Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

So with the upcoming MP3 support, does that mean it will work like your custom sound tracks on the 360; or just that you'll be able to play an MP3 file?
Not sure. But that OS video looks great:

for those that can't watch the video right now..

snap messages, messages are also threaded, and you can embed your recorded clips into a message for someone else to watch


Something similar to the 360 guide that you can snap


new friends section with gamerscore leaderboard that compares your friends gamerscore addition each month.


Not a huge fan of Indie Games but I like that Microsoft looks like they've shown a lot at their conference. (I'm 34 minutes through). Also Smite coming to the Xbox One is great news because hopefully we start seeing other F2P games come to it.

Also holy crap. 6 minutes dedicated to Call of Duty campaign. I mean come on I love COD but nobody gives a crap about the campaign let alone watching 6 minutes of it.

Quantum Break seemed interesting but I was really picking up on it. I'm not sure why but it seemed very actiony for me but it didn't look like the combat flowed very well together.

Forza Horizon looked fun but it seemed like they could have shown more gameplay instead of talking about Forza 5. Graphically it looks great but not as good as Drive Club. But I guess that's the sacrifice for it being a persistent open world racer.

Sunset Overdrive looks great as always and it's one of my top 3 games of the year.

Gameplay wise Master Chief Collection looks great, but I feel like the visuals look kind of underwhelming. There are a lot of bland looking textures I saw in the videos.

I wonder how "Limited" the Call of Duty bundle will be. In all honesty I don't think the price is fantastic for what you're getting but if it's around slightly cheaper on Black Friday I bet it could really move some units out the doors.

I wonder how "Limited" the Call of Duty bundle will be. In all honesty I don't think the price is fantastic for what you're getting but if it's around slightly cheaper on Black Friday I bet it could really move some units out the doors.
Probably as limited as the "day one edition" which I believe you can still buy at Amazon or you could as recent as last month.

God, why does my internet suck so much, those improvements with the dash and threaded messages, & mp3 support finally coming *homer drool.

Lots of good stuff today from Microsoft, can't wait for some of those games and those features.

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Probably should post proof rather than just saying it.

Here's our conversation:

"When people want me to say, can you tell us when or if it's coming to other platforms, it's not my job," Spencer told Eurogamer. "My job is not to talk about games I don't own. I have a certain relationship on this version of Tomb Raider, which we announced, and I feel really good about our long term relationship with Crystal and Square.

"I get the reaction I see. If I'm a PlayStation person all of a sudden I feel like, the franchise has gone. I didn't buy the IP. I didn't buy the studio. It's not mine. Where this thing will go over time, just like Dead Rising or Ryse, we'll see what happens with the game. I don't own every iteration of Tomb Raider.

"I don't own them building Tomb Raider on other platforms. I can't talk about the franchise that way. I can talk about the deal I have."

So, what, exactly, is that deal?

"I have Tomb Raider shipping next holiday exclusively on Xbox. It is Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I'm not trying to fake anybody out in terms of where this thing is. What they do with the franchise in the long run is not mine. I don't control it. So all I can talk about is the deal I have. I don't know where else Tomb Raider goes.

Is there a time limit on the exclusivity period?

"Yes, the deal has a duration. I didn't buy it. I don't own the franchise."

Can you tell us how long the duration is?

"No. It's not because I'm trying to be a headfake on anybody. It's a deal between us and the partner. People ask me how much did we pay. There are certain things I'm just not going to talk about because it's a business deal between us and then. Obviously the deal does have a duration. I didn't buy the IP in perpetuity."

Angry gamers have directed many of their comments towards Square Enix, accusing the publisher of selling out and alienating their PlayStation and PC owning customers.

"Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision since our first unveil with them on their stage at E3 2011," wrote Darrell Gallagher on the Tomb Raider tumblr. "We know they will get behind this game more than any support we have had from them in the past - we believe this will be a step to really forging the Tomb Raider brand as one of the biggest in gaming, with the help, belief and backing of a major partner like Microsoft."

Tomb raider is timed exclusive. No idea for how long
Too late. They should've been honest from the start. Just like MS failed at E3 last year. Fail here again. Once people feel betrayed, once they feel the hate, there's just no going back. Even if people know it's a timed exclusive now, there will be many who continue to look down upon Square Enix and MS with disdain over their deceitful messaging yesterday.

There was a debate a few months back, maybe longer, maybe not even in this forum, about MS being more open and honest. Yeah, B.S. Put down that koolaid.

(P.S. These are just my observations. I have no strong feelings about the tomb raider exclusivity at all... Though since last E3, I do continue to feel like MS is very, uh, sneaky...)

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I don't know, I don't see the problem with what he said. Microsoft's job is to advertise Tomb Raider's release on Xbox. If people want to wait and see about other potential future versions of the game, that's their call. It's not on Microsoft to promote the PlayStation version of the game.

Too late. They should've been honest from the start. Just like MS failed at E3 last year. Fail here again. Once people feel betrayed, once they feel the hate, there's just no going back. Even if people know it's a timed exclusive now, there will be many who continue to look down upon Square Enix and MS with disdain over their deceitful messaging yesterday.

There was a debate a few months back, maybe longer, maybe not even in this forum, about MS being more open and honest. Yeah, B.S. Put down that koolaid.

(P.S. These are just my observations. I have no strong feelings about the tomb raider exclusivity at all... Though since last E3, I do continue to feel like MS is very, uh, sneaky...)
Lots of truths in this post but then again I don't think of any corporation as being a good guy. That's not how a corporation works. Plus at the end of the day they only want our money.

FYI, in my experience (though never involving the gaming industry) such contracts typically include a non-disclosure or confidentiality clause in them which typically prevents both parties from talking about the terms of the deal, hence why typically you see the following disclaimer "As per ___insert entity or corporation name here____ policy, the terms of the deal were not disclosed".

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MS has been pretty much upfront with all business decisions from the get go, don't understand where all this "sneaky" stuff is coming from.  Even all the backlash received after E3 2013, they really had no choice but to back off on their stance on how digital downloads and games would work after Sony did the complete opposite with the PS4.  

And what do you expect them to say about Tomb Raider being a timed exclusive?  If they flat out tell customers or the market it is, not a smart move from a business standpoint.  It is and will be a major selling point for Microsoft for whatever die-hard TR fans there is out there for Holiday 2015.

MS has been pretty much upfront with all business decisions from the get go, don't understand where all this "sneaky" stuff is coming from. Even all the backlash received after E3 2013, they really had no choice but to back off on their stance on how digital downloads and games would work after Sony did the complete opposite with the PS4.

And what do you expect them to say about Tomb Raider being a timed exclusive? If they flat out tell customers or the market it is, not a smart move from a business standpoint. It is and will be a major selling point for Microsoft for whatever die-hard TR fans there is out there for Holiday 2015.
Versus Sony who yesterday clearly stated which games were timed exclusives, which ones had early PS only content, etc. They seem to think it's a smart move to be upfront.

(Just clarifying: not a fanboy as I don't own anything made by Sony.) Sony had contracts written up, too. Didn't stop them from clearly telling consumers what to expect. Just saying. I get that MS is desperate for sales and will say and do whatever to get them (ala, delaying 360 Titanfall to drum up XB1 sales because they don't want people to know too soon that it plays just as well on current gen as it does on new gen). Fine, I get it. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Edit: It just occurred to me how hilarious it is that they think Tomb Raider is the game that will get people to buy an XB1. They didn't think to outbid Sony on getting early content for Destiny... they went with Tomb Raider... really!?!? It doesn't even have a strong multiplayer component (if any) that requires people to pony up for Live Gold.

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Versus Sony who yesterday clearly stated which games were timed exclusives, which ones had early PS only content, etc. They seem to think it's a smart move to be upfront.

(Just clarifying: not a fanboy as I don't own anything made by Sony.) Sony had contracts written up, too. Didn't stop them from clearly telling consumers what to expect. Just saying. I get that MS is desperate for sales and will say and do whatever to get them (ala, delaying 360 Titanfall to drum up XB1 sales because they don't want people to know too soon that it plays just as well on current gen as it does on new gen). Fine, I get it. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
Sony deceived people with that Far Cry 4 exclusive coop. Back at E3 they made it come off as being full coop now at Gamescom it's revealed to only be a trial. Now obviously it's a Ubisoft title but since it was at both of their conferences I've no doubt Sony knew and chose to word it deceivingly.

At E3 they said Grim Fandago would be "Coming exclusively to PS4 and Playstation Vita" and then it was later revealed it was coming to PC. Is that not an example of deception?

Also at E3 they modified the Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer and made it come off as if it was a PS4 exclusive.

Same thing with Destiny DLC. They said it was "Exclusive to Playstation" then we later learn it was only a timed exclusive.

Four great examples of Sony playing the same game Microsoft does but I'm sure you'll find someway to pretend they don't matter in the same way.

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I don't know of any PS3/PS4 timed exclusives outside of the obvious DLC crap which both consoles and game series have.  Nothing game wise I can think of off top.

Again what are they suppose to do?  It's not in their best interest to try to sell as many 360 copies of Titanfall when it was considered the first true next gen exclusive for the Xbox One?  The killer app to get more sales?  Don't know how that turned out, but again, this is business.  I don't expect every move to appease me as a gamer nor should anyone else.  

As is, who ever bought Titanfall on 360 were never in the next-gen market to begin with, so why not pick up the extra sales for those who still have not made the jump yet?  

Four great examples of Sony playing the same game Microsoft does but I'm sure you'll find someway to pretend they don't matter in the same way.
Nope. Not a fanboy so no arguments from me. Feel free to point out whatever seems shady to you. :)

Though I would point out that no reasonable person would expect the FC4 coop thing to be allowed for the whole game. That just doesn't make sense. You'd be halving all your sales on coop games. To have it timed to 2 hours is ok.

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I don't know of any PS3/PS4 timed exclusives outside of the obvious DLC crap which both consoles and game series have. Nothing game wise I can think of off top.

Again what are they suppose to do? It's not in their best interest to try to sell as many 360 copies of Titanfall when it was considered the first true next gen exclusive for the Xbox One? The killer app to get more sales? Don't know how that turned out, but again, this is business. I don't expect every move to appease me as a gamer nor should anyone else.

As is, who ever bought Titanfall on 360 were never in the next-gen market to begin with, so why not pick up the extra sales for those who still have not made the jump yet?
No Man's Sky is likely a timed exclusive as I believe it'll come to PS4 before PC and I think there was an open idea for an Xbox One port later down the road. Same with Grim Fandago. I think there are likely more Indie games I'm missing but my memory escapes me at the moment.

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Sony deceived people with that Far Cry 4 exclusive coop. Back at E3 they made it come off as being full coop now at Gamescom it's revealed to only be a trial. Now obviously it's a Ubisoft title but since it was at both of their conferences I've no doubt Sony knew and chose to word it deceivingly.

At E3 they said Grim Fandago would be "Coming exclusively to PS4 and Playstation Vita" and then it was later revealed it was coming to PC. Is that not an example of deception?

Also at E3 they modified the Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer and made it come off as if it was a PS4 exclusive.

Same thing with Destiny DLC. They said it was "Exclusive to Playstation" then we later learn it was only a timed exclusive.

Four great examples of Sony playing the same game Microsoft does but I'm sure you'll find someway to pretend they don't matter in the same way.
I tip my cap to you, sir. You've done an excellent job over the last 24hours using facts to illustrate your point. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree with your interpretation of those facts. I wish more folks would start doing this. Keep it up.

Also at E3 they modified the Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer and made it come off as if it was a PS4 exclusive.
Once again just like Ryuukishi mentioned, it is not Microsoft or Sony job to promote the other console or pc. If you actually watched that trailer of GTA V you will see that it said the trailer was captured on the Playstation 4 and also Sony never did mentioned it was a PS4 exclusive, you just assumed.

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Once again just like Ryuukishi mentioned, it is not Sony or Microsoft job to promote the other console or pc. If you actually watched that trailer of GTA V you will see that it said the trailer was captured on the Playstation 4 and Also Sony never did mentioned it was a PS4 exclusive, you just assumed.
Microsoft never said Tomb Raider was a full exclusive. They said it was "Coming only to the Xbox One in 2015". Guess everyone just assumed too early?

Also food for thought.

Top trailer is Sony's bottom trailer is Rockstars. They both look exactly alike yet only Sony's says captured on PS4. Makes me think more BS is at work.

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Microsoft never said Tomb Raider was a full exclusive. They said it was "Coming only to the Xbox One in 2015". Guess everyone just assumed too early?
Yeah some people thought so but who fault is that? But I knew that it was just a timed exclusive based on the wording and how SE and Microsoft responded afterward. Microsoft didn't lied to anybody because Tomb Raider is in fact going to be an Xbox One exclusive for holiday 2015.

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Top trailer is Sony's bottom trailer is Rockstars. They both look exactly alike yet only Sony's says captured on PS4. Makes me think more BS is at work.
Umm no. Go watch trailer you posted again, both have it. I don't know why you think Microsoft or Sony should be promoting that you can also get the same game, on their rival console, at their own press conference. Not BS just common marketing stuff.

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Umm no. Go watch trailer you posted again, both have it. I don't know why you think Microsoft or Sony should be promoting that you can also get the same game, on their rival console, at their own press conference. Not BS.
I'm not sure how I missed that.


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Yeah some people thought so but who fault is that? But I knew that it was just a timed exclusive based on the wording and how SE and Microsoft responded afterward. Microsoft didn't lied to anybody because Tomb Raider is in fact going to be an Xbox One exclusive for holiday 2015.
A Square Enix employee on Twitter called it 100% exclusive. There was no minced words in that tweet. Crystal Dynamics basically saying "Sorry guys, but you're still getting this completely different Tomb Raider game instead" suggests that there either won't be another version or they're forced into NDAs by Microsoft to be completely silent about other versions, which would be crazy for a game that won't be out for another ~15 months. I don't know why Microsoft would want to handicap SE/CD's PR response to the news in that way, as it only hurts the game's chances of selling when loyal fans think they're being sold out for the money. I know Hello Games had a similar arrangement for Joe Danger 2 on XBLA, which kept them from admitting there was a PS3 version until a certain amount of time after launch because that's only a bad thing for the platform holder.

Sony deceived people with that Far Cry 4 exclusive coop. Back at E3 they made it come off as being full coop now at Gamescom it's revealed to only be a trial. Now obviously it's a Ubisoft title but since it was at both of their conferences I've no doubt Sony knew and chose to word it deceivingly.

At E3 they said Grim Fandago would be "Coming exclusively to PS4 and Playstation Vita" and then it was later revealed it was coming to PC. Is that not an example of deception?

Also at E3 they modified the Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer and made it come off as if it was a PS4 exclusive.

Same thing with Destiny DLC. They said it was "Exclusive to Playstation" then we later learn it was only a timed exclusive.

Four great examples of Sony playing the same game Microsoft does but I'm sure you'll find someway to pretend they don't matter in the same way.
Sony was clear at E3 that the co-op stuff involved sending keys to friends and was for two hours, as the Giant Bomb guys talked to Adam Boyes about it on their night stream to get clarification about how that worked.

When any console maker talks about exclusives in terms of third parties, they are never referring to PC versions with that. In this case, Sony was a big part of the reason why the Grim Fandango remaster is even happening, so they only care that it's coming to PS4 and Vita instead of Xbox One.

Modified how? Unless I missed it, the trailer just says "Coming to Playstation 4. Fall 2014" at the end. It was crazy that Sony/Microsoft were forced to mention "that other platform" when talking about the save transfer feature for GTA Online on the new console, much less advertising that in the trailer.

I can agree about the Destiny thing, but the exclusivity date is so long that that extra bit of content will be almost worthless a year later after a few expansions have added many more strikes and multiplayer maps to play.

A Square Enix employee on Twitter called it 100% exclusive. There was no minced words in that tweet. Crystal Dynamics basically saying "Sorry guys, but you're still getting this completely different Tomb Raider game instead" suggests that there either won't be another version or they're forced into NDAs by Microsoft to be completely silent about other versions, which would be crazy for a game that won't be out for another ~15 months. I don't know why Microsoft would want to handicap SE/CD's PR response to the news in that way, as it only hurts the game's chances of selling when loyal fans think they're being sold out for the money. I know Hello Games had a similar arrangement for Joe Danger 2 on XBLA, which kept them from admitting there was a PS3 version until a certain amount of time after launch because that's only a bad thing for the platform holder. Because Phil Spencer himself admitted it was only timed, my guess is the employee who said "100% Exclusive" only said that because he didn't know his full boundaries. I don't believe there's any intent of deception because why would Phil Spencer openly admit it's only a timed exclusive. That employee commented not long after the conference so perhaps with NDA's and all that legal jazz he didn't know exactly what to say so he simply stated it was a full exclusive.

Also your page doesn't go anywhere, which is too bad because I wanted to reread that tweet.

Sony was clear at E3 that the co-op stuff involved sending keys to friends and was for two hours, as the Giant Bomb guys talked to Adam Boyes about it on their night stream to get clarification about how that worked. Would appreciate if you could find me a link on this because other wise it's just blowing smoke with no proof. Regardless I never read about that in any major gaming websites articles, and they hid that Key/2 Hour fact out of their conference to create an illusion.

When any console maker talks about exclusives in terms of third parties, they are never referring to PC versions with that. In this case, Sony was a big part of the reason why the Grim Fandango remaster is even happening, so they only care that it's coming to PS4 and Vita instead of Xbox One. Sorry but no. They lied plain and simple don't try to justify it. Also Microsoft took a lot of flak from PlayStation fans when they said Titanfall was exclusive even thought it was coming to PC, yet here you are telling me essentially that "PC doesn't count". Additionally I wouldn't be surprised if Grim Fandango hits the Xbox One late next year/2016. Then can we say Sony lied and was deceptive since it wasn't really an exclusive but a timed exclusive?

Modified how? Unless I missed it, the trailer just says "Coming to Playstation 4. Fall 2014" at the end. It was crazy that Sony/Microsoft were forced to mention "that other platform" when talking about the save transfer feature for GTA Online on the new console, much less advertising that in the trailer. Apologies this is my own error. I looked back at older videos and Microsoft did the same thing saying AC4 was coming to Xbox One but not showing other platforms in the trailer. Regardless I'm not fond of the tactic as a whole. When Sony showed GTA 5 everybody got excited and forums blew up with it being only on the PS4, and that's because it wasn't until a little while later Rockstar announced it was coming to Xbox One/PC as well.

I can agree about the Destiny thing, but the exclusivity date is so long that that extra bit of content will be almost worthless a year later after a few expansions have added many more strikes and multiplayer maps to play. "Almost worthless" Is only your opinion. That doesn't change the fact they did indeed lie about it's exclusivity.
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A Square Enix employee on Twitter called it 100% exclusive. There was no minced words in that tweet. Crystal Dynamics basically saying "Sorry guys, but you're still getting this completely different Tomb Raider game instead" suggests that there either won't be another version or they're forced into NDAs by Microsoft to be completely silent about other versions, which would be crazy for a game that won't be out for another ~15 months. I don't know why Microsoft would want to handicap SE/CD's PR response to the news in that way, as it only hurts the game's chances of selling when loyal fans think they're being sold out for the money. I know Hello Games had a similar arrangement for Joe Danger 2 on XBLA, which kept them from admitting there was a PS3 version until a certain amount of time after launch because that's only a bad thing for the platform holder. Because Phil Spencer himself admitted it was only timed, my guess is the employee who said "100% Exclusive" only said that because he didn't know his full boundaries. I don't believe there's any intent of deception because why would Phil Spencer openly admit it's only a timed exclusive. That employee commented not long after the conference so perhaps with NDA's and all that legal jazz he didn't know exactly what to say so he simply stated it was a full exclusive.

Also your page doesn't go anywhere, which is too bad because I wanted to reread that tweet.

Sony was clear at E3 that the co-op stuff involved sending keys to friends and was for two hours, as the Giant Bomb guys talked to Adam Boyes about it on their night stream to get clarification about how that worked. Would appreciate if you could find me a link on this because other wise it's just blowing smoke with no proof. Regardless I never read about that in any major gaming websites articles, and they hid that Key/2 Hour fact out of their conference to create an illusion.

When any console maker talks about exclusives in terms of third parties, they are never referring to PC versions with that. In this case, Sony was a big part of the reason why the Grim Fandango remaster is even happening, so they only care that it's coming to PS4 and Vita instead of Xbox One. Sorry but no. They lied plain and simple don't try to justify it. Also Microsoft took a lot of flak from PlayStation fans when they said Titanfall was exclusive even thought it was coming to PC, yet here you are telling me essentially that "PC doesn't count". Additionally I wouldn't be surprised if Grim Fandango hits the Xbox One late next year/2016. Then can we say Sony lied and was deceptive since it wasn't really an exclusive but a timed exclusive?

I can agree about the Destiny thing, but the exclusivity date is so long that that extra bit of content will be almost worthless a year later after a few expansions have added many more strikes and multiplayer maps to play. "Almost worthless" Is only your opinion. That doesn't change the fact they did indeed lie about it's exclusivity.
He probably had to delete it for NDA reasons, as I didn't know if my previous post of the tweet was just not showing up because CAG 3.0 is buggy or what. He was the only person related to the whole ordeal that was speaking in clear terms that couldn't be twisted into a few different interpretations about what was going on. The whole Tomb Raider thing seemed like another example of Microsoft messing up the PR message they want to send when people either don't understand or don't like what they're saying/implying. That it's still not 100% clear a day later shows that clearly.

Since you don't believe me, at 1:37:00, they start talking about Adam Boyes' job being to procure exclusive games/content and then they focus on the Far Cry 4 co-op as they dig into what is actually going on there. I don't know why nobody else at E3 tried to find out details about how that would work, but the GB guys are friends with Adam Boyes that gets them some benefits like being able to fondle a real PS4 at last year's show that Adam brought for them to mess around with. Also, at 1:00:00, Adam Boyes talks about how the Grim Fandango deal came to be with a funny misunderstanding. They also talked a bit about the Disney Infinity exclusivity deal since Disney's John Vignocchi was there.

Where did I say that PC doesn't count? I said that Sony doesn't care if a game they're signing for their consoles is coming to or is already on the PC because it's neutral territory between both parties. Double Fine's business these days is mostly focused on PC, so there's no way they'd sign a deal for any game that doesn't give them the freedom to put it on PC if their budget or resources permits. Just like Sony or Microsoft won't talk about a third-party game coming to the other console, they don't usually talk about when indie stuff is also coming to PC.

I hope you will enjoy that Destiny stuff whenever it does come to the Xbox One version then.

He probably had to delete it for NDA reasons, as I didn't know if my previous post of the tweet was just not showing up because CAG 3.0 is buggy or what. He was the only person related to the whole ordeal that was speaking in clear terms that couldn't be twisted into a few different interpretations about what was going on. The whole Tomb Raider thing seemed like another example of Microsoft messing up the PR message they want to send when people either don't understand or don't like what they're saying/implying. That it's still not 100% clear a day later shows that clearly.

Since you don't believe me, at 1:37:00, they start talking about Adam Boyes' job being to procure exclusive games/content and then they focus on the Far Cry 4 co-op as they dig into what is actually going on there. I don't know why nobody else at E3 tried to find out details about how that would work, but the GB guys are friends with Adam Boyes that gets them some benefits like being able to fondle a real PS4 at last year's show that Adam brought for them to mess around with. Also, at 1:00:00, Adam Boyes talks about how the Grim Fandango deal came to be with a funny misunderstanding. They also talked a bit about the Disney Infinity exclusivity deal since Disney's John Vignocchi was there.

Where did I say that PC doesn't count? I said that Sony doesn't care if a game they're signing for their consoles is coming to or is already on the PC because it's neutral territory between both parties. Double Fine's business these days is mostly focused on PC, so there's no way they'd sign a deal for any game that doesn't give them the freedom to put it on PC if their budget or resources permits. Just like Sony or Microsoft won't talk about a third-party game coming to the other console, they don't usually talk about when indie stuff is also coming to PC.

I hope you will enjoy that Destiny stuff whenever it does come to the Xbox One version then.
Thanks for the video, I like when people can support their claims. That being said I can see why I didn't hear anything on it. He was very quick to rush the subject and quickly moved away to talk about other things.

Going to stop talking about the Twitter guy. You clearly didn't understand what I was talking about. You mentioned the issue was an example of Microsoft messing up PR messages but that guy didn't even work for them. Him lying/misspeaking shouldn't automatically be associated as some "shady" Microsoft tactic.

You basically gave Sony a free pass. Exclusive is exclusive. Take a game like Uncharted 2, that's an exclusive because it's only on PlayStation 3. Sony directly said at their conference that Grim Fandango was only coming the PS4/Playstation Vita. It doesn't matter how you want to spin that either by saying that if a game is also on PC that still makes it an exclusive, or by saying that people should have expected it to be on PC even though Sony said otherwise.

I won't since I hated the Destiny Beta, I was just speaking in general.

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I mentioned this on another thread, but I'll say it again:

Based off the very deliberate wording, it was pretty reasonable to believe that the new Tomb Raider would be a timed exclusive.  Typically, when they refuse to remove a phrase from a sentence over and over again, it means something.  I consider the fact that they wouldn't clarify what it meant immediately was typical marketing / PR hype machine stuff.  Their lack of immediately clarification brought the game huge amounts of discussion (along with the Xbox One).  And the more they dodged answers, the more people talked about it.

All in all, I'd say they did a good job of making a ton of people discuss something that normally they'd go "Meh" to.

He probably had to delete it for NDA reasons, as I didn't know if my previous post of the tweet was just not showing up because CAG 3.0 is buggy or what. He was the only person related to the whole ordeal that was speaking in clear terms that couldn't be twisted into a few different interpretations about what was going on. The whole Tomb Raider thing seemed like another example of Microsoft messing up the PR message they want to send when people either don't understand or don't like what they're saying/implying. That it's still not 100% clear a day later shows that clearly.

Since you don't believe me, at 1:37:00, they start talking about Adam Boyes' job being to procure exclusive games/content and then they focus on the Far Cry 4 co-op as they dig into what is actually going on there. I don't know why nobody else at E3 tried to find out details about how that would work, but the GB guys are friends with Adam Boyes that gets them some benefits like being able to fondle a real PS4 at last year's show that Adam brought for them to mess around with. Also, at 1:00:00, Adam Boyes talks about how the Grim Fandango deal came to be with a funny misunderstanding. They also talked a bit about the Disney Infinity exclusivity deal since Disney's John Vignocchi was there.

Where did I say that PC doesn't count? I said that Sony doesn't care if a game they're signing for their consoles is coming to or is already on the PC because it's neutral territory between both parties. Double Fine's business these days is mostly focused on PC, so there's no way they'd sign a deal for any game that doesn't give them the freedom to put it on PC if their budget or resources permits. Just like Sony or Microsoft won't talk about a third-party game coming to the other console, they don't usually talk about when indie stuff is also coming to PC.

I hope you will enjoy that Destiny stuff whenever it does come to the Xbox One version then.
It is absolutely ridiculous that your argument is that they cleared things up on ONE site, one ONE video, and a damn HOUR/HOUR FOURTY in to that video. Even in the video everyone stops Adam because they had no idea how the coop worked.

Also People should not be expected to know Double Fine's business model in order to know what platforms their games are releasing on. Madness. Pure. Damn. Madness.

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Most of this isn't really deception as much as just common sense

Of course the Far Cry 4 co-op has to have some sorta trial period, you can't just have a bunch of people playing the game indefinitely without paying a dime.

Grim Fandango? Double Fine? Not coming to PC? Come on.

The GTA V trailer is a mute point completely. Third party trailers shown at Sony, Mircosoft and Nintendo conferences aren't going to have their competitors logos plastered all over the place. Also, people thought GTA V was PS4 exclusive? Really?

I knew Tomb Raider was in some way timed exclusive as well because it honestly makes zero sense to alienate such a big chunk of a fanbase. There are 10 million PS4's out there and 10 million potential buyers.
Marketing as a whole is deceptive. Pretty much every movie trailer I see tells me "this is the greatest movie of all time" but my common sense kicks in and tells me that is most likely not true. 
Third party exclusives are pretty much dead now. Sony and Microsoft have moved onto 'timed exclusivity' which, I believe, is more of a pain in the ass for gamers than having any actual effect on sales. Now before I make a purchase I have to not only look over the 5 different pre-order bonuses from 5 different stores but I also have to check if DLC will take an extra 3 months to come to one platform over another. Pain in the ass.
Timed exclusives and Banderas GIFs aside, I'm ready to stop talking about these new consoles and to start playing some games!
Most of this isn't really deception as much as just common sense.

Of course the Far Cry 4 co-op has to have some sorta trial period, you can't just have a bunch of people playing the game indefinitely without paying a dime. Funny since Playstation Game Share advertises just this feature. Does that mean we should assume it isn't anything like it was advertised to be?

Grim Fandango? Double Fine? Not coming to PC? Come on. Using "Common sense" isn't an excuse. Hell a lot of people (Like myself) don't regularly follow their games so they aren't going to automatically assume it's coming on PC. Regardless when you're told it isn't at a conference you don't just go "Well I know it is even though they said it wasn't" the facts would be against you.
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[quote name="YBX87" post="12007920" timestamp="1407990350"]neogaf is basically the rich country club for gaming . their words and action actually hold some weight[/quote]
To who? Neogaf is full of mostly idiots and rumor mongers who throw a ton of s*** at the wall and eventually some sticks. Typically stuff that anybody with a minor knowledge of the gamin industry could predict. Yes, I know some industry people are there, but the site is full of so much sewage and hostility towards anybody I don't know why anyone still bothers to go there. But hey, online petitions work wonders and since they have so much weight I'm sure they have the power to nullify a contract.
To who? Neogaf is full of mostly idiots and rumor mongers who throw a ton of s*** at the wall and eventually some sticks. Typically stuff that anybody with a minor knowledge of the gamin industry could predict. Yes, I know some industry people are there, but the site is full of so much sewage and hostility towards anybody I don't know why anyone still bothers to go there. But hey, online petitions work wonders and since they have so much weight I'm sure they have the power to nullify a contract.
the specific game topics are usually pretty good. Like if you go into the Master Chief Collection topic, it's filled mostly with people equally excited about playing it. But most of the gaming news threads are bad. You'll get 2 pages of people trying to be the first to make a joke, 1 page of people making the same joke but are too late, 6 pages of gif reactions quoting those jokes, then 40 pages of pointless arguing.

Yeah no petition is changing anything. I don't even know why people care. Tomb Raider is a game I'd buy 8 months after release anyway.
bread's done