Whos the better CagCast host Wombat or CheapyD ? (thats right i went there)

No offense to Wombat, but Cheapy seems to have more quirky stories. And that laugh... and the Mario Impression.

But both of them are great.
Who was the guy who told the story about the guy eating a piece of shit for money? I think it was Cheapy, but I'm not sure. My vote goes to whoever DIDN'T tell that story. I was eating lunch when that came on...even worse, it was Taco Bell.
I like what I'm readin' there, L33T-speak cheesy poofster! Wombat-mania is runnin' wild in this thread!!!!!11eleven
cheay has the voice but Wombat has the better delivery IMO. Gotta go with Wombat. Plus I really liked the "I want free stuff" bit more than the shit eating and burping bits.

But honestly, the CAGcast wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if it didn't have that nice balance of Wombat's silliness, and CheapyD's wit. Wombat is just Jelly to CheapyD's Peanut Butter, so to speak...
Cheapy is so generous, he just gives stuff away to charity and his friends, and he leads the perfect lifestyle.

He's like a hero, but bald and runs a website about cheap games :p
I gotta go with Cheapy, simply because I always laugh when he lets out his retarded Dracula laugh(I believe he referred to it as that in an early cast).

The show would be lame without ethier one of them though.
I like Cheapy because he's got the better voice.

Jeez I know Wombat's going to hate me for this but Wombat here's the # for Barry Bond's Physician: 1-888-STEROIDS . ;-P
Wow, can't believe in didn't see this thread sooner. My vote goes to CheapyD. He keeps the CAGcast moving along while Wombat is always tring to throw late ass/lame ass jokes in the mix.

While Wombat can be funny sometimes ( Maybe 15% of his jokes are ) he slows down the show and cheapy is always there to rescue it from an awkward silence.

Speaking of CAGcast the best/ most funniest one was #42. Guess Why.
It's close but I'll give it to Cheapy provided he throws in the occassional "Big Ass Chains nigger!!!" every now and then.
the CagCast wouldn't be the same if neither CheapyD nor Wombat weren't there, so i cannot vote for either over the other. They bring out the best in each other ^_^
Wombat, ever since Cheapy had a kid, but its tought now that Wombat never gets sleep, neither does his wife.
This is obviously a test. With over 120 posts in this thread and over 300+ votes, only two people, including myself, say both. I applaud niceguyshawne and myself. For the rest, you have all failed.

[quote name='niceguyshawne']Both are great Wombat is the perfect foil to Cheapy's straight man.[/quote]

(random boy cutting cake -- look at that long knife! That's a good knife for killin'.)

Both are great. Keep up the great work. Choosing between CheapyD or Wombat is like cutting a cake. No matter where you cut, you still get the cakey goodness with icing inside. Granted, some slices can give you more icing, but you get less of the cakey goodness. Or, vice versa. No matter what you do, it evens itself out.

Cheapy talks about some nasty stuff on a video game podcast so I'm tired of that. Wombat is my favorite CAGcast host and looking at this topic, he's loved more than he thinks he is.
I really don't think you can have one without the other. I think the CAGCast wouldn't be very good if it was just cheapy or just wombat. Their different styles combined are what makes it fun to listen to.
[quote name='Wombat']I just showed this thread to my wife.... and she voted for cheapy :(

and a free huzzah for all those who voted for me[/quote]
Uh Oh. You better straighten that out lol. I think you can't vote who is better. The show needs both elements to balance out; that of CheapD and Wombat. Kinda like a yin yang it just does not complete the circle without the other half.
[quote name='Wombat']I just showed this thread to my wife.... and she voted for cheapy :(

and a free huzzah for all those who voted for me[/quote]

OWNED :whee:

I did vote for you though Wombat!
[quote name='Thomas96']I can't pick one... I like them both equally. Cheapy is like Madden and Wombat is like Al Micheals.[/quote]

They got taken off the broadcast team for Madden 08. :cold:
Not to stroke anyone's e-penis (who am I kidding) but I voted for Cheapy mainly because sometimes I want to reach through the internet and slap the shit out of wombat. Though enjoy some of the comic book talk (some).
[quote name='magiic']I really don't think you can have one without the other. I think the CAGCast wouldn't be very good if it was just cheapy or just wombat. Their different styles combined are what makes it fun to listen to.[/quote]

Come to think of it, I've never seen Wombat in the same room as Cheapy...could it be that mild mannered Wombat is actually CheapyMan's secret identity?
Cheapy is a self-made businessman with a successful wife and a beautiful baby boy. He is a giant in his country and talks about his bowel movements without shame. He is all that is man.

Wombat is shaped like a pear.

This is a tough decision.
I enjoy Cheapy's work, but I don't think I would listen to the Cagcast every week if it was just him. If Wombat did it alone I'd still listen.

Wombat could read the obituaries and find a way to make it entertaining.
CheapyD is nothing without Wombat.

Both of them are great hosts, but I could see Wombat as the upper hand in all of this. I am in agreement with bmachine...
bread's done