White Knight Chronicles - Level 5's Groundhog Day Present - February 2, 2010 in NA

Had a gift card I've been itching to spend, so I ordered this. Dark Cloud 2 was one of my favorite games ever, so supporting Level-5 is a good thing in my book.
[quote name='Koggit']So wait.. what's amazing in this game again?

The quote on the first page said it was the animation, like swords hitting shields, but that doesn't look special to me[/QUOTE]That quote is over 3 years old and about the old target render video.
There's nothing amazing about the game, we just want an above average RPG with a cool online element.
I am interested in this game too. Online component looks pretty good.

The consensus, however, is that this game may see price drops rather quickly because of Final Fantasy XIII's release a bit after.
Just a heads up I went to best buy to pick it up. They didn't have it and said according to their computer they're supposed to get it tomorrow.
I can't find this game anywhere today. Target was the only place that had a space for it on the shelf.

I might as well just order it and save a few bucks at this point; I have Tuesdays off and was planning on hitting this game hard today.
The combat in this game just looks soooooooooooo damn boring, but reviewers are calling it Dark Cloud 3 so it's a tough call. I already know I won't be touching it for a while, but I'm only paying $35 so it's not like there will be a better deal anytime soon. Wish a real review would come out before it ships from Amazon. :\
You guys really think the price is going to tank pretty quick for this game? Might just hold off on it then..
It's an RPG - do they tend to decline in value very quickly?

I could see this one going under the radar and maintaining one of those weird "Heavenly Sword" inexplicable non-price drops.
Sony-published games do not decline in price quickly... this will maintain its value for some time.

Expect a slow burn as people catch on to it.
[quote name='zenintrude']Sony-published games do not decline in price quickly... this will maintain its value for some time.

Expect a slow burn as people catch on to it.[/QUOTE]Because of this, I don't expect drops.
Didn't Sony publish Lair and Heavenly Sword? They tanked but man, never ever dropped.

I only managed to get them new because of some YMMV clearances.
[quote name='dallow']That quote is over 3 years old and about the old target render video.
There's nothing amazing about the game, we just want an above average RPG with a cool online element.[/QUOTE]

target render video?


so, they had something amazing 3 years ago and lost it?
[quote name='dallow']Because of this, I don't expect drops.
Didn't Sony publish Lair and Heavenly Sword? They tanked but man, never ever dropped.[/QUOTE]

Folklore, too...

If you're interested in WKC at all, get it now... you'll never have a better time with a game like this than when everyone is at the same level as you and the servers are populated.
[quote name='Koggit']target render video?


so, they had something amazing 3 years ago and lost it?[/QUOTE]
Like most games, yup.

[quote name='zenitrude']Folklore, too...[/QUOTE]Ah yes. That one too.
Shame, that one was quite good.
[quote name='spedmunki']This game sounds racist[/QUOTE]

You sound racist.

I am pretty high in the Goozex queue for this one (top 15), so I will wait for one to come to me that way. Too many games this early part of the year... which is weird.
[quote name='spedmunki']This game sounds racist[/QUOTE]
Hey, better than the alternative:


I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think of that movie. I am also saddened that White Knight Chronicles is going to be shipping later, though I'll hopefully have a functioning PS3 when it arrives. Amazon lists the delivery estimate (with two-day) as the 5th, so either they're going to ship out pre-orders tomorrow, or perhaps they'll upgrade two-day to one-day for the inconvenience.
well, my buddy is going to buy this for me at gamestop with his employee discount. its basically the best deal i could find. and he also said that it will come out tomorrow.
[quote name='Saint Noir']You sound racist.

I am pretty high in the Goozex queue for this one (top 15), so I will wait for one to come to me that way. Too many games this early part of the year... which is weird.[/QUOTE]

Lucky. The page didn't load for me until like 10:12pm. I'm like 80th in line.
Don't games ship from the distributor on Tuesday, arriving at most stores (and Amazon.com) on Wednesday? When I worked at Best Buy most games arrives on Wednesday unless they were stocked ahead of time (FF XII, Halo 3, etc.).

If you live near a distributor, then you will likely be able to find the game on day 1 (today).
Currently says that my local Best Buy has it in stock or maybe just available for preorder? I'm hoping to wake up before 9am tomorrow morning to go in and pick this up.
[quote name='OlDirtyBastard']Gamefly says the 4th too[/QUOTE]
Not really proof since it's said the 4th since they announced the date. Gamefly doesn't usually have new games to ship out until a day or two after they're out.
That is kinda dumb, but can you remake your character in many other games?
I only know of a handful, but for the most part, not really.

Weapons and armor cover you up anyway and those do change when you get new ones.
[quote name='dallow']That is kinda dumb, but can you remake your character in many other games?
I only know of a handful, but for the most part, not really.[/QUOTE]

Shoulda gone the PSO route: Use in-game cash to change your character... making us pay real money is fucking sleazy.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']How many times would you want to remake your character throughout your game, really?[/QUOTE]

Depends on how many clones of yourself you run into online, I'd suppose.

But trust me, there will come a time, if you play it a lot (especially online), that you will want to change the look of your character... while I logged over 500 hours on PSO (v1 + v2 combined), I only changed my character's looks 3 times, but they were drastic changes. Sometimes you need a change to keep things fresh, as weird as that sounds.
I tried to make my Demon's Souls dude look ok. Jesus CHRIST uncanny valley....yeah I just stuck the ancient king's mask on him so I'd never have to look at those cold dead eyes.

There are few games that allow for the amount of char customization in Demon's Souls and WKC. So remaking is probably really rare. I'll probably never do it, but still, on principle it's wrong.
[quote name='IRHari']I tried to make my Demon's Souls dude look ok. Jesus CHRIST uncanny valley....yeah I just stuck the ancient king's mask on him so I'd never have to look at those cold dead eyes.

There are few games that allow for the amount of char customization in Demon's Souls and WKC. So remaking is probably really rare. I'll probably never do it, but still, on principle it's wrong.[/QUOTE]

HAHAHAH... :lol: My DS character is so weird looking... I always keep him in assassin's mask to keep his gelfing mouth hidden from view.
My lobby will be titled Examiner.com (named after the site I write for) if anyone wants to join. I'll be playing periodically today and tomorrow.
the other 3 sites listed gave it an 8 out of 10.

I usually don't go for RPGs unless the combat is real time, which it is in this case. I pre-ordered and paid off the game today, as well as reserved a copy for my brother. hopefully i'll keep this game and it's at least a 1/4 as good as demon's souls
After reading the reviews from Gamespot and Game Informer...

Any other time, I would probably ignore the reviews and buy White Knight Chronicles. However, with Dante's Inferno, BioShock 2, Heavy Rain, MLB '10, Final Fantasy XIII, Yakuza 3 and God Of War 3 on the way in the coming weeks, it would be best to be a CAG and pass on the game for now. The $60 can be used to help pay for the more anticipated games that I listed.

The $10 pre-order I had on WKC will be used for the next set of pre-orders. WKC can join The Saboteur and Star Ocean International as games I'll buy sometime in the late spring or summer.

I'm not upset, the game was my least anticipated title of the Winter. Lets hope BioShock 2 isn't a big disappointment.

I will now rent the patched-up Bayonetta for the PS3 and see how the story ends. By the time I'm done, Dante's Inferno and BioShock 2 will be out.
The GS review reads like it's just the thing for people needed a reason to "safely" pass on it.
I like how it mentioned the multiplayer when it only went live today, for a few hours, even to the press.

But anyway, I already knew this game was going to get wildly mixed reviews, but I'm not worried a bit. I've little doubt I'll enjoy it. A 6 from Gamespot, an 8 from Eurogamer.
It all balances out.
Well, theres a few things to consider when reading that review. 1. If hes reviewing WKC, chances are hes been playing ME2 nonstop the last week like the rest of us, then I'm betting no matter how good WKC is, it won't match up to ME2 in pretty much any aspect, thus lowering the score of it by mere comparison. I realize the reviewer is paid to be unbiased, but when does it ever work out that way? 2. The difficulty thing. Theres a few parts to that, one was pointed out on forum by someone who has played the game. In the parts shown in the video, the person playing is very overleveled, meaning of course its going to be easy. I'm also fairly sure he didn't try the online quests, which may be more than just simple push attack till boss falls over affairs. That said, I'm taking the review with a grain of salt, and all of the reviews for that matter. Keeping my Amazon preorder, and hoping for the best.
bread's done