Who is Inked

[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I don't know that tattoo makes me itch. It looks like he has a rash. I'd be scratching it all the time.

The skin ripped off with a terminator body would be neat

That tat was expensive. And took ALOT of time. He prob started it after spidey 1. Its very detailed. Lots of little dots.

Lets have fun with this. Say dude is a motor cycle racer....get where Im going....

He has a Bad wreck I mean bad. Gets all mangled up. Ambulance comes and has to cut his shirt off. BAM WTF[/quote]

LMAO that was great
LoL.. definitely a classic. I'm almost scared to show my back tat off. It's nothing of meaning, just a design taken from a piece of art that I like.


I drew these up and have em tatted on my left forearm, no pics of the tatt, but they look pretty damn close to this, and my real last name is Morgan, so it's ok
[quote name='JimmieMac']You would have been better off shitting in a plastic baggie and stapling it to your forearm.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don't think I ever mentioned I got a 3rd tattoo. My Aunt, who died, loved the casinos, so I got 3 7's on my arm below my shoulder. Just a little remembrance thing.
I only have one. It's a sun / star / Chinese star type thing on my right shoulder red/black blood drips on edges with yellow star type sun in the middle.

It was cool my wife took a picture of mine one night while I was sleeping and went and got it on her lower back. I didn't know she had gotten it until on night at sexy time. Hey whats this. HEY thats...but...how?...When?.......nevermind thats cool.
[quote name='seanr1221']
I don't think I ever mentioned I got a 3rd tattoo. My Aunt, who died, loved the casinos, so I got 3 7's on my arm below my shoulder. Just a little remembrance thing.[/QUOTE]
See now thats the type of tat I can appreciate, the ones that actually have meaning and a story to it. I hate those drunken barb wires tats or tribal designs that don't mean anything to except "it looked cool at the time". Tribal tats always look strange unless the person is actually Samoan, Hawaiian, etc.
I've been contemplating getting a tattoo since I started college. Still hasn't happened yet. I can't help that it won't look to good on me when I'm like 40. Was just thinking of getting "Carpe Noctem" across my forearm. I'm somewhat built.. but I get skinny fast when I don't work out in a couple weeks.
[quote name='Rocko']Just got this a few hours ago.



So are you going to fill it in with blue UV ink, or does the potential carcinogen thing scare you? Because it sure would look cool.

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']

No wonder Demolition Man hasn't had any time to do his radio show, he's been in the parlor all week getting this tattoo.[/QUOTE]

This had me rolling.
[quote name='Rocko']Just got this a few hours ago.



So you don't have to read my opinion unless you really want to... spoiler tags.

You're going to hate that less than four years from now. Watch.

You should have at least gone with white ink or something, because that looks like skin cancer to me. Size and placement are also questionable.
The Spiderman tattoo is unreal. Not the back birthday cake one, the chest and arm one.. if I ever get a tattoo, I want it done from the artist that did his.
[quote name='siderealshift']So you don't have to read my opinion unless you really want to... spoiler tags.

You're going to hate that less than four years from now. Watch.

You should have at least gone with white ink or something, because that looks like skin cancer to me. Size and placement are also questionable.
That would be pretty awesome if skin cancer would form perfect, smooth circles. :D

It looks exactly like what it's supposed to look like and stands for something I enjoy in life. It's perfectly fine.

[quote name='Darrith']Your new tat looks good Rocko.[/QUOTE]
It's really bothersome that Mr. CooL ICE's tattoos are all nice and symmetrical, but the ICEs on his arms aren't. :[
[quote name='Will']


Holy shit, the Patrick Swayze centaur! A couple friends were telling me about this tattoo (or a similar one, if it's possible that more than one exist in the wild) a few weeks ago. After seeing it, I honestly don't know how to feel.
I have been thinking of getting a tattoo on my shoulder... but I do have a pretty low pain threshold. Can anyone describe the feeling?

I know I sound like a bitch but seriously, I'm a baby when it comes to pain.
[quote name='DestroVega']I have been thinking of getting a tattoo on my shoulder... but I do have a pretty low pain threshold. Can anyone describe the feeling?

I know I sound like a bitch but seriously, I'm a baby when it comes to pain.[/QUOTE]

I got mine on my inner forearm and it was not too bad. I have a high pain threshold though.
[quote name='DestroVega']I have been thinking of getting a tattoo on my shoulder... but I do have a pretty low pain threshold. Can anyone describe the feeling?

I know I sound like a bitch but seriously, I'm a baby when it comes to pain.[/QUOTE]
Depends how much meat you have. I don't have any meat and right on the bone doesn't feel good. I have a very low tolerance for pain as well but as my artist says "if you really want it, get it, the pain is only temporary"
I have always wanted to get some ink on self - but have never really focused on it - and found thr right design. I dont want to just go into the inkshop and choose something from the walls or the likes... whatever I get tattooed on self will have to be super amazing, in design and in context - I want it to mean something to me - and to be able to grow with me as I grow in age and wisdom... if that makes sense..so I guess I will need to get proactive on this one then! It wont just fall into my lap! :cold:
Bump! Because I still talk about this in my everyday life...4 years after the fact.
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[quote name='seanr1221']Did the scar one hurt?[/QUOTE]
The scissors were a little painful since it's on bone, but the dashed line is actually directly over my scar, and I have limited sensation from the scar to the left of my knee, so I actually didn't really feel it at all. :lol:
I have 6!

I got a maple leaf on my left shoulder blade to start off. It was my first one so its tiny. Then I got the word hope in pink and the e is the breast cancer awareness ribbon between my shoulders. My aunt and Grandma were both Breast Cancer survivors and it's something I'm passionate about. I have "Love Always Trusts" on the back of my neck. I'm not religious at all, but I heard it on All My Children when I was 14 and it stuck with me. Then, these will seem very stupid, but I got my girlfriend (who wasn't my girlfriend at the time) to draw hearts and I got them on my wrists in her favorite colours. And my last one I got on Valentines day 2009, and it's a winged heart on my left rib cage.

None of them really hurt that bad. I'm extremely ticklish and the one on the rib, although it took almost 2 hours, didn't hurt at all, it just tickled. And the guy who did that tattoo told me I was a lot easier to work with than grown men because I didnt complain or squirm. The one on my neck hurt a bit, but only when he went over nerves.


bread's done