Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

That is messed up. I'd be pissed if not for the fact that I was going to subscribe anyway. This really is a kick in the nuts to my PS4 brethren.
So this is the great value of EA Access. Paying for demos. Good for Microsoft, but not good for EA in excluding another platform from seeing if the new game is as good as they think it is.

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So this is the great value of EA Access. Paying for demos. Good for Microsoft, but not good for EA in excluding another platform from seeing if the new game is as good as they think it is.
actually, there is some stat that demos can actually cause games sales to drop, don't quote me on it, but i read it somewhere. It is why the demo has been going the way of the Dodo bird more recently.

actually, there is some stat that demos can actually cause games sales to drop, don't quote me on it, but i read it somewhere. It is why the demo has been going the way of the Dodo bird more recently.
EA has been making demos for most of their games for most of this generation, so your point doesn't really apply to their situation. They found a way to start charging for those demos and no longer have a reason to let peasants in on the party.

To bad, so sad for the peasants and ps4 user base. Plus, IIRC, there was no demo for Madden 25 on next gen consoles

One thing I hate is the white XB1 console. Black matches almost every entertainment center. It was to be expected though eventually sadly. 

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To bad, so sad for the peasants and ps4 user base. Plus, IIRC, there was no demo for Madden 25 on next gen consoles

One thing I hate is the white XB1 console. Black matches almost every entertainment center. It was to be expected though eventually sadly.
Its not like they are going to stop selling black xbox ones?

There's no comparison there at all, as Ground Zeroes is an actual game with a decent amount of content to it.
About 20 minutes of content for $30 and don't try to say it's longer than that because I played it and I'm being generous. If you rush through the main story mission it's like 5-10 minutes and the extra content isn't very lasting.

Lol  Microsoft on the serious money hatting with that Tomb Raider being exclusive. Guarantee its only exclusive for the rest of 2015 and gets ported months after in 2016

I for one am shocked by the exclusive TR announcement, Its not timed according to reports. Good get by MS, It will go head 2 head with UC4. The COD console looks ugly as sin to me but I will be trading in my black X1 for the white SO bundle.

Everytime they mentioned Tomb Raider is exclusive they always added the words "holiday 2015."  I'd bet the house this is 100% a timed exclusive coming to other platforms early 2016.

Sad that Sunset Overdrive is only getting a plain white console when CoD is getting a custom designed one.    Also crazy to think that it means stores will be carrying at least 5 different Xbox one bundles come holiday time.

Lol the xb1 version of the Definitive Edition gets outsold 2 :1 and still made Square Enix cry about not meeting expectations and yet they chose to make it exclusive to the platform that the previous entry probably sold the worst on?


Nails it. Japanese publishers are completely clueless and have been for about 5 years now.

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Sad that Sunset Overdrive is only getting a plain white console when CoD is getting a custom designed one. Also crazy to think that it means stores will be carrying at least 5 different Xbox one bundles come holiday time.
The plain white console is beautiful. The call of Duty one has that graffiti all over it. But the real disadvantage to the white system is no 1 TB hard drive. Very disappointing, but I still want it.

The plain white console is beautiful. The call of Duty one has that graffiti all over it. But the real disadvantage to the white system is no 1 TB hard drive. Very disappointing, but I still want it.
An extra $100 for 500gb and some graffiti is way overpriced, reminds me of Microsoft's pricing for hard drives on the 360. Would definately get the Sunset Overdrive "white" bundle if I didn't already own one.

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How bad is Square Enix at business that they have to make those sorts of deals to keep a game going? They let budgets get out of control and/or have crazy expectations for their games.
Everytime they mentioned Tomb Raider is exclusive they always added the words "holiday 2015." I'd bet the house this is 100% a timed exclusive coming to other platforms early 2016.
Doesn't look that way judging from the explanation from Square as to why they made the decision.

Someone should clarify.
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The news about timed exclusivity if it exists I am sure will come out this week.  Good for MS to do that!  was a very smart move.  I still feel bad for all the people who lost their jobs and then see MS throw down some serious cash on a game like this.

Love the Crystal Dynamics complete PR deflection of the question about why its exclusive. Basically telling everyone else "hey we got this downloadable tomb raider game that has absolutely nothing to do with the main tomb raiders story! please be excited!!  Also come play the original tomb raider that was released what 3 years ago"?

So wait no Kinect with the $500 bundle? Horrible deal all around.

And Tomb Raider exclusivity doesn't really mean much at least for me.  Still a mainstay gaming franchise, but its not like the last one sold millions on top of millions.

It looks like MS might be publishing Rise of the Tomb Raider. I guess they are paying for the development of it. Weird move on Square's part. 

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Per Geoff Keighley's twitter: "Spoke to many people here at Xbox press conference on Tomb Raider. Official line is that the game is "exclusive on Xbox for holiday 2015.""

Lol the xb1 version of the Definitive Edition gets outsold 2 :1 and still made Square Enix cry about not meeting expectations and yet they chose to make it exclusive to the platform that the previous entry probably sold the worst on?


Nails it. Japanese publishers are completely clueless and have been for about 5 years now.
good for squrare enix, they got their money at least.

Wow. Really disappointed that Rise of the Tomb Raider is a Xbox exclusive. I'll probably have a X1 before its out anyway, but still sucks for a lot of people. I have a few friends who played it on PC and PS3 and loved it.

The plain white console is beautiful. The call of Duty one has that graffiti all over it. But the real disadvantage to the white system is no 1 TB hard drive. Very disappointing, but I still want it.
i thought the plain white console looks better too. the call of duty one does not look as good. those buyers for the "i Made it" miscrsoft employee edition white xbox one, who paid a hefty ebay price must be regretting it now that they paid $1000+ for those three small words on a console, and controller. which any1 can replicate now with the sunset overdrive white console, with just some sticker with "i Made it"

Per Geoff Keighley's twitter: "Spoke to many people here at Xbox press conference on Tomb Raider. Official line is that the game is "exclusive on Xbox for holiday 2015.""

Confusion continues. My guess is that it will end up being timed exclusive. In typical MS fashion their messaging is way off. Lots of confusion.

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Much like Sunset Overdrive theyll pretend its exclusive then out of nowhere ps4/pc release half year later. Too much money to pass up to exclusively back the platform who sells the worse out of the 3 when it comes to multi platform games.

Wow if this does turn out to be timed and Microsoft continues with the deception, it's just going to add to the distrust sentiment that people already feel toward Microsoft if/when it does release on other platforms.

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Wow if this does turn out to be timed and Microsoft continues with the deception, it's just going to add to the distrust sentiment that people already feel toward Microsoft if/when it does release on other platforms.
How did that turn out with GTA IV?

I don't know how people are getting the idea that TR looks like a timed exclusive.  It looks like they are saying it is exclusive to Xbox and coming out holiday 2015 not it's a timed exclusive only for holiday 2015.

"As you may have seen, we’ve just announced that Rise of the Tomb Raider, coming Holiday 2015, is exclusively on Xbox."

"This doesn’t mean that we’re walking away from our fans who only play on PlayStation or on PC. Those are great systems, with great partners, and amazing communities. We have Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris coming to those platforms this December, and Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is available on PS4."

Darrell Gallagher
Crystal Dynamics Head of Studios

That and the reply by Greenberg to Geoff Keighley's tweet makes it seem pretty clear to me, no?

So wait no Kinect with the $500 bundle? Horrible deal all around.
It's a custom console with a game that would cost you $60 and double the hard drive space.

Hardly a horrible deal.

And I agree, it doesn't seem to be a timed thing to me. That said, it's not like they are getting Madden exclusive or something. It's definitely a nice bullet to have but hardly a monster coup.
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It's a custom console with a game that would cost you $60 and double the hard drive space.

Hardly a horrible deal.
Well maybe if you're a die-hard COD fan.

Would honestly take the $500 Forza 5 bundle over this. 1TB is nice but its not like I'll be owning 20 games at one time.

Well maybe if you're a die-hard COD fan.
Would honestly take the $500 Forza 5 bundle over this. 1TB is nice but its not like I'll be owning 20 games at one time.
I'm just trying to be logical. "Horrible deal" is just a huge exaggeration. I mean, your opinion might be that it's not worth it to you, but there's enough there to justify its price considering what a regular system gets you in comparison.

For me, I wouldn't ever buy it just based on the console look itself, but I'm sure there's gonna be people out there into it.
The other game bundles come with the game at the $399 price so the game is basically free so it makes it a hard sell to say the game is a part of that extra $100 price in the CoD bundle.

bread's done