Wipeout HD - Fury DLC Incoming

I think there will be a demo for it in the future because when you download the game, it also downloads a separate full game unlock code with it.
Just had it freeze on me in the online lobby. Went well up to that point. Ships warp a bit during the start but things smooth out quickly. Definitely a different experience playing against 7 other people versus the AI. You can count on getting some form of ballistics up your butt at every turn.
D-pad actually. This is my first Wipeout and with it's PS1 roots I figured I'd go for the pad. Things are difficult enough as is without motion controls factoring in.
I haven't played a single race yet since all I get is freezing. :whistle2:(

It worked offline, when I signed out. I heard the game is checking for updates online (causing a freeze), and/or some with a buddy list larger than 50 are having a problem.
I've completed the first campaign and played a couple of online races. I really enjoy this game as a relatively new person getting to experience Wipeout.
I played for about 45min or more. Took pictures, used custom soundtracks, tried all the modes, no freezing or crashing. Pure 1080p baby! I also only have about 33 psn friends. Also I have a original 60GB PS3 if that makes any difference.
This game's blistering. Finally, another 1080p game I can get up close to and appreciate. Been a while since I've played a Wipeout game though so I'm scraping the walls all over the place.
Overall, is pretty much everyone satisfied with their purchase? I'm leaning towards buying it, but I'd just like to know what the general response is outside of the freezing.
It's pretty fun, pretty predictable WipEout. I'm getting some bad screen tearing in 1080p mode, though. Mostly at the top of the screen but definetly noticeable in the middle too.
[quote name='primetime']Overall, is pretty much everyone satisfied with their purchase? I'm leaning towards buying it, but I'd just like to know what the general response is outside of the freezing.[/QUOTE]If your buddy list is over 50, it's possible. If it's under 50, you are ok.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']If your buddy list is over 50, it's possible. If it's under 50, you are ok.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm way under.
Started it up and it got stuck at the loading screen, but could get out by in-game XMB. Is that the freezing that everybody's getting or is it worse than that?

Edit: Okay. Got the latter type of freezing two times in a row now. :whistle2:(
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Just switched to an alt account to play and I'm loving it. The ability to resume where you left off on the current song with custom soundtracks is sorely-missed feature for most custom soundtrack games.
I was over 50 and got freezing... but I deleted a few people, still over 50 and no more freezing.

such well polished game... i love it and i'll 2nd frisky's love of custom music
The music sound effects are pretty cool, as the music will sound like you're in a tunnel when you head through a tunnel and some other neat effects.
They removed the stuff that was causing epilepsy. During the Zone mode the whole track color and a lot of different surfaces of the track would sync to whatever music was playing. They even had little equializer sound bars on the textures matching the music. You can still find videos of it online.

Unfortunately, all that extra cool stuff was also triggering epilepsy in people.
Do you mean the warning itself or the version of zones that's in the game now? I know Kotaku was making a big deal out of the epilepsy warning. They're basically the same as the online agreements that a lot of PSN games have.
I am having a lot of fun bouncing off the walls. I am now trying to race without the Driving Assist - some tracks are OK, others are a bounce and scrape fest. No freezing here. I have not played an online race yet - I jumped on quickly to see how the setup works - looks pretty basic. How well does the voice chat work? I could see Push to Talk being awkward with the game being so fast paced.
Wow, I'm totally loving this game! It's been years since I played a Wipeout game on the PS2, and this one harkens back to the first one for me, complete with newbie bouncing and grinding along the walls... it's definitely going to take a lot of laps on these tracks to get to know where all the pads, twists, and jumps are.

Online mode for me worked flawlessly - played about 5 games and usually ended up in the middle of the pack at the end. One race I kept hearing "contender eliminated" over and over and over again, yet at the end everyone posted a finishing time - I guess you get to keep racing even if you get knocked out?

The 1080p, plus 5.1 surround sound, is just absolutely pure gaming bliss... THIS is the game I'm going to show people who come over and wonder how good an HD setup can look... the textures, reflections, shadows, etc all look absolutely gorgeous... and I will definitely be tapping my electronic music collection to put together some custom soundtracks for this game (Future Sound of London here I come!)
I can't even get past the intro video without my ps3 locking up. Right after "Sony Entertainment America" and then the vid with the vehicles shooting out of a hole freezes about half a second in.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']I can't even get past the intro video without my ps3 locking up. Right after "Sony Entertainment America" and then the vid with the vehicles shooting out of a hole freezes about half a second in.[/quote]

Time to cull your friends list to closer to 50 friends, or alternatively play while signed out of psn and wait for patch.
[quote name='guyjr']
Online mode for me worked flawlessly - played about 5 games and usually ended up in the middle of the pack at the end. One race I kept hearing "contender eliminated" over and over and over again, yet at the end everyone posted a finishing time - I guess you get to keep racing even if you get knocked out?[/quote]

I played a full 12 race tournament last night, and got blown up a couple of times. If you blow up in an online race, you respawn just like if you drove off the track. Of course the lost time pretty much means you are screwed as far as finishing first, but you can still race and screw with other people depending on what weapons you get.

Online though definitely feels barebones, so I'm hoping in some sort of future update they increase the functionality a little more (i.e. more like Warhawk)
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Time to cull your friends list to closer to 50 friends, or alternatively play while signed out of psn and wait for patch.[/quote]
Or just use another account to play that doesn't have a huge list.
This game is tremendous, easily the best Wipeout since XL. I did put together a post on the dangers of the hype train, though, because I can't keep my eyes off of the fucking gray sky in zone mode. ;)

One of my goals here is to only write about games that are out, because so often in the gaming community there's such an absurd emphasis on what's coming next that it's easy to grow weary of constantly talking about games you're not even going to play for six months. I can't help but recall a comparison Shawn Elliott made on the now-defunct Brodeo back during the GTA4 review debacle where he compared the gaming community's hype train to porn. As immature as this comparison is on the surface, it's actually quite apt. So much of the gaming community is so hungry to see every inch of upcoming games exposed, they will pour over screenshots, read extensive previews, and watch long segments of gameplay footage that satisfying the desire to see becomes its own reward and it's no longer about getting ready to play. The symbiotic and sometimes parasitic relationship the commercial gaming press has with the game industry at large makes very clear how the current state of things could have evolved, so I don't want to turn this into a broad judgment on previews and hype. For now, I want to talk about the effects of one particular instance of the hype train.

Totally great game, though, one of the best on PSN yet.
Fantastic. This game really has the best presentation I've seen in a while. Actually the whole series has excellent presentation. I'm using a 720p/1080i projection tv and this game looks hot.
Having fun with this also, although the music I have on the system does not really...fit wipeout. Heh.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Yes. Just trying to figure out how to co-ordinate it right now.[/QUOTE]There will definitely be something once the patch is out. The developers acknowledge the problem and are working towards a solution now.
Right then guys - an update for you!

The issue revolves around your friends list - if you have 50 or more friendsthen Wipeout will crash when you attempt to move from one menu to another. Dont worry - this is not an issue with the PlayStation Network! It will likely require a minor software update.

The Gaming Team and Studio Liverpool have been notified, and are working very hard to bring you such an update.

In the mean time, there are some work-arounds I'd like to confirm for you:

Firstly, you can play the game with no problems offline. To do this, you can either disconnect your console from the internet, or neglect to sign-in when you start up your PS3.

Second, if you do wish to play online and are having these issues - try creating an alternative account. Be sure to keep that account's friends list under 50 though.

Finally, you can reduce the number of friends you have to below 50.

My personal recommendation is that you create an alternate account, and let your buddies know your new PSN via the Wipeout forum. I wouldn't want you all to go deleting your buddies!!!! I will set up a thread for this if you like - let me know here.

Once again, we're working solidly to get this sorted!!! I'll keep you updated - thanks to you all for being so patient.

Just played a bit (sorry warhawk people). Lots of fun, and it looks incredible. My first experience with wipeout and it looks good (I liked F-Zero back in the days so I assumed I would enjoy this). Still not quite sure what the deal with weapons is, I've shot people lots of times with various things, but I guess it's very tough to actually blow someone up.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Time to cull your friends list to closer to 50 friends, or alternatively play while signed out of psn and wait for patch.[/quote]

Thing is, I signed into an alt account with 0 friends and got the same freeze.
[quote name='happy']Just played a bit (sorry warhawk people). Lots of fun, and it looks incredible. My first experience with wipeout and it looks good (I liked F-Zero back in the days so I assumed I would enjoy this). Still not quite sure what the deal with weapons is, I've shot people lots of times with various things, but I guess it's very tough to actually blow someone up.[/quote]

Weapons are more about slowing people down unless they're being careless with their energy.
I finally caved in and bought this, and I'm glad I did. I expressed concern earlier in the thread that it may be too much like F-Zero GX, but in fact it's much easier to control and easier to come to grips with. I like the pilot assist option. It makes things more fun, without totally holding your hand. It's still really hard though. Even with pilot assist it took me a few tries to get anything higher than a bronze in the first race. I look forward to getting better though.

I have to say though, that possibly my favorite thing about the game is the "zone" mode, mostly because of the aesthetic. Most of the game looks fine. Like it has good graphics, but the art direction just looks adequate and a bit too much like F-zero for my tastes. But the Zone stuff looks a lot more like Rez. It's the first time I've really loved the look of a racing game. I just wish there was a way to make the regular races look like that. (by any slim chance, is there?)
I've done a couple races so far. It plays a lot like the PSP version which I really liked. Game looks great. I haven't had a chance to play online yet. There seems to be a lot to do in this game.
bread's done