nope. Gamestop does not run these promos for our benefit. They don't do anything for our benefit. They put games on that list for two reasons - One being that they believe those games would be profitable if people traded them and got approximately $20 towards FNR4 - two being that they're short on supply of those products and wish to increase their stock on them.

It was a fuckup that put Bioshock 360 on that list offering $20 for a game they charge $18 for used, and all the abuse in the world won't change that they accidentally included that. Hey, maybe the huge turnout for this deal even is a good thing and encourages more "trade 3 get such and such" deals - It's always possible that Gamestop really does see customers moving product from blockbuster to them as a good thing. We don't know. They've done these and had exploits in the past and just changed the flyers or changed in the system that you can't use such and such game anymore. (like the Open Season/Far Cry Wii debacle a few years back)

Revising their return policy so that you don't accidentally get cash back for a return that was on trade-in credit probably would be a good idea for them to do, though. That doesn't make sense - and none of us who had that happen have asked the cashier to do it that way, they always insist that's how it needs to be done or the system is just doing it that way.

So get off the soapbox and get to plunderin' - if this was harming publishers or developers in any way, I wouldn't do it, but this is 100% damage to gamestop, a corporate entity that really does no good for this industry or the creative minds in it. They need to go, ASAP. Anything I can do to help that process is a good thing, and abusing these trade in deals is one of the best ways to go abou that.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with you on one point, but on that point I also disagree with you, and see the point-of-view of several other posters on this site. That point is the value of Gamestop to the gaming industry. Yes, they are like a leech and are unnecessary when compared to digital distribution of games (if it was possible, which it isn't now, and won't be for some time). But they do supply jobs, shitty jobs which people are in need of...I could use one now.

My next point is that you would likely tone down your hatred of Gamestop if you knew that their business operates on virtually insignificant profit margins. They buy New games from distributors and then sell them for 60. I was always under the assumption that Gamestop was making $40+ on each game they sold, and that the Used games they bought from customers was just gravy on their already bursting profit margin. However this isn't true and is actually inversed. Other than the above, my only other dislike of the company is my local, nosey manager (I can see where he's coming from though), and all Gamestops employees' pre-order banter.

But yeah, if you already know of Gamestop's actual profit margins, and you still hold to your stedfast hatred of Gamestop, then you're ignorant. It's as if you're sympathetic to the retards who trade in their copy of Prototype which they bought a day earlier for full price, for $35, I can't imagine supporting stupidity.
$uck .. i paid extra $5.XX for FNR 4 when i traded in 3 games today. Still had 3 more games to trade tomorrow & get all my Credit back for up coming buy 2 get 1 free.
My apologies if others have posted this. I didn't feel like reading through dozens of pages of posts.
After hours of hunting in BBV, I had two copies of QoS, and one of GTA IV. I'm not sure if the employee I had was more diligent than any I've had, or what, but he wouldn't accept my trade. Even though all three games installed fine to my hard drive, his magic disc checking machine said one QoS and GTA IV were invalid. He then said that I wasn't allowed to trade in two copies of the same game, even though plenty of posters in this thread said had. I explained this, and he stonewalled more than the Confederacy's General Jackson.
[quote name='thehoweller']I have to agree with you on one point, but on that point I also disagree with you, and see the point-of-view of several other posters on this site. That point is the value of Gamestop to the gaming industry. Yes, they are like a leech and are unnecessary when compared to digital distribution of games (if it was possible, which it isn't now, and won't be for some time). But they do supply jobs, shitty jobs which people are in need of...I could use one now.

My next point is that you would likely tone down your hatred of Gamestop if you knew that their business operates on virtually insignificant profit margins. They buy New games from distributors and then sell them for 60. I was always under the assumption that Gamestop was making $40+ on each game they sold, and that the Used games they bought from customers was just gravy on their already bursting profit margin. However this isn't true and is actually inversed. Other than the above, my only other dislike of the company is my local, nosey manager (I can see where he's coming from though), and all Gamestops employees' pre-order banter.

But yeah, if you already know of Gamestop's actual profit margins, and you still hold to your stedfast hatred of Gamestop, then you're ignorant. It's as if you're sympathetic to the retards who trade in their copy of Prototype which they bought a day earlier for full price, for $35, I can't imagine supporting stupidity.[/QUOTE]

Gamestops profit margin for new games is roughly $5 , for LE Or SE it is more . Their model for profit is in the used all the way .
I can understand why people hate gamestop and why it wins "worst of" in the CAG awards every year but if people really knew what happens within the company and all the laws they break and continue to break they would go apefuck ! Gamestop as im sure everybody knows has been sued quite a few times for very poor law breaking practices .

But HATE is a strong word that should not be felt for anyone or anything , it just makes the bearer worse off for it .
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[quote name='dkl415']My apologies if others have posted this. I didn't feel like reading through dozens of pages of posts.
After hours of hunting in BBV, I had two copies of QoS, and one of GTA IV. I'm not sure if the employee I had was more diligent than any I've had, or what, but he wouldn't accept my trade. Even though all three games installed fine to my hard drive, his magic disc checking machine said one QoS and GTA IV were invalid. He then said that I wasn't allowed to trade in two copies of the same game, even though plenty of posters in this thread said had. I explained this, and he stonewalled more than the Confederacy's General Jackson.[/QUOTE]

They aren't suppose to let you trade in multiple copies of a game. Some do, but many don't. As for this magical disc checking machine, I think he put the games into his portable CD player (what year is this?) and was confused as to why there was no music.
What laws does Gamestop break? Please... do tell.

dkl415- just go to another one or go at another time. they're as ubiquitous as starbucks.
I, too, am curious about these "very poor law breaking practices." Except for the opening of new games, which they have been investigated over but never punished, I don't see what you're talking about.
I really fail to see the logic in both of the defenses (for and against) the FNR4 trade-in/return process.

You realize that the people who frequent CAG are like 1% (if that) of video game buyers? That 1% isn't going to sink a company no matter what you guys think.

I don't understand why you'd want to sink GS anyways. Sure it sucks they try to sell opened games as "NEW" but you don't HAVE to buy that game. I hear people on here bitch about them doing that all the time. Do what I do, tell them you want a SEALED copy. If they don't have it, go to the GS that's probably 2 miles down the road and see if they have it. You don't HAVE to trade-in games you paid $60 for and get $10. You can choose to EBay or Craig's List it, or keep it. It's your choice.

To the people who are comparing this to murder? Give me a break. There's a deal people found a way to capitalize on and they're doing it. Don't be the moral police because you don't agree with their practices. I'm sure some of you do things that are immoral and unethical so get off your high horses.
I have never went to any Gamestop while 360's were selling and buy a new game that was opened. Back on original XBOX it happened all of the time, but in the about the last 5 years I didn't even think they did that anymore.
[quote name='dkl415']My apologies if others have posted this. I didn't feel like reading through dozens of pages of posts.
After hours of hunting in BBV, I had two copies of QoS, and one of GTA IV. I'm not sure if the employee I had was more diligent than any I've had, or what, but he wouldn't accept my trade. Even though all three games installed fine to my hard drive, his magic disc checking machine said one QoS and GTA IV were invalid. He then said that I wasn't allowed to trade in two copies of the same game, even though plenty of posters in this thread said had. I explained this, and he stonewalled more than the Confederacy's General Jackson.[/QUOTE]
Disc checking machine?

Did your disc say "Memorex" or something like that on it? :bouncy:
I've seen a "disk checking machine" before. It honestly looks like some sort of scale, but they just drop the disk on it and it somehow tells you...something. Never figured how it actually works myself, dont really ask since I've traded in maybe twice at that store.

As for trading in two of the same game, never do that. People post that they got away with trading in two of the same game on different consoles, but that itself is rare. Trading in two of the same game for the same console is just a no-no.
It would be nice if these GS threads would be more on topic and less about stupid shit, JUST ONCE. It always turns into some 16 year old shit slinging fest, and its rather pathetic. When you post, just remember, 99% of the world doesn't give a shit about your opinion.
[quote name='SMITTYBLAZE']These people don't play games, they're "flippers". I'd be suprised if they knew anything about the game.

I played the demo and I didn't think it was very good.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xdl']It would be nice if these GS threads would be more on topic and less about stupid shit, JUST ONCE. It always turns into some 16 year old shit slinging fest, and its rather pathetic. When you post, just remember, 99% of the world doesn't give a shit about your opinion.[/QUOTE]

Of the past 5 or so pages I just read, these 2 posts are my favorite. I'm new here, but I'm getting the impression that only a small percentage of CAGs actually play games.
Unfortunately, this deal is the perfect storm of shit on the CAG boards.

1) It's a GS deal. Just about any GS thread is gonna involve people complaining about how evil GS is.

2) It's a deal that has exploits. Some people take advantage of them, some people hate that they do, and some don't care either way.

3) It's a deal that potentially involves flipping. Again, another thing that the CAG community is split on.
[quote name='xdl']It would be nice if these GS threads would be more on topic and less about stupid shit, JUST ONCE. It always turns into some 16 year old shit slinging fest, and its rather pathetic. When you post, just remember, 99% of the world doesn't give a shit about your opinion.[/QUOTE]

The entire deal is on the front page in post #1. There's a bunch of games you can trade into GS to get FNR4. What the fuck else do you need to discuss about the deal itself that isn't covered there?

Do you really need to read this thread if all you care about is the deals? No. Read post #1. You'd have to be some sort of simple to not understand the terms of the deal.
I just went back to sams club and bought 3 mirrors edge, total of 24bucks. they were 8 a piece. Then went to game stop, and got fight night round 4. Pretty sweet i must say.
I hate to do it but it looks like going to have to surrender my smackdown/raw 09 to get FNR4 credit. My blockbusters are super dry as can be. However now I am hung up on weather to pay a few bucks and get the used fatal frame trilogy or get Dark Athena and two other games.
Nice deal, I know that I have some games to trade in towards this.
If I get a gift receipt, I would have no problem returning it for a full $60 store credit?
wow so I went and got
The Club
Condemned 2
Mercenaries 2

and just to my luck none of them are eligible trade-ins for this deal.

Should I just trade in the 4 of them? I paid about 21 for all 4.
[quote name='ReturnofBoltz']You realize that the people who frequent CAG are like 1% (if that) of video game buyers? That 1% isn't going to sink a company no matter what you guys think.[/QUOTE]

That 1% managed to drop a bunch of trade-in values at GS in the past 5 days (all BBV flips).
I don't know where he gets that 1% figure. Do you know how many people view CAG a day?
other than members....I'm sure a lot more than 1% of gamers.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']wow so I went and got
The Club
Condemned 2
Mercenaries 2

and just to my luck none of them are eligible trade-ins for this deal.

Should I just trade in the 4 of them? I paid about 21 for all 4.[/QUOTE]

How did you not know these weren't eligible?
[quote name='rdogg1026']How did you not know these weren't eligible?[/QUOTE]

Maybe just got confused with all the chatter about high TIV and the tiered trades. I almost made that mistake when I was checking my bundles to take to GS. :cry:
[quote name='rdogg1026']How did you not know these weren't eligible?[/QUOTE]

Not everyone thinks to print off a list :)

But about trading in those games, attempt to get 2 more, then trade in 6 for the extra 50% credit. You could also "attempt" to sell them online (Amazon/EBay), doubt you'll make more for the trouble though.
[quote name='dino88']Of the past 5 or so pages I just read, these 2 posts are my favorite. I'm new here, but I'm getting the impression that only a small percentage of CAGs actually play games.[/QUOTE]
That has some truth to it. A lot of us get a thrill out of just finding deals on games we collect or want to play but don't want to pay retail price for it. I'm one of those people that enjoys playing and flipping games because I know how balance it out like some others here but you do have those that take it to a level that is sad because it forces others to not be able to enjoy the deal.

I only did this twice to get a extra copy that I more than likely will give away or sale well below retail so someone else can enjoy getting this on the cheap.
I heard people talking about all those games so I figured they were eligible, not to mention the blockbuster didn't have anything else. I'm attempting to sell them on Amazon, I don't care if I make $5 after selling the 4 of them I just don't want to go back to the store to return them like a fool.

If no one buys them by tomorrow I'll take them off and just return them. Not to mention those were the only games left at both BBV's I went to, so I just really hoped they were good for it.
[quote name='confoosious']The cost of pressing a game isn't just the disc/case/manual. The cost must include the publisher's cost of IP. The distributor doesn't pay the manufacturing company $1 per game. They pay them $40+ on a game (depending on if it's a $50 or $60 game or a "bargain" title.)

I just find it funny when people insist that GS is making money hand over fist or that it's incredible to them that games cost so much. They assume that the world is out to rip them off when they have no clue as to the profit margins on a particular product.

Companies LOSE money on consoles in the beginning and hope to make it up later. People love to bitch about how much the PS3 or 360 costs out of the gate. Meanwhile the costs of the parts combined usually are > MSRP and that's not even including marketing costs. Of course, you have economies of scale after a while... but that's if you are successful.

Anyway.... just you know, don't jump to conclusions about what things cost before doing any kind of research. You rail on things and you end up looking very foolish.[/QUOTE]
You know I just read an article on Yahoo yesterday that talked about the loses that companies take on technology when it first comes out. I will link to it when I get home because it states the only way that the devices can be sold at a profit is for the parts to get cheaper with time which is why MS was losing money wqhen they first came out with 360 but now make a profit but Sony is still losing money with every PS3 since the cost of parts hasn't fallen like they expected.
It is real simple to realize when it comes to Gamestop which is why I love when do deals like this.

New games = No money or small profit.
Used games = Huge profits as long as they can be sold for cash. (You have to realize that they will never sell every GTA IV Xbox 360 you trade in.)

The saddest thing is that people don't realize that new is where they take the biggest hit especially when people trade in a lot games nobody wants to get the new products.
[quote name='newlu']You can't return those anyway, you can only exchange if they don't work.[/QUOTE]
You can't return them??? Even if they work???

Anyone else sure about this?
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']You can't return them??? Even if they work???

Anyone else sure about this?[/QUOTE]

Well, now that I think about it, most of the employees did mention to me that I had 30 days to exchange, and only for the same title. If you think about it, they're use to renting out movies and games, and probably are wise to people attempting to return a pre-viewed or pre-played game that they could have watched/played. If they were new, that might be a different story.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']You can't return them??? Even if they work???

Anyone else sure about this?[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm afraid this is correct. You only can exchange for the same game as far as I know. Flip the titles to GS you might actually make out with the credit. Make sure you take six thought to get the extra 50%.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']You can't return them??? Even if they work???

Anyone else sure about this?[/QUOTE]

I thought you could take them back to BBV, the clerk today told me you have 30 days to return them as long as you have the receipt. I think if you trade them into GS/EB though with the bonus 30% (10% Edge + 20% trade in 4 games promo) you would be pretty close to breaking even, but I'd do it ASAP because the TIVs are dropping quickly due to all the BBV->GS flipping.
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