VP Debate: Biden vs. Palin... Pt. 2, The Aftermath

Seriously.....I dont see how anyone on CNN could say that Palin did really good.

She was clearly over her head in a lot of areas.

Honestly we need to be harder on these guys. I would love to be able to shred the hell out of them so you can really see who should be on the ticket. They are running to lead the country for god sakes. Smash them as much as possible.

This talking head everyone did well, she did great, he did great, blah blah blah. We are not voting for class president here...I dont care about their feelings.
I really think I must have been watching a different debate because I can't believe there was anything really positive to say about Palin's performance in this debate.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']lol @ analyst: "She tried to talk like Ross Perot."


I couldn't get if that was a praise or a slam... :whistle2:#
[quote name='Soodmeg']Wow can you say thank you any more? She is really nervous.[/quote]

She spoke in front of 50 million people for 90 minutes without any cards for the first time.

And Palin won the debate easily because she didn't fall over.
I did think Palin did well in that she was a hell of a lot easier to relate to than Biden. While yeah, she doesn't know what the hell's going on, I'd think the clueless folks (read: most people) would walk away with a far better impression of her.
Even the guys on PBS seem to be sucking her off.

... did these people watch the same thing I did?
lol "she would raise her own questions and answer them"

wtf "did chris matthews just say some viewers might find her to be an effective communicator"
All the pundits need it to be close anyway though. If either one of them totally sucked they would never really say it.
[quote name='Chacrana']I did think Palin did well in that she was a hell of a lot easier to relate to than Biden. While yeah, she doesn't know what the hell's going on, I'd think the clueless folks (read: most people) would walk away with a far better impression of her.[/quote]

Ignorance is bliss.

(Not directed towards you, Chacrana. Just the idea of morons walking away with a better impression of Palin because they better understood her than Biden.)
Biden's story about being a single dad was the defining moment of the debate, the only thing I really took away from it.
Geraldine Ferrero is being to nice to Palin. She is quite the diplomat.

I thought Palin stumbled especially in the first half of the debate. The 2nd half, she recovered somewhat. Biden was smart not to attack her because no one wants to see a grown man make a woman cry..
[quote name='JJSP']General McClelland, back from the dead to kick ass in two centuries.[/quote]


i can't believe she said that... a general from the civil war is now the general of Afghanistann
[quote name='JJSP']General McClellan, back from the dead to kick ass in two centuries.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was wondering wtf was going on there. Was there some General McClellan now that I didn't know about, or was she really that stupid? Guess it was the latter.
[quote name='JJSP']General McClelland, back from the dead to kick ass in two centuries.[/quote]

He was the 3rd best Union General!!! :lol: Sherman was the real ass kicker...He burned down Atlanta.
[quote name='JJSP']General McClelland, back from the dead to kick ass in two centuries.[/quote]

It's McCain's ace up the sleeve

[quote name='Xevious']Geraldine Ferrero is being to nice to Palin. She is quite the diplomat.

I thought Palin stumbled especially in the first half of the debate. The 2nd half, she recovered somewhat. Biden was smart not to attack her because no one wants to see a grown man make a woman cry..[/quote]

After watching her condescending smile and listening to the planted parts of her speech that will be used as sound clips for her campaign, I wish he had made her cry and flee the stage.
I'm surprised that Palin didn't do any major stumbling tonight... Judging her from her past TV interviews, it really is surprising. I've also noticed she didn't directly answer many of the questions as well, such as the 'Achilles' Heel' question, and would often resort to talking points and her family to take up time.
Biden on the other hand, was on the defensive for most of the night when Gov. Palin would bring up the records of both Dem. candidates, I liked how he responds to it, and then turns it around on McCain's policies that soils on his 'Maverick'y persona, things Palin surprisingly did not deny either, he also answered the questions directly as well.

Earlier tonight I would have said it's a tie, but now that the debate is over, I say Biden is the clear winner for me.
In the beginning, I thought the two were fairly tied.

But at the start of the last half, I realized that Palin kept saying the same thing. Just like a doll who spouts some line when you pull a string. I was cringing near the end and looking forward to the debate's conclusion.

Overall though, I enjoyed this debate more than the 1st one.
I feel that we are simply to nice to politicians and not the average person I am talking about these talking heads that get paid tens of thousands of bucks but all they seem to do is kiss ass and smile.

I also dont like the mentality that Palin simply had to not fail to have this be a win. What the hell? She is running for VP!?!? How is that at this stage in the game all she has to do is not fail to win?

This isnt middle school field day where everyone gets a blue god damn ribbon. This is for the next President. Its bullshit how anyone can even think that.
[quote name='Xevious']He was the 3rd best Union General!!! :lol: Sherman was the real ass kicker...He burned down Atlanta.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but McClellan deserves a break. He's been dead for 130 years.

Just for laughs, this comes from the good General's Wiki page.

The New York Evening Post commented in McClellan's obituary, "Probably no soldier who did so little fighting has ever had his qualities as a commander so minutely, and we may add, so fiercely discussed."

Oh, the ironing.
Ok so just logging on, I didn't other reading past the first page.

But let me guess, this thread was a huge anti-Palin circle jerk, and now you are all showering each other off?

What would you say the ratio of negative things posted about Palin versus Biden were? Somewhere around 270:0 I'm guessing? I'm not sure what most of you get out of being in the vs forum when you all stroke each other in your hate without any differing views.

I watched the first half of the debate before I got bored and put on Iron Man. I thought Palin was fine in how she presented herself and Joe Biden..... Hair plugs and cosmetic eye surgery anyone? But as far as what they actually each had to say - useless and unimpressive to me.
One of the moments that got me was when a question to the effect of 'what promises have you made that you may not be able to keep due to the circumstances of the past two weeks?' and her answer was that she had only been at this for 5 weeks, so she hasn't had much time to make promises.

Are you shitting me? We're a month out from the election and the woman admits she has made NO promises or taken any stances? I mean, seriously.

I agree with most of the pundits... she didn't completely crash and burn like some had hoped, but the biggest problem is that her performance isn't going to swing anyone to their side.
[quote name='lordwow']Biden's story about being a single dad was the defining moment of the debate, the only thing I really took away from it.[/quote]
I was watching the debate in HD and he scored some points then and the graph at the bottom showed that people liked his answer to Palin's women know better about being a single parent. Personally, and i'll go on record and state that i tend to lean more Dem. than Rep., but personally, Palin get hammer the same points and wasn't really answering the questions each time. She would keep going back to taxes and energy...while Biden actually answered the questions.
[quote name='007']One of the moments that got me was when a question to the effect of 'what promises have you made that you may not be able to keep due to the circumstances of the past two weeks?' and her answer was that she had only been at this for 5 weeks, so she hasn't had much time to make promises.

Are you shitting me? We're a month out from the election and the woman admits she has made NO promises or taken any stances?

I agree with most of the pundits... she didn't completely crash and burn like some had hoped, but the biggest problem is that her performance isn't going to swing anyone to their side.[/quote]
I started laughing when she said that...completely blew me away that she would even hint at her inexperience this late in the game. To me, she did more damage to herself and McCain than she did anything else.

*EDIT: Also, did anyone notice when Palin would like...snicker/smile in a smug way when Biden would highlight his and Obama's agenda for presidency? Perhaps it was just me but that really bugged me. It was almost childish...
[quote name='thrustbucket']Ok so just logging on, I didn't other reading past the first page.

But let me guess, this thread was a huge anti-Palin circle jerk, and now you are all showering each other off?

What would you say the ratio of negative things posted about Palin versus Biden were? Somewhere around 270:0 I'm guessing? I'm not sure what most of you get out of being in the vs forum when you all stroke each other in your hate without any differing views.

I watched the first half of the debate before I got bored and put on Iron Man. I thought Palin was fine in how she presented herself and Joe Biden..... Hair plugs and cosmetic eye surgery anyone? But as far as what they actually each had to say - useless and unimpressive to me.[/quote]

Via NeoGAF's gketter - "CNN.com Poll so far

Who fared better in the vice presidential debate?
Sen. Joe Biden 76% 11464
Gov. Sarah Palin 22% 3264
Neither 2% 369
CNN.com Poll so far"
[quote name='thrustbucket']
I watched the first half of the debate before I got bored and put on Iron Man. I thought Palin was fine in how she presented herself and Joe Biden..... Hair plugs and cosmetic eye surgery anyone? But as far as what they actually each had to say - useless and unimpressive to me.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, fuck this stupid circlejerk.

Why couldn't we all be like you and watch part of the debate, judge the candidates by their looks and than get bored/watch some movie?
[quote name='BlueSwim']Via NeoGAF's gketter - "CNN.com Poll so far

Who fared better in the vice presidential debate?
Sen. Joe Biden 76% 11464
Gov. Sarah Palin 22% 3264
Neither 2% 369
CNN.com Poll so far"[/quote]
Some updated numbers:

Sen. Joe Biden 74% 36986
Gov. Sarah Palin 23% 11417
Neither 3% 1294

Total Votes: 49697
[quote name='Sporadic']Yeah, fuck this stupid circlejerk.

Why couldn't we all be like you and watch part of the debate, judge the candidates by their looks and than get bored/watch some movie?[/quote]

was that post just troll worthy?... it's like he planned that post before any of us joined this thread.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I watched the first half of the debate before I got bored and put on Iron Man. I thought Palin was fine in how she presented herself and Joe Biden..... Hair plugs and cosmetic eye surgery anyone? But as far as what they actually each had to say - useless and unimpressive to me.[/quote]

So...still pissy that whole lopsided moderator thing didn't end up working out for you?
[quote name='xycury']was that post just troll worthy?... it's like he planned that post before any of us joined this thread.[/quote]

It's the same post as in any thread that makes fun of Republicans.
[quote name='xycury']was that post just troll worthy?... it's like he planned that post before any of us joined this thread.[/quote]

He's thrustbucket so this is pretty much par for the course. Just look at his other posts.
[quote name='lordwow']Biden's story about being a single dad was the defining moment of the debate, the only thing I really took away from it.[/QUOTE]
That was a grand slam for Biden.

Palin: But it wasn't just that experience tapped into, it was my connection to the heartland of America. Being a mom, one very concerned about a son in the war, about a special needs child, about kids heading off to college, how are we going to pay those tuition bills? About times and Todd and our marriage in our past where we didn't have health insurance and we know what other Americans are going through as they sit around the kitchen table and try to figure out how are they going to pay out-of-pocket for health care? We've been there also so that connection was important.

Biden: Look, I understand what it's like to be a single parent. When my wife and daughter died and my two sons were gravely injured, I understand what it's like as a parent to wonder what it's like if your kid's going to make it.

I understand what it's like to sit around the kitchen table with a father who says, "I've got to leave, champ, because there's no jobs here. I got to head down to Wilmington. And when we get enough money, honey, we'll bring you down."

I understand what it's like. I'm much better off than almost all Americans now. I get a good salary with the United States Senate. I live in a beautiful house that's my total investment that I have. So I -- I am much better off now.

But the notion that somehow, because I'm a man, I don't know what it's like to raise two kids alone, I don't know what it's like to have a child you're not sure is going to -- is going to make it -- I understand.

I understand, as well as, with all due respect, the governor or anybody else, what it's like for those people sitting around that kitchen table. And guess what? They're looking for help. They're looking for help. They're not looking for more of the same.
[quote name='dafoomie']That was a grand slam for Biden.[/quote]
In terms of Vice President, Biden won over a lot of people with those few minutes (and rightfully so). I'm watching CNN HD and the analysts are hitting the nail on the head; Palin didn't know as much about McCain's background and past political actions as Biden did.
[quote name='SynGamer']In terms of Vice President, Biden won over a lot of people with those few minutes (and rightfully so). I'm watching CNN HD and the analysts are hitting the nail on the head; Palin didn't know as much about McCain's background and past political actions as Biden did.[/quote]

yeah that moment was powerful. the other part i enjoyed was when Biden finally called Palin out on McCain being a MAVERICK :lol:
[quote name='SynGamer']Some updated numbers:

Sen. Joe Biden 74% 36986
Gov. Sarah Palin 23% 11417
Neither 3% 1294

Total Votes: 49697[/quote]

Sigh...internet people trusting internet polls.

NOTE: I didn't watch this debate. Too tired.
[quote name='KingBroly']Sigh...internet people trusting internet polls.

NOTE: I didn't watch this debate. Too tired.[/quote]
Um, i was simply updating the numbers on CNN. I never claimed them to be scientific or anything of that sort.
[quote name='xycury']was that post just troll worthy?... it's like he planned that post before any of us joined this thread.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cochesecochese']He's thrustbucket so this is pretty much par for the course. Just look at his other posts.[/QUOTE]

Was my post wrong? Show me how it was wrong in my assessment of this thread, or did you just want to be assholes?

[quote name='cochesecochese']So...still pissy that whole lopsided moderator thing didn't end up working out for you?[/QUOTE]

It did work out for me. The moderator was the only one in the debate with something almost interesting to say.

[quote name='SpazX']It's the same post as in any thread that makes fun of Republicans.[/QUOTE]
Which one in the vs forum doesn't?
That's sort of my point.

It's cute, being the only post NOT bashing Palin in a 12 page thread, I of course get multiple assholish responses. Kinda figures I guess.

Kind of an interesting example of groupthink mentality, this thread is.
bread's done